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Neighbours Episode 7612 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7611 - 7613>>
Episode title: 7612 (Paige gives birth to Gabe)
Australian and UK airdate: 30/05/17
Writer: Melanie Sano
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Terese tells Paul that there would always be a part of her deep down waiting for him to hurt her.
- Ellen charges Sonya.
- Leo tells Sonya she is going to pay.
- Sonya asks Toadie to look after Nell while she goes to rehab.
- Karl tells Paige that the baby is breach so she'll have to a caesarean.
- Paige tells Susan that she will be away for half an hour as she visits the shack.
- Susan tells Piper she is feeling woozy.
- Paige's water breaks while she's alone in the shack. She's in labour.
Country Road
Susan takes her pills. She says she should go and see what is keeping Paige. Piper tells Susan she can hardly keep her eyes open. Susan thinks Piper can hardly do it, and assures Piper a walk in the fresh air will sort her out. As she leaves, Piper looks worried.
Number 30
Steph walks in to see Toadie talking to Nell while playing with her toys. Toadie sends Nell to the other room. Steph tells Toadie that he should stay here rather than uprooting Nell. Toadie doesn't want Sonya to think he's taking over, he'll move back in when Sonya comes back home and when she invites him.
Leo arrives and tells Toadie he saw Sonya get in a cab with a suitcase. Toadie tells him she's getting treatment. As Toadie is managing Sonya's affairs while she's gone, Leo would like to talk about damages. He'd like to make an arrangement out of court as she destroyed his property. Toadie walks away to check on Nell. Steph tells Leo not to worry, soon he'll be part of Robinson's and the repair costs will be covered by them. Leo started his business from scratch and giving away a piece was not part of the plan.
STEPH: I don't like the way you've handled that. And if you think we're going to be partners...
LEO: Then what? You can stick your nose into the backpackers? Sorry, it's not happening.
Susan walks through the forest, but staggers around, looking dazed (aided by the camera tilting and blurring the image of Susan.)
Love Shack
Susan arrives to find Paige in labour. Susan asks if she's having contractions, but Susan struggles to stay focused. Paige tells Susan that her baby is in breach and she's supposed to have a caesarean. She asks Susan what to do. Susan says she can't carry Paige, but she'll go back to the car to get help. Susan stumbles as she gets up. As she leaves, Paige tells her to hurry.
Karl leaves Susan a message on her phone, wondering where she is. Jack arrives and Karl asks if he's heard from Paige. Karl and Susan were meant to spend the day together, Susan made a point to assure Karl she'd be back on time. Jack tries calling Paige but it goes through to voicemail. Jack suggests they are still at the crash site as there was no reception there. He thinks they'll be fine and offers to buy Karl a coffee while they wait.
Country Road/Love Shack
Susan staggers towards Piper, telling her the baby is coming. Paige meanwhile cries out in agony in the shack. Susan gets behind the wheel. Piper offers to drive, but Susan says she can't with a broken leg. Susan's head drops and lands on the steering wheel, the horn sounding. Paige hears it from the shack. Piper lifts Susan's head. Susan says she needs to rest. Paige meanwhile looks worried.
Robinson's Motel
Paul is playing hacky sack, telling Steph it's popular with the Backpackers. Steph tells Paul that Leo doesn't want to partner with them, he wants to sue Sonya for damages and stay a solo operator. Paul wonders what the point of all this money is if he can't spend it on family. Steph tells him he could help the motel instead, renovations, more staff, more promo. She wonders if Paul wants to hand his business over to Leo. Paul wants to expand the business and asks if Steph wants to back out. Steph says the way Leo is talking there won't be a deal to back out of. Paul starts to call Leo.
Karl and Jack are still concerned about Susan and Paige. Jack suggests they go for a drive to check up on them. Meanwhile Dipi offers to get fishfingers for Nell. Toadie thanks Dipi and Shane for being amazing about this, as things have been tough recently.
SHANE: What's life without a few potholes, ay?
DIPI: Yep, some self-made, some thrown at you and some in the form of IOUs, right Puffy?
SHANE: I'm doing my best to patch that up Deepika.
TOADIE: This has been more of a sinkhole than a pothole.
Toadie says things are starting to get better with Nell moving in and Sonya getting the help she needs. He's going to give the clinic a call to see how Sonya is settling in.
Love Shack
Paige talks to her unborn baby, asking the baby to wait for a bit longer until they get to a hospital.
Country Road
Piper helps Susan into the passenger seat. She struggles to get into the driver seat herself, then accidently slides the car seat forward into her broken leg and cries out in agony. She struggles through the pain and starts the engine.
The Waterhole
Paul questions Leo on why he won't enter a partnership with him. Leo says the deal was only a way to get him back on track, but now he sees other options, such as bleeding the Rebecchi's dry. Paul tells Leo he looked after Sonya at the poker game, why won't he now? Leo says he isn't a charity.
PAUL: I actually respect your ruthlessness. But what's so offensive about teaming up with me? Come on, I've got the cash and this is the way I want to spend it. You know that this is a golden opportunity for both of us.
LEO: No if I take this deal I'm giving up my independence. Sonya's the one at fault and she's the one who's got to pay, not you.
Leo grabs a coffee while talking to someone on the phone, asking about substituting materials for cheaper ones. David asks why he's going cheap on the repairs, he thought Leo wanted to do everything properly. Leo says the Rebecchi's have limited funds. David is surprised he's going after their money after Paul offered him a deal. Leo says that deal would put everything he worked for on the line. Leo is worried about Paul taking over.
LEO: He may be our Dad, but he's slippier than wet ice.
DAVID: And you're craftier than the local brewery. If anyone needs to watch their back it's him. After all, you are your father's son.
LEO: Is that how you see me?
DAVID: Only at your very best. For someone so savvy, there's something you don't seem to get. Paul's not your rival anymore. He's your Dad and he's loyal to family, we've both seen how he is with Amy.
LEO: She doesn't have a business he wants.
David says he's meeting Paul for a drink and it would be nice to have something to celebrate.
Country Road
Piper drives the car along, struggling in pain. She pulls over and checks if Susan is okay. Susan nods weakly. Piper checks her phone for a signal. She gets a weak signal and calls for an ambulance, but instantly she loses the signal again.
Love Shack
Paige cries out in agony during a slow motion montage with lots of extreme close ups of Paige's face and belly.
The Waterhole
Paul and David discuss the situation with Sonya, Paul calls her a community hazard. David defends her, saying she's an addict who's removed herself to get treatment, she wants to get help.
DAVID: You've got to support her.
PAUL: Yeah I will, as soon as she stops running over members of my family.
LEO (joining them): And shutting down their businesses right?
PAUL: I'm sure you'll see to it that she pays for that.
Leo says not necessarily, and tells Paul he wants to go through with the deal. He wants full transparency, no secrets. He also doesn't want Paul gunning for Lassiters. Leo knows that Paul is upset about Terese marrying Gary. Paul insists he doesn't care what Terese does. Leo says that means they're in business. He and Paul shake hands. Paul says he has to meet Tom Quill who is in town to make sure his settlement is resolved. Leo offers to take care of that. Paul says he'll email him the details.
As Leo leaves, David comments on why Paul doesn't look overly happy about the deal he's just made. Paul says he has a lot on his mind. David knows it must hurt seeing Terese move on with someone else. Paul doesn't want to talk about it.
PAUL: If Terese wants to marry her no brand bargain-bin boyfriend then that's her mistake.
Country Road
Piper flags down a car, begging them to stop. It's Karl and Jack. Karl checks on Susan, who weakly tells Karl that she's okay, but tells him to help Paige. Piper tells Jack that Paige is in the shack. Karl looks torn, but leaves Susan. He tells Piper to look after Susan and keep trying 000. Karl and Jack drive off, while Piper tries her phone again.
Love Shack
Paige speaks to her baby bump.
PAIGE: Looks like we're doing this alone. But that doesn't mean you have to give up, you're a fighter. I can tell by the way you've been kicking me for months, we can do this, even if we are alone. If we can't, I just want you to know how much I already love you and how much I wanted to hold you and care for you. How much I wanted to be your mum.
Outside Jack and Karl race towards the shack, calling out Paige's name. Paige is thrilled to see them as they enter the shack. Karl checks on Paige and assesses that she might have to deliver here. Paige panics as he had told her it might be dangerous to have a natural birth and the umbilical cord could get wrapped around its neck. Karl says that was a worst case scenario, but everything's going to be okay as Piper's calling for an ambulance. He tells Paige to hang in there.
Number 30
Toadie arrives and calls for Steph. He tells her that Sonya is gone, she arrived at the treatment centre but now she's checked herself out. He says Steph hid Sonya's relapses from her, is she hiding anything from him now. Steph assures him she doesn't know anything.
STEPH: Maybe she's on her way back.
TOADIE: Or maybe she's gone somewhere where no one can find her.
Love Shack
Karl assures Paige she's almost there. Karl tells Jack that with the baby in breach, he is having to manipulate the legs of the baby so they don't crush the abdomen. Jack holds Paige's hand, she tells him not to touch her as she needs to focus. Karl asks Paige to give one big push. Paige cries in agony as the baby is delivered. Karl tells Paige it's a boy! Paige asks if he's okay, then instantly closes her eyes. Karl hands the baby to Jack, who comments on how beautiful the baby is. Karl panics when he sees Paige is unresponsive. Jack asks what's going on, as Karl shouts to Paige.
Coming Up On Neighbours
- Jack shirtlessly carries Paige out of the love shack, while Karl carries the baby.
- Someone looks through Sonya's criminal record.
- Toadie tells Mark that Sonya has to be in a dark place to leave Nell like this.
- Finn tells Xanthe she's the only person he can trust.
- Ben thinks Xanthe's obsession with Finn is getting full on.
- Elly asks Xanthe if anything has happened between her and Finn.
- Finn and Xanthe hold hands on an airplane. Xanthe tells Finn she loves him.
- Some bearded guy tells Leo 'let's get this party started.'
- Mishti, Yashvi and Kirsha play in the pool.
- David sees a stripper at a nightclub, only to discover the stripper is Aaron.
- Aaron and Jack dance together in the penthouse.
- Terese leaves Gary's room wearing only a nightie and is startled to see Paul, so startled that she puts her hands on her breasts to cover them.
- Mishti, Yashvi, Aaron and Dipi look shocked by something.
- Aaron tells Mark off for ironing his hot pants.
- Jack meets with Bishop Green.
- Mark and Elly go for what looks like a romantic walk together in the country.
- Paul tells Leo it's only taken him 18 months to get the penthouse back.
STEPH (to Leo and possibly Paul): Please don't tell me you're agreeing to this.
- Terese tells an upset Piper to leave being strong to her.
- Sheila tells Gary that he got himself into this and he'd better get himself out of it.
- Susan stumbles at work and worries if all this stress is bringing on a relapse.
- Toadie is on the phone to someone.
TOADIE: I was hoping I wouldn't have to make this phone call. I really need your help.
<<7611 - 7613>>
Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7612
Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis

Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7612
Nell Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7612
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7612
Leo Tanaka

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Susan Kennedy

Paige Smith, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paige Smith, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7612
Karl Kennedy, Jack Callahan

Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7612
Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis

Steph Scully, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7612
Steph Scully, Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7612
Karl Kennedy, Dipi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7612
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paige Smith

Piper Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Piper Willis, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7612
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Piper Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Piper Willis, Susan Kennedy

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paige Smith

Paul Robinson, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paul Robinson, David Tanaka

Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7612
Jack Callahan

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7612
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Karl Kennedy

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7612
Paige Smith

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