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Neighbours Episode 0544 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0543 - 0545>>
Episode title: 0544 (Jamie Clarke's birth)
Australian airdate: 30/07/87
UK airdate: 07/12/88
UK Gold: 01/12/94
Writer: C.V. Schofield
Director: Paul Moloney
Guests: Beverly Marshall: Lisa Armytage
Eileen Clarke: Myra De Groot
Melanie Pearson: Lucinda Cowden
Summary/Images by: Shona/Donna (glittergal)
The Bush
Des and Daphne are on a picnic. Des is asleep and Daphne is lying on herback in pain. She wakes him and tells him that 'it's happening.' Des says itcan't be - she isn't due for another two weeks. They should make sure thatthe symptoms are really contractions. When he finds they are five minutesapart, he realises that it is for real. He tells her not to move and callsout for Beverly and Jim, who were accompanying them on their outing. Daphnepleads for him not to leave her, but Des doesn't know what to do. Daphnereplies there's nothing they can do - only wait for them to come back, andif they don't then it'll be up to Des. Des can't do that. He asks what theyneed and Daphne instructs him to get some towels. He assures her thatthey'll be back in a minute - 'the fish can't be that good around here' andhelps her sit up.
At the lake, The Bush
Jim inspects two fish as Beverly winds up a fishing rod. Beverly suggeststhat they should quit while they're ahead and get back to Des and Daphne.Jim isn't so sure though, as he wants to catch something. One he catchessomething he bets that what he has caught is worth twice what she has.Beverly shouts at him to reel it in.
The Bush
Des holds Daphne's hand as she has another contraction. They are comingpretty fast now. He asks if she feels like she wants to push but she says noand he says that she shouldn't - not until she really feels like it. Dessays that if he knew that Junior was coming along he would have brought thecigars. Daphne says she wishes Beverly was here, but Des shakes it off,saying he's seen the movie and read the book - he can do it. Daphne hasanother big contraction and Des reassures her that it will be alright.They're having their baby out in the peace and quiet - what more could theyask for?
The Bush
Jim and Beverly are walking - Jim's fish isn't as big as he thought it wouldbe. He admits he almost didn't come, but is glad he did - he would havemissed out on his fishing lesson otherwise! 'All part of the service' saysBeverly. Jim warns he won't let her off so easily next time and she issurprised about the mention of 'a next time'. He then apologises for how hebehaved when they first met, but she says that he should stop apologisingabout it - she behaved just as badly - and they should call it quits. Jimagrees.
The Bush
Des hears a car and starts to shout out for Beverly and Jim. Just when itseems the car has driven past Beverly spots them and says 'I should haveknown!' She instructs Jim to get her medical bag and runs to Daphne's aid.Jim arrives. Everything is coming along beautifully, and it won't be long.Beverly asks for Jim to help out. Beverly encourages Daphne and Des decidesto stand up for a bit. 'One more push!' Beverly says while Des goes over tothe lake and looks at the ducks, saying that there isn't a better place tobe born than this, except for a hospital. Daphne pushes again and there isthe sound of crying. 'Is that it?' asks Des, from the lakeside and faintsupon confirmation. Beverly announces that that they have a son and Jim asksDes how it feels to be a father. Getting only silence he looks up and seesDes lying out cold.
Corridor, Erinsborough Hospital
Daphne, lying on a stretcher pushed by Beverly asks about the baby. He isfine and has had no complications, although she isn't sure she can say thesame about Des. In the opposite direction Des is being pushed on astretcher. Daphne asks why he's on a stretcher. He bumped his head when hefainted and it is a precaution. He feels like an idiot for passing out andfeels he should be the one asking her how she's feeling. Beverly reassureshim that it is not unusual. Des grumbles that he was no use out cold butDaphne says that she couldn't have done it without him. Des replies thatthey make a good team, and Daphne hopes that next time they will be in ahospital. Casualty is ready for Des, and Beverly takes Daphne to maternity.As Des is leaving he turns around and says 'Thanks for giving me a son,Daph! It's the best present I've had in my life! I'm going to tell everyoneabout it in the whole world!'
Number Twenty-Four
Charlene stands at the stove. Henry comes into the room wearing a suit andshe, Scott and Madge whistle. He grumpily tells them to cut it out. Charleneteases about whether he's sure his trousers match his shirt. They talk aboutHenry's new girlfriend, Melanie, who is coming over for dinner. Henry hopesthat she likes Italian as he inspects the cooking. Madge hangs up the phoneand announces that Daphne has had her baby, recounting the story of thebirth. Scott says he's going to be there when he and Charlene have theirkids. 'Me too!' Charlene smiles, cuddling into him.
Daphne's room, Erinsborough Hospital
Des and Daphne kiss and she asks about his head, which he replies is fineand wonders whether she should be getting some sleep. But she is tooexcited. Des hasn't been able to get hold of Mike, but he did catch his mum.Daphne asks how long have they got and Des isn't optimistic. There is aknock at the door, which they presume to be Eileen, but it's Beverly withthe baby. She hands him to them.
DAPHNE: Oh, he's beautiful!
DES: He's got my nose though
DAPHNE: Thank goodness he hasn't got your ears as well!
DES: Oh thanks mother!
He is heavy and he's going to be big. Daphne wants Des to hold him. Althoughreluctant at first he takes him As he holds him there is the call of'Yoo-hoo, darlings!' and Des mutters 'That's her.' Eileen Clarke blustersinto the room, demanding to know whether it was true that they were allalone in the middle of nowhere. Daphne answers that Des was wonderful butEileen says it should never have happened. Beverly reassures her that thebaby is fine, Eileen is still certain that it should have never have comeabout and Clive had been so looking forward to delivering her firstgrandson. She then remarks how good it is that it's a boy - he can carry onthe family name 'Winston Kingsley Clarke'. Daphne and Des look mildlyhorrified.
Corridor, Erinsborough Hospital
Jim asks Beverly how Des and Daphne are settling in and she says withGrandma's help. Jim gives her a knowing look. He asks what her plans arenow. She asks why. He says nothing, then tells her that he and Lucy will beeating alone and she must have worked up an appetite. Beverly says that he'scrafty - that way he will get to eat the fish she caught as well as his own.She agrees as long as he cleans them.
Daphne's Room, Erinsborough Hospital
Des says no to the name. When Eileen asks why Daphne mentions when he goesto school. Des says that it worse enough being 'Desmond Kingsley Clarke'.Eileen blames his father - he wouldn't let her call him Winston. 'ThanksDad' Des mutters sarcastically. Eileen says it was her maiden name and shehoped it would carry on, but Des says it is their son. They haven't decidedon a name yet and Eileen says that Winston has a nice ring to it and helooks like a Winston. A nurse comes in and Eileen has to leave reluctantly.She says 'Bye Winston' as she leaves.
Number Twenty-four
Charlene wonders what the baby will be called. Madge is dressed up, andlooks disapprovingly at Scott, who hasn't made an effort. Scott says it'sonly one of Henry's girlfriends - he's certain there'll be another one nextweek as Henry is commitment shy. But Madge has heard that this one isdifferent and she doesn't want to be caught on the hop.
Henry walks through the front door and announces Melanie's arrival. Heintroduces everyone. Melanie asks whether they all live in the same housetogether, but Henry says that they have thick walls. Melanie unleashes adistinctive and grating laugh that horrifies Madge and Charlene but Scottfinds amusing.
Number Twenty-Six
Jim is on the phone to Mike and tells him the good news. When he gets offthe phone Jim tells Lucy and Beverly that Mike is in Canberra. Lucy wishesshe had been at the birth but Beverly tells her she will get her chance.Beverly goes to freshen up and Lucy asks Jim if he was glad he went fishingwith Beverly, then questions him more about it. Jim asks why she keepsasking about it. Lucy replies no reason.
Number Twenty-Four
Seated for dinner, Melanie says Henry is so funny and he must get his humourfrom Madge. Scott reminds Henry about his chicken impression and Melaniestarts laughing, much to Madge's obvious annoyance. She tries to talk toMelanie about her secretarial course, which she has been doing for fouryears, but has had to repeat a lot as she can't get the hang of preliminaryshort hand - it all looks like squiggles to her. Henry replies he knows whatkind of secretary he would rather have on his knee.
Dinner is served to Madge's relief but Melanie has just started a grapefruitand salad diet and can't break it on the first day. Madge tells Charlene togo a find a grapefruit as Melanie dissolves into laughter again at Scott'sremark. Charlene tells her husband that he's making it worse, but hebelieves she won't last long - what's the harm?
Number Twenty-Six
Having finished their meal, Lucy says it's lucky that she organisedeverything, to Jim's confusion. She reveals that she was the one who setthem up on a picnic together. Both Beverly and Jim's faces darken. Lucy hasalready being told about not meddling, but she reminds them that some peoplewouldn't be here if she hadn't acted and offers to do the dishes, tellingthem to go and talk about fishing. Beverly says she sees a strong familyresemblance in Lucy - to Hilary! 'Heaven help us!' says Jim.
Number Twenty-Four
Madge suggests Henry take Melanie out to see the pool. When they have leftMadge wonders what Henry sees in her. Charlene suggests it might be becauseshe laughs at his jokes, and hopes he won't get serious about her. Scott issure it won't last and is about to make a bet with her when Henry andMelanie come back into the kitchen.
Charlene gets out the wedding photos as Henry has told Melanie all about it.Charlene says everyone thought they were too young to get married. Henryadmits he thought so too at the beginning but now thinks that gettingmarried might not be such a bad idea at all. Charlene and Scott look at eachother in surprise and horror and Madge stands frozen as the coffee she'spouring spills out the mug onto the kitchen counter.
<<0543 - 0545>>
Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0544
Jim Robinson

Beverly Marshall in Neighbours Episode 0544
Beverly Marshall

Beverly Marshall, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0544
Beverly Marshall, Jim Robinson

Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0544
Daphne Clarke

Beverly Marshall, Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0544
Beverly Marshall, Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0544
Des Clarke

Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0544
Daphne Clarke

Henry Ramsay, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 0544
Henry Ramsay, Melanie Pearson

Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0544
Madge Ramsay

Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0544
Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson

Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0544
Madge Ramsay

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