Karl telling Steph she should have a c-section or she may be too weak to be operated on.
Boyd asking Lyn if Steph has left the treatment too late and Lyn reassuring him that they aren't going to lose Steph.
Steph announcing that she wants to have the baby and to live.
Steph's room
Steph wishes that Max would hurry up and arrive as Karl enters the room to say that Dr Olenski is delivering another baby and once she'd finished there, Steph is next. Susan enquires if Steph will be knocked out and Karl confirms that she'll be having an epidural. Steph isn't keen on the c-section and Karl tells her of the advantages of it before he leaves.
Boyd arrives at the airport and once he locks the car up securely rushes into the terminal.
Steph's room
Susan and Lyn are trying to take Steph's mind off the wait for Max by saying he is probably just held up in customs. Steph says it will be her fault if Max misses the birth and that she should have told him how sick she really was. Lyn points out the obvious - what would have happened to Summer then?
Susan and Lyn try to distract Steph by reminiscing about their own experiences of child birth and we find out that Joe missed Steph's birth because he heard that there was blood involved and Karl invited some medical students into the delivery suite when Susan was giving birth to Malcolm!
They notice Steph getting tired and head out into the corridor to allow Steph to rest. In the corridor, Lyn breathes a sigh of relief at being able to 'relax' a bit and confides in Susan that she is afraid of Steph not making it. Susan calmly tells her that she has to stay strong for Steph because whatever happens, Lyn is going to become a grandmother and tells her that is the most amazing thing in the world.
Max's car in a road somewhere
Good news - Max and Summer have arrived safely. Bad news - there has been an accident on the freeway leading to the hospital and the natural alternative is a no-go either. Boyd looks at a road map trying to figure out the best route as Max gets ever so slightly impatient as he just wants to be at the hospital before Charlie arrives.
From the back of the car Summer asks if Steph will be alright and Max reassures her before looking for his mobile to call Steph.
Steph's room/Max's car
Susan gives Steph a present from Libby - Ben's baby blanket. Karl comes in and tells Steph that Max is on the phone for her. She is overjoyed to hear his (and Summer's) voice on the phone. He asks her what is happening and Steph says they are having Charlie tonight. Max too sounds a little down when he realises it will be a c-section and asks if she is happy with it and Steph replies back that she is, as long as he is there with her. Max tells her that there is a bit of delay getting to the hospital and when he tells her that he loves her when the line goes quiet.
STEPH: Oh my god.
MAX: Steph?
STEPH: I think my waters just broke.
Susan says she'll go get Karl and Max repeats that Steph's waters have broken and Boyd quickly starts the car. Lyn and Steph nervously laugh as we head into the first commercial break.
Karl confirms that Steph is in labour and she wonders if they can then call off the c-section. On the other end of the phone (they are now stuck at a level crossing), Max tells Steph to go with whatever Karl says is best. Steph says she's just willed herself into labour and wants to see it through. Max asks to speak to Karl and Steph hands over the phone.
Karl is trying to convince Max that a c-section is the best way when Steph shouts out that she's just had a contraction. Steph tells Lyn that she can do it and Max tells Karl that if anyone can, Steph can and pleads for Steph to at least be allowed to try and give birth naturally. Reluctantly Karl agrees to talk to Dr Olenski as he hands the phone back to Steph.
MAX: Steph, it's your decision now. I trust you and I love you Steph, I love you so much.
Just as Steph is trying to tell him the same back she realises that she is speaking to a dead phoneline - Max's battery has run out!
Back in Steph's room, she is still convinced that she wants and can hold out for a natural delivery and Karl tries to convince her that she hasn't got the strength and nods for Lyn to try and change Steph's mind. Lyn says that she should listen to Karl but Steph is insistent - it's a sign from Charlie saying that things will be okay and that her instincts say she will manage. Realising he is up against a determined woman, he reluctantly agrees to talk to Dr Olenski but not before getting Steph to promise that at the first sign of trouble she will have a c-section.
Max's car
More bad luck - not that the Hoylands need much for that to happen! - the car has run out of petrol! Max and Boyd begin to have a bit of a ding-dong about the petrol running out before Boyd leaves to go get some petrol. With Boyd away getting petrol, Summer reminds Max that Boyd is worried about Steph too.
Boyd heads back to the car carrying a Gerry can of petrol muttering to himself what an idiot he has been.
Steph's room
Dr Olenski has now joined them as the labour is progressing. Olenski suggests some pain-relief but Steph doesn't want any and asks Lyn how she managed to do this (give birth) five times. Lyn says Steph will know the answer when she holds her baby. Steph asks again for Max and Olenski relays the info about the freeway accident.
Max's car
As Boyd fills the car up with the petrol, Max asks if there was a phone at the service station and did he use it. Boyd replies that he thought it best to get back to the car instead which results in them having another little ding-dong. Boyd forcefully tells him that it wasn't a picnic when he was away and for Max not to take his stress out on him. Summer asks if they can go now and Max starts the car.
Steph's room
Steph asks Charlie to hold on just a little bit longer because daddy will be here really soon and Olenski says that Charlie will come when he is good and ready just as she has another contraction.
STEPH: Oh Charlie is this really necessary?
During the commercial break Max, Summer and Boyd have finally arrived at the hospital. Max spots a nurse coming out of a room and despite Boyd trying to tell him, quickly heads in! He announces that he is here and asks if she wants her to rub her back...when he realises it isn't Steph! He quickly rushes out of the room and the newly arrived Karl shows him to Steph's room but not before warning the kids not to tell what he just did!
Max and the kids head into the room and he hugs Steph. Steph then hugs Summer and Boyd before she gets another contraction. Dr Olenski suggests a bit of quiet couple time before the baby is born and everyone bar Lyn heads out of the room. Max then realises that Lyn is still there and politely asks her to leave but not before she reminds him that Steph can say at anytime when she has had enough. Max then rubs Steph's back as she has another contraction.
Lyn sits quietly as Susan comes back (she was away getting sushi) and asks how things are going. Lyn confirms that Max is back and Susan correctly guesses that Lyn has been booted out of the room. Susan then tells her not to take it personally as they need to do this bit alone and besides an hour ago she was wishing Max would arrive.
Boyd and Summer arrive back from the coffee machine and Susan hugs Summer before handing over the sushi she bought. They head off round the corner and Boyd is worrying about the way Max was with him on the way to the hospital. Sum tells him that will all be forgotten about when the baby is born and encourages him to have some of the sushi Susan got.
Lyn mentions to Susan that she seen the look on Karl's face and thinks it is too much for Steph just as the man himself arrives. He reminds Lyn of the deal he made with Steph and adds that Max knows what he is doing and will call for help if it is needed before adding that the birth of a child makes a couple feel stronger and closer, reminiscing himself.
Steph's room
Steph apologises to Max for not telling him how ill she was but he tells her to forget it as he is here now. He assures her she can manage but Steph replies that she is scared half to death.
MAX: Come on Steph. It's going to be alright. Our little Charlie is going to be the most beautiful boy ever. He's going to have the best of you and the best of me.
STEPH: None of our faults?
MAX: (shakes his head) None of my temper, none of your stubbornness.
STEPH: Just perfect huh?
MAX: What else?
As he goes to kiss her forehead Steph gets another contraction. This one is a really strong one and much stronger than before, so Max calls for help as we head into the final break.
Break over and Dr Olenski confirms that Steph isn't fully dilated yet and so she must not push. Steph replies that is easier said than done! Steph gets another contraction and gets onto her hands and knees on the bed to help her through it.
With Steph still on all-fours, Dr Olenski tells Steph she can push as hard as she likes.
STEPH: You said not to push.
MAX: Sweetheart that was an hour ago!
With encouragement from Max and Dr Olenski, Steph pushes.
Dr Olenski has taken Max out into the corridor to tell him that she doesn't think Steph can go on and wants to do a c-section. Max is a bit surprised given how far Steph has come but Olenski says it may be a couple of hours yet before Steph will deliver and thinks Steph doesn't have the strength to last that long. Max tells her that Steph will be so disappointed but she points out that Steph knew a c-section was always a possibility.
STEPH: (from her room) What are you two plotting?
Max pleads for more time to allow Steph to try and give birth especially as they don't know what the future may hold for Steph. Steph calls for him and he heads back in to encourage her to keep going as another contraction hits her.
Steph's room
Time has moved on a bit and Steph is almost at the end of the labour but is very tired. Max is by her side encouraging her and saying that they are almost home now. Olenski tells Steph that Charlie is crowning and is keen to get out and tells her one more push will do it. As she musters her strength to push she gives up, exhaustion kicking in.
MAX: Come on Steph, you are Charlie's mum. You're the only one who can bring him into the world now; it's all down to you, so come on. Come on.
Dr Olenski tells Steph that one big push is all that is needed and mustering up the strength from somewhere she finally gives birth to Charlie.
There are tears of joy as Olenski tells them they have a beautiful baby boy and places him in Steph's arms and hands Max a pair of scissors to cut the cord.
STEPH: Max, I'm never gonna leave him - I'm never gonna leave him.
MAX: Of course you aren't.
Max kisses her as Charlie cries.
We then see Max lifting up a now sleeping Charlie and rubbing noses with his son before gently kissing him on the head - superb father/son moment - as Steph watches on.
The camera then cuts back to the still sleeping Charlie safely in Steph's arms with Max cuddling into her - the perfect family moment which all Stax fans have been waiting patiently for. Aww.
As the credits role there is a new addition to them - Charlie Hoyland: Aaron Aulsebrook-Walker.