This week on Neighbours
Kate and Jade literally running into Mark.
Toadie trying to help Callum.
Michael v Paul.
Teen triangle woes.
Previously on Neighbours
- Kate realising the legal consequences of her perjury.
- Andrew booking Tash in for a 12 week scan.
- Tash ordering baby scans regardless of the cost!
Number 32
Tash opens up the envelope containing the scans but has to hide them urgently when she hears her dad. They agree to go for a hot chocolate before Tash's ultrasound although it may cheer him up too given he hasn't yet heard from Rebecca (he was checking his emails while chatting to Tash).
Lassiters Complex
Michael confirms Tash's order and if Andrew is meeting them at the hospital (he is) before going inside to get their food. He passes Summer and she asks Tash about her ultrasound and the sudden change of mind about having one. "Andrew talked me out of it," is her reply before inviting Summer along to the ultrasound! Sum, having overcome her shock invite, replies that she, "wouldn't miss it for the world," and they agree to meet at the hospital at noon.
Lassiters car park
Toadie and Kate park up after her court date and she tells Jade about her punishment - a good behaviour bond, a fine and a lecture from the magistrate. She's relived at not getting the criminal conviction although worried how she is going to pay the fine off.
Number 24
Kate and Jade return to the house after a run and they agree to go to Charlie's later on because there is a band playing, despite Jade thinking entertainment would be out due to Kate's money woes over her fine.
Hospital waiting room
Andrew sits with Tash and Michael as they await their turn for a scan. Tash desperately tries to come up with a reason for Andrew not to be in the room with her which leads to the pair of them having a domestic. Tash looks to her dad for back up - he says that its Tash's decision and when Dr Peggy Newton calls her name she heads off alone, passing the now joined Summer on the way out of he waiting room.
Hospital examination room
Peggy is surprised to find that Tash isn't here for her 12 week scan (what the booking says) and instead ends up discussing why Tash feels unwell due to tiredness. Dr Newton mentions about her being tested previously for glandular fever, and Tash asks if it could be back again.
DR. NEWTON: Any chance you could be pregnant?
TASH: No. No chance!
Hospital waiting room
Andrew admits to Sum that he is surprised to see her at the hospital given her current relationship with Tash. Sum downplays it and lets Andrew offload about how peeved he is at not being in the room with Tash until Michael stops him, reminding him that its Tash's decision.
Hospital examination room
Dr Newton gives Tash's glands the all clear and thinks its stress related and asks if she's been under any pressure recently! "A little yes," she replies back and Dr Newton asks her to say what and then reminds her that what is said between them is confidential.
Hospital waiting room
With Michael off putting money in the parking meters, Andrew can finally unload on Summer, relieved that he can talk openly to her
Hospital examination room
Tash tells Dr Newton about finding Andrew with someone else but has to say that they are still together when she assumes they've split up. Dr Newton then suggests/hints that she shouldn't maintain the relationship because of the stress it is putting her under.
Hospital waiting room
Just as Andrew is moaning about it taking so long, Tash appears and gaily hands over pictures of "her" scan before adding that they need to wait until the next one to say whether it's a boy or a girl. Andrew is delirious at seeing "his" child while Summer studies the one she was handed.
Charlie's veranda
Jade reports to Kate that some of the band are rather hot as they sip the drinks Kate bought. Kate is then persuaded to join Jade's idea of an afternoon out, especially since they don't want to touch Kate's fine money - by letting the guys buy them drink! (Jade spotted a couple of guys making their way into the bar and made eye contact with one of them)
And as we move inside, right enough, the guys are buying the ladies drinks as Jade regales tales of her past to them all. After a few more tales, Kate suggests playing pool and as the guys head over to set up, Jade tells Kate that hopefully they are all set for a free afternoon of food and drink!
The four of them are having a ball playing pool whilst listening to the latest group strutting their stuff in Charlie's... that is until Mark and some work colleagues enter the bar.
Lassiters Complex
As the four of them head towards the store, Summer asks why Tash didn't get a DVD of her scan and she comes up with the excuse of a 2 for 1 offer - they will get it the next time after the scan Andrew is allowed to go to is done. Sum asks what else the doc said but Tash wriggles out of replying; instead saying that she doesn't fancy something to eat and would rather go home instead to rest because she is tired. Andrew asks for another look at the pics and Tash happily hands them over, telling him to keep them as long as he likes and kisses him in front of Summer before heading off with her dad.
Andrew is on cloud nine looking at the pics and when he heads inside the store, Sum takes out her iPhone and takes a picture of the scan he handed to her to look at.
Number 28
Summer hooks up her iPhone to the PC and downloads the photo she took of the scan. When she zooms into the photo, she spots something that makes her realise that the scan isn't real - a watermark saying 'New York Hospital'!
Summer catches Dr Newton and quizzes her about ultrasound on the pretence of a school project. Dr Newton replies that ultrasounds have the patients name on it and a watermark somewhere too. She then confirms Sum's theory that the scan she is holding aka Tash's scan, does indeed come from New York Hospital... "if there was actually a New York hospital," she adds.
DR NEWTON: This scan is a fake. We received a bulletin about this a couple of weeks ago. They've been distributed worldwide.
SUMMER: So you can just buy these over the internet?
DR NEWTON: Well I guess there are enough women out there who want to fake a pregnancy.
The two guys thank Jade and Kate for their company and arrange a repeat performance for next week. When they leave, Jade quizzes Kate on her Jekyll and Hyde act (the life and soul of the party pre- Mark then falling to pieces when he turns up) especially since the afternoon out was meant to act as a distraction for her. Jade then orders her home when Kate admits she won't be able to sit through the second act of the band for looking at Mark and her parting words is not to call him either! And from the quick glimpse we see of Mark watching as Kate leaves the bar, he's about as bad as she is!
Harold's Store
Summer enters the store and finds Andrew at the counter paying for his drink and an impulse purchase - a feeding cup with 'I love my dad' written on it. When Andrew spots her, he shows off the cup and he thinks he has offended her when Sum doesn't instantly embrace his enthusiasm for it. She tries to tell him what she knows but he is in a rush to get back to Tash and so quickly departs from the store.
Number 24
Kate throws her phone into the freezer when she goes to disobey Jade's instructions not to contact Mark after getting home and finding nobody else there. That lasts about 2 seconds until she dives into the freezer to retrieve it and call him but gets his voicemail instead, so leaves a message telling him that she misses him adding that she loves him too before ending the call... then post call can't believe she declared her love for him!
Number 32
Andrew wheels in the newly delivered pram to show Tash and the feeding cup he bought at the store. Michael enters the livingroom and can't but notice the pram's arrival begins to make things look every more real. They then receive a visitor - Summer, who walks straight into the house when Tash answers the door.
Ignoring Tash's comment, Sum asks Andrew if he still has the ultrasound pictures. He does, so hands them over to Summer. Tash is puzzled when Sum mentions that she has something to show them, given she's already seen the photo's.
SUMMER: How much did you pay Tash?
TASH: (stunned) Pay?! Have you hit your head or something?
SUMMER: Dr Newton told me there's a bunch of fake ultrasound photos being circulated over the net.
MICHAEL: What are you suggesting Summer?
SUMMER: Look at the bottom right hand corner really closely and read what it says.
Summer hands over the scan to Michael while Tash looks like she wants the ground to open up and swallow her.
He says out "New York Hospital," and Andrew snatches it from him to look too and slowly you can see the penny dropping.
SUMMER: There is no New York Hospital.
MICHAEL: Is it true Tash? Did you buy these?
TASH: ...
SUMMER: You're not really pregnant are you?
TASH: ...
After another long pause, Tash very slowly shakes her head.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
Jade annoyed at what Kate did.
Kate and Jade conspiring to get Mark's phone.
Andrew letting rip at Tash over the pregnancy and Tash blurting out about him cheating on her.
Summer puzzled by Tash's behaviour.
Michael chatting with Lucas about Tash.
Tash v Andrew.
And as the credits begin, Rebecca, Declan and India's names have been removed.