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Neighbours Episode 9096 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9095 - 9097>>
Episode title: 9096 (Death in the Outback week begins)
Australian and UK airdate: 19/08/24
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Tess Carmichael: Anica Calida
Heath Royce: Ethan Panizza
Justin Ashton: Richard Sutherland
- "Strange" by Didirri
- "Magic" by The Big Moon
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Rhonda suggesting Toadie never worked through his grief at all.
- Terese suggesting to Toadie that she joins him in one of his sessions with Rhonda.
- Toadie reacting badly to Terese when she arrives while he is in a session with Rhonda.
- Heath reassuring Holly that she is the one he wants to be with.
- Heath reminding Holly that they aren't exclusive and Tess will catch on to them if she keeps acting weird.
- Sadie trying to warn Holly about Heath but she isn't listening.
- Tess giving Paul the heads up that Lassiters been identified as a potential asset to divest.
- Paul asking Mackenzie to report back to him if she finds anything else suspicious about Heath.
- Tess telling Heath he's to go to Warrawee.
There is a different version of the titles today - instead of the usual ones, there is just a picture of the Aussie outback shown and we just get a very brief rendition of the theme music too.
Lassiters hotel (Tess' room)
Tess is giving instructions to Heath on how to get to Warrawee Station or "aka the middle of nowhere" as he describes it! Heath protests that Justin should be sent rather than him but she is adamant he going! The pair start to argue about it but quickly shut up when there is knock at the door. It's Krista wanting to talk business with Tess but is sent packing as she is unavailable.
Number 22
Toadie sends his wife an apology text - he needs some alone time but promises they will talk tonight. She quickly hides her phone when Susan arrives to say the kids are off on their sleepovers and then opens up about what happened at the session. Terese explains Toadie thought she was gatecrashing and goes on to describe how angry he was and "the anger in his voice" was reminiscent of how he was at the nursery.
TERESE: He keeps saying that its about him and not me, but I can't believe that.
Susan, while acknowledging that they've been through a lot, the anger Toadie is displaying "it's not okay." Terese agrees with that comment before adding that "what's happening to him, it's much bigger than he's admitting" and while she does love and support him, she admits too to being scared.
SUSAN: I know you love him. I guess you just wait till he gets home and hears what he has to say.
Lassiters Park
Toadie is sitting on the grassy embankment, rubbing his bare feet on the grass. From the complex side, Melanie notices him but doesn't go over.
Lassiters Complex
Heath catches Holly as she is walking through the complex to invite her to a night away from him - he wants her to accompany him on the business trip Tess is sending him on. To explain her absence, he suggests Holly tells everyone she's going away with friends and the timing is right too given she's handily got the next few days off!
Thankfully it isn't Tess who has just watched their scene, but Sadie although she doesn't look impressed! "Don't look at me like that!" Holly says when she spots that she was being watched. "I'm worried," Sadie says and now Holly wishes she'd kept quiet.
Penthouse suite
Tess has delivered Paul the necessary paperwork about buying back the Sinclair shares in Lassiters but he wants time for his lawyer to go over the paperwork. Since he isn't exactly chomping at the bit, she warns that if he wants to regain control of the hotel, "now is not the time to hesitate."
Krista is surprised to see Tess there when she arrives but she leaves to go to her off- site meeting (which was why she couldn't talk with Krista earlier). Paul shows Krista the paperwork and that Tess was keen to wrap up the deal quickly. Given how she was 'dismissed' earlier by Tess, Krista thinks the mystery shopper report is bogus but isn't exactly sure why, other than trying to make it look bad for her.
Harolds café
Mackenzie, Sadie, Haz and Byron are discussing Kiri's departure but Byron can sense Sadie is a bit quiet. Sadie explains that she is worried about Holly and after the others say Holly isn't replying to their messages, she then tells them about Holly seeing Heath… who is also sleeping with Tess! They aren't amused at what Sadie has told them and Mackenzie heads off to try and try and save "my idiot friend from herself."
Lassiters Brasserie
Mackenzie doesn't mince her words when she eventually catches up with Holly as she clears up a table outside the brasserie. Like with Sadie, when Mackenzie brings Eden up, Holly gets more defensive, pointing out that "Heath is nothing like Eden." The fact Heath is "dodgy as hell" is enough for Mackenzie to try and warn her friend that he "is going to hurt you." "I'm not stupid," is Holly' comeback and adds that she does know what she is doing and thus doesn't need Mackenzie "policing my life."
HOLLY: This is none of your business!
Lassiters hotel foyer
After her confrontation with Mackenzie, Holly rushes into the hotel and runs into Heath's arms and asks when are they leaving!
Lassiters Park
Toadie is still where Melanie saw him but this time she heads over rather than walking away. He explains why he is there - trying to get his head together before going home to Terese. "Feel like a coffee?" she asks and Toadie nods his head in reply.
Number 22
As 'Strange' starts to play, we see Terese pick up the flyer for their anniversary party and after looking at it for a bit, she puts it back onto the fridge.
Number 28
Susan admits to Karl that she feels terrible for Terese with Toadie being so angry, especially since it isn't like him either. Karl had hoped the counselling would have made things better not worse!
They then spot Holly coming out of her room carrying some bags and she explains about going off with an unnamed friend "from housekeeping" for a few days. This 'friend' is in charge of the travel too thus Holly can't lie when she adds in that she doesn't know where she is going. She does promise to text when she lands though, but it will be the next day as the flight will be late in landing.
Lassiters hotel (outside foyer)
"Heading to Warrawee as instructed," Heath says to Tess when the pair run into each other after she exits the hotel. She apologises for how she instructed him to go earlier, things are stressful for her as deals are coming to the "pointy end" and thus she is "juggling a lot of balls." He reminds her that they were supposed to be in this together, which she acknowledges and promises to make it up with him "once we're free and clear."
Lassiters Complex
After leaving Tess to go catch his flight, Mackenzie accosts Heath as he cuts through the complex. "I know you've been sneaking around with Holly behind Tess' back," she confronts him with, but his nonchalant reply is "so." So Mackenzie then tells him that she will be "watching every move you make" but just as she goes to add if he hurts Holly, he interrupts to ask what she is going to do about it?! Standing up to Heath, Mackenzie bluntly says she isn't afraid of him but he thinks she should!
HEATH: Now back off or your gonna find out what it's like to get hurt!
Mackenzie stands there gobsmacked as Heath makes his way over to his lift which Holly is already in. "Let the fun begin!" she declares after he joins her in the back seat of the waiting car.
Harolds café
After nodding/responding at all the right places as Melanie tells him about moving into her new pad (even if Paul is her landlord!), Toadie thanks Melanie for keeping him company and not telling him off for his recent behaviour. She does hope that things between him and Terese are okay but their conversation is interrupted when first Haz comes over to see if they need anything else and then with Mackenzie's arrival and her saying that she is worried about Holly after being threatened by "that creep" Heath. Haz wants to tell the police, even just to get things on record, and Melanie agrees with his plan.
"Do you know this guy?" Melanie asks after the bold duo head to go to the police station. Toadie confirms he does and Heath "seemed like a decent guy" before adding "clearly he's not!" However, thanks to the paperwork Toadie did on that Hawaii property, he knows where Heath lives and gets up to go "sort him out!"
MELANIE: Do you think you're in the right headspace to be getting involved?
TOADIE: Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm in the perfect headspace.
MELANIE: Well, in that case, I guess I'm coming with you!
Tess/Heath's posh pad
The bold duo arrive but nobody is home… however the front door is unlocked. Given Heath's behaviour, despite Melanie's warning, Toadie thinks it's only fair to go inside the house. Melanie looks very uncomfortable being inside the house as Toadie looks around, confident that he will find Heath. What they do find though is fake passports for both Heath and Tess and a bank statement indicating there is over $9 million dollars in it!!
There was a reason the front door wasn't locked… someone else is in the property - Justin!
The Waterhole
Haz updates Sadie and Byron after the visit to the police - Heath can't be arrested based just on the threat. Wendy suggests talking to Andrew for his advice. The radio silence from Toadie is also getting to Mackenzie, but again, Haz is confident that he will get back to her.
Meanwhile, Krista debates whether to tell Tess about the complaint made against Heath, but Paul doesn't think she will listen after the previous attempt to say something. He does though think it's very fair to do a deep dive of Tess' account since she has been doing that to them.
Tess/Heath's posh pad
When we return to the posh pad, there is no sign of Toadie and Melanie - Justin tells Tess that there was a problem but he's taken care of it.
Number 22
The Kennedys call round because Terese is panicking because she can't reach Toadie - he hasn't come home and isn't answering his phone. Susan asks if she's contacted the kids and while she has, equally she didn't want to worry them either and mention exactly why she was calling. Karl is confident Toadie will be back soon and dismisses Terese's suggestion that he is avoiding her.
TERESE: How hard is it to come home and tell me what's on his mind? He must know that I'm worried sick!
There is an arrival but its not Toadie, rather Haz and Mackenzie calling round to "update Toadie on the Heath situation." Terese explains she's not seen Toadie all afternoon and doesn't look too impressed at hearing he was at Harolds with Melanie "all afternoon."
"They were just having coffee," Haz explains but after Terese asks how he was, Haz replies that he wasn't giving them too much attention. Karl goes to call Melanie but just gets her voicemail so leaves a message that she contacts him and for Toadie to call Terese.
Susan is curious about this Heath they have mentioned and Mackenzie explains that he "works with Tess for the Sinclair's." Initially she keeps quiet about Holly and Heath until Haz intervenes to get her to say something.
MACKENZIE: Holly has been seeing him on the down low and he's a really shady guy.
She is then the one to break it to the Kennedys that yes, Holly could innocently be away with a friend from housekeeping but they need to "consider the possibility that she's with Heath."
Aussie outback (next day)
Night has turned into day and we've moved from the city to the outback as we see the plane with Holly and Heath land. She looks very happy and loved up, as they get into the waiting Ute and begin driving.
When they get to their destination and see where they are staying at, Holly is utterly delirious.
HEATH: It's not exactly the Four Seasons.
Heath explains that the accommodation belonged to the managers of the station but they left a few days ago so he isn't sure how things will be. Holly couldn't care two monkeys about the state the place might be in, the fact she is with him is all that matters! She is though curious about what they will be doing as Heath has been "very secretive about this whole thing." "I'm not," he protests it's simply "boring admin stuff" that he has to do there.
The pair's pash session is interrupted when Heath's phone starts ringing - its Tess and she lets him take the call while she goes to contact the Kennedys as promised. After a moment's pause, Heath declares that Tess can wait! "I like this side of you," Holly declares and he asks that she turn her phone off too.
HEATH: Let's just forget about the world a little bit longer.
Holly does as instructed and the pair resume their pashing session!
Ramsay Street
The Kennedys and Terese meet in the middle of the street - there is no word from Toadie and she is now more irate than worried at the fact he's not come home, something he's never done before. The Kennedys look at each other before Susan starts to speak.
SUSAN: There's something else that you need to know. Melanie didn't come home last night.
KARL: We've been calling her and texting her, and she hasn't responded to either.
TERESE: So they're both missing? Together?
Coming up on Neighbours
- Tess irate
- Paul going to Tess's house.
- Leo urging Krista to call her sister.
- Karl tyring not to assume the worst… Terese thinking the opposite!
- Mackenzie fearful that Holly is in serious danger.
- Heath asking Holly to go away with him.
<<9095 - 9097>>
 in Neighbours Episode 9096

Tess Carmichael, Krista Sinclair, Heath Royce in Neighbours Episode 9096
Tess Carmichael, Krista Sinclair, Heath Royce

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9096
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9096
Toadie Rebecchi

Holly Hoyland, Heath Royce in Neighbours Episode 9096
Holly Hoyland, Heath Royce

Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9096
Sadie Rodwell

Tess Carmichael, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9096
Tess Carmichael, Paul Robinson

Haz Devkar, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9096
Haz Devkar, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9096
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland

Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9096
Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi

Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9096
Holly Hoyland

Heath Royce, Tess Carmichael in Neighbours Episode 9096
Heath Royce, Tess Carmichael

Heath Royce, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9096
Heath Royce, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9096
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Justin Ashton in Neighbours Episode 9096
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Justin Ashton

Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9096
Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair

Wendy Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9096
Wendy Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone

Tess Carmichael, Justin Ashton in Neighbours Episode 9096
Tess Carmichael, Justin Ashton

Terese Willis, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9096
Terese Willis, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Susan Kennedy

Holly Hoyland, Heath Royce in Neighbours Episode 9096
Holly Hoyland, Heath Royce

Heath Royce, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9096
Heath Royce, Holly Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9096
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9096
Terese Willis

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