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Neighbours Episode 6000 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5999 - 6001>>
Episode title: 6000 (Episode 6000 - Paul Robinson is pushed off the Lassiter's balcony)
Australian airdate: 27/08/10
UK airdate: 15/10/10
Writer: Pete McTighe
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Diana Marshall: Jane Badler
Jack Ward - Peter Lowrey
Summary/Images by: KiKi/Graham
Paul furious that Declan and Diana want to kick him out of Lassiter's.
Paul threatening Declan.
Rebecca realising that Paul and Declan are lying to her.
Diana and Paul sleeping together.
Andrew telling Summer that Paul cut him out of his will.
Andrew thinking he's saved Paul's empire.
Paul telling Declan he's pathetic.
Diana breaking into number 22
Andrew thinking Paul deserves what's coming.
Rebecca wondering what to do.
Lyn commenting that Paul's the most evil man she's ever known.
Sonya telling Paul he's repulsive.
Declan kicking off at Lassiter's.
Rebecca threatening Paul.
Andrew wishing Paul was dead.
Diana kissing Paul goodbye.
Diana making a call to someone - she needs someone taken care of.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1... DAY 1
Paul stands on the Lassiter's mezzanine, holding a drink, looking over the balcony.
Downstairs, someone gets into the lift (the cameraman, presumably) and the door closes. The person gets out at the Terrace Bar and walks towards Paul. Paul turns around with a 'well, hello.'
1 hour earlier...
Number 22
Rebecca and Paul arrive home to find the house in a complete mess. They immediate assume it was Andrew who did it - given his previous form - but he denies all knowledge; he says it was like this when he got home just now. Andrew reminds his dad he lives there and wouldn't bother with trashing the place (as he has done before) but Paul's not interested.
ANDREW: What, you use me to stop Declan and Diana then just treat me like dirt?
PAUL: Get out! Now!
Rebecca immediately wonders what Andrew's talking about with reference to Declan, and Andrew storms out the house, meeting Declan on the way in. Andrew tells Declan that he and his mum don't belong here and should just leave. Declan's all 'whatever' and before entering the house stops and listens to Paul and Bec's argument. Paul has told Rebecca that Declan tried to get him out of Lassiter's, and Rebecca doesn't believe him. Declan walks in and can't deny it, so Paul reminds his wife that everything he's done, he's done for their future, whereas Declan just wanted to take it all away. Declan runs upstairs, and Rebecca follows.
Up in Declan and India's very tidy bedroom Rebecca wants an explanation. Declan says that he did it for his mum to get Paul away from Lassiter's for good, so that their marriage would work out. Rebecca asks if he knows anything about the break- in and he denies it. But he is determined to tell Rebecca that the Robinsons are poisonous and they have to leave. He'll pick up Indy from the babysitter's whilst his mum packs.
DECLAN: We have to get as far away from Paul Robinson as possible.
Harold's Store
Toadie's on the phone, trying to convince Sonya to go to a movie with him, but she can't go. Lou listens in, and notices that Toadie has nowhere to be for the evening; he suggests he enjoy his night without Callum running amok.
Karl and Susan walk in, laughing loudly, Karl mocking Susan's bad out- of- control- helicopter dancing at the wedding. They explain to Lou that they need hot chocolate and milk, whilst Toadie sits alone at a table, enjoying hearing his ex- substitute- parents' exchanges.
KARL: Kennedy women take a long time to calm down after a wedding reception.
SUSAN: It's the dancing, it gets us all revved up!
KARL: I knew we were in trouble when THAT song came on!
SUSAN: Oh, come on, it's my favourite!
LOU: What song's that?
SUSAN: My Sharona.
But Toadie had already mouthed the words before Susan had said them.
(Nerdy fact: that song is, in fact, one of Jackie's favourites.)
KARL: People run from the dance floor in fear when they see her coming!
SUSAN: They do not!
Toadie smiles to himself sadly at the table. The Kennedys clock him, and whilst Susie chats to Lou at the counter, Karl gets milk from the fridge, next to Toadie. Karl says hello to 'Jarrod', and Toadie asks how the wedding was. Karl remarks that it was good, despite Prue and Nick getting together - after all, what's a wedding without a scandal?
He suddenly realises what he's said and tries to backtrack, but Toadie gets it. The two guys barely make eye contact, and Toadie keeps his eyes humbly down. Susan calls Karl and rushes him off.
Number 28 / Harold's Store
Libby is in the kitchen animatedly telling her mother that she actually saw people ducking for cover as she danced (which is pretty accurate if you watch episode 5998). Libby mimics Susan's dancing to a tee as Susie goes to answer the phone. Because it's ringing.
SUSAN: Beyonce could learn from me!
It's Lou on the phone, wanting to speak to Karl; he expresses his concern about Toadie, that he misses the Ks a lot, and that today's meant to be a happy day. The best part of their conversation is actually Libby in the lounge, with her mouth full, saying to her dad "who am I?" before spinning round, waving her arms out of control!! Karl falls about laughing.
KARL: Don't tell me it's catching on!
Susan's distracted by their laughter and reminds Lou that Libby's only just starting to get over what happened, and it's too soon for any reconciliation. Lou reminds Susan of Toadie's 15- year relationship with them, but Susan won't budge.
Karl starts doing HelicopterSuse impressions, but looks rather Windmill- like.
Susan puts the phone down.
KARL: Who was that, the dance police?
LIBBY: Is there a warrant out for your arrest?!
SUSAN: Oh, very funny!
Harold's Store
Diana picks out a new SIM card from a packet and puts it in her phone. She calls out to Lou for a coffee.
LOU: It'll keep you awake!
DIANA: That's why I ordered it.
Andrew comes in, ambushing Diana, telling her he knows she trashed the house. Or hoose. He thinks she got the keys from Declan but Diana reminds him that she and Declan are no longer working together. Andrew says she deserves what's coming.
DIANA: Go back to the playground, Andrew, where it's safe.
Andrew storms out because the world owes him a living, and Lou comes over with coffee because he does that for a living. Diana tells Lou she's waiting for someone, and takes an envelope from her handbag.
Number 22
Paul has cleared up all the broken stuff and tells Rebecca that a locksmith will be over in the morning. But Rebecca doesn't care - she wants answers. The contents of India's nappy are about to hit the fan.
REBECCA: I am THIS (insert very small fingers demonstration) close to packing a bag and leaving you forever.
PAUL: What did he say to you?
Rebecca explains that Declan told her Paul threatened him and her family. Paul flat out denies it. Oh, alright - he lies. Paul says that Declan betrayed him, and actually her son's not that good a person, because he has a DVD of the time that Declan made the building site dodgy (except he didn't really) and Donna was nearly killed (except she wasn't really) and he's going to show it to her so she knows what her son is really capable of (except he isn't really). So there.
Rebecca watches the DVD, shaking her head in horror at the sight of her son ineffectually throwing a pipe into the building site, which has no impact whatsoever. Devastating.
At that point, unaware of how un- macho he now looks, Declan marches down the stairs announcing that he's going to pick up India. Where has he been all this time? His mum asks him if he sabotaged the building site, because she has footage, but Declan explains that it was doctored and Paul is the guilty party.
Rebecca's all confused because Paul's a liar and she doesn't want to believe him, and Declan's not a liar, but she doesn't know whether to believe him, and this makes her do her crying face and snappy voice. She tells him to go get India so she can be by herself. Declan does his own version of MoodyEyes and walks out.
Rebecca is left alone on the sofa looking rather knock- kneed, until we're treated to a picture of Dorothy putting a disgusting face mask on Doug Willis' face. Looks like that's where India's nappy contents ended up.
At the now empty wedding venue, Andrew joins his dad and says that he thinks Diana broke in; Paul doesn't think so, it's not her style. He wonders if Andrew is trying to apologise for dropping him in it with Rebecca, but Andrew says he's not saying sorry - and besides, Paul doesn't need Rebecca. They're Robinsons! They're blood! Or blooood. Paul isn't falling for Andrew's attempt at a reunion and tells his son that he's going to keep his appointment to remove Andrew from his will.
ANDREW: You said it yourself, you said you need someone in your corner! Dad, you need me!
PAUL: No! Andrew, I own you. And if you ever want a cent of what I have, you'll never forget that.
Andrew thinks Diana was right: he did choose the wrong side. He angrily throws darts.
Number 28
The Ks are looking at some of the wedding picture on Karl's MacBook Pro. Thank you, product placement. Susan wonders if Libby managed to speak to Lucas.
SUSAN: Libby, you should clear the air.
LIBBY: Yeaaahhh...I think it's pretty clear.
She heads off to bed whilst Karl lets Susan flick through the pictures. She sees a cheeky picture of Callum and tells Karl that Lou rang earlier. She explains the phonecall: Lou thinks they should be talking to Jarrod. Karl admits he thinks that Jarrod was in a very difficult position; what Steph did was inexcusable but...he made a decision to support Steph. Susan points out that it meant deceiving Libby and everyone else. Karl wonders what Susan would have done - what if Steph hadn't been honest? Karl tries to persuade Susan that it was a complicated scenario, and wonders if she actually disagrees with him, or if she's forcing herself to disagree...
Susan thinks for a moment before kissing her husband on the cheek and going to bed.
Harold's Store
A camera pans over Lassiter's so that we can all clearly see that there is no inside to the legal offices.
Inside the store, Toadie orders another coffee, and Karl sits down to join him. He has brought his laptops so that Toadie can see the photos and choose some shots for Harold's Ramsay Street book. Nice cover. Karl makes a speech about how the book is full of feuds - and forgiveness. Libby will take time to come round, but she won't make a start unless someone else takes the first step.
KARL: There's a particularly good shot of Susan dancing.
TOADIE: The out- of- control- helicopter?
KARL: You got it.
Lou smiles in the background. Behind the bakery stand, Diana tells a sandy- haired man that she's leaving in the morning; she has loose ends to tie up and he won't be able to contact her, but she wants the job done to her satisfaction. As she leaves, SandyMan counts through the money she's given him, which seems to amount to less than $500. He's cheap.
Number 22
Rebecca answers the door to Diana who says Andrew told her about the break- in; she was wondering if Rebecca was okay? Rebecca says she's fine - nothing was taken, though. She adds that Paul is at Lassiter's.
DIANA: Ah, his true love...
Rebecca tells Diana that she knows she tried to recruit Declan to overthrow Paul - why would she do that?
DIANA: Did he tell you about Paul's embezzlement? How he almost ruined the company? How he almost ruined you? You could have landed in jail for what he did. I acted in the best interest of Lassiter's, and I wanted to help you!
Rebecca pretends she already knew, to stop herself from looking stupid and crying again.
Diana claims that she wanted Rebecca to have the man she loved, free from his business ties, but Rebecca doesn't understand why Diana would want to help her.
DIANA: Guilt? I'm leaving tomorrow, and I thought that maybe you should know the truth. You're going to find out sooner or later, so best you find out from a friend. Paul betrayed you. He came to my hotel room and he slept with me.
And THERE'S the crying face.
Diana tells her it was six weeks ago, and that Paul's taken everything she has - she he has nothing to gain by lying to Bec. Declan returns as Diana's leaving, to see his mum upset. He remember to bring Indy home this time, too.
Cut to moments later where Rebecca does the one tear thing, a step up from the days of TheSobbing. She tells her son that Paul slept with Diana.
REBECCA: I used to imagine this. Play it over and over in my head...
Really?? That's some warped mind you have, and you could have picked better characters to daydream about, quite frankly.
But seriously, she tells her son that she tried to believe that Paul wouldn't do this again (hey - where did Indy go?), but she knew, deep down that he would. Declan wants to leave immediately, but Rebecca wants to see Paul and have him explain.
DECLAN: He can't hurt you like this and get away with it!
But Rebecca pulls on a cardi and runs out.
Lassiter's Hotel / Mezzanine
Cameraman walks into the lift, and a young woman gets out. Hang on! That didn't happen in the flashback at the beginning! Where did this witness suddenly appear from?! Are there two people who got into the lift?
And hang on - when this person gets out of the lift Paul walks past them. On the rooftop. What's going on? Is he invisible? Or was he a person in the lift, but now just a normal camera? I don't get it. Surely Paul would notice them if it was someone he knew?
Suddenly we're back to normal camera mode, and Paul scans the Lassiter's complex that he owns. Once again, we can see the lack of interior of the law offices (yes, production team, we have eyes...).
Diana, from the ground, watches Paul, and pulls out her phone.
Ramsay Street
Rebecca paces, literally, up and down the front lawn of number 22. Those heels are making some indent, love. Okay, NOW she's sobbing.
Number 22
Declan paces in the kitchen, slapping the wall. Ineffectually.
Andrew throws a dart. Really hard. He clenches his teeth.
Diana tells someone that Paul's on the Mezzanine. Hurry.
Number 22
Declan smashes Paul's "I Like Me" mug. That's just evil. He picks up the phone and tells someone they have to look after Indy.
Ramsay Street
Rebecca shivers on the lawn before running to the car. She switches on the engine and sobs some more.
Andrew throws the darts even harder. He clenches his teeth even...clenchier- ly. He turns and storms out once more. Really, Andrew, you need some more ways of entering and exiting. The storming's getting a bit boring.
Ramsay Street
Declan walks out of number 22 with purpose.
Andrew walks out of the side entrance of Charlie's, then spots his dad on the Mezzanine. He makes an evil face.
Rebecca pulls up at the hotel and gets out, walking towards the hotel.
Diana looks at her watch, impatient.
Paul wanders away from the balcony to the hotel.
Diana looks annoyed and walks in his direction.
Declan pulls up at the hotel and walks towards it.
Paul wanders back the balcony with a drink. He remembers Diana saying she's upset. He remembers Declan's accusations of embezzlement and lying. He remembers Rebecca saying that he threatened her family. He remembers Andrew saying he's been treated like dirt, Libby saying she won't forget the tape incident, Toadie saying he'll bring him down, Sonya yelling at him, Lyn saying he ruins people's lives...
Okay, NOW cameraman walks into the lift with no- one else there. This kind of implies that there are two people on the roof. Or that someone else is up there, watching.
Paul continues to remember people's accusations against him, as The Rooftop Killer (as I shall call them for now) walks towards Paul. Paul turns around.
PAUL: Well, hello.
Someone he knows, then. And someone who's not a lot shorter, so that rules out India.
Down in the complex, Karl and Toadie leave Harold's Store, chatting about the photos. They talk about sending some to Harold.
Cut to Paul dropping a glass and his body crashing through the glass of the balcony sides, and falling down to the ground below. Karl and Toadie watch on in horror.
KARL: Oh my God! It's Paul!
They rush over, and Karl takes his pulse. Toadie wants to know if he's alive, but Karl just yells at him to get an ambulance.
Cut to moments later when Karl says he has a pulse but it's faint. He asks Paul to respond, but gets nothing. An ambulance can be heard. Toadie goes to get a blanket when Declan runs out the hotel to see what's happened. Followed by Rebecca who throws an emotional hissy fit. The camera lingers on Bec, then Declan, then on Paul, on the ground.
The helicopter dance was always going to get someone, someday.
<<5999 - 6001>>
 in Neighbours Episode 6000

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 6000

Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier

Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6000
Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6000
Lou Carpenter

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6000
Susan Kennedy

Diana Marshall, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Diana Marshall, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Declan Napier

Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Declan Napier, Rebecca Napier

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6000
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6000
Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy

Diana Marshall, Jack Ward in Neighbours Episode 6000
Diana Marshall, Jack Ward

Rebecca Napier, Diana Marshall in Neighbours Episode 6000
Rebecca Napier, Diana Marshall

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Rebecca Napier

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson

Diana Marshall in Neighbours Episode 6000
Diana Marshall

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Declan Napier

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Rebecca Napier

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 6000

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6000
Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6000
Toadie Rebecchi, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Declan Napier

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6000
Rebecca Napier

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6000
Paul Robinson

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