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Neighbours Episode 5255 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5254 - 5256>>
Episode title: 5255: Beautiful One Day...
Australian airdate: 13/07/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Mickey Gannon: Fletcher O'Leary
Sen Sgt Allan Steiger: Joe Clements
Anne Baxter: Tessa James
Adam Rhodes: Benjamin Hart
Rebecca Napier: Jane Hall
Lili Ford: Brenda McKinty
Daryl Braithwaite: Himself
- "Violet Town" by The Brunswick Music Group
- "Use Me" by 84
- "One Summer" by Daryl Braithwaite
- "Building Ships" by Lior
Summary/Images by: Miriam/Holing
A man telling Oliver that he's not his father, but his sister might be his mother; and Oliver should stay well away from her.
Janae telling her mum that she can't go to Cairns; she's staying here in Erinsborough.
The Timminseseses' House
Janae is telling her mother that she can't come because there's too much to leave behind: the garage, her friends. And Janelle suggests Ned - maybe Janae's falling in love with him?
Number 22
Paul is making strange faces into his laptop screen, which is distorting them to give him a giant chin...one assumes this laptop has a camera built in somewhere. He and Oliver fall about laughing as only guys do when this sort of thing tickles their fancy.
Elle strops in in her usual stroppy way - she has Rebecca Napier's phone number. Oliver thinks that perhaps he shouldn't bother, as maybe she's a psycho. Paul thinks that he should meet her for himself and form his own opinion but he understands - he's dragging his own feet trying to contact his own family, too. But he will get round to it, and maybe he'll even contact Robert because it's important to Gail and him.
Paul hops off to feed Jake.
The Timminseseses' House
Janae declares that she's not 'in' to Ned. She just thinks that he could use a friend at the moment - he's still learning how to be a dad, and Mickey's latched onto her at the moment. Janelle admits that she's worried for her daughter, changing her plans for a guy. What happens if she's let down? Janae says that she'll stay until Ned and Mickey are settled, because she wants to be a good friends, and after all - Ned helped her to believe in herself at the fight today.
Janelle hugs her daughter.
Charlie's Bar
Lou is giving Steph some advice on having a broader appeal as a political figure - after all, he was the Mayor, once. Harry can't believe that Lou still hasn't let that go! Rachel and Zeke come to the bar, and want to have some of the little cocktail umbrella things that Steph uses. Steph tells them to get some from the bar. I used to LOVE those little umbrellas. I would collect them and let my Sindys use them as parasols. Good times.
At the bar Rachel and Zeke run into Bree and Anne, who want to know why they're in the bar. Zeke makes up an appalling lie, that he's here to get wine for Susan. Except he's underage, so he's not here to get wine, he's here to get milk. In which case he should be in the General Store instead.
BREE: That was the worst lie ever.
Rachel says that they're just running some errands for Susie, and they have to go.
ANNE: That was weird.
BREE: Yeah. And it's not like it's my last day in Erinsborough or anything. Great friends.
Bree looks all upset and pretty with her hair up and make up on, and much more grown up clothes. We're gonna miss you, Breezer.
Ramsay Street where there's a Good Ol' Party going on
The Timminses are seemingly having a goodbye par-tay. Pepper flounces in with her hair scraped so tightly back, she has an instant home facelift. It's not that it's a bad look, it's just that it generally belongs on a 13 year old, or someone from the chavvy end of my town.
Janelle looks terrific in a mahogany satin halterneck dress. Toadie teases her that the property values will go up when she leaves. Elsewhere, Mickey throws his arms around Janae who has turned up, and he asks her not to leave to go to Cairns. Janae starts to say that she's not leaving, but Ned interrupts: Janae has to be with her family, and it'll give him and Mickey a chance to bond, just the two of them.
Way to make a girl feel like an intruder, Ned. Never let it be said that you're bad with the ladies. Janae suggests that being a single dad will be hard, but he refutes it - there are lots of babysitters on the street so he'll be fine.
Back with Janelle, Toadie admits that it won't be the same without her. No more boxing day smackdown, no more protecting him from his mum...! Janelle thinks he's a softy and throws her arms around him.
Susan, Karl, Rach and Zeke wander out of number 28. Actually, they just wander down the path, they might not have been in the house, but we'll probably never know. Bree comments to Anne that it's good of them to turn up. I like her sarcastic streak.
Steiger wanders up to a little podium on the drive of number 26 and asks for some shush from everyone. It must have been so funny shouting that when there wasn't actually any music. But anyway. He says:
STEIGER: The Timmins' clan have decided to pull up stakes and move onto greener pastures. The end of an era, some might say.
It's remarkable how much you get the feeling that the lines from the characters are really what the writers and actors are feeling about this whole leaving business.
Steiger says that he and Janelle love a party, and given that, he thought he'd make this one a double celebration. He calls Janelle up, and says that they have another reason to celebrate. He hopes that today, Janelle will do him the honour of being his wife! Janelle throws her arms around him and he lifts her into the air!
Everyone in the street is suitably surprised and thrilled.
Cut to a bit later where Janelle stands alone with her girls. She asks if they're okay with it, and they're really pleased.
JANAE: After all, we don't call him The Package for nothing, do we?
Elsewhere, Steiger and Pepper hug each other; she's also happy for her dad.
Back to Janelle, Janae tells her mum that she's definitely coming to Cairns; she wants to be with her family because that's what's important. Steiger calls Janelle over so they can be married, and Janae casts a longing glance at Ned.
Number 22
Oliver is on the phone, with Elle holding his hand and is leaving a message. His message says that his name is Oliver, and he thinks he may be her son - she can call him back if she likes.
Elle tells him he's done really well, and he's all emotional, realising it might not even be her. Apparently answer phone said "Rebecca and Declan" so maybe she's married and he's his dad?
Paul comes in and says there's a good turn out at the party.
Ramsay Street
The celebrant marries Janelle and Steiger with the customary 'I dos' and exchanging of rings which, I might add, fit perfectly.
They kiss. And kiss. And kiss. And dip.........oh, and kiss. Bree thinks it's gross. Lou drinks a toast to them all, before Janelle delivers a funny and moving speech.
JANELLE: Okay, erm, I know that a fast game is a good game, so I'll be quick. Boys (Lou and Harry) - it has been a pleasure sharing a fence with you. Toad - you're actually a top nephew, and thank you for all your hard work in keeping us out of jail. Karl - thanks for getting rid of that rooster, and thanks for lending us all of those records.
KARL: Yeah, I think you've still got my Best Of The Easy Beats.
JANELLE: Do I? And Susie-Q. You know, I used to think you were stuck up. But in the end you taught me how to be a good mother and a better person more than anyone else. You are my yoda.
Susan and Janelle exchange sad, best friend looks.
JANELLE: And Sky - mother to my first beautiful grandchild. I love you, pet. Oh, there goes the mascara... I just wanna finish by saying that......this is just a bunch of houses, side by side. But it's more than that. It's really special and it's you guys that make it special. And gosh - I'm gonna miss it. Better than a caravan park!
Once again, with all the undertones for the reasons that Ten wanted the Timminses out, you get the impression that the goodbye is from Nell herself, as much as it's from Janelle. And it's certainly all from the heart.
STEIGER: Well, I think my wife has said just about everything. The only thing left is a wedding present.
Toadie approaches with......tada! Mr Daryl Braithwaite, from Sherbet! Janelle's favourite group!
JANELLE: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
DARYL: Hi, Janelle, I hear you're a bit of a fan.
JANELLE: (breathily) Oh, Daryl!!!!!!!
And she promptly faints.
Lassiters Restaurant
Elle is leading Paul out of the dining restaurant - he wants to have a soup kitchen from Lassiters that the Salvation Army will run, but Elle's having none of it. She and Oliver run this place, now, and Paul doesn't have the business instincts he needs anymore.
Oliver crutches up. Rebecca Napier just booked a room for tonight.
Ramsay Street
Sherbet strike up 'One Love'. Harry claps. Janelle and Steiger dance together. Karl and Susan whirl around holding hands. Bree and Anne stand together. Toadie and Steph dance maniacally. Ned and Sky, Janae and Mickey, Rachel and Zeke, Lou. Adam creeps up behind Pepper, who jumps up and down, throws her arms around him and he picks her up. Janae moves out of their way.
Ramsay Street: friends, family, celebrations, happiness, relationships, community, heart.
This is what it's about.
The Timminseseses' House
Pep and Adam kiss amongst the boxes.
ADAM: If it's alright with you, I wanna stick around and sort the mess out up here. (points to his head)
PEPPER: Well you deal with that, and just remember that you've got what's down here.
She points to her heart, but I think it would have been funnier if she'd have pointed lower down his body. That would have made more sense to me for the reasons that she'd actually want him sticking around.
In the kitchen, Rachel and Zeke join Anne and Bree, and present Bree with the memory box they've made for her - something from everyone in the street. She remembers the mocktails from the day she, Rach and Summer spent together. She remembers the itching powder incident with Pepper. They look at Pepper in the next room, still getting it on with Adam.
BREE: Thanks, guys, this is amazing.
RACHEL: Not as amazing as having you as a best friend.
Bree and Rachel hug; Zeke looks a bit left out.
Elle apologises to her dad for having a go at him about the soup kitchen. He graciously accepts; he knows that this isn't his life anymore and he's trying too hard. He tells her to wish Oliver good luck for him.
Oliver is standing at the valet car park place, hoping to recognise her. No need, though, because she's calling his mobile right now. He picks it up.
Charlie's Bar
Janae turns up to see Boyd, and Sky quickly excuses herself. Boyd apologises for all the hurt he's caused, and Janae suggests he put it down to life experience. They hug goodbye and she walks out.
At another table, Elle and Oliver wait for Rebecca, who walks in as if on cue.
The Timminseseses' House
Steiger and Janelle are chatting with the Kennedys, Toadie, Steph and Sky. Steiger tells them to get their butts down to the oval in an hour - he has one more little surprise. Toadie wonders if Karl and Ned are playing again, but they're not; Karl tells him not to mock KenNEDy. Thing is, it's just too tempting. Plus, he's on Susan Time Now.
In the kitchen Steiger 'welcomes' Adam back. Adam said he's not here for the food. Steiger knows that they got off on the wrong foot, but he's put a smile back on his daughter's face, and as long as he keeps it there, things will be fine.
STEIGER: Because if you don't, the boys at Erinsborough Station will let me know. (he leaves)
ADAM: He wasn't joking was he?
At the front door, Mickey begs Janae not to leave, and Ned tears him away. Janae wishes him good luck, and Ned says he'll call to update her on the garage.
NED: Be happy, Janae, you deserve it.
JANAE: Yeah, thanks.
Mickey looks distraught as he looks back at Janae, who closes the door and crumbles into tears.
Charlie's Bar
Rebecca tells Oliver that she was wild as a teenager, got pregnant, and her dad sent her away until the baby was born. The Barnes family made her an offer to adopt the child.
REBECCA: It seemed like the perfect solution. A good life for my child, and I would still get to watch him grow up.
Emotional, Oliver says that she didn't watch him grow up. Rebecca says that the Barnes family wouldn't let her see him and offered her money to leave which she took. Oliver tells her that his 'parents' then had another child and Rebecca agrees - they thought they couldn't have kids but it turned out that it wasn't the case at all.
REBECCA: To think, they took *my* baby when they could have had...
OLIVER: They took *me*, okay? You keep talking about 'my child' or 'the baby' - you're talking about me.
Rebecca says she wanted to get in touch every day. Oliver asks who his father is - is it Declan from the answerphone? Rebecca says that Declan's her son.
REBECCA: Oliver, look, I care about you, but this...this is all too disruptive for me and I just...I really can't be part of your life I'm so sorry......
Rebecca leaves the bar. Oliver tears up.
The Oval
Janelle is standing in front of a helicopter - her transport away from here! Janae, Toadie, the Kennedys, Rachel, Zeke, Sky, Bree and Anne are amazed!
JANELLE: As if the Timminses were going to leave Ramsay Street in the back of some old falcon!
Sky tells Bree that they'll be souls sisters forever.
Janelle walks to the group and immediately hugs Susan.
SUSAN: Oh, Janelle. Thank you. May the force be with you.
KARL: Janelle, about that Easy Beats record...
JANELLE: Jeez, Karl, I probably packed it. I'll put it in the post.
KARL: Rare vinyl in the post???!
SUSAN: Oh stop it!
Janelle tells everyone to hurry, whilst Steiger tearfully hugs his daughter goodbye and tells her to make sure Adam takes care of her.
The girls are getting in the helicopter waiting for Steiger and Janae who says her last goodbyes. She steps up to the copter...
JANELLE: Sorry love, no more room.
JANAE: What???!!
JANELLE: You and Neddy boy have got a month. If it's the real thing, you stay.
JANAE: But Ned...!!
JANELLE: Baby, I'm not blind. There's something up with you to, and it's worth finding out. Ned's a good man.
Janelle hugs her little girl tightly.
JANELLE: Now, scoot before I change my mind.
Janae hugs Bree goodbye.
The helicopter - and Sherbet - start up again...
One summer, will always remain
One summer, remember the way
One summer, never the same
One summer, I'll find a way
...and the helicopter gets higher and higher as the group below wave frantically upwards...
One summer, will always remain
One summer, remember the way
One summer, never the same
One summer, I'll find a way
Goodbye Steiger, Bree and Anne. We'll miss you very much.
And goodbye Janelle. In the words of Dorothy Gale: I think I'm going to miss you most of all.
<<5254 - 5256>>
Oliver Barnes, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5255
Oliver Barnes, Paul Robinson

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5255
Elle Robinson

Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5255
Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski

Anne Baxter, Bree Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5255
Anne Baxter, Bree Timmins

Ned Parker, Mickey Gannon, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5255
Ned Parker, Mickey Gannon, Janae Hoyland

Ned Parker, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5255
Ned Parker, Janae Hoyland

Ned Parker, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5255
Ned Parker, Janae Hoyland

Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Pepper Steiger

Janelle Timmins, Celebrant , Allan Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Janelle Timmins, Celebrant , Allan Steiger

Janelle Timmins, Allan Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Janelle Timmins, Allan Steiger

Janelle Timmins, Allan Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Janelle Timmins, Allan Steiger

Zeke Kinski, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker, Rachel Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Zeke Kinski, Mickey Gannon, Ned Parker, Rachel Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Pepper Steiger

Toadie Rebecchi, Sky Mangel, Janae Hoyland, Anne Baxter, Bree Timmins, Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5255
Toadie Rebecchi, Sky Mangel, Janae Hoyland, Anne Baxter, Bree Timmins, Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Daryl Braithwaite in Neighbours Episode 5255
Daryl Braithwaite

Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger

Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5255
Boyd Hoyland, Janae Hoyland

Allan Steiger, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Allan Steiger, Pepper Steiger

Adam Rhodes, Allan Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5255
Adam Rhodes, Allan Steiger

Oliver Barnes, Rebecca Napier, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5255
Oliver Barnes, Rebecca Napier, Elle Robinson

Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5255
Oliver Barnes

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5255
Rebecca Napier

Janae Hoyland, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Sky Mangel, Bree Timmins, Anne Baxter, Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5255
Janae Hoyland, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Sky Mangel, Bree Timmins, Anne Baxter, Janelle Timmins

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5255
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Janelle Timmins

Janae Hoyland, Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5255
Janae Hoyland, Janelle Timmins

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5255
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Sky Mangel

 in Neighbours Episode 5255

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