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Neighbours Episode 5057 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5056 - 5058>>
Episode title: 5057: A Ticket To Hide
Australian airdate: 19/09/06
UK airdate: 12/12/06
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Jet Wilkinson
Guests: Dr Veronica Olenski - Caroline Lloyd
- "Sleep" by Philip Foxman
- "Sacramento" by Deep Dish
Summary/Images by: Shona/Izzy-da-vixen
Paul asks Lyn to move in with him.
Toadie mentions to Ned that he thinks Izzy might be dying.
Lyn asks Izzy whether Paul had anything to do with Gus' death.
Number 32
Izzy lets out a big laugh and asks Lyn if she really thinks she would ever let a murderer roam around free. She only said it in the first place because she couldn't handle Paul "hooking up with the dullest suburban cabbage on the street". Ouch. She asks if Lyn believes her now and it appears so. Lyn smiles, relieved, as Izzy gets back to boiling some cabbage.
Ramsay Street
Elle rolls up in a Lassiter's car just as Boyd and Max (wearing one of his new jackets) run into the street, passing a football to each other and being all father-and-sonlike with each other. Who should they nearly run into but Paul, who's standing in the middle of the pavement in the pitch black (as you do). He hands them their ball.
PAUL: I would've kicked it to you but then you probably would've had to catch my leg as well!
Oh, the banter.
Max and Boyd don't laugh; just stand there, looking a bit uncomfortable. They say goodnight and Paul walks over to Elle. He tells her he'll be up to the house in a second. As she drives into the driveway he looks back at number 32.
Number 22
The next morning and Lyn tells Paul that she's taking him up on his offer. There are some ground rules though: #1 - she's his housemate, so separate rooms; #2 - she wants to help him through this rough time and she wants the same consideration (two-way street). Paul agrees.
Now it's his turn; he won't live with anyone who doesn't believe in him. Lyn tells him she spoke to Izzy and he must think she's so gullible for believing her lie that he had killed Gus. He doesn't - Izzy was a master of deception.
Scarlet Bar
Elle arrives for the rent. Max is just about to get out his cheque book when Steph comes in with Charlie. Max rushes over and says hello to Charlie 'chubby cheeks'. Steph wonders where he got the bear - Charlie loves it! Max tells Elle that he won the teddy down at Luna Park. Elle isn't impressed. Steph mentions hopefully to Max about having a picnic together and Max agrees to it. Elle's had enough; she tells Max to drop the cheque in a mailbox and says she'll be there for Izzy's leaving drinks.
Max tells Steph that he'll be there for lunch.
STEPH: We just want you back, that's all.
MAX: Hey, I'm here. And I'm not going to go anywhere.
And with that he kisses Steph.
Number 22
Lyn, wearing a very low cut top BTW, apologises to Elle for the mess. She dashes off to Susan's to fetch Ozzy.
Elle asks what's going on and Paul tells her the good news. She's a bit annoyed about not having a say but Paul only found out this morning. Elle can't believe any of his relationships but Paul tells her they're only friends - and even if they weren't, it's his business. Elle asks how he can stand to be in the same room as her - her son-in-law killed Cam! Has he just been forgotten?
Paul is incensed by her words and tells her not to talk to him like that ever again. He will carry Cam's loss with him all his life but he made a promise to him and he needs Lyn to help him.
She's staying, whether Elle likes it or not.
Scarlet Bar
Max returns after having his (off-screen) picnic with Steph and Charlie, which went well. Izzy remarks about being left in the lurch and they throw a teatowel back and forth between each other. Max is going to miss her (and their sibling squabbles). Izzy thinks he won't miss all her drama.
MAX: I'm serious.
IZZY: Yeah, far too serious. Always have been.
Izzy thinks it'll be good; he'll be able to spend quality time with Steph without her getting in the way. And she's actually looking forward to spending time with Rosie! Max says she should save her speech for tonight but Izzy thinks no one's going to turn up.
Susan and Lyn are chatting about Paul. Lyn tells her that he's agreed to be 'just friends' but acknowledges that he might work on her when they're under the same roof (Susan completely agrees). Lyn says she has a few tricks up her sleeve. Susan asks how Steph's taken the news but it then transpires that Lynnie's yet to tell anyone about it!
Toadie strolls in and tells Lyn that the money for number 26 should be through by the end of the week. Lyn's excited about finding out who the new owner is and Toadie hopes she's hot, single and datable.
Max appears and invites the group to Izzy's goodbye do. Susan and Lyn make vague excuses. Once Max has gone Toadie says they should go, pay their respects.
LYN: Oh, c'mon, she's leaving town. She's not dying, is she?
Toadie says he can't say anything, being her lawyer. But that doesn't stop him spilling; Izzy's been putting her affairs in order. Lyn and Susan are shocked and think Izzy's dying. They look over to Izzy and Max, who, Toad tells them, doesn't know. That's why she's leaving town; she doesn't want to be a burden.
Lassiter's Complex
Paul thanks Izzy for lying to Lyn and tells her she moved in this morning. Izzy is really happy for him. Paul tells her not to worry about his end of the deal; her secret's safe with him. Izzy asks if Lyn is really important to him now; he says they'll see.
Susan, wearing a very interesting cream coloured coat, catches up with Izzy once Paul has left. She tells Izzy that she knows what's going on and she's making a terrible mistake! She might think she's saving her family some pain but she's cheating them. Alex did the same and it broke Susan's heart.
IZZY: Is it just me or is this conversation really weird?
Susan tells her that she knows she's dying. She has to let everyone care for her and give them the chance to say goodbye.
Scarlet Bar
Paul won't apologise for Lyn, which Elle is fine with, as long as he doesn't think she's going to be happy about it. Paul asks if she thinks there's a part of him who wants to go on a rampage of destruction. Elle says she does and it's a big part - why isn't he doing that to Max? Paul says he's done that before and he wants things to be different this time.
Elle tells him she can't get used to Cam being dead. Paul comforts her - they just have to hang in there until things get better.
Max walks in and presents Steph with two tickets to the prelim finals at the weekend. Steph thinks Boyd is gonna flip!
Paul asks them if they want to put a wager on the outcome. Max says it depends on how much money they're talking about.
General Store
Izzy tells Susan that she isn't dying, just sorting things out. But, if it's any consolation, what she said would have made her think twice. Susan is relieved she isn't.
IZZY: I'm so sorry...for everything. For making you really unhappy...and for being a bitch!
Her biggest regret is that she and Susan will never be friends. Susan thinks the whole 'Izzy having an affair with Karl' thing kinda prevented that ever from happening.
They both feel it was so long ago now. Susan says she'll be at the party tonight.
SUSAN: Wouldn't miss it for the world. I've waited a long time to see the back of you.
She and Izzy smile at each other; Izzy's giggling even though she's a bit choked up with tears.
IZZY: Well, you'd better come then. Your dirty looks will give me that extra added incentive to leave.
Scarlet Bar
Lyn arrives to talk to Steph and Max about number 26. They want to talk to Lyn about that; they'd like her to move into number 32. Lyn says she can't as they've already found a place; Paul's. It means she can be near them without being in the way. Steph isn't best pleased but Max thinks that if she and Paul are happy then he and Steph are too. But Steph still wishes Lyn had talked to her about it first. Lyn says it's all settled and everything's fine. Max and Steph still don't look convinced.
After they leave the office Elle appears and goes in, searching for something. She has to hide for a moment while Boyd retrieves a calculator. Afterwards she finds what she was looking for; the envelope with the footy tickets. She takes the tickets out and replaces them with two similar sized pieces of brown card.
Scarlet Bar
Later on and Max is making a speech at Izzy's farewell bash. Susan sits beside Steph and Toadie. Elle and Paul have also made an appearance. Izzy and Boyd stand either side of Max.
MAX: We're here to farewell my little sister, Izzy, who, for some mad reason, has decided that it's time to take off. This time for good, she claims. But, as most of you know, taking off at a moment's notice is typical of cyclone Izzy. She blows in, drives everyone crazy, and then blows right on outta there. God help anyone who gets in her way, huh?
Max goes on to say he knows it hasn't been plain sailing and she has a few regrets, but he also knows how big her heart is and how much she loves her family.
MAX: You're going to be missed, Izzy.
They all raise a toast to her.
MAX: May you find what you're looking for.
Boyd arrives with a cake and they charge their glasses to the only woman Max has ever known who's turned 29 twice.
Izzy tells them to stop and adds another candle to the cake - in the interests of historical accuracy.
TOADIE: Welcome to club 30.
(Jarrod seems to have disregarded all notions of historical accuracy himself.)
Then Max bursts into a rendition of 'For She's A Jolly Good Lassie'.
Scarlet Bar
Now the party's in full swing and Susan remarks to Toadie that Izzy has some pretty snazzy moves for someone on her deathbed. She reveals that Izzy isn't dying at all; she had to ask her the truth.
TOADIE: Woah, this is embarrassing...
Lyn thanks Elle for being so good about her and Ozzy moving in. Elle thinks it'll be good to have another person around when Paul throws one of his wobblies (sp?). Lyn looks like she might be wondering what she's let herself in for.
Max presents Boyd with an envelope and tells him it's only two tickets for the corporate box at the finals! Boyd is stoked, until he discovers there are no tickets - only random pieces of card.
Boyd: Very funny, Dad. I get the joke.
Elle looks over to them as Max says they were there this afternoon - they were in the envelope. Boyd tells him it's alright, the joke's over. But Max is serious; he paid $200 for these tickets and they were right there, in the envelope. Someone's stolen them!
Max asks Toadie if he's seen anyone going into his office while Boyd tries to get him to calm down. Steph thinks he might have misplaced them but Max says he hasn't; they were in that envelope. He's not stupid.
MAX: Somebody has stolen these and I'm not going to let anyone out of here until I find out who it was.
Toadie gets up and suggests they check the office. As the Hoylands and Toadie walk to the office Elle smiles evilly to herself.
Number 32
The next morning. Susan tells Izzy that she hopes everything works out well for her. Susan offers her hand but Izzy doesn't take it as she says she hopes the same for her. Instead the two former enemies hug. They smile and laugh and Susan says she'll see her before walking into the kitchen.
Lyn is going outside so asks Susan to answer the phone. It's Dr Olenski for Ms Hoyland. Susan thinks she's talking about Steph but the doctor corrects her - it's Izzy she's after. Susan says she'll take a message. Olenski says Izzy has to reschedule her first ultrasound appointment. Susan is so shocked that she's unable to speak. She manages to say she'll pass it on. Lyn appears and asks Susan if she's alright but Susan has to go.
Bus Stop
Steph says goodbye to Izzy at the only bus stop in Erinsborough from where you can leave the place. Izzy thanks them for everything and apologises for being such a pain. Max thinks that's what little sisters are for, which I can totally vouch for. Izzy says she'll write and tells Boyd to be the best doctor ever. She tells them to leave before it gets too messy.
Max stays behind to give his wee sister another big hug. Izzy tearfully tells him to look after himself. Max says he will, unable to raise a smile.
Izzy gets on the bus but who should pull up, horn blaring, but Susan, who parks in front of the bus to prevent it from leaving. Izzy gets off when she sees who it is. Susan tells her she knows she's pregnant and that's why she's leaving.
SUSAN: Is it Karl's?
Izzy just stands there.
SUSAN: Please!
Izzy says no.
SUSAN: Don't lie, Isabelle - this is too important.
IZZY: Do you really think I would pass up the chance at child support?...If you don't believe me then talk to Paul.
The two women look at each other for a few seconds.
IZZY: Goodbye Susan.
Susan is about to say something else but she stops herself and watches Izzy get back onto the bus.
Number 22
SUSAN: Tell me about Isabelle's baby!
Paul can't believe it - she's barely left the street and is still causing trouble! Susan pleads with him to tell her the details.
Paul sighs and tells her the father is some flunky from Lassiter's, who had biceps bigger than his brain. Izzy had tried to con Paul into thinking it was his!
SUSAN: Are you sure?
PAUL: What do you want...video footage?
SUSAN: I need to know.
Paul says she now does. Susan thanks him.
Izzy is closing her eyes when her phone rings. It's Paul.
IZZY: She checked with you?
PAUL: Oh, yep. Sword's blazing.
IZZY: And?
PAUL: Yeah, she believed every word.
A secret for a secret; she will keep his and Paul will keep hers in return.
PAUL: Oh, Izzy, this is wonderful - a second chance. And you are going to be a fantastic mother.
IZZY (starts crying): You think?
PAUL: I know.
IZZY: Keep your nose clean.
PAUL: Yeah, well, that's going to be a bit easier without you around here.
IZZY: See you around, Robinson.
PAUL: Not if I see you first.
Paul hangs up. Izzy closes her phone over, composes herself and looks at something.
It's a photo of her and Karl.
IZZY (rubbing her abdomen): Guess it's just you and me, kid. All the way.
Izzy looks at the photo again and smiles to herself.
<<5056 - 5058>>
Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5057
Lyn Scully

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5057
Elle Robinson

Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully in Neighbours Episode 5057
Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully

Charlie Hoyland, Steph Scully, Elle Robinson, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Charlie Hoyland, Steph Scully, Elle Robinson, Max Hoyland

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5057
Elle Robinson

Izzy Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5057
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Boyd Hoyland, Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Boyd Hoyland, Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Susan Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5057
Susan Kennedy

Dr Veronica Olenski in Neighbours Episode 5057
Dr Veronica Olenski

Izzy Hoyland, Steph Scully, Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland, Steph Scully, Boyd Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5057
Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5057
Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Karl Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5057
Izzy Hoyland

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