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Neighbours Episode 6092 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6091 - 6093>>
Episode title: 6092 (Tash fakes pregnancy to stop Andrew breaking up with her)
Australian airdate: 08/02/11
UK airdate: 08/03/11
Writer: Meaghan Rodriguez
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Jade Mitchell - Gemma Pranita
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- The boys vs. girls #26 fundraiser taking shape
- Karl telling the guys they have to "nude up" for the calendar
- Summer asking Andrew to let Natasha be happy for one more day
- Natasha walking in on Andrew and Summer kissing
Number 32 - Natasha's Room
Tash has decided to lay on the guilt trip with Summer, telling her how glad she was for her and Andrew's support after the fire. She adds that she's so lucky to have friends like them. When Michael brings in some food for his daughter, Summer makes a dash for the shower to escape the shame. Michael notices Tash is a bit quiet and reminds her it's time to start enjoying life again. When he leaves, though, Tash takes the food and squashes it into Summer's bed. She then kicks over her stack of books and rips up a photo of herself and Andrew. Later when Summer returns from her shower, Tash is already in bed with a "stomach ache" and there's clean sheets waiting on Summer's bed for her. Tash tries not to cry into her pillow.
Ramsay Street - Next Morning
Toadie and Sonya are doing some gardening when they see Karl return from a power walk wearing a hideous fluoro yellow top and skin- tight jogging pants. When Karl hoists a leg onto the wheelbarrow to show off his clothes Toadie cops an unwanted eyeful of his crotch area and nearly gags. Jade joins them after returning from her jog and they all banter about the shed competition, with Karl gloating that the guys have a secret weapon.
JADE: Not the nude thing?
KARL: How did you know about that?
SONYA: (points to Toadie) I caught him manscaping.
KARL: Jarrod! Loose lips sink sheds.
Karl heads home while Jade does some stretches on the lawn. Sonya is less than impressed when she catches Toadie perving on her sister's backside.
Number 30
Sonya's wearing a nice dress and putting on some lipstick when Toadie finds her in the lounge room. She tries to be flirty with him but he doesn't really notice - even when she asks him to help put a necklace on and ends up draped across his lap. When Toadie finally clues in on her appearance he thinks he's forgotten some important anniversary or date, but Sonya just sighs and says she's going shopping. Relieved, Toadie asks her to pick up some more hair removal cream for him.
Number 22
Summer catches up with Andrew and asks how he's going to break the news to Tash. He says he's left her a message so when she calls back he'll head over to her house. They're both nervous, even more so when Tash texts Andrew. Summer gives him a good luck kiss before he leaves and says she'll meet him at Harold's later.
Number 32 - Natasha's Room
Tash is looking at a photo of herself, Andrew and Summer when Andrew finds her. He starts his break- up speech, going on about how they're really great friends, but Tash has an announcement of her own to make.
NATASHA: Andrew I'm pregnant.
NATASHA: I'm pregnant. It's yours.
First Commercial Break
Number 32 - Natasha's Room
Pacing, Andrew asks if Tash is 100% sure she's pregnant. His hopes are raised when Tash says she hasn't taken a test yet, but they're dashed again when she says she's "late". Tash thinks they should wait a few days before they do anything, but Andrew says he has to know right now. Tash says that she's scared so Andrew, looking petrified himself, puts an arm around her.
Harold's Store
Michael (wearing a garish Hawaiian shirt he looks like he stole from Toadie or Lou) finds Summer staring at an uneaten cupcake and wonders if she and Tash aren't eating at all this week. He then bumps into Jade who teases him about hitting the gym for the calendar, but Michael says there's no way he's getting involved.
Jade spies her sister at the counter and rifles through her shopping bags, teasing her when she finds a lacy black nightie in one of them. But Sonya's not in the mood for her jokes and yells that she doesn't need an excuse to look good, "you're not the only attractive woman in the house!" Jade stares after her sister in confusion as she runs out of the store.
Number 30
Jade looks around for Sonya but the only person in the vicinity is Karl, who has an envelope full of... Interesting things to show Toadie.
KARL: I've just been viewing some very tasteful examples of professional men posing for calendars online. It's amazing what you can do with a strategically placed...
JADE: Wait. You were online?
KARL: Yeah.
JADE: Looking at naked men?
Karl just glares at her and asks if Toadie's home or not. Jade says he isn't but she's happy to pass on the photos for him. Karl says he'll just email Toadie the links instead. Sonya joins Jade in the lounge room after Karl leaves and apologises for snapping at her before. Jade's worried there's trouble in paradise for her sister and Toadie and reassures her that she'll still get to see Callum if they break up. But Sonya says that her and Toadie are fine - sometimes she just wishes he'd look at her the way he used to. Jade smiles and says he will when he sees her new purchase.
Charlie's Bar
Summer has to hide her confusion when she sees Andrew holding Tash's hand while they eat lunch together. Tash mutters to Andrew that she can't face telling Summer yet, so Andrew has to tell Summer they're having a private chat. Andrew finds Summer at the bar, though, and lets her know their plan has hit a snag but he's trying to sort it out as soon as possible. He goes back to his table and ushers Tash out of the bar so they can go and buy a pregnancy test.
Second Commercial Break
Number 32 - Backyard
Tash wants to take the test later but Andrew wants it over and done with. They're surprised to see Michael's still home - he was supposed to be going for a surf - but he wants to clean the BBQ first. Andrew offers to clean it for him to get rid of him. When Michael leaves, Andrew tells Tash it's test time.
Number 30
Jade yells out that she's taking Callum to a movie and won't be back for a few hours, giving Sonya a wink on the way out. Toadie's gobsmacked when he sees Sonya waiting for him in the lounge room wearing her new negligee. They grin at one another and start to kiss, Sonya pushing his crutches aside.
Later they lie together on the couch, blissed out. Sonya says it's nice to look how she feels - she knows her daggy trackies can be a bit of a passion killer. But Toadie says he'd love her in anything, even if she was wearing one of those "Nanna flannelette nighties". Talk turns to the calendar and Toadie says that even though he's a fan of nuding up he thinks he should act more responsibly now he's a dad. When Sonya baits him about being a chicken, though, he soon changes his mind.
Charlie's Bar
Karl corners Michael while he's buying a takeaway coffee to try and convince him to participate in the calendar, but Michael's still not into it.
MICHAEL: Great idea, I'll even buy a box of them, I just won't be in it.
KARL: Come on, Lucas and Lou are in it.
MICHAEL: Well forget about me buying a box then.
KARL: You're worried about the school board?
MICHAEL: Amongst other things!
KARL: Well pose with your surfboard - a man and his passion!
Michael just pats him on the shoulder and walks out. Karl's in luck, however, because Toadie walks in straight after to announce that he's ready to nude up for charity. Sonya and Jade are also around for the conversation and they brag to the guys about joining a boxercise class to tone up for their calendar. When the girls leave Karl mutters to Toadie that they're going to lose the bet, but Toadie just shrugs.
KARL: It's the shed, it's our livelihood, don't you care?
TOADIE: I haven't been a member for that long. Plus it was your stupid idea to bet the shed in the first place.
KARL: We've got to do something.
TOADIE: Why don't you try Brennan again?
KARL: I saw him in the street this morning. He actually crossed the road to avoid me.
Toadie laughs and says it looks like they need to get into shape. He gets Karl revved up for a boxercise class then breaks the news to him he'll have to do it alone - ain't no room to move while you're on crutches.
Number 32 - Natasha's Room
Andrew waits nervously for Tash to come back from the bathroom. He looks at a photo of himself and Tash and sighs, then looks fondly at one of Summer's school books she's stuffed full of post- it notes. Summer's also reading a book called 'The Sociopath Next Door' (nice one, props department!). Tash returns and shows Andrew the test - it's positive.
Third Commercial Break
Number 32 - Natasha's Room
Tash watches as Andrew shakes the test like it's some kind of Magic 8- ball or something. He thinks she should take the second test just to make sure, but she reminds them these tests are 99% accurate. Tash tells Andrew she wants to be alone for a while to process things. Andrew agrees to go for a walk, but he wants her to take the second test. When he leaves, Tash takes a pink texta out of the drawer and marks a line across the second test - just like she did with the first one.
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
TOADIE: (to Lou) You'll always be the best used car salesman Erinsborough's ever known.
(Lou isn't as impressed with Kyle as Toadie is)
TOADIE: He seems to know how to work whatever it is that he works.
LOU: But he's not sold a single car since I gave him the job. (To Kyle) Hey bozo, I'm the boss, you don't get to question me.
KYLE: I quit.
(Natasha 'breaks the news' to Summer)
NATASHA: There's something you should know.
(Summer confronts Andrew about it)
SUMMER: You said you hadn't been with her since us.
ANDREW: No, I really haven't.
SUMMER: Don't you touch me!
ANDREW: What am I supposed to do?
SUMMER: This changes everything.
(Natasha has a chat with Andrew)
NATASHA: I know if we stick together we'll make the right choice.
ANDREW: There's only one choice, Tash.
<<6091 - 6093>>
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6092
Michael Williams

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams

Jade Mitchell, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6092
Jade Mitchell, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6092
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6092
Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Michael Williams, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6092
Michael Williams, Jade Mitchell

Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6092
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell

Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6092
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6092
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Karl Kennedy, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6092
Karl Kennedy, Michael Williams

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi, Jade Mitchell, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6092
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi, Jade Mitchell, Karl Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6092
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6092
Natasha Williams

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