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Neighbours Episode 0078 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0077 - 0079>>
Episode title: 0078 (Philip Martin and Julie Robinson's first date)
Australian airdate: 03/07/85
UK airdate: 16/02/87
UK Gold: 17/02/93
Writer: Tim Page
Director: John Gauci
Guests: Wendy Gibson: Kylie Foster
Philip Martin: Christopher Milne
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Max and Shane help to re-capture Gordon Miller.
- Phil is worried about gossip at the bank concerning him and Julie.
- Max offers Terry her job back.
- Wendy jumps on Danny and starts kissing him.
Ramsays, the following day
Maria is dressed up to have dinner with Max. Helen is intrigued - she says maybe Max wants to patch things up.
Danny is just off to take Wendy out for tea.
HELEN: I remember when I was your age.
DANNY: You must have a good memory!
Maria cuffs Danny over the back of the head and he apologises to Helen. Just then, Wendy comes out wearing a rather revealing dress. Helen and Maria are rather surprised(!) Maria whispers to Helen that Wendy is only 16!
In the living room, Wendy tries to get Danny to take her to a pub in town. He isn't keen because they're underage.
Maria is just heading out and Danny asks her for some money. She gives him $10. He says there's not much chance of living it up on $10!
Maria tells Helen quietly that she's rather skint - she wants to get a job, but Max still won't let her. Helen thinks it's only pride that's stopping Max making up with her.
Just then, Max arrives, and hustles Maria into a taxi.
Julie is getting dressed up to go out to dinner. Paul mocks her for going to so much trouble. Julie tells him that she's going out with the new bank manager - Phil Martin. Just then, there's a knock at the door and Paul answers it to Phil. He invites him in while Julie rushes off to finish getting ready.
Paul makes polite smalltalk with Phil, then Julie comes back and introduces Helen. He tells Julie that he's expecting an important phonecall, so he's had to cancel the restaurant - but he'll cook for her at his place.
Paul decides to nip over to Des's to get the gossip on Julie and Phil!
Paul joins Des on his sofa and starts grilling him about the bank. He tells Des that Julie has gone out with Phil tonight - she was all dressed up. Des looks a bit concerned. He tells Paul that Phil is alright though. Paul thinks it's odd for the bank manager to be moving in on the junior staff. Des agrees - especially when the bank manager is married!
High-rise block
Phil is just finishing his phonecall. He offers Julie another drink and they make smalltalk about their families and Gordon Miller.
Paul is stunned that Julie is knowingly going out with a married man. Des says that Phil is separated from his wife. Paul is even more surprised to hear that Phil has two kids! Des says he's really worried about Julie - both she and Phil are heading towards trouble. He says if Head Office find out it'll be explosive. Paul says he'll ask Jim to have a word. Des tells him to leave it a bit in case it's a crush that'll blow over.
Downmarket Pizza Place
Danny and Wendy are having a quick meal - he couldn't afford the other restaurant! Wendy isn't very impressed, but gets over it quite quickly.
A nice restaurant
Max and Maria are having a meal. They agree that their situation is all quite depressing. Max moans that he has to do everything on his own now - eat, sleep etc. Maria tells Max that she either needs more money, or to get a job. Max is seeing a solicitor next week - he says the most sensible thing is to separate. Maria is rather upset, but tells Max that she does want a divorce.
Downmarket Pizza Place
Danny and Wendy are finishing their meal. They chat about the other restaurant and Wendy says it's full of celebrities. She's all starry-eyed. She tells Danny if he saves up for a couple of weeks, he'll be able to afford to take her there. (That's all organised, then!)
Phil's flat
Phil and Julie are enjoying their meal. Phil says he feels a bit lonely on his own in the flat. Phil says that maybe Julie should go out with people her own age, but she says she'd rather be with Phil.
Nice restaurant
Max is shocked and asks Maria why she suddenly wants a divorce. Maria says they might as well finish things completely - she's given it a lot of thought and she has her own life to lead. Max says it isn't what he wants - not yet, anyway. Maria says they can sell the house, but Max says he never will. Max asks Maria if she's got another bloke.
Maria shouts at Max and says he's pathetic. Maria says he keeps nagging on about what she did all those years ago and it isn't fair. She's had enough of Max's stupid values. Max says it's hard to forget what she did with Danny running round in the house. Max says he may have had a bit of a fling, but he didn't get anyone pregnant! Maria gets to her feet and shouts at Max, much to the surprise of the other diners. Then she storms out.
Phil's flat
Phil and Julie are hanging out listening to music. Julie asks after Phil's children and he says he misses them, but he doesn't miss his wife. Phil says that they were a classic teenage romance - married too young. His wife was jealous of his success at the bank - she had no plans or ambitions of her own. He tried to include his wife in things, but she used to drink heavily at office functions. Also, she started having affairs with other men. Julie thinks that's awful. Phil says he'll never lose his kids though, just his marriage.
Phil tells Julie that he's thoroughly enjoyed their evening. He tells Julie he'd better take her home. At the door, Julie tells Phil that she doesn't want to go home. (The brazen hussy!)
<<0077 - 0079>>
Maria Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0078
Maria Ramsay, Helen Daniels

Wendy Gibson, Maria Ramsay, Helen Daniels, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0078
Wendy Gibson, Maria Ramsay, Helen Daniels, Danny Ramsay

Helen Daniels, Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0078
Helen Daniels, Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Paul Robinson

Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 0078
Philip Martin

Philip Martin, Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Philip Martin, Julie Robinson

Paul Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0078
Paul Robinson, Des Clarke

Danny Ramsay, Wendy Gibson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Danny Ramsay, Wendy Gibson

Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0078
Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0078
Danny Ramsay

Wendy Gibson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Wendy Gibson

Danny Ramsay, Wendy Gibson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Danny Ramsay, Wendy Gibson

Philip Martin, Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Philip Martin, Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0078
Julie Robinson

Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0078
Max Ramsay

Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0078
Maria Ramsay

Julie Robinson, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 0078
Julie Robinson, Philip Martin

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