- Ned returning to Erinsborough.
- Tyler asking Mark how the surrogacy is going and is told not to talk about it in front of Steph.
- Brad/Lauren marrying.
- Tyler/Piper getting together and TITTNL™
- Mark proposing and Steph saying yes.
- An unexpected visitor (Maxine) turning up at the wedding reception.
- Ned trying to explain himself to Mark/apologising to Maxine for burning her house down.
- Ned being arrested for arson.
- Sonya not feeling too great.
- Jack/Paige TITTNL™
- Paige saying goodbye to Jack after he can't commit.
- Jack wanting things to be 'uncomplicated' with Paige.
- Paige having a positive pregnancy test.
- Sonya also having a positive pregnancy test.
- Stonie showing Toadie a picture of someone that looks like his dead wife Dee.
New year and new titles! This time it begins with Karl and Susan outside #28. Sheila, Xanthe and Gary outside #26. Amy and Jimmy are in the backyard of #26. Shirtless Aaron, Mark and Tyler beside the pool of #24. Ben and Elly are down by Lassiters Lake. Piper and Terese are outside #22. A fully clothed Jack with Paige outside his Parish church. Lauren and Brad outside #32. David and Leo are in downtown Melbourne. Steph and Paul are at Robinsons. Sonya, Toadie and Nell outside #30 finish the sequence. The titles also come with 3 spelling errors!!!
Number 30
Toadie wakes up from dreaming about Dee but plays it down when Sonya questions him about it. Sonya explains she wasn't asleep and eventually says why.
SONYA: I'm pregnant.
The duo have now come through to the kitchen and Sonya explains she was going to say once it's been fully confirmed by a blood test. "Are you freaking out?" Sonya asks her husband but he dodges replying to the question. Sonya asks if the dream Toadie had was about the surrogacy and he replies no.
Number 24 (next day)
Steph receives a text from Toadie for them to come over for a coffee. Mark agrees to tell them about their engagement but the happy couple want a bit more time celebrating in the bedroom before heading to #30!
Piper and Tyler miss each other when they are apart but equally seem to like their 'secret' romance but have to quickly pull apart when Leo calls by looking for Amy. Tyler explains she's off visiting her mum and when he leaves, Piper comes out of hiding and not declares sneaking around isn't fun as she hurt herself trying to hide when David came round. She then has a brilliant idea, the Canning house is still free and she knows where the spare key is!!
Harold's café
Brad is showing Paige pics of the wedding when Terese comes by. While Paige fixes Terese's coffee, Brad updates her on Ned (she asked about him) that he's not been bailed and Toadie advises them to be patient. He asks her to get Piper to call him (both admit they've not seen much of her lately) so he can tell her about Ned and she will. Terese departs to head home to water Sheila's garden.
Jack arrives to collect his order and to offer his thanks for the hampers that were sent. He tries to make small talk with Paige about how Christmas/New Year went but she suddenly takes off her apron and announces she's got somewhere to go.
Tanaka apartment
David confirms to Paige that she is definitely pregnant. He adds that a detailed scan will indicate how far along she is, but Paige knows her dates and informs him that she is keeping quiet on who the daddy is. Paige isn't amused too when David goes to bring up what her options are but he confirms she doesn't need to decide anything now, however advises her not to put it off for too long.
PAIGE: How long do I have?
DAVID: At least a month but you should know you'll probably start showing by 16 weeks, some women sooner than that.
Paige thanks David for seeing her at his place instead of the hospital and brings up confidentiality, which he reassures her on.
Lassiters Complex
The Christmas decorations are being taken down as Paige walks through the complex before stopping and wistfully watching a family bond at the other side of the complex.
Number 30
Mark and Steph arrive to talk to Sonya/Toadie and announce to them that they are engaged followed seconds later by a mass hugging session! Steph explains they got engaged at the wedding (Sonya asked) and that they are the first to know, others will be told once the ring sorted.
SONYA: We're honoured to be the first to know, aren't we? And umm we've something we'd like to tell you, don't we?
STEPH: Is everything okay?
SONYA: Well I hope so, yes! Umm...I'm pregnant.
Steph looks absolutely shattered at the news especially as it happened on the first try and even Mark is having difficulty digesting the news. "Maybe this baby was just meant to be?" Toadie suggests and after Mark asks, Sonya anticipates the due date to be around August.
SONYA: I know this isn't what we all decided on but maybe Jarrod's right, this baby was just meant to be?
"I know this is a lot to take in," Toadie tells his shattered friend and suggests meeting again later once the news has sunk in, so Mark and Steph head back to #24.
While Sonya goes to check on Nell, Toadie gets a text from his brother to say he's on the way.
Number 26
When Piper suggested heading to #26, she didn't envisage then sitting around watching a movie! She finally gets her way and just as they start pashing, they spring apart on hearing a noise... its Terese who is very surprised to see the pair of them on the sofa but at least they've quickly sorted their clothes before she seen them!
Piper comes clean to her mum, that she and Tyler are a couple and have been since the wedding. Terese is quick to remind her daughter what kind of a guy Tyler is - that he slept with Paige (Piper says they've got over it), he is too old for her (age is just a number) and that he's vastly more experience than her.
PIPER: All that matters is that we love each other.
TERESE: Okay, you know what, I clearly can't talk sense into you.
PIPER: No, good and I'm glad and you can see that!
TERESE: Hey, that doesn't mean that I'm okay.
TERESE: No, no, no, you listen to me! As long as you are living under my roof, and at school, this relationship is not going to happen. Do you understand me?!
PIPER: Fine, so is that your final decision?
"Yes it is," Terese declares to which Piper says she's going to talk to her dad to see if she can live with him. "That's your prerogative," Terese responds with because she isn't changing her mind!
The Waterhole
Toadie sits waiting for his brother, looking at the photo he sent him and thinking back to the day in 2003 that he married Dee. He's dreaming so much he doesn't hear Stonie approaching and comes clean to his brother about what he was thinking of when he arrived.
Number 32
Brad is siding with Terese and so Piper isn't being allowed to move into #32 especially since the guy has gone from "Imogen to you to Paige and then back to you." Piper pleads that her sisters were merely rebounds for Tyler and she'd be as well to save her breath as nothing she is going to say will change her dads mind.
The Waterhole
Despite Stonie traipsing through Colac, nobody recognises the woman in the photo and he's now wondering if it actually was Dee and why would she be in Colac... or not come forward years ago to say she was okay? "All valid questions," Toadie agrees and he tells his brother about the dream he had. "What does Sonya think?" Stonie asks and Toadie admits he's not said anything because a lot has been going on lately.
Harold's café
Mark tells Paige the news that Sonya is pregnant and adds that although it will be a big adjustment for Steph, he feels like he's finally in the right place with the right person. With tears in her eyes, Paige replies that she's really happy for him and puts the teary eyes down to him finally getting what he really wanted.
PAIGE: You are going to be an amazing father Mark Brennan, congratulations.
Number 24
Mark arrives home to a congratulatory hug from Tyler and agrees, that yes, he is rapped at the news. He asks how Steph took the news and Mark replies she's gone for a walk but thinks in the end it will make her happy. Tyler then tells his brother his own news - that he and Piper are together.
MARK: Right...
TYLER: Look, I love her okay and I have for a long time, there's nothing that's going to change that.
Mark asks how Terese/Brad took the news and Tyler explains she's banned Piper from seeing him while she's living at home with Brad backing her. Tyler asks permission for Piper to move into his room but gets the knock back.
MARK: Mate, you're my brother and I love you, but I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of Piper living here.
Steph finally returns but before they really start talking, Mark gets into his jeans pocket and takes out a red box that contains a diamond engagement ring and places it on Steph's ring finger.
STEPH: I just wish the situation wasn't so complicated.
MARK: We'll take it step by step together, we'll keep talking, checking in with each other, we'll make it work. I know we can.
"Okay," Steph replies, she's had her freak out moment and will "find my way back." Mark asks if she is "just saying that to make him happy?" She confirms that isn't the case, they will just take it one step at a time but as they hug, the face tells a different story.
Number 30
As they cook dinner, Toadie is about to tell Sonya what his dream was about but she suddenly starts to feel unwell. And it looks like the moment is lost as Mark/Steph then enter the house.
Steph apologises for not jumping for joy at the baby news earlier, she needed time to process things, but is now fully on board and wants to be a mum to the bub.
TOADIE: Looks like we're doing this hey!
Tanaka apartment
Paige is joining David/Leo for supper and when Leo goes to get changed, she thanks David for inviting her as she was going crazy thinking. She vetoes him giving her more information as she knows too much already and wishes she could remove her brain (from her head) so she could have a few hours break!
David then gets a message to come into work but tells Paige to stay for supper and Leo comments he's never poisoned anyone to persuade her to stay, which she does as David departs.
Number 30
Toadie calls the PI Tracey Wong to ask her to investigate the disappearance of Dee Bliss.
Tanaka apartment
Paige goes to leave but Leo persuades her to stay for dessert... and his corny chat up lines! After looking into her eyes, Leo says he isn't lying when he declares she has a beautiful smile. Paige thanks him for helping her forget about her life for one minute! And the pair are making very starry eyes at each other as the episode ends!
Unmissable Neighbours
- Paige looking upset.
- Leo telling Amy that he missed her.
- Piper telling Lauren she hates being treated like a kid.
- Paige wanting to know what her sister is up to.
- Toadie having more bad dreams.
- Leo wanting to know why David isn't friends with Aaron any more.