Previously on Neighbours
- 'This is my fault,' Holly tells Sadie after Cara is hospitalised following the fall from the ladder
- In hospital, Remi tells a woozy Cara that she's had surgery
- Vic tells Melanie that Jane has ended her relationship with him, as she knew he had Feelings™ for Mel
- But Melanie is still not prepared to start a relationship with her friend's ex- husband
- Jane thinks that things could work out between Melanie and Vic
- Holly is sad that Melanie is leaving town and asks if she has to go; Melanie thinks she does
- Vic has things to organise before heading to Gippsland for the handover of his new pub
- A customer who's had his birthday party at Yorokobi has done a runner without paying his massive bill
- Krista sees a photo of the guy in question, and promptly hides it from Leo so he can't pass it to the cops
- Later, she looks at a photo of herself on holiday in Europe with the same guy
Lassiter's Complex
Krista is in her office looking worried when Leo comes in. He hasn't been able to find the photograph of the birthday customer who didn't pay up at the vineyard; and Krista doesn't let on that she took it. However, at this point Byron turns up, excitedly waving an envelope around. It contains almost the exact amount of money that the 'birthday boy' owed them for the party, in cash.
BYRON: Somebody slid it under the Yorokobi office door. I dunno, maybe the birthday boy grew a conscience.
Leo decides he'll have to tell the police that they can call off the search for the non- paying customer. Krista says it's good news, and is doing her best to look surprised...
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan and Karl arrive to find Holly in the waiting area with a blanket; she's exhausted, having been there all night waiting for news on Cara's condition. (Karl isn't too perky himself, having been drinking all night with Paul and Shane!) Holly tells the Kennedys that Cara is 'awake and stable again' - that's all she's been told.
Holly hasn't been in to see Cara yet; she's waiting until after JJ and Dex have visited, and Susan has volunteered to go and collect the boys when they get back from their school camp. Susan suggests taking Holly home so she can get some rest, but Holly says she'd rather wait here. Susan heads off to fetch the boys, while Karl goes off to prepare for Melanie's farewell party.
No 32
On the patio, Nicolette is laying out food for another farewell party, for Vic, while Isla does some drawing on a blanket nearby. Byron complains that the party seems like a lot of trouble, apparently still not fully on board with Vic being back in their lives.
BYRON: He's moving to Gippsland, not Mars, Nic.
NICOLETTE: I know. I'm not trying to make him stay with my culinary skills.
BYRON: Yeah, you'd better not be.
Byron starts throwing food at Nic. Jane emerges with Sam, and more food, and tells the siblings to stop squabbling before Vic gets here. But at that point Vic himself turns up from the side of the house. Everyone yells a rather belated 'surprise!' except for Byron, who half- heartedly blows on a party horn. Vic takes a seat as the others explain they've all made some food, including Isla who has helped Sam with some cupcakes.
JANE: We wanted it to be a proper family send- off.
BYRON: It's to repay you for the neverending roller- coaster ride (!)
VIC: Uh, yeah. Well, about that... how does a lifetime supply of free counter meals sound as compensation?
NICOLETTE: Oh, I reckon we could drink to that.
They raise a toast and clink glasses, except for Byron who raises his own glass from afar...
Lassiter's Complex
Melanie is telling Leo and Melanie her plans for her great road trip, which will first involve heading to Queensland where she'll get to visit Sky, her stepdaughter.
KRISTA (sadly): I just can't believe you're really leaving.
Leo points out that Vic won't be in Erinsborough much now he's split from Jane, but Melanie says it would still be a little too close for comfort (what, Gippsland?!) Conversation turns to the farewell party; Mel says that Karl is on top of everything, and promises to text them the details later. Krista asks if she'll be inviting Vic. Mel hasn't decided yet, as she's had so much to think about.
MELANIE: Starting with reminding Paul to send over your lease. I think he's under the impression that I am still his secretary. But it will be so nice for you to have a bit more space to share with this one.
LEO: Oh, yeah, we're hanging out for that.
KRISTA: Hmm, sure are!
Krista excuses herself, claiming she has to make a couple of work calls, and promises to meet Leo later. But Melanie appears to sense there's something off with Krista...
Lassiter's Lake
Krista is on the phone to someone unknown.
KRISTA: No, I just... I thought you might've heard something... Well, you know Sebastian. Always on the move. I think the last number I had for him was a temporary European one... Okay, well, let me know if you think of anything.
Krista thanks whoever she's talking to and hangs up - only to turn around and find that Melanie has been following her!
MELANIE: Sebastian? Why would you want anything to do with that trouble magnet?
KRISTA: Okay, well, I know he's not perfect. But he's -
MELANIE: He is a walking three- day bender.
KRISTA: That's not fair!
MELANIE: Krista, he's the reason why you got kicked out of that fancy Sydney grammar school. And why you ended up getting shipped back to the UK.
KRISTA: Okay. Well, it can't have been easy for him, being the scholarship kid around all of that money. If it wasn't for him I would've had nobody. My parents left me, and he was... the only family that I had.
MELANIE: Well, okay, but when was the last time that you saw him?
KRISTA: A couple of months before I came to Australia... but he's in town now. He pulled a stunt at Yorokobi. Had a big party and left without paying the bill. It's something that we used to do together a lot. And we'd always leave a calling card so they'd know to go to my dad for the money. I think he's trying to get my attention.
MELANIE: Yeah, at Leo's expense.
KRISTA: Yeah. I paid the money to cover it. And I'm gonna tell Leo -
MELANIE: Somehow!
KRISTA: Yes, okay! I know it's crazy, and I know it's not right, but... I dunno, given everything that we've been through, it just makes sense that this is how he'd reach out.
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan has arrived with JJ and Dex having picked them up from the school camp drop- off, and Remi thanks her for bringing them, then gives the boys a hug. They're keen to go in to see Cara, but Remi warns them before they do, that Cara 'has been through the wars'.
JJ: You said she was gonna be okay.
REMI: She will be. Definitely. But she's been really knocked about; I just want you to be prepared.
Susan heads off to help Karl set up for Melanie's party, but on her way out she runs into Holly and gives her a hug. Susan tells Holly she thinks she'll be able to see Cara soon, and promises to talk to her later.
Meanwhile, Dex and JJ are looking worriedly through the window into Cara's room. She looks to be sleeping but Remi shows them in. Holly watches guiltily from a distance.
702 Eclipse Apartments
Leo is with Krista, and puzzling over why the 'birthday boy' would run off from Yorokobi without paying his bill if he was going to deliver the money later.
KRISTA: People do weird things to get attention. It might not be as malicious as you think it is.
She appears to be about to tell Leo something, but he's preoccupied with having ripped the wrapping paper he's using for Melanie's farewell gift, and says he'll meet her downstairs after he's retrieved a gift bag. Leo has barely gone when there's a knock at the door, and Krista thinks he's forgotten something. But instead the 'birthday boy' himself, Sebastian, swoops in, picks Krista up and swings her around!
SEBASTIAN: Krusty! Oh, I thought he'd never leave! I almost set off the smoke alarm.
KRISTA: Seb, what are you doing here?
SEBASTIAN: What do you mean? Surprising you, loser! Did you miss me?
He saunters in to show himself around. Krista looks bemused.
No 32
Vic is finishing up his farewell meal on the patio, and Isla has made him a going- away card, with the word 'Grandad' in plastic letters on the front. Sam takes Isla into the garden to play, and as Byron and Nicolette take some of the plates indoors, Nic thanks Byron for 'playing nice' with Vic. Once they're gone...
VIC: They're a credit to you, you know.
JANE: I'm glad that you've managed to sort things through with them.
VIC: Well, not so much with Byron. It's still more than I deserve, probably. Hopefully things will just keep getting better between us.
JANE: I have a good feeling. I just want you to know that I am proud of you.
VIC: That means a lot, Janey.
Byron and Nicolette re- emerge, and both they and Jane get text messages at this point, inviting them to Melanie's farewell party. Vic looks disappointed, as he hasn't had one.
VIC: Guess I didn't make the cut.
702 Eclipse Apartments
Krista is visibly pleased to see Seb, but is mildly chastising him for his non- payment stunt at the vineyard.
SEBASTIAN: Oh, you mean the Krusty- Seb special?
KRISTA: Yeah, from a really long time ago. Look, I know we used to think that was really funny, but -
SEBASTIAN: Yeah, because it is. It is really funny. Not as funny as the time we blagged our way onto that prince's yacht and split.
KRISTA: Yeah, I get it - memories. It's just... Seb, I don't get a kick out of ripping people off anymore.
SEBASTIAN: I was just reminding you I exist.
KRISTA: Yeah, I thought that's why you were doing it.
SEBASTIAN: I haven't seen you in forever.
KRISTA: And so you thought that practically robbing my boyfriend was the right move there?
Seb apologises, admitting he perhaps went a bit overboard (!) but tries to clear the air by asking if he gets a hug. Krista smiles and obliges.
SEBASTIAN: Oh, I missed you!
KRISTA: I missed you too! And I think you're an idiot.
SEBASTIAN: I know. It's why you love me. And why you're also... kindly inviting me to cohabit?
Krista sighs...
Lassiter's Complex
Krista and Melanie are chatting on a bench. Melanie doesn't think Krista should allow Sebastian to move in.
KRISTA: He's my oldest friend.
MELANIE: You can't have that wild child in your home. And please don't tell me that you feel like you owe him something.
KRISTA: Well, I encouraged him to be that wild child. For a very long time! And if I hadn't, he might've gone down a completely different path. I said it before, Mel - he's not perfect, but we've been through a lot together.
MELANIE: I don't like it, Krista. I'm sorry to have to say, but I can still remember what you were like when you lived the way he does. Lying, using people, and tugging at my heartstrings instead of taking responsibility for anything.
KRISTA (upset): I'm... I wasn't myself then.
MELANIE: Oh, babe, I'm not saying this to make you feel bad. I'm so proud of you - you broke free. You've built a life that you can be proud of. But you need to protect it.
Emotional, Krista appears to agree with this. But at this point Leo turns up, and asks if they're ready to head to the party.
Erinsborough Hospital
Holly paces around outside Cara's room, while inside, Cara asks the boys questions about school camp. Dex and JJ are keen not to tire her out, but Remi insists it's okay for them to chat. JJ starts telling his mums about the debris shelter that he and Dex built, but Dex is looking quite solemn and upset, and not saying anything. JJ then asks about the accident, and how Cara fell. Holly appears in the doorway.
HOLLY: Actually, it was my fault... I always have the brakes on that trolley. It should never have gone into your ladder, Cara. I'm so sorry.
CARA: No. I should've cordoned off.
REMI: Well, it sounds like it was an accident on everyone's behalf.
Holly asks if there's anything she can do, but Cara says she has an 'army of helpers' already. She tells Holly not to worry - they'll be fine. Somewhat reassured, Holly wishes her a swift recovery, and Cara thanks her. But Dex doesn't look happy at how quickly all this has been resolved...
The 82
Melanie is offering her farewell party guests - namely Leo, Krista and Jane - a 'Moscow Mel' cocktail, which come in both 'virgin' and 'lesser' varieties! The tram is decked out in special pig bunting for the occasion!
Inside the tram, Melanie greets the Kennedys, and gets a hug from Susan, who is really going to miss her.
MELANIE: You two gave me a safe place to stay when I needed it most. And I will never forget that.
KARL: Okay, well, you come and visit any time.
MELANIE: Well, until then, every time you look at Elvis, think of me.
SUSAN: Hahaha, we will, we will! Safe travels, Mel.
Krista comes to the door of the tram, and Mel has a word with her.
MELANIE: I can postpone leaving if you need me to.
KRISTA: No. I can handle Seb.
MELANIE: Oh, I know you can. You are strong. Stronger than you think.
KRISTA (emotional): I promise that I'll make it up to you. Everything that I put you through.
Melanie puts her hands to Krista's face.
MELANIE: You already have.
Krista gets teary and they share an emotional goodbye hug.
KRISTA: I love you.
MELANIE: I love you, too.
Erinsborough Hospital
Dex is hovering outside Cara's room. Inside, Cara is sleeping, while Remi and JJ are playing cards at a table. Dex is still looking troubled, but rather than rejoining his family, he heads off elsewhere...
The 82
Nicolette, Byron and Vic have arrived at the party, but Vic isn't staying; it seems he's headed straight to his new pub. Nicolette tells Vic she'll be coming to Gippsland soon to claim her free pub meals.
VIC: You'd better. And, umm... bring that brother of yours with you.
BYRON (to Vic): It took guts coming back, I'll give you that.
VIC: Well, the work's not done yet. But I'm in it for the long haul.
Byron nods in acknowledgement.
NICOLETTE: Love you, Dad.
VIC: Love you, Nickel.
NICOLETTE: Alright, well, text us when you get there safe, yeah?
VIC: No, I'll send you a selfie. Country barkeep in action.
They hug, and Byron looks in another direction...
Meanwhile, Melanie and Holly are saying their goodbyes.
HOLLY: Why does it feel like I'm losing a big sister?
MELANIE: None of that. Sisters are for life, Holly Dolly.
They hug too - and Melanie then sees that Vic is lingering, wanting a word before he goes. Holly encourages her to go and talk to him.
VIC: I know I wasn't invited, but... I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.
He hands her a present - it's a box of coloured chalks, to write on her 'specials' board with for the drinks van.
MELANIE: *Extra* special, coming from you.
Vic sighs wistfully, and they hug. Jane is watching from a distance.
VIC (emotional): You be happy, now, Mel. You deserve it.
MELANIE: You do, too.
Vic smiles and gets into his car to drive to Gippsland.
Back inside the tram, Jane makes time for a chat with Melanie while helping her pack up her presents. Mel says it's been the 'best day'.
JANE: Are you sure there's nothing that might've made it even better?
At that point, Krista and Leo come in, throwing around 'fortunes and affirmations'! Melanie unrolls one. It reads, 'Go bravely towards your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.'
MELANIE: Well, that's definitely the plan.
JANE: Brave in every way?
MELANIE: In every way that matters.
JANE: Mel, if you are holding back because you're afraid that it might affect our friendship, then please know that nothing would ever, ever do that. If you have a chance at happiness, then I want you to grab it with both hands.
MELANIE (crying): That means so much to me.
They hug; and soon after, Melanie is behind the wheel of the Drinks Divas van, preparing to drive off into the sunset.
MELANIE: Goodbye, my gorgeous friends! I love you all!
She blows kisses to Byron, Holly, Leo, Jane, Krista and Nicolette, who blow them back and wave her off. She honks her horn as she drives away - but soon gets a phone call on the hands- free...
MELANIE: Madame Zolga! Amazing timing... Does the universe have a message for me?
No 28
Later, Susan is preparing dinner for Holly and Karl, when there's a knock at the door. It's Dex, and he immediately storms up to Holly, very upset.
DEX: You don't just get away with hurting someone like that! Mum could've died because you forgot to put a stupid brake on!
HOLLY: It was an accident...
DEX: No, it was your fault! She was being way too nice before.
KARL: Dex, that's enough!
DEX: You may act like it's no big deal, but I will *never* forgive you.
Dex walks out again, and Susan tells Holly not to take on what he said - he's just upset.
HOLLY: No, he's right!
SUSAN: Sweetheart, no - he's had a shock. That was fear talking; it's nothing to do with you.
HOLLY (upset): It *is* my fault that Cara got hurt. It's *always my fault*. I've hurt so many people!
Karl and Susan try to comfort her on the sofa. Karl says he doesn't think Holly's in the best headspace to be doing the Crimesborough interview tomorrow.
HOLLY: No, Dad, don't. I can't let someone else down.
SUSAN: No, your dad's right, this is too much. Your mental health has to come first.
KARL: They can find someone else's trauma to turn into a podcast.
HOLLY: No. I need to talk about everything that's happened. Otherwise I'll never put it behind me.
The Gippsland Pub™
Vic has arrived at his new home and has pulled himself a pint. He remembers he promised Nicolette a selfie from the pub, so sets his phone up on the bar and poses while it takes a photo. However, when he looks at the photo afterwards, he sees a familiar figure in the picture, standing behind him...
MELANIE: You left the door open.
VIC (shocked): What are you doing here?
MELANIE: Being brave.
She's holding one of the coloured chalks he gave her.
MELANIE: I thought you might like some help with your 'specials' board.
VIC: You're supposed to be off having adventures...
MELANIE: The thing is... the universe keeps giving me signs that this should be my first stop.
VIC: ... I don't think so.
Vic keeps a straight face, and Melanie looks sad, momentarily thinking she's being rejected again. But then Vic smiles.
VIC: Final destination, I reckon.
They laugh, embrace, and then fall into a pash!
702 Eclipse Apartments
Sebastian and Krista are reminiscing about a time when they pretended to be the Earl of Knightsbridge and the Countess of Camden in a hotel, and got upgraded to the presidential suite and got smashed on complimentary champagne. Seb proposes that they should go out now - but Krista doesn't want to, as she has work tomorrow. Seb declares this 'boring', but Krista holds firm.
SEBASTIAN: Okay, well, let's do something fun here.
KRISTA: Mm. The kind of fun that you're talking about, though - that's not me anymore. Look, I'm sober now, so if that's the only reason that you came to find me, you're wasting your time.
SEBASTIAN: Okay, I guess I'll go, then.
He starts to get up, but Krista pulls him back down.
KRISTA: You don't have to go right now.
SEBASTIAN: I'm clearly getting in the way of your incredibly nice, incredibly boring life!
KRISTA: You think that I should be embarrassed, don't you? Seb, I actually fought really hard for all of this.
SEBASTIAN: I know, and I'm happy for you. I am. And you seem like you're in a really good place. I don't want to get in the way of your life, so if it's gonna be too difficult...
KRISTA: Seb, I... I want a good life for you too, you know?
SEBASTIAN: Whatever that looks like.
KRISTA: ... I think that you should stay. Let the Countess of Camden help you figure that out.
They hug, but behind Krista's back we see what might be described as a puckish smile on Seb's face...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Terese is home! Paul offers to take her case upstairs, but she insists she'll take it
- Byron and Sadie see Sebastian giving a woman money; Sadie thinks it looks 'kind of sus'
- The Crimesborough podcaster tells Holly she wants a first- hand account of what happened in the outback