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Neighbours Episode 8185 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8184 - 8186>>
Episode title: 8185 (Caroline and Christina Alessi return)
Australian and UK airdate: 06/09/19
Writer: Ceinwen Langley
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Rebecca Napier: Jane Hall
Gail Lewis: Fiona Corke
Christina Alessi: Gayle Blakeney
Caroline Alessi: Gillian Blakeney
Lyn Scully: Janet Andrewartha (archive audio, uncredited)
- "Paradise" by George Ezra
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Paul marries Terry Inglis...
- and Gail Lewis...
- and Christina Alessi...
- and Lyn Scully...
- and Rebecca Napier
- Lyn declares that Paul must feel like Henry VIII, on the eve of his sixth marriage!
- Gail advises Terese to call off the engagement
- Rebecca shows up too, much to Paul's chagrin
- Paul tells Terese he's failed five women; the return of three has sucked the joy out of this marriage
- Terese suggests they get away from them all by eloping to Queensland
- Mark and Roxy continue to hook up; but Roxy tells Harlow it's a secret
- Roxy prepares a romantic evening for Mark, but Harlow turns up, and hides when Mark comes in
No 24
Mark seems a little bemused at the effort Roxy's gone with her romantic candles and cheese platter.
MARK: You've gone to a lot of trouble!
ROXY: Please, it was on special.
Harlow giggles from her hiding place behind the kitchen counter, and Roxy covers the sound by faking a spontaneous sneeze! Mark decides to go and get changed, but admits he's confused about the romantic set-up - he didn't think they were doing this kind of thing.
ROXY: Who am I to pass up half-price cheese? Here, let me feed you - it's hotter that way.
MARK: Okay - let me get some plates.
ROXY: No, we're eating grapes, not spag bol!
MARK: Yeah, even so...
Desperate to keep him from discovering Harlow, Roxy leaps on Mark and starts kissing him. Harlow uses this opportunity to make a dash for the door, and escapes unseen by Mark.
No 26
Gary is running plans for his date tomorrow past Sheila and Amy. Sheila asks if the mystery woman has a name, but Amy tells her not to give Gary the third degree. Gary says it's very early days. Sheila recalls her own early days with Clive.
SHEILA: Clive and I had some real fireworks, you know - steamy moments, here on this couch, and the coffee table...
Amy and Gary look uncomfortable! Sheila says she's glad Gary is giving romance another go. Gary heads to bed to get his beauty sleep. Amy remarks to Sheila that it's good to see Gary bouncing back.
SHEILA: Yeah, especially after being lumped with your dad's second-hand cast-offs... Speaking of, have we heard from the tropical paradise?
AMY: Nada. But I'm sure Dad and Terese are loved up and getting ready for the big day.
Hotel in Queensland
Terese and Paul are at a posh hotel, in bed together. Paul asks if Terese has any regrets about eloping. She says it's a shame not to have friends and family here, but she's also loving that it's just them. They kiss.
PAUL: You know, I really did think that the universe was trying to tell me something there, with that parade of ex-wives.
TERESE: Oh! You owe me a thousand dollars. We said whoever mentions them first has to pay up.
PAUL: Terese, I'm serious - you didn't think it was some sort of omen, though?
TERESE: Omens, superstitions - I don't believe in any of that.
PAUL: Yeah, I just... Oh, darling, I want you to know what you're getting into with me. You know, maybe this is your one last chance to -
TERESE: What? Back out? No way! No, I trust you; and I love you. And I can't wait to marry you tomorrow.
They kiss again.
No 24
Having TITTNL™ on the counter, Mark is now wiping it down with kitchen cleaner - while Roxy is dressed up in his police jacket and hat.
ROXY: Usually I'd pay you out for being such a neat freak, but considering what we just did on this bench...
Eww. Anyhow, Roxy is making honey and peanut butter on toast - for energy.
ROXY: And the more energy I have, the more frisking I'll be able to do, Constable Brennan.
MARK: Not if I'm forced to lock you up first. It's a crime what you're doing, you know - putting crumbs in the honey jar.
ROXY: I know. And the knife is so sticky. Imagine if it went into the peanut butter.
MARK: You wouldn't dare.
Roxy does dare - then seductively licks honey from the knife. They pash.
Beach in Queensland
A montage begins; Paul and Terese are wandering along the beach, and stop for a pash.
Hotel in Queensland
Paul and Terese are playing giant chess in the hotel grounds, and having a lot of fun. We cut to them in the pool together, and pashing again.
Beach in Queensland
Now they're cruising along on a speedboat! End montage, and they're back to walking along the beach. Terese wants to go and get ready for the wedding, and tells Paul to scope out some locations for photographs. Paul just wants to spend the morning together, but Terese reminds him he can't see her in her dress before the ceremony.
PAUL: See, you do believe in superstitions, don't you?
TERESE: When it comes to your ghosts from the past, you've beaten the curse (...) The only Mrs Robinson you're going to see today is this one, at the altar, saying 'I do'.
Paul kisses her.
Harold's Café
Gary is buying some mints at the café, when Gail turns up. They make small talk about their almost-romance; Gary says he has a lot of bad blood with Paul, hence his reaction to the news Gail was married to him. Gail explains she's staying at No 22 to look after Harlow while Paul and Terese are away. She observes Gary's all spruced up; he awkwardly confirms he's going on another date.
GAIL: You almost sound guilty. But don't on my account - we only went out twice.
GARY: It was a bit of a shame the way things ended up. I mean, we actually got along pretty good.
GAIL: Yeah. It doesn't happen every day, does it - hitting it off like that?
Awkward pause.
GAIL: Anyway, Paul and Terese are probably getting ready to tie the knot today.
GARY: She's too good for him, if you ask me.
GAIL: Yeah. Oh well, you never know. Something might happen to make them come to their senses.
Hotel in Queensland
Sure enough, Paul is wandering alongside the pool, when he spots somebody familiar sitting at the bar with a drink.
PAUL: Christina?
Indeed, it's his third wife! Christina smiles, and Paul looks horrified. Shortly afterwards...
PAUL: What are you doing here?
CHRISTINA: What do most people do at resorts? I'm on holiday. Though I'm pretty sure this is not part of the Lassiter's chain?
PAUL: ...
CHRISTINA: You've aged.
PAUL: No, no, no, no, no - this can't be happening!
CHRISTINA: When was the last time we saw each other? The hotel in São Paulo, when I caught you with - what was her name? Montana... Dakota? No, wait. It was when you were going out for groceries - when in fact, you were flying back to Australia!
PAUL: You know that I had to come back to Australia to face up to my crimes. I didn't want a life of running for us.
CHRISTINA: You say that as though you were doing me a favour!
PAUL: Yeah, and at the time I thought I was! Anyway, it was so long ago.
CHRISTINA: Some things you never forget.
PAUL: No, no, no - you can't be here. You can't. In the last few weeks, I've seen Lyn, I've seen Gail, I've seen Rebecca; I've even had a reminder of Terry.
CHRISTINA: Oh! There's an ex-wives' convention I'm unaware of?
PAUL: Oh, no, no, no - this is unbelievable. I mean, the timing, right now - right now, while I'm trying to get married again!
CHRISTINA: Really? What number is this?
PAUL: Six.
CHRISTINA: Six?! You know, Paul, most people give up after the third or fourth try. But not you - you just love breaking hearts.
Seriously spooked by this latest 'omen', Paul hurries away from Christina, who raises her eyebrows enigmatically.
The 82
Rebecca turns up for her date with Gary, which he's decided to host at the tram! Rebecca seems impressed with the place, and Gary says he's going to whip her up some breakfast treats. They make small-talk and flirt awkwardly.
Beach in Queensland
A troubled Paul walks alone along the sand, the voices of his ex-wives ringing in his ears.
PAUL (in head): What happened to us?
GAIL: We were never a fairy-tale.
LYN: Something is *broken* in you, Paul!
REBECCA: I'm not angry at you! I'm angry at myself, for letting you turn me into something that I never was.
CHRISTINA: Most people give up after the third or fourth try. Not you. You just love breaking hearts.
The cacophony of wives is cut short by the sound of a gunshot - presumably as he recalls the time his late first wife, Terry, shot him. Paul looks lost, confused and utterly beaten...
No 22
Gail is chatting to Harlow; she admits she saw Gary before, heading for a date.
GAIL: I was enjoying our little connection. It was fun. And promising. But, thanks to Paul, it's...
HARLOW: I still don't get the big deal - he's your *ex*-husband. The biggest problem is the fact that you live in Tasmania. Well, maybe you should move here.
Gail laughs; Harlow says she can't blame her for trying. Roxy comes in, fresh from Mark's place.
ROXY: Nobody get in the shower; I am covered in food.
Harlow goes into the living room to chat to Roxy, who says she got 'a little dirty' at Mark's. Harlow says this whole fling is becoming ridiculous; she had to crawl out of No 24 on her hands and knees.
ROXY: Yeah, that was actually pretty decent of you.
HARLOW: (...) Mark's a real adult, with a mortgage and responsibilities. You have nothing in common.
ROXY: So? I mean, it's just a bit of fun.
HARLOW: I think it's more than that for you. And he's not feeling it.
ROXY: And how would you know?
HARLOW: He's keeping your whole fling a secret. He doesn't want anybody finding out!
ROXY: So? You're wrong. Like I care, anyway.
Roxy saunters off, and Harlow sighs.
The 82
Toadie and Sheila are walking together towards the tram; Toadie is telling her about his upcoming San Francisco trip, and asks Sheila to keep him up to date with what's going on with the Sonya Foundation while he's away.
Sheila admits to Toadie that the reason she wanted to come here was to have a nosy at Gary on his date. They watch from a distance, and soon see Rebecca with Gary. Toadie gleefully realises that Gary must not know about Rebecca's past with Paul. He's keen for Sheila to let the date play out, but she decides to intervene - just as Gary is asking Rebecca on a second date.
REBECCA: Steady on, cowboy! (...) Sheila, it's lovely to see you again! (...)
GARY: How do you know my mother?
REBECCA: Is Sheila your mum?!
SHEILA: (...) You need to know who this is.
GARY: But I already do - it's Rebecca Napier.
TOADIE: Formerly Robinson.
GARY: ... You were married to Paul?
REBECCA: That a problem?
Gary looks deflated.
Hotel in Queensland
Terese is admiring her wedding dress in her room when Paul barges in, and she quickly hides it in the bathroom so he can't see it. Paul sits on the bed, head in hands.
PAUL: Christina, Christina, Christina - I just... I just saw Christina.
TERESE: Who? Who's - ? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not your... your ex-wife, Christina?
PAUL: Yeah.
TERESE: Doesn't she live in Sydney?
PAUL: I think so, I think so - I haven't spoken to her for years.
TERESE: Oh, come on - there's got to be a reason why they're all turning up like this!
PAUL: You know, the things that she was saying - the things that she was reminding me of (...) Don't you see? This is another sign! (...) I've had so many marriages, I've had so many chances! Terese, darling, it would be completely unfair on you for me to even try again.
TERESE: No, no, no - Paul, stop.
PAUL: I'm sorry - I'm sorry, Terese.
TERESE: Stop, stop!
PAUL: I am sorry. I can't. I can't do this again - I can't marry you. I'm so sorry.
No 26
Gary is chewing over his disastrous date with Sheila and Amy. Gary thinks it's a shame, as they had an energy between them and Rebecca was classy and easy to talk to. Sheila points out that he said the same about Gail.
GARY: Yeah, another top-shelf woman. I mean, Paul, he really knows how to pick 'em.
SHEILA: Yeah, trust Moneybags to go for the cream of the crop.
GARY: Multiple crops. He's left me no women! Not that Rebecca seemed to mind about the crossover.
SHEILA: So, she's still keen? Well, you'd be a bit of an upgrade for her - and Gail as well.
Steady on, Sheila! But Gary doesn't feel he can go for either of them anyway. Sheila says it's no big deal that they were once with Paul.
SHEILA: There is an upside. You, Rebecca, Gail - you all hate Paul. And that's gotta count for something, right?
Hotel in Queensland
Paul and Terese are sitting on the bed, both tearful.
TERESE: I understand why you're so anxious... seeing so many of them.
PAUL: They're just a reminder of how much pain I've caused.
TERESE: But you've grown since then. You might've done the wrong thing by those women, but it'll be different - I know it will. It'll be different with me.
PAUL: How? How, how?
TERESE: Because we've been through so much together. You know, we've hurt each other, and we've lied to each other. But we've moved past it. You... you need to follow through with it. You need to commit. It's time.
PAUL: No, I'm not good enough for you, Terese. I'm not good enough for anyone. I realised that last Christmas - I mean, look how much I just hurt Jane.
TERESE: You've got to stop giving yourself such a hard time!
PAUL: Oh, how can I not, when the universe is sending me so many reminders?
TERESE: Our relationship is nothing to do with those women. Hey - I love you. And I want to marry you more than anything!
PAUL: God, I love you so much, Terese. I would give you anything - I would do anything, anything to make you happy. Don't you see? That's why we can't get married. I can't risk breaking your heart.
TERESE: ... You just did. Just... just leave. Go!
They're both crying, as Paul walks out. Terese rushes into the bathroom, grabs her wedding dress and starts tearing it apart in anguish, before collapsing into sobs at the foot of the bed...
No 24
Roxy has come back to find her phone, which she left at Mark's. As they both search for it, she remarks on how clean the place is, 'like you bleached all evidence of what just happened with us'.
MARK: Still got crumbs in the honey jar.
ROXY: Not much to remember me by. You know, most guys want to keep me around as much as possible - wine me, dine me. There was this one guy who put a swag outside my house.
MARK: Is that what you expect from me? Because you know I just broke up with my wife?
ROXY: No, duh. I'm just making sure that you're not falling for me. Because if that happened, then we'd have to stop hooking up.
MARK: Relax. There is absolutely no chance that I'm gonna get attached to you, okay? Love and commitment are the last things on my mind.
ROXY: Phew! We can keep having fun, then.
Mark goes to check the bedroom for her phone. Roxy looks disappointed.
Hotel in Queensland
Christina is enjoying a cocktail by the pool, when her twin sister, Caroline, turns up - and she's not looking too pleased to find Christina here!
CAROLINE: I thought I talked you out of this?
Christina sighs moodily.
Harold's Café
Rebecca and Gail are at a table together.
REBECCA: Have you heard from Lyn?
GAIL: She messaged when she got back to Bendigo, but no updates since. I'm more curious about what's happening in Queensland.
Hotel in Queensland
Christina tells Caroline to stay out of this.
CAROLINE: This whole scheme - it's so wrong!
CHRISTINA: There you go again - on your pedestal, judging me!
CAROLINE: Please do not make this about us.
CHRISTINA: It's about everything that's happened.
CAROLINE: You're angry, fine. But this is taking it too far. Terese is gonna get hurt.
CHRISTINA: Only if we do nothing. Caroline, there has been so much suffering. I'm putting an end to it.
Harold's Café
Rebecca and Gail are still talking.
REBECCA: Are you sure we're doing the right thing?
GAIL: God, think about what *we* had to go through. Would you wish that on any other woman?
Rebecca shakes her head. Leo comes in, and stops to talk to them on his way to the counter.
REBECCA: Any word from your dad?
LEO: No, not yet - but we should hear something soon.
REBECCA: Okay. Well, let us know.
LEO: Yeah.
Leo goes to the counter.
REBECCA: When I spoke to Terese, it was just all so familiar. She is in exactly the same pattern as I was with Paul.
Hotel in Queensland
Caroline is still trying to persuade Christina to see reason.
CAROLINE: You are messing with a relationship that you know nothing about. Chrissy, you're going to regret it. I know you are.
Harold's Café
Gail is still talking to Rebecca.
GAIL: You know, after five failures, there really shouldn't ever be another Mrs Paul Robinson.
Rebecca nods decisively.
Coming up on Neighbours
- An upset Terese tells Paul that he gave up on her, and on them
- Chloe complaining that Pierce blurted out his Feelings™ when she was still getting over Elly
- Chloe looking wistfully at a picture of her with Pierce; Mark asks Chloe how she Feels™
- Pierce asks Mark if Chloe's said anything to him
- Mackenzie asks Yashvi how bad it is if Richie knows; Yashvi says he's not a good guy
- Richie glances, conflicted, at a worried Mackenzie
<<8184 - 8186>>
Paul Robinson, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Paul Robinson, Terry Inglis

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson

Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Lyn Scully, Paul Robinson

Rebecca Napier, Celebrant , Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Rebecca Napier, Celebrant , Paul Robinson

Mark Brennan, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Mark Brennan, Roxy Willis

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Harlow Robinson

Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8185
Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Mark Brennan, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Mark Brennan, Roxy Willis

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Gary Canning, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Gary Canning, Gail Robinson

Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson

Christina Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Christina Robinson

Rebecca Napier, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8185
Rebecca Napier, Gary Canning

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Paul Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Harlow Robinson, Gail Robinson

Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8185
Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Rebecca Napier, Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8185
Gary Canning, Rebecca Napier, Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Paul Robinson

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Terese Willis

Gary Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Gary Canning, Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8185
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Terese Willis

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8185
Mark Brennan

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8185
Roxy Willis

Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 8185
Caroline Alessi

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8185
Leo Tanaka

Christina Robinson, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 8185
Christina Robinson, Caroline Alessi

Gail Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 8185
Gail Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Gail Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 8185
Gail Robinson, Rebecca Napier

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