Previously on Neighbours
- Amali Ward tells Georgia she can have her song back, but Paul isn't happy
- Kate tells Mason theyre over for good, and Paul is annoyed to see Mason socialising with guests
- Karl assures Lou he wont die any time soon, but on the way home Lous hit by a falling branch
Erinsborough Hospital (outside)
Karl finds Lou on the floor under the tree, looking shocked.
KARL: Lou, are you okay?
LOU: If this is Heaven, its one hell of an anticlimax.
Karl helps Lou up. He thinks Lous uninjured, but Lou says his back hurts. He says a friend of his went the same way, when part of a gum tree fell on him. Lous convinced that bad things come in threes, and that his near- choking and almost- death- by- tree are foreshadowing the real danger to come. Karl reassures Lou that he's in excellent health, but Lou is convinced his time is almost up.
KARL: You're being absurd. I hope I'm in half as good a shape as you when I get to your age. Mind you, Ill have my good looks to fall back on, wont I?
Lou is not amused, and Karl goes to call Matt so he can pick Lou up. Lou looks worriedly up at the trees.
No 32
Back at the house, Lou reiterates his fears to Matt, and a concerned Lauren asks if he's okay. Lou seems annoyed that she's put up party balloons etc for his 70th against his wishes, but then Lauren reveals a surprise guest his youngest daughter Louise (Lolly) is back in town!
Lou hugs Lolly he's delighted to see her and Lauren reveals that Lous oldest daughter Mai Ling has sent a present, and that his son, Guy, is going to call Lou later. Lolly admits its strange to be back in Ramsay Street, and Matt says its great to meet her finally. We learn that Lou has often sent the Turners photos of Lolly, and Bailey asks if she's seen ones of them.
LOLLY: Yeah. When he was little Mason always seemed to be running round without his pants on.
LOU: Well nothing much has changed there.
Amber drops in some much- needed exposition for new viewers, by tactfully pointing out that Lolly isn't really related to them. (In short, Lolly isn't Lous biological daughter, thanks to a much- maligned retcon years ago which revealed that her mother, the now- deceased Cheryl Stark, was seeing another man at the time she fell pregnant. These days Lolly lives with her biological dad.)
LOLLY: Lous always been Dad to me.
LOU: You have no idea how much that means to me right now.
Lou gets all emotional, and tells them why he's upset no Carpenter man has ever made it past 70! He explains he's had two strikes today already, and is shortly due his third but says he's glad theyre all together so he can say goodbye properly! Everyone thinks he's being silly, but Lou is undeterred.
Lassiters (reception)
Paul finds excuses to pick on Mason, criticising his work and berating him for his uniform being crooked. Mason gives Paul attitude, and Paul tells him he should show the hotel and Paul more respect.
Terese comes out of the office and tells Mason that Pauls menial tasks can wait until tomorrow; he has Lous party to get to, and Terese promised him he can go. Once he's left, Paul lets rip at Terese for undermining him, but she can't understand why he's giving Mason such a hard time. Paul claims Mason slept with a guest, but Terese thinks it was just flirting. She reminds Paul that he was the one who took Mason on.
Paul whinges to Kate about how he wishes he never gave Mason a job. Kate insists the jobs important to Mason, and that she hasn't stopped caring about him just because theyve broken up. She reminds Paul that he agreed Mason would have a career at Lassiters, regardless of how things turned out with Kate.
PAUL: I can't keep making allowances for him. One more screw- up and he's gone.
No 32
Lou looks at a picture of him and Lolly from years ago when she was a little girl. He feels bad for not doing more for her over the years, and is still moaning about his imminent demise but Lauren and Lolly tell him to lighten up and enjoy the party. Lou asks after Lollys boyfriend Graham, and she says alls well, but her face says otherwise and she goes to get a drink from the kitchen, where Kyle has randomly shown up.
LOLLY: So are all the guys on the street as hot as you?
KYLE: Jeez, you're not shy, are you?
Kyle subtly lets Lolly know he's taken. Mason arrives, and doesnt clock who Lolly is right away.
LOLLY: I recognised you straight away. Youve definitely filled out since the last pictures Dad sent!
MASON: Right!
Mason goes over to wish Lou happy birthday. He's busy showing Bailey an old photo from when he was conscripted into the army, saying he made some good mates back then. He tells Bailey never to take his friends for granted, as you never know when it can end.
Georgia comes over to try and clear the air with Paul, but he's still miffed about how she screwed things up with Amali Ward. Georgia asks for another chance to record the song herself.
PAUL: Not gonna happen.
GEORGIA: Why not?
PAUL: Because you're a nobody.
GEORGIA: Gee. Way to soften the blow.
Paul insists he needs a well- known artist, but Georgia tells him the song means a lot to her, and asks him to think about it. However, Paul says he's already looking for another artist, which sets her off whingeing again.
PAUL: Aww, suck it up, Georgia, will you? You're really starting to bore me with all of this.
You're not alone there, Paul.
No 32
Brad and Terese arrive to join Lous party, and Lolly starts eyeing up Brad, saying even the older guys are hot around here.
LAUREN: Oh yeah. Theres a lot of eye- candy on this street.
MATT: Ahem.
LAUREN: Oh, darling, I meant you of course.
Lauren oddly introduces Lolly to the Willises as Dads daughter, as opposed to my sister. Some borderline- friendly rivalry breaks out between Matt and Brad, as usual, as Matt implies he's aged better than Brad, and Brad implies Matts too old to take part in the upcoming fun run. Theyre both planning to participate, and are already arguing about whos going to win.
Lauren has gone quiet, and admits to Matt she's a bit worried about Lou and his morbid obsession with dying. She says she hates seeing him act as if he's given up on life.
Outside by the pool, Josh and Amber are kissing on one of the deckchairs, when Mason and Lolly come into the yard. When Lauren, Matt and the others come out too, Josh and Amber suddenly stop kissing and Josh suggests they go to Ambers room for some privacy. Amber says Matt will probably not freak out if they leave the door open, and they head inside.
Meanwhile, Lolly expresses to Mason how weird it is that he's sort of her nephew.
LOLLY: Which wouldnt matter, except were nearly the same age and you're hot.
Mason returns the compliment and, this quasi- incestuous moment dispensed with, Lolly reveals she's a mess at the moment because her boyfriend Graham has just dumped her, when she thought he was going to propose. Mason says he knows how she feels, because of what he's been through with Kate lately.
Harolds Store
Karl asks Georgia if she can help him run an information booth he's setting up tomorrow in the complex, to raise awareness about the fun run. Conversation moves on to Paul, and Georgias regrets about signing the contract with him and giving him the rights to all her songs. She asks Karl for advice about how she can get out of the bind with Paul, and he reminds her that the music producer she met loved her, suggesting that she should go and see him herself without consulting Paul. Georgia agrees that this might be worth a try, and leaves.
No 32
Kate has shown up for Lous party, and tells Mason to watch his back as regards Paul, explaining he thinks Mason slept with the guest, Meg. Mason looks as if he's just been accused of murder, and says Pauls wrong; Kate says she's told him that already, but that its pretty obvious Pauls looking for an excuse to fire Mason.
Karl comes in.
KARL: Happy birthday, Lou. Still alive, I see.
Karl makes an excuse as to why Susan isn't quotaed on for this episode (she's doing her hair), and uses the opportunity of the party to hand out promotional flyers for the fun run. Lauren mentions that Matts already signed up to compete, but tells her husband he doesnt need to prove anything to her. Matt evidently thinks he does, and goes to get his wallet to pay the registration fee.
Lauren sits down with Lou for a chat, and he's still being deep and meaningful saying Laurens one of the few things in his life he got right. Lauren says thats sweet, but tells him he's being irrational about the supposed Carpenter Curse. Lou still thinks he's going to die, but has resolved not to wallow so goes to turn on some dancing music.
Out in the yard, its tipping it down, as Kyle picks at the buffet and Kate randomly asks after Callums whereabouts. Baileys lukewarm response makes it clear that (a) Cals not quotaed on today either, and that (b) their friendship is still on the rocks. They hear Lous jazz music come on, and Bailey goes inside to persuade him to put something less ancient on, leaving Kate alone outside with Kyle.
From the conservatory, Lolly and Mason watch Kyle and Kate. Lolly observes that they make a cute couple, but Mason insists theyre just housemates and that Kate is Masons ex. Masons full of praise for Kate, saying that theyre still good mates and that she looks out for him. He explains that Kate backed him against Paul, and Lolly authoritatively concludes from this single passing remark that this is because Kate still has feelings for Mason.
LOLLY: Trust me. You don't look out for your ex unless you still have strong feelings.
Naturally, this totally unjustified generalisation plants a seed in Masons mind, and he begins to conclude that maybe Kate does still like him after all.
Georgia is chatting to the music producer, Bryan, asking for another chance to record the song, but he says its out of his hands and that besides, Paul told him Georgia didn't want to perform. He tells Georgia his bosses wont be interested in her unless she raises her profile and finds a way to stand out from all the other wannabes.
BRYAN: At the end of the day, its about drumming up as much media attention as you can.
Why do I suddenly get the feeling that the West Waratah Star will have a role to play here?
No 32
As the family gathers round, Lauren gives Lou his birthday present its his family tree, framed for posterity. Bailey advises Lou to check the dates, and what do you know? It turns out Lou got a friend to forge a birth certificate for him so hed appear a year younger. The plan was to delay conscription so he could spend more time with his sweetheart Brenda Coggin, and Lou had apparently since clean forgotten meaning that he's 71 this year after all, and not 70.
BAILEY: So because you're older, that means you're not dying soon after all.
LOU: Exactly. I've outlived my ancestors and I've beaten the curse!
Everyone laughs good- naturedly at this unfeasible bout of forgetfulness.
The next day, Lou seems in a much more positive frame of mind now he no longer thinks he's dying. Lauren tells him how much the Turners all need him, and that neither he nor they should take his being around for granted. Mason comes in, and explains to them all that Lolly has broken up with her boyfriend. Lauren tells Lou that Lolly clearly needs him too.
Lolly comes in; her taxis on its way. Lauren kisses her goodbye, and Lou asks why Lolly pretended things were okay with Graham yesterday Mason explains she didn't want to ruin his birthday. Lou opines that Grahams a boofhead, and tells Lolly he's only a phone call away if she ever needs him.
LOLLY: I love you, Dad.
LOU: I love you too.
They share a goodbye hug.
Harolds Store
Karl and Georgia are in their running gear, about to start their shift on the fun run, promotional stand. He's got a sound system set up, and surprise, surprise has arranged for a photographer from the Star to come as well, saying its important to drum up some media attention. Remembering this is also what Bryan said to her, Georgia suddenly realises she can kill two birds with one stone, and rushe's off home, saying shell be right back.
Lassiters Complex
Kyle and an ensemble of extras listen as Georgia performs her song, Letting You Know, live as part of the fun run promotion leading to some questionable dancing from some of the extras, and the photographer from the West Waratah Star taking some snaps. Paul turns up and is furious to see that Georgia is singing the song without his permission.
After she's finished, Georgia tells the crowd that the song will be available to buy at the start of the fun run, and that shell be donating every cent earned to the hospital. The music producer Bryan, who has been listening along, seems impressed. Paul storms over and says Georgia has no right to sing the song in public, but she repeats her offer to donate all her and Pauls profits from the single to the hospital, if Bryan could promote the charity angle to his bosses in order to get them to finance it.
PAUL (to Georgia): Thats not your call to make.
GEORGIA: So are you refusing to help a local hospital?
PAUL: I didn't sanction any of this.
GEORGIA: No, thats fine. Ill just let everyone know that Paul Robinson wants to keep the money for himself, and the profits wont be donated to charity after all.
Georgia prepares to make just this announcement over the sound system, but Paul quickly reconsiders, not wanting a PR disaster on his hands and tells Georgia she's won and can record the song. He storms off, as Kyle and Georgia hug.
Monday on Neighbours
- Kyle has an encounter with a new arrival called Ursula, whom he accidentally spills coffee on
- Speculation abounds over just when Amber and Josh will TITTNL
- Just when you thought it was over Paul decides to sue Georgia for breach of contract