Ben cheers after winning a race against his rival, Steve 'Dutch' Van Eck.
Ian Lewis has sent Sarah flowers. Later she argues with him and says to Karl that she might as well give up now.
Toadie thought that Billy and Anne had broken up. Anne's worried that with him in Sydney, he'll think he's a free agent. Toadie suggests she get herself there - pronto.
Number 32
Anne tells Ruth she needs her to let her do something. She needs to talk to Billy, face-to-face. She has to go to Sydney. She's worried it'll be too late when he gets back. Ruth says it's no way to go around solving problems. But Anne says she has to go - he's up there with Caitlin. There's a bus in half an hour. Ruth is worried but knows if Anne doesn't go she'll never hear the end of it. One condition - ring when she gets to Sydney and every time the bus stops. She also has to come back tomorrow night.
The Coffee Shop
Karl isn't hungry but Toadie forces him to have a roll. Susan won't be calling for a while yet. Toadie says if he's on his own he's always welcome at Lou's. Sarah comes into the coffee shop, also on her own. She's not hungry either and orders the same as Karl without knowing it, making him laugh.
Billy's Hotel Room
Billy can't get through to Anne. Caitlin comes in and he tells her that if he doesn't ring back she'll think he'll be trying to prove a point. Caitlin thinks it's not good for the team. He has an important race tomorrow and he has to focus. He has to forget all about it.
Anne sits in the darkened bus, leafing through a magazine, but not concentrating on it.
The Coffee Shop
Lou comes in when Ben's ordering and hopes he's eating healthily with tomorrow in mind. Ben's going early to see Steve Van Eck race in the morning and check his form. Lou says he's beaten him once, he can do it again. Positive thinking - he will win! Lou and Ben stop at Karl and Sarah's table. Karl is leaving and thanks Sarah for saving him from 'a lonely bachelor dinner'. When he's gone Lou goes 'ooh, I see' and she says that just because they have filthy minds doesn't mean Karl does. He's one of the few genuine men left on the planet. Only joking says Lou.
Billy's Hotel Room
Bill comes out the shower in a towel. Caitlin is reading a magazine. Mandi is having an early night, but not her. She promises that if Anne rings she'll leave, but Billy doubts she will. Caitlin puts a hand on his shoulder and says that, if she doesn't, remember she's at the head of the queue. Billy looks confused and says he's still with Anne. He has to find out what she wants to do. She says that he's still not saying what he wants to do. The last thing he needs is more complications in his life and he tells her to go back to her room.
Calder Park
Ben checks over his car. They talk about Paul being keen about the racing. Steve Van Eck appears and tells Ben that luck won't save him this time. Lou tells him not to let him get under his skin. Dutch revs up his engine and Ben looks towards him, with Dutch smiling confidently back at him.
It's a little deserted. Sarah thanks Karl for listening to her last night without having on his mind what most men she talks to have. Karl laughs and can't think what she means. In defence of men and given her attractiveness many won't be able to talk without the odd distracting thought. But you managed it says Sarah. He says being happily married makes him immune. She tells him that Ian Lewis is married with kids and he says the operative word is 'happily married'. Someone arrives, breaking their conversation.
Number 26
Phil rubs Ruth's feet, telling her that he really likes her and finds her sexy and exciting and comfortable, while stumbling over words a little. He tells her he 'finds her easy' then quickly corrects himself - 'No, I'm at ease with you.' The same for her, laughs Ruth. Ruth knows he's broaching the subject about living together, but they are both fine how they are. She won't live with him whilst unmarried and he isn't ready to marry again. She swings her legs round and thinks they should get going to the racetrack. Phil nods, giving the impression that he was wanting to say something else.
Swimming Pool
A race is going on. Billy is up next and looks nervous. Caitlin and Mandi wish him luck but he thinks he's going to throw up. They have done really well so far. They need one more third to keep up. Billy says he's an amateur and he hardly slept. He has so much stuff on his mind. Caitlin tells him to focus.
Calder Park
Lance follows Phil and Ruth with a video camera. He calls over to Ben but he's far away on the track, checking his car. Lou asks him is he's all set and Ben says he's nervous. The alarm sounds, Lou's cue to leave. He shakes his hand. Dutch draws his finger across his neck before getting into his car. Ben gets in and gets into position. He swallows nervously, everything in slow motion. The green light shows and they set off. Ruth and Phil watch nervously.
Swimming Pool
Cuts to the Billy's relay race. Caitlin and Mandi cheer him on. He went fantastic and their next swimmer does well.
Back at the racetrack, Ben is gaining on Dutch. On the stands Phil says 'Listen Ruth,' but she is distracted by Madge, Harold and Paul's arrival.
Billy's Hotel Room
They're going to celebrate. Mandi leaves to get a shower and Billy happily says what a day. He's glad he came.
Anne gets off the bus, unfolding her map.
Sarah sees out a patient. It's pretty clear and she'll be able to get home on time. She tells Karl how his patient thought he was a nice man and he jokes that he has a mean, grumpy image to uphold.
Billy's Hotel Room
Billy tells Caitlin she should go and get her shower, but Caitlin says she can always have one here - 'isn't his shower big enough for two?'
Calder Park
Ben sneaks up the side of Dutch.
Billy's Hotel Room
Caitlin says she's sorry - she knows he's being faithful to Anne.
Outside Hotel
Anne walks across the street, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background and comes across Billy's hotel.
Sarah calls through to Karl on the intercom, asking for Mal and Cath's address in London: she doesn't seem to have it in her address book. Just then she spots an entry - 'Weekend with Matt', with a big heart underneath it. She starts to cry as Karl tells her the address.
Anne wanders down a corridor. An elevator door pings open and she turns around.
Calder Park
Ruth, Phil and the other spectators watch as Dutch and Ben turn a corner, really close together. Dutch hits Ben's tailgate and both cars swerve a little before eventually continuing on.
Karl comes out of his room to see Sarah crying. He asks what's wrong. She tells him the stuff about Matt has got on top of her and she should go home. He tells her he'll give her a lift and she accepts.
Calder Park
There are four laps to go.
Anne knocks on a door. Mandi opens the door and Anne asks her where Billy's room is. She hesitates, then tells her to wait while she puts on her shoes.
In Billy's room, he tells Caitlin that if Anne really wanted to talk she would have been there for when he called back yesterday or left a message by now. It's over between them.
Calder Park
As the cars whiz past Ruth shouts. Phil looks up at her, thoughtfully.
Sarah is upset that she has no family or boyfriend. She's just trying to be happy. Karl goes over and hugs her. He says there's no rule saying you have to be happy all the time and tells her to stop apologising. She just let things get on top of her and she should let it out.
Calder Park
Dutch is ahead by a margin. There are two laps to go. A car swings round into the pit.
Mandi is ready and tells them Bill's team finished third. Anne says they have some things to sort out.
Calder Park
Ben edges forward.
Sarah is still crying and Karl still hugging her. He tells her she's a 'incredible beautiful women. You're vibrant, you've got a fabulous personality, and, as I said to you, I'm sure the right guy is just around the corner'. He looks down a little to see her face and she puts her hand on the back of his neck, kissing him. He pulls away for a moment, but then kisses her back.
Billy's Hotel Room
About 895kms away more illicit kissing is going on between Billy and Caitlin!
Calder Park
Ben looks over to Dutch. The yellow car that went into the pit stop is sputtering to a halt on the road. Phil tells Ruth that he's been wanting to ask her something all afternoon - will she marry him? Dutch looks forward, then Ben does and horror reflects in his eyes. His car speeds right towards the yellow car and spectacularly goes right over the top of it, spinning out into the air and flipping over several times, until finally coming to a rest on it's roof. Inside Ben is unconscious. Ruth screams 'Ben!' as fire starts in the engine. She screams again, running out of the stands.