- Tyler is seen working on the boiler.
- Piper thanks Tyler for being an amazing friend right now.
- Paige tells John she'll get photos of the area he was found for him.
- Sarah tells Susan she has cancer, she's dying.
- Imogen tells Daniel that if they get married they can't tell anyone.
- Daniel tells Madison to keep it quiet from Imogen's family.
Ramsay Street
Terese is in her driveway about to take out the rubbish. Brad asks if she got up to anything last night. Terese says she didn't have another drink if that is what he's insinuating but thanks him for caring. Brad spots a bouquet of flowers on the doorstep, assuming it's for Terese. Terese reads the card which is to Imogen and Daniel. 'Congratulations on your wedding, wishing you all the best for you future together, Judge Jan Barton.'
Cue Titles
Registry Office
Daniel checks that Imogen is okay. She says this isn't the way she imagined all this happening, but assures Daniel she wants to marry him. Daniel says he's going to have to get used to calling himself Daniel Willis.
IMOGEN: You know you don't have to change your name if you don't want to.
DANIEL: No, no, no. I'm looking forward to losing my lifelong identity so that we can have the same name. I'm joking, it's what I want. I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise.
IMOGEN: I can't wait to be your wife.
Imogen and Daniel kiss.
Number 28
Karl apologises for not telling Susan about Sarah, but as Sarah's doctor he had to keep it confidential. Susan says she would have been sympathetic had she known, but she doesn't understand why Sarah couldn't have been upfront about it.
SUSAN: Sheila had me half convinced that she was back in town to try and rope you into being the father of her unborn child!
Susan explains the symptoms that Sheila saw, as well as the fact that Sarah did try to proposition Karl. Karl assures Susan that she is the only woman for him. Susan knows that, but wonders why Sarah acted like she did want him back. Karl says Sarah is a very sick woman. Susan's heart goes out to Sarah and her kids, but there are so many unanswered questions.
Ramsay Street
Ned and Paige have joined Terese and Brad, who are leaving messages on Daniel and Imogen's phones. Ned suggests they could be getting hitched right now. Terese can't believe Imogen would run off and do something like this. Toadie walks past and they ask him if he's heard about Daniel and Imogen. Toadie doesn't know where they are, but he does know someone who might.
Number 24
Madison opens the door to Brad and Terese. They introduce themselves, explaining they know Daniel and Imogen are eloping and they want to know where. They really want to be there.
Fitzgerald Motors
Piper approaches Tyler who is too busy working to talk to her. She shows Tyler she has been given the keys to Hermione while Imogen's away. Piper says she'll have to be road ready by the time she turns 18. She wants Tyler to teach her how to drive. Tyler declines, he's too busy.
TYLER: I just don't have the time to teach a schoolgirl how to drive, okay.
Tyler starts to apologise to her for snapping but it's too late as she walks away.
Number 26
Sarah tells Susan that she has stage 3 stomach cancer. She's waiting to hear from the oncologist on the next step. Susan tells her to be with her kids, but they're away at school. Susan says if Sarah needs anything, she and Karl are here for her. Sarah wants them to keep it to themselves, they can tell Toadie but not anyone else. Susan asks if there is anything else she can do. Sarah pauses for a second, and then says she's really grateful for Susan's understanding.
Registry Office
While the wedding is underway, Brad and Terese burst in. Terese says she's sorry that they felt they had to sneak off. They explain they want Imogen and Daniel to be happy, but they want to be there for the wedding. Imogen is pleased they're both here now. Brad thinks they can do a better wedding than this.
Number 24
Piper is with Madison who gets a text from Daniel explaining that they're on their way back now. Tyler arrives home. Piper questions him as he was supposed to be flat out. Madison leaves to help organise the wedding. Piper asks Tyler what is going on, she thought they were friends but ever since Josh died he's been acting weird. Tyler says he hates seeing Piper upset and wishes he could do something to make things better. Piper invites him to the wedding as her date. Tyler agrees.
Erinsborough Hospital Exterior
Paige is walking with John, explaining about Daniel and Imogen marrying for a green card. She says she'll send him photos from the wedding, or even better, she could bring him to the wedding. She's going to ask the doctor to get him a day release. If the doctor says no, she's the queen of busting people out.
They pass Karl and Susan, who are also talking about the wedding. Karl doesn't think they've given her much notice to be the celebrant, but Susan says for Daniel & Imogen she'll make it work. Susan talks about seeing Sarah earlier. Susan wonders why Sarah travelled all this way when she's not well and then ends up working. She says the kids are busy at school, but if it were Susan, she'd want to spend every making moment with her children. Susan thinks something else is going on.
Number 22
Amy, Ned and Madison are helping set up for the wedding. Brad and Daniel arrive. Madison says she's spoken to their parents and they're planning a special celebration in Brisbane. Amy and Madison head out to get ice while Daniel and Brad head into the kitchen. Daniel apologises for not asking for Brad's permission to marry Imogen, he didn't want to be disrespectful. Brad is just glad that they stopped them in time, getting married like that is not the best way to start a life. Ned listens from the other room.
BRAD: You know when I ran off with Ned's mum it was pretty much a disaster from the get go.
Number 22 Back Yard
Xanthe is doing Imogen's nails, and tells her that she thinks a secret wedding is very romantic. Terese disagrees. Imogen tells Piper and Paige how wonderful it is to have both her sisters here. These last few weeks having the family all together, Josh and Pop, she'll never forget it.
TERESE: I think it's time we got you dressed.
IMOGEN: I am dressed.
XANTHE: Um, you're not wearing a wedding dress!?
PIPER (laughing): You should see your face right now.
XANTHE: But the dress is the most important part of the whole wedding.
TERESE: Yeah and I was hoping you would wear something circa-95
IMOGEN: Your dress?
TERESE: It's hanging in the spare room.
PIPER: You did always want to try it on when you were a kid.
IMOGEN: Yeah I know.
XANTHE: Oh say yes. Say yes to the dress.
IMOGEN: Thank you mum, that would be amazing.
They all cheer.
Number 22
A crowd is waiting, as Imogen walks down the stairs in her wedding dress, and joins Daniel who is waiting for her. They kiss. Imogen says this is how 'Anne of Green Gables' got married, with Gilbert waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Daniel knows. Imogen says this is why she loves him. We then cut to them making their vows.
IMOGEN: Daniel, I fell in love with you long before I really knew you and I love you more with every day. You make me brave, you make me believe and you've taught me to dream. I promise to not only be your wife but to always be your best friend. Most of all, I promise to always hang on to the love that we have because if the past few weeks have taught me anything, it's how important love is.
DANIEL: You're an amazing, exceptional woman. I promise to love you, to grow with you, to ensure your happiness is the very centre of my life.
They place the rings on each other's fingers. While the crowd, which includes Tyler, Piper, Lauren, Brad, Terese, Amy, Paige, John, Madison, Ned, Xanthe, Karl, Toadie and Sonya watch happily. Daniel and Imogen kiss, as Susan presents them as Mr and Mrs Imogen and Daniel Willis.
Brad calls for the quiet room to pipe down as he and Terese want to make a few words. Terese thanks them for coming to celebrate at short notice.
TERESE: And I'd like to thank Imogen and Daniel for being the worst co-conspirators ever, or we wouldn't be standing here right now.
Terese tells Imogen how proud she is of her. She knows they'll have a great life together as they love each other but they also really like each other too. She toasts to them both. Brad mentions how much his father Doug and Imogen's brother Josh would have wanted to see this day, and they'd be absolutely thrilled for her. They toast to Josh and Doug. Tyler looks uncomfortable and tells Piper he has to get to work.
Robinson's Motel
Paul is fixing a light bulb, when Daniel arrives. Paul assumes Daniel had a job interview, but Daniel explains that he and Imogen just got married. He tells Paul about Imogen's job offer in the US and that he's going with her. He's leaving in an hour to see his parents. He tells Paul that Madison is disappointed that he hasn't made time to see her. Paul says he's busy facing charges and wants Daniel to believe that he's innocent. Daniel doesn't believe that.
DANIEL: I believe that you didn't mean to hurt anybody. But it was your need for revenge that got Josh killed and injured those other people.
PAUL: Daniel, I...
DANIEL: The way I see it there are two Pauls. One who worries about his family, who has been so generous to me, and the one who can't let anything go and always has to come out on top. I hope the first one wins, that's the one I'm going to try to remember anyway. I love you Uncle P. Look after yourself.
Daniel leaves.
The Waterhole
Sarah and Karl are talking about the wedding. Karl asks her why she's come here, he's asked before but she never gives him a straight answer. Sarah says when she got her diagnosis, all she could do was think about the kids. Her daughter is fine, she's in school, she's smart and gets on with her dad. But her son is a problem.
SARAH: I realise that it's a crazy thing to ask of anyone, particularly Susan.
KARL: Ask what?
SARAH: I was going to ask you both to take care of Angus, indefinitely.
Ramsay Street
Daniel is packing up the car, while telling Amy that Madison isn't coming with them, she's going to stick around for a bit longer to see Paul. Amy promises to look after Madison for him. They hug goodbye. Brad, Terese and Imogen arrive, and Brad and Terese hug them goodbye.
BRAD: You take care of her okay.
DANIEL: Don't worry, it's all good.
Terese tells Imogen she made a beautiful bride today. Imogen says she'll miss Terese and asks if she'll be okay. Terese tells her not to worry about her. She's got all her dreams which will become a reality. Terese can look after herself.
IMOGEN: I love you so much.
TERESE: I love you. I love you more than you know. Make sure you call when you stop off overnight.
IMOGEN: We will.
TERESE: I love you, bye.
Imogen gets in the car and she and Daniel drive off, with Brad and Terese waving.
Fitzgerald Motors
Tyler is sitting in a van, staring into space when Piper arrives. She asks if he was worried she wanted them to hook up at the wedding. Tyler knows she was upset about Josh. Piper asks what is going on as he is still acting weird.
TYLER: I hate seeing you so unhappy and knowing...
PIPER: Knowing what?
TYLER: I think it's my fault Josh is dead.
- Piper tells Steph that Tyler thinks he killed Pop and Josh.
- Paul thinks that Tyler's confession changes everything.
- Tyler makes a statement to the police, while the words 'Innocent' and 'Guilty' fly past the screen in big letters.
- The word 'Guilty' lingers over a shot of Ned heading towards a laptop.
- Brad and Lauren look upset about something.
- NED: (talking to himself) Let's see how much they love you now Dad.