Brett is massaging Danni's shoulders. Lou says that Cheryl is worried about losing the house, too. He asks them to get rid of any clutter they have, to make life easier if they have to move.
Danni doesn't know what to do about the Deb Ball - who could she go with?
Julie, Phil, Debbie and Helen are having dinner. Debbie tells them that she managed to put Vikram off.
JULIE: I thought you were desperate for a date?
DEBBIE:(annoyed) Don't be ridiculous, I'm not desperate.
Phil offers to be Debbie's partner if she can't find anyone else! Debbie tries not to offend him(!)
Cody pops round and Debbie bustles her off to her room. She tells her that she cannot go to the ball with Phil.
DEBBIE: I'd rather eat my own head than go with him(!)
Cody suggests asking Lennie, or Sprod. It only has to be someone she can have fun with for a night.
DEBBIE: There is Brett, I suppose.
CODY: Brett'd be fine.
DEBBIE: I just got sick of everyone pressuring me to ask him.
CODY: I reckon you two would have fun together. Give the guy a chance. You never know what could happen.
Danni is ringing round trying to find a date for the Deb Ball. Unfortunately they mainly turn out to be creeps. Danni finally asks if Brett will go with her. Brett says he will, but he wants to hold out a bit longer for Debbie first.
Julie is up late.
JULIE: She hates me, Philip.
PHIL: Debbie? Of course she doesn't, don't be silly.
JULIE: Because I'm not her real mother. And I never will be, no matter how hard I try.
PHIL: Debbie has been calling you Mum for years. Do you really think she'd have treated her natural mother any differently?
JULIE: Well, she could have realised I was only trying to help.
PHIL: Yeah, I know. She just hasn't been herself the last couple of months. She's going through this really weird phase.
JULIE: She was so angry with me about Vikram. I thought I could help, I'm sick of being a villain around here all the time.
PHIL: I love you, and Debbie loves you. And I promise you, by the morning, she'll have forgotten all about it.
Cody, Danni, Debbie and Brett are waiting to go into an extra assembly because Ms Teschendorff has something to announce. Debbie goes over to Brett.
DEBBIE: Have you got a partner for the Deb Ball yet?
But Packo pushes in.
PACKO: Have you? I haven't. But you should see the cool dress I've got, I look hot in it. Backless and cut centre and low at the front.
Brett looks a bit worried(!) and fortunately Ms Teschendorff calls them in. Debbie tells Brett to meet her at the Coffee Shop at lunchtime.
School Assembly
Apparently the dance instructor isn't available for tonight, but they're still having lessons. She has got a band coming, but wants students to audition to do some musical items too (as long as it's not rap!)
As they're leaving, Packo corners Brett again.
PACKO: I was going to ask you if you want to take me to the Ball.
BRETT: Er...well...I don't know if I can.
PACKO: Why not?
BRETT: It's sort of complicated.
PACKO: What do you mean, complicated? You'd better not be giving me the brush, you've either got a date or you haven't!
BRETT: Well, you see, that's it, I'm taking Danni.
PACKO: What?
DANNI: Yeah, yeah, that's right, um, because Michael's away and he's taking me...sorry Packo.
PACKO: Your own sister? That's the grossest thing I ever heard. You're disgusting.
She strops off.
BRETT:(relieved) Thanks!
DANNI: No worries, but you're stuck with me now whether you like it or not!
School Hall
The band, consisting of Cody, Sassy, Stonie, Brett and Danni are practising. Stonie is an amazingly good drummer, much to their surprise!
Lou has popped in for a beer. Cheryl will have her foot in plaster for another six weeks, and they still don't know when she's coming home. Or whether the house will have been repossessed by then(!)
Lou has calmed down about Julie's involvement now and is ready to forget about it. He asks Rick how things are going with Cody. He says that they're just friends. They go on to talk about the home- brew and Rick tells him it's very popular. Maybe they could sell it (slightly illegally!) from Rick's place.
Ms Teschendorff comes in and sits down with Julie and Phil. She doesn't have a dance teacher for this evening and wondered if Phil and Julie could fill in.
Coffee Shop
Cody and Danni are talking inside, while Brett is outside with Stonie and Packo. Debbie comes out.
BRETT: I kind of got the feeling that you wanted to ask me someting.
DEBBIE: Yeah, I do. It's no big deal. I was wondering if you want to be my partner for the Deb Ball?
BRETT:(pleased) Yeah, you mean it?!
PACKO: Bad luck, Deb, I already asked him. He's taking his sister, aren't you Brett?
DEBBIE: Really?
BRETT: Well...yeah, she doesn't want people to get the wrong idea. Like, she's dumped Michael. So I'm kinda stuck.
DEBBIE: Oh! It's not big deal, never mind.
BRETT: Thanks for asking.
Debbie runs off, embarrassed.
Phil tells Debbie that he's going to be her dance instructor. She tells him that she asked Brett to ball, but he said no. Phil says that he can be her partner instead. Debbie looks totally fed up.
Julie is working on the Deb Ball dress. Helen offers Julie some herbal tea - it's really perked her up. They reminisce about Julie's Deb Ball.
School Hall
The band are auditioning for Ms Teschendorff. Sassy comes in late and joins in, singing tunelessly. She rants at them for not calling her and accuses them of trying to dump her. Finally, Cody has to rip the plaster off and tell her that her vocals are awful!
In the background, Packo starts her audition, and they're surprised to see that she's a good violinist.
Rick is ironing when Cody comes in. They chat a bit and Cody reminds him that they're just friends. He says it's cool.
Julie is doing some painting with Helen when Phil comes in. Phil has brought home some worms for his compost and they cringe.
Debbie is in a bad mood.
School Hall
The dance class is about to start with Phil and Julie as instructors. Debbie looks very embarrassed.
Lou is making some more home brew. Helen pops around for a business discussion about the art tour - she'll need some minibuses. Lou agrees to look into it.
Helen tells him that she is going to go it alone, without Gaby, as Gaby is trying to take the project over.
School Hall
Everyone is dancing. Debbie is still mortified by her parents parents. Julie gets Debbie and Phil to demonstrate the dance. Phil spins her round and she ends up getting dizzy and fainting.