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Neighbours Episode 2173 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2172 - 2174>>
Episode title: 2173
Australian airdate: 15/06/94
UK airdate: 14/03/95
UK Gold: 28/02/01
Writer: Roger Moulton
Director: Alan Coleman
Guests: Drew Grover: Christopher Kirby
Vikram Chatterji: Nigel Rodrigues
- "Answering Machine Blues" by Ian Moss
- "Memphis" by The Badloves
- "Easy" by Hunters And Collectors
- "My Little Pony" by Chris Wilson
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Debbie is moaning that she has to help out at the Newsagency while Phil is sorting Hannah out. Debbie is concerned that she needs to find a partner for the Deb Ball.
When she's stropped off, Julie apologises to Vikram on Debbie's behalf. Vikram says he's a little tired as he's working a second job - he's trying to save money to bring his sister out to Australia. They have no other family, so want to be together.
Pam tells Cody that she wants to have a proper family dinner.
PAM: I'd like to get to know your husband...even if you are getting divorced(!)
CODY: We don't know what we're doing yet, we haven't decided.
Cody isn't sure, she doesn't want Pam telling Drew off. Gaby comes out and mentions that Cody is getting on well with Drew. She gets very defensive and strops off, slamming the front door behind her.
Lou is giving Brett a back rub to practise for Cheryl. It looks awful and Brett is clearly in pain(!)
Danni comes in, in a strop (lots of it about this episode)
DANNI: For your information, my entire life has been ruined. And...I'm not going to the Ball.
LOU: Oh, yes, you are, Cinderella! Your mother spent a fortune on your dress!
DANNI: Big deal!
LOU: Oh, come, on Danni, don't be like that!
DANNI: Michael's gone! There's nobody else I'd go with.
LOU: What about Brett?
BRETT: Oh, no, way!
LOU: Come on, what's wrong with that? You'll both be partners.
DANNI: He's my brother!
BRETT: Besides, I'm already going with somebody else.
The phone rings and Lou goes off to answer it.
DANNI: Yeah? Who?
Danni isn't convinced - Brett hasn't even asked Debbie yet. He seems confident, however!
Lassiter's Lake
Drew is throwing stones into the lake when Cody comes along. She invites him for a family dinner and he accepts.
DREW: Look, Cody, I didn't come here to make your life difficult. All I want to do is to make sure that you're happy.
She smiles at him.
PAM: We should never have let her go to the States so young!
DOUG: She says, looking back in hindsight!
Apparently Sam is staying at Mark and Annalise's tonight to give the Willises some space. Doug is constantly going to the loo, and Pam tells him that he must have a check- up.
Julie has come to see Lou, and this time he has at least let her in.
JULIE: I've been feeling awful, Lou. I've hardly slept at night.
LOU: Neither's Cheryl, she's in a lot of pain.
JULIE: I know. We should be thankful it wasn't worse.
LOU: Oh, yes, yes(!) You could have killed her.
JULIE: Lou, don't. It really wasn't my fault.
LOU: Don't go blaming that spider again, Julie. It was your rotten temper that caused that accident.
JULIE: Cheryl was the one who...
LOU: Yes?!
JULIE: There *was* a spider. But you're right. I just wish it had never happened.
LOU: Don't we all.
JULIE: I *am* sorry, Lou. You don't have to forgive me, but please believe me, I'd never intentionally hurt anyone.
LOU: Oh, I suppose not.
JULIE: Thank you.
Danni and Brett come in through the back door.
DANNI: What is *she* doing here?!
LOU: Danni, mind your manners!
DANNI: How can you sit there talking to her?!
JULIE: Julie has apologised for what happened. She did not run your mother down on purpose.
DANNI: Yeah, sure(!)
BRETT: Come on, Danni, it was only an accident.
DANNI: You can believe what you like! I bet she aimed straight at Mum and went for her!
LOU: That's not true!
JULIE: Danni, it was an *accident*
DANNI: I hate you! You nearly killed my mother! You wrecked everything for Michael and I. I'll never forgive you. Never.
Cody, Drew, Pam, Doug and Gaby are getting on quite well.
PAM: Drew, if you don't mind me saying so, you've come a long way to get divorced. Couldn't you have organised it from back home?
DREW: I could have. But I felt I owed it to Cody to come out and clean things up. I just wanted to correct my mistakes.
DOUG: Fair enough. Then you can get on with your own life, huh?
DREW: Oh, don't get me wrong. I still want Cody in my life.
GABY: How can you if you're getting divorced?
DREW: Well, as you know, the marriage was one of convenience. But Cody and I have something that's very special between two people. That's friendship and love. And those feelings will last forever, well, at least on my part, anyway.
Pam looks worried.
Lou is trying to give Cheryl a back- rub while Brett rubs her foot. She fends Lou off but says Brett can keep going(!)
Lou says he's seen a solicitor about buying No.22. It's all a bit of a bottle- neck though.
Pam tells Cody that she's been very quiet since Drew left.
PAM: Feel like talking about it?
CODY: I don't even know what to say.
PAM: Must be confusing. His declaration of undying love. Especially after the way you split up, no wonder you were so upset when you came back. If we'd known the full story...
CODY: I couldn't really talk about it. It hurt so much.
Pam hugs her.
PAM: Oh, Cody.
CODY: I thought I could get over it...
PAM: Why did you want to have anything to do with him? You'll never be able to trust him. I'm serious, Cody. Get a divorce and say goodbye to Drew forever. He'll only hurt you again.
CODY: Mum, look. I know he's a low- life but he's still the most incredible man that I've met in my life and I wish I didn't, but I do.
Good grief, raise your standards, Cody.
Gaby is sitting up in the dark when Doug gets up to go to the loo. Gaby tells him to go to the doctor but Doug is reluctant.
School, the following morning
Brett, Danni, Cody and Debbie are talking about getting a partner for the Deb Ball. Debbie rebuffs Brett and he rolls his eyes.
Lou and Doug are catching up. Lou can't wait for Cheryl to come home. Doug says that he quite likes Drew despite himself. He goes on to discuss his "waterworks". Lou tries to stifle laughter and then gives Doug the terrible advice that it's probably nothing(!)
Drew has pulled Cody out of class because he wants to talk. He wants to talk to her before he returns to the States.
DREW: I didn't tell you the whole truth why I wanted a divorce.
CODY: I see, and what's the whole truth?
DREW: I'm entering politics, as you know. I'm hoping to get elected County PA. Now, it's early yet, but some people think I have what it takes to go all the way to Washington.
CODY: That's great! What's that got to do with me?
DREW: I need to marry *well* Someone safe, politically correct?
CODY: Ah, I guess that counts me out.
DREW: I've met someone already. She has an uncle in Congress, all the right connections.
CODY:(insulted) You're incredible.
DREW: Come of Cody, you're not that politically naive?
CODY: No, but it's still say one thing, do something different! You haven't changed one iota, you just want to marry the boss's daughter. That's it, isn't it. I don't believe that!
She starts to walk off.
DREW: Look, Cody, you're the only girl I've ever been serious about, I can't lose you, I *won't* lose you.
CODY: You're not making sense.
DREW: Just hear me out. This marriage is purely an arrangement.
CODY: Like your old one(!)
DREW: I didn't lie to you about that.
CODY: No, but I bet you have to this other girl.
He is silent.
CODY: Oh, Drew, the poor girl.
DREW: The mayor can make me a very wealthy man. I'd be driving a lot, three or four times a year we can get together, I'll pay for all the expenses and we'll have a *fabulous* time!
CODY: Excuse me?
DREW: I don't want to lose you from my life. So I figure this way, I won't have to!
CODY: You want me to be your mistress?!
Pam is cleaning the oven. Doug still hasn't made an appointment to see the doctor. Pam explains that he has to stop being so precious and get it sorted.
Danni is begging Debbie to go to the Ball with Brett, otherwise she'll have to(!)
DEBBIE: If I ask him, he'll think that I'm interested, he'll start pestering me for a big relationship and I'll never shake him off.
DANNI: You can make it clear that it's the Ball and nothing else.
DEBBIE: Forget it, Danni.
DANNI: Please!
DEBBIE:(firmly) Read my lips. No!
She walks off. Julie has observed this and follows Debbie.
JULIE: I overheard you talking about taking Brett to the Deb Ball.
DEBBIE: Didn't you hear properly, I said no.
JULIE: He's a nice boy.
DEBBIE: Oh, Mum, his best friend is a female rat called Jeffrey!
Julie laughs. And maybe it would heal their two families(!) Debbie rolls her eyes.
Coffee Shop
Cody says binning Drew will be the hardest thing she's ever had to do.
GABY: Cody, this is appalling what he's suggesting, you must see that!
CODY: Of course I see that. But it doesn't change the way that I feel.
GABY: There's more to relationships that just sex. At least, it should be.
CODY: I know that.
GABY: Get rid of him, Cody! Once and for all, end it.
Cody isn't sure.
Julie and Vikram are catching up. They talk about Debbie and her lack of partner for the Deb Ball. Suddenly, Julie looks at Vikram and muses that he can dance.
Julie has brought Vikram home, much to Debbie's surprise and horror. She realises that Julie is trying to set her up with Vikram for the Ball and makes a sharp exit!
No.26 (Debbie's bedroom)
JULIE: Did you have to be so rude?
DEBBIE: You want me to go to the ball with him, right? Forget it!
JULIE: Sweetheart, I'm trying to help! There's a lot more to Vikram that meets the eye. He's intelligent, knows about all sorts of things and he can dance!
DEBBIE: Oh, great(!) He can dance his way home then!
JULIE: Do you have to make things so difficult? Would it really be that terrible to sit and have tea with him?
DEBBIE: Well, I don't know, because I'm not going to.
JULIE: Come on, Debbie! It would be very discourteous to just shut yourself away!
DEBBIE: *I* didn't invite him!
JULIE: I know, but he's perfectly nice. He has good manners, he'd be a perfect partner! It's not as if I'm asking you to marry him!
DEBBIE: Mum, I'm not going to the ball with him, alright?
JULIE: That's up to you, I can't *force* you. But right now, you're coming back out to the kitchen and whether you like it or not, you're going to have afternoon tea with him.
Debbie reluctantly follows her.
No.26 (Kitchen)
No sooner have Debbie and Julie arrived in the kitchen when Julie excuses herself to "make some phone- calls"(!) Debbie looks at her incredulously and moodily sits down with Vikram.
VIKRAM: Look, Debbie, I udnerstand you're angry with your mother for throwing us together. She's very concerned for you to have a partner for the Debutante Ball.
DEBBIE: Oh, great(!) You've been standing around the newsagency talking about me?!
VIKRAM: Debbie...
He takes her hand.
DEBBIE: What are you doing?
VIKRAM: Debbie, it would be the greatest honour and privilege you could bestow upon me if you would allow me to be your partner at the Debutante Ball.
Debbie just looks at him.
<<2172 - 2174>>
Debbie Martin, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2173
Debbie Martin, Julie Martin

Pam Willis, Gaby Willis, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Pam Willis, Gaby Willis, Cody Willis

Lou Carpenter, Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2173
Lou Carpenter, Brett Stark

Brett Stark, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2173
Brett Stark, Danni Stark

Julie Martin, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2173
Julie Martin, Lou Carpenter

Julie Martin, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2173
Julie Martin, Lou Carpenter

Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2173
Danni Stark

Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2173
Julie Martin

Pam Willis, Cody Willis, Drew Grover, Gaby Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Pam Willis, Cody Willis, Drew Grover, Gaby Willis, Doug Willis

Brett Stark, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2173
Brett Stark, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Pam Willis, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Pam Willis, Cody Willis

Gaby Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Gaby Willis, Doug Willis

Debbie Martin, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Debbie Martin, Cody Willis

Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2173
Brett Stark

Doug Willis, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2173
Doug Willis, Lou Carpenter

Cody Willis, Drew Grover in Neighbours Episode 2173
Cody Willis, Drew Grover

Cody Willis, Drew Grover in Neighbours Episode 2173
Cody Willis, Drew Grover

Drew Grover in Neighbours Episode 2173
Drew Grover

Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Cody Willis

Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Pam Willis, Doug Willis

Julie Martin, Debbie Martin, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2173
Julie Martin, Debbie Martin, Danni Stark

Gaby Willis, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2173
Gaby Willis, Cody Willis

Debbie Martin, Julie Martin, Vikram Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2173
Debbie Martin, Julie Martin, Vikram Chatterji

Julie Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2173
Julie Martin, Debbie Martin

Debbie Martin, Vikram Chatterji in Neighbours Episode 2173
Debbie Martin, Vikram Chatterji

Vikram Chatterji, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2173
Vikram Chatterji, Debbie Martin

Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2173
Debbie Martin

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