School Hall
Cody and Brett are clearing up. Brett is very worried about Debbie and resolves to drop in and see her on the way home.
DEBBIE: I just got a bit dizzy, it's no big deal.
HELEN: Darling, you don't look very well.
Julie feels her forehead.
DEBBIE: I'm fine, I just want to go to bed.
PHIL: You just don't faint like that for no reason!
He pours her a glass of water.
JULIE: Your father's right, I'm going to get Dr Dawson around.
DEBBIE:(panicked) Oh, no!
JULIE: Why not? You're obviously not well...
DEBBIE: Well...I just need a decent night's sleep, that's all. I've pulled a few all-nighters lately.
They all react with dismay.
DEBBIE: Well, all my assignments were due at once, it was lot to do...
JULIE: OK, bed, right now. We'll see how you feel in the morning.
When Julie has taken Debbie off, Phil looks at Helen's sketches for Annalise's bookcover. Helen says she's struggling at the moment.
Annalise and Dave are reading through a poem trying to get the last line right. Mark is bustling from the kitchen, baking something.
Doug pops round though the back door (which doesn't make any sense at all considering his crutches, he should have come the front way!) Mark is apparently cooking things for Doug and Pam's anniversary.
Cody and Brett pop in to see how Debbie is.
JULIE: Has this happened before?
CODY: Her passing out like that?
BRETT: No...not that I know of.
CODY: The way she's been acting lately is pretty off the wall, but...
PHIL: This Andrew MacKenzie bloke.
CODY: Yeah, that.
JULIE: But tonight...hasn't got anything to do with him, has it?
CODY: I don't know. She has been acting pretty weird, you know...a little.
BRETT: Different. Sort of intense. Like, highly-strung and stuff.
CODY: It's stress. The Deb Ball, Year 12, she works really hard.
PHIL: Is there anything else we should be aware of?
CODY: Like what?
PHIL: she experimenting with drugs?
JULIE: Surely not!
BRETT: Um, well, no. Not that I know of.
PHIL: Does she get tired at school, does she eat properly?
CODY: Uh...I really don't know any more that what you guys do. Sorry.
No.30, the following morning
Mark is cooking again while Annalise finishes her poem. Dave loves the poem. He reminisces that he and Sally use to write songs and poems for each other when they first met. He gets a bit emotional and heads off to meditate.
Annalise and Mark head off to take the stuff for Doug and Pam's anniversary.
Doug lets Annalise and Mark in with the food. Annalise has also written them a poem.
They hear Pam coming and make a sharp exit!
Pam bustles in, saying she's going to be late for work, only for Doug to inform her that he's arranged to swap her shift. He's even got the kids and Sam out of the way.
DOUG: We've got the day to ourselves. Happy anniversary!
PAM: Ohhhh Doug, you remembered.
She's very impressed by the lovely breakfast awaiting them.
DOUG: I know, I'm just a romantic old dag.
PAM: Yeah...but you're *my* old dag.
Debbie comes out and says she's ready for porridge. She's worried to hear that Julie is talking to Dr.Dawson on the phone.
DEBBIE: I'm going to go to school, I'm eating breakfast too, there's nothing wrong with me!
PHIL: Brett and Cody don't seem to think so.
DEBBIE: Why, what's it got to do with them?
HELEN: They're concerned about you, darling.
DEBBIE: Oh, great(!) They need to butt out. They're always sticking their fat noses into everything!
HANNAH: Take her to the doctor, it might stop her being so mean!
DEBBIE: Shut up! I hate sharing with her, I want my own room!
HANNAH: Yeah, I hate you, too!
JULIE: Hannah, you're sister is not well.
HANNAH: Oh, fine, stick up for her, no-one cares about my problems anymore!
DEBBIE: Oh, what problems?! What colour you can make your next snake quilt?! Get a life!
They start to argue but Helen calls for quiet while they eat breakfast.
HELEN:(to Hannah) Leave some of those sultanas for Debbie, darling.
HANNAH: She doesn't deserve any.
DEBBIE: I don't deserve to put up with this!
She strops off.
Doug is making a big fuss of Pam for their anniversary. Pam has got Doug a gardening implement which he seems to like.
DOUG: One more year of married bliss, eh?
PAM: Bliss? Mmm. I don't know about that. So much has happened this year, Doug. And I haven't been the best person to get along with.
DOUG: It's been a *great* year. Brad and Beth got married.
PAM: ...and moved to Perth.
DOUG: Gaby's back.
PAM: ...pregnant.
DOUG: Cody's here.
PAM: ...married to a...very tall American.
DOUG: Come on, it hasn't been that bad!
PAM: I haven't been the best wife, though.
DOUG: We've survived. We're still together. Still ticking on.
PAM: A few good years left in us yet, do you reckon?
DOUG: Yes.
Dave and Helen are chatting. Helen says Dave's tea has been great. She'd like to get some more and he promises to get her some. She offers him afternoon tea in return.
Annalise comes over and asks about the designs for her poetry book. Helen explains that she's finding it hard to grasp the concept and needs a better brief. Annalise tells her the title is "Road to Arrival" and she wants "sophisticated, arty, contemporary and not too weird"(!) She also says she'll come around tonight to see what Helen has come up with!
Lassiter's Complex
Brett and Cody bump into Julie and Debbie on their way to the doctor and say hello awkwardly. Debbie is very cool with them.
CODY: We're just worried about you, that's all.
BRETT: We're your friends.
DEBBIE: Well, I don't need friends. Thanks all the same.
She walks off.
JULIE: Sorry.
Pam and Doug are having a lunchtime drink. Macca is at the bar. Doug thanks Annalise for her lovely poem.
Doug takes Macca to task over Debbie and he says he had to make things clear to her.
MACCA: Doug, is my sexuality a problem with you?
DOUG: Problem? No, of course not. What you do in your personal life is your own business.
Helen is doing Qigong when Dave arrives. She's still worried about the book cover. Dave suggests they discuss it over tea and an Anzac biscuit.
Phil answers the phone to Julie who sounds agitated.
PHIL: Julie, what's wrong?
JULIE: Debbie...
PHIL: What is it, what's wrong?
JULIE: You won't believe this. The doctor says she's suffereing from malnutrition.
PHIL: Malnutrition, what?! She can't be. She eats healthy, proper meals...didn't she tell the doctor that? Where is she?
JULIE: They're putting her in hospital until they can do some tests. It's that bad, Philip.
No.26 (Kitchen)
Dave and Helen are doing foot-painting to stimulate artistic muse in "The Road to Arrival". They start doing Qigong too. The phone rings, but they can't answer it because their feet are covered in paint!
Doug is upset after his chat with Macca.
PAM: Oh, come on, Doug. All he's trying to do is be upfront about his sexuality, what is wrong with that?
DOUG: It's changed things, hasn't it! Why didn't he say something before.
PAM: Because he probably thought you'd treat him differently, and you have! I heard what went on over at the bar.
DOUG: I just don't know how to get around it. It's like he's not one of the blokes anymore.
PAM: Oh, don't talk a load of twaddle, Doug, he's the same person and you know it.
DOUG: How would you know? You're not a man.
PAM: What's that got to do with it?
DOUG: Everything! Let's ask Mark.
He beckons Mark over from the bar.
DOUG: Have you heard about Macca?
MARK: Heard what?
PAM: What Doug is trying to say in a strange way is that Macca is homosexual.
MARK: Really?
DOUG: Bit of a turn up, eh?
MARK: Yeah, I reckon.
DOUG:(to Pam) See?
MARK: See what? What's it got to do with me?
PAM: Does it worry you?
MARK: What, that he's gay? No, why should it? He still the same bloke, isn't he?
Pam smiles, vindicated.
Dave and Helen are just cleaning off their feet when Phil rushes in looking harassed.
PHIL: Helen, why didn't you answer the phone?
HELEN: Oh, I'm sorry, Philip.
DAVE: We couldn't get to it. We didn't want to interrupt the creative process.
HELEN: Something wrong?
PHIL: That's what I was trying to ring you about. Debbie's been taken to hospital. She's malnourished, so they say.
HELEN:(astounded) She's what?!
DAVE: Heavy.
PHIL: Yeah, um, Julie's asked me to pick up a few things and I'm going straight there.
HELEN: Let me organise that and then I'll come with you.
PHIL: Thanks, I'll go and check on Hannah.
No.26 (Debbie and Hannah's room)
Phil finds Hannah packing her things into a suitcase because she doesn't want to share a room with Debbie anymore(!) She's going to move into Michael's old room.
HANNAH: Nobody cares what's happening to *me* anymore!
PHIL: Darling, you know that's not true. Look, your sister's going through a really rough time at the moment. In fact, the doctor sent her in to hospital, she's suffering from malnutrition.
HANNAH: Hospital! Oh no, I must have made this happen!
She starts to unpack her suitcase.
PHIL: No, no, no, it's not such a bad idea. You've both been whinging about needing your own space, this might be a pleasant surprise for her!
HANNAH: You really think so?
PHIL: Yeah!
Just then, Cody and Brett drop in. They've brought Debbie some schoolwork for when she feels up to it.
When Phil has gone, Hannah tells them she's moving into Michael's old room. Cody offers to help her move her stuff.
Building Site
Doug catches up with Macca.
DOUG: I want a quiet word with you. About the beer. Rick reckons we should set up from home. You know what Cheryl thinks about it? Do you want to be in it?
MACCA: Do you still want me to?
DOUG: Why wouldn't I?
MACCA: Ah...just a feeling I got earlier.
DOUG: Man's a fool sometimes. Have you got your home number.
Macca goes to write his number on Doug's hand and he flinches.
MACCA: Relax, Daddy, you're not my type! Well, look at the face!
He laughs, and so does Doug, despite himself.
Debbie is in bed, telling Helen, Phil and Julie that she's fine. She asks if she can move into Michael's room when she gets home, but Phil says Hannah is moving already. Debbie tells them agitatedly that she doesn't want Hannah to touch any of her stuff.
No.26 (Debbie and Hannah's room)
Cody, Hannah and Brett open Debbie's chest. They find a load of food (with ants on it).
BRETT: This isn't funny.
CODY: No. I think it's bulimia.