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Neighbours Episode 9083 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9082 - 9084>>
Episode title: 9083
Australian and UK airdate: 25/08/24
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Kiri Durant: Gemma Bird Matheson Tess Carmichael – Anica Calida
- "Close My Eyes" by Niko Waters
Summary/Images by: Clare/Jeremai
- Mackenzie gets a job offer from McGovern and Armstrong
- Haz encourages Mackenzie to go for it
- Mackenzie isn't so sure
- Kiri brushes off things going well with Nicolette
- Krista plans to make up for any losses
- Leo suggests using Lassiter's to accommodate the Vineyard guests
- Krista catches Byron putting the investor off
- Krista tells Leo what Byron did
Kiri and Nicolette keep sneaking looks at each other. Nicolette tells Byron where things go. Byron wants her to go easy as he's only officially started working there today! She reminisces about them being restaurant owners with their toy kitchen. He points out she was bossy back then as well at 10! Nicolette is thrilled to be a part of this venture now. Byon suggests regular theme nights. Dinner and trivia plus murder mystery nights is suggested. They mess around as Leo arrives.
LEO: I know what happened with Breen.
Byron nervously admits he was in the wrong but thinks things worked out well in the end. Leo isn't impressed and isn't keen on going into business with Byron.
The Waterhole
Melanie arrives and orders a jasmine green tea from Aaron. She wants to know how things are going now Logan has left. He says he's ok as he's keeping busy.
Tess arrives and thinks Krista might have had bad news. Krista has been planning her day. The tour contract is still up in the air, Tess wants to be kept updated. Tess should get her office today as guests are checking out. She allows Tess to print off a few documents at Reception.
Melanie sees Krista sigh as Tess heads off. Melanie has recognised Tess and supports Krista who is feeling tense.
BYRON: I know it was a stupid thing to do and I regretted it right away.
LEO: You still went behind my back.
Byron wanted things to work out. Nicolette is still optimistic about making it work and reminds Leo they were about to sign the paperwork. Kiri isn't so happy and wants to know how long Nicolette has known. She found out after it happened, Byron confirms this and tells Leo he's the one to blame. He tried to take back what he'd said to the investor.
LEO: If you cross me once, you can cross me again. We're done.
Leo tells Byron to collect his things and leave. Nicolette and Kiri exchange glances.
Toadie and Terese are kissing and it's getting steamy. Terese realises they're going to turn up late. Toadie points out they're in charge. Terese can't leave Susan by herself, it's the same with Mackenzie. Terese wants to know why Haz gave him attitude the night before, Toadie didn't notice. Toadie realises he hasn't been prioritising the office. Terese thinks that Mack enjoys the autonomy of it, Toadie hopes that is the case. Toadie gets a text, they both look taken aback by it.
Harold's Café
Holly is trying to convince Mackenzie and Sadie to have a girls' night out. Sadie points out Holly has been out very night so far this week. Holly missed a couple of nights! She's been out with the girls from housekeeping and the guys from security plus another guy.
MACKENZIE: Have you been hitting it a bit too hard?
HOLLY: I'm having fun.
Mackenzie reminds her she's been in hospital. Holly wants to live her life to the max. Mackenzie is more cautious. Sadie thinks it's cool but they're just checking on her.
Toadie arrives and wants to talk to Mackenzie. Holly and Sadie need to head off. He got a reference check from McGovern and Armstrong.
Lassiter's Reception
Holly arrives as Tess is at the front desk. She greets Tess and waits, Tess wants to know if everything is ok. She lets Tess know that Byron is seeing someone new. Tess isn't bothered, Holly wanted to pass on the message in case Reece is planning to come to Erinsborough soon. Holly asks if Reece is seeing anyone but Tess shuts down any gossip. Tess heads off and Holly mimics to herself what Tess said. Holly realises a document has arrived for Tess who snatches it off her. Holly had to check who it belonged to.
TESS: If you see anything with my name on it consider it confidential.
Tess smiles and is still keen to take a room when it's free. She heads off as Holly looks thoughtfully at her.
Harold's Café
Mackenzie doesn't know why he got the call. He appreciates the call. She refused their job offer but HR didn't get the message.
TOADIE: There's some part of you that wants to take that job, isn't there?
Mackenzie doesn't answer, Toadie realises it's the reason Haz had been a bit short the night before. Haz is thinking of Mackenzie's happiness. Getting this job offer is flattering.
MACKENZIE: You've been so good to me. I can't leave you.
TOADIE: Are you happy at Rebecchi Law?
She admits she isn't happy after a week in court. These cases come up infrequently and he has earnt the right to take things easiers after all the work he's done. He is surprised by this and she tries to backtrack.
MACKENZIE: It's your firm and you should do what you want to do.
TOADIE: I'm really sorry. You're right. I have been taking it easy and it's not fair on you at all.
Mackenzie admits she would like to develop professionally, he readily agrees with that. If she wants to stay working at the firm. She does want that.
TOADIE: Whatever your ambitions are, let's chase ‘em together.
They're both happy with things and Toadie heads off. Haz whom has been in the background comes over. She tells him she's happy with everything so he's pleased.
Byron, Nicolette and Kiri arrive home. Nicolette feels as if the same things keeps happening over and over with this partnership. Krista is at home and had heard from Leo they were heading home. Nicolette isn't impressed that Krista told Leo. She points out that they worked till late on the presentation and Krista was included. Krista apologises, she couldn't be dishonest with Leo. Kiri walks off. Byron understands where Krista is coming from. She tells him his job is still safe at the hotel and heads off.
Nicolette isn't impressed that Krista told Leo and that was it. Byron has had enough, he knows he's to blame. Nicolette wasn't to blame.
NICOLETTE: We're a package deal, physically and financially.
Nicolette doesn't think she'll be able to sort things out with Kiri now.
Lassiter's Reception
Holly is updating Krista about happened with Tess. Krista tentatively suggests that Holly was poking her nose where she shouldn't, Tess was snapping at Holly. Krista wants to leave Tess to get on with things. Holly wants to know what's going on but Krista isn't interested. Krista points out that Tess is checking how things are going.
KRISTA: We can't give her any reason to think that there's a problem.
Krista wants Holly to cut the partying and prioritise her job.
HOLLY: You're sounding like Mackenzie.
KRISTA: It's affecting your work. I know we're friends, you need to rein it in.
No.32 Backyard
Byron comes outside to talk to Kiri who is lounging by the pool. He apologises for messing things up. Kiri thinks the partnership isn't meant to work out. Byron thinks Nicolette should still be part of it. He doesn't want this to affect things between Kiri and Nicolette. She doesn't want that to happen.
BYRON: What do you want from her?
He notices things are going great between them, Kiri agrees with this.
BYRON: She'd get back with you in a heartbeat. That's if you feel the same.
He thinks their relationship can be saved which is a positive from trying to go into partnership together.
The Waterhole
Leo joins Krista at a table. Krista wants to know if things are still ok after what she told him. He reassures her things are fine. He doesn't want to be angry with her. She worries it's because she's up and down.
LEO: I'm saying it because I love you.
He knows Byron would have made sure she didn't say anything. She asks what the plan is about the Vineyard. Things are working out between Kiri, Nicolette and himself. Leo gets a message to say the Hotel have accepted the deal with the Vineyard. They're both happy about that! Krista wants to know if Leo can give Byron a chance to work things out. Leo isn't open to the idea after what Byron did to him.
Drinks Divas Van
Melanie watches Tess walk past and calls cautiously after her. Melanie tells her they met once before and Tess remembers her name. Krista's Mum was moving out of Conrad's house in London, Tess remembers that happening. Tess came as she didn't want Krista's Mum to steal any artwork. Melanie made Tess a cup of tea. Melanie tells Tess that Krista is doing brilliantly at Lassiter's.
TESS: That's quite the endorsement.
Tess reminds Melanie that Krista got Melanie to give her a lot of money.
MELANIE: I've seen her at her worst. She's seen me at mine.
TESS: I'm here to check on the hotel, not her.
Melanie is convinced Krista has changed.
The Waterhole
Sadie reports that Holly keeps badgering her for a night out. Aaron says Holly did the same. Byron reminds Sadie he can be her excuse! Mackenzie worries that Holly is claiming to be ok. Sadie doesn't think she could get over it in a short space of time after being kidnapped.
Tess arrives and congratulates Krista on the deal between the Hotel and the Vineyard. Tess tells her she had a steak dinner with Conrad to celebrate the huge contracts.
TESS: Maybe we could keep that tradition alive. I can see how hard you've worked to turn your life around. Your father would be proud.
Krista wants to know if Conrad said good as well as bad things about herself. Conrad worried about Krista but also loved her. There were photos of all his children on his desk, Krista's was closest. Krista is touched to know that. Krista asks what Reece's opinion is. Reece is concentrating on the business and wants Krista to succeed with that side of things.
TESS: I want you to succeed too.
Krista confirms she is committed to the hotel and recovering. Tess doesn't want her to feel intimidated. Tess will support her as long as Krista meets her targets, Krista nods.
Drinks Divas Van
Toadie arrives and they joke about not seeing each other much lately. He wants a drink that matches his motivated and energised mood. Melanie has a drink in mind and wants to know what's going on.
TOADIE: I realise that I've been drifting… professionally, that is.
Toadie plans to change that. They are chatting away happily. Melanie felt the same after her road trip but also in her personal life. Things are working out apart from happened with Logan.
MELANIE: I just love that there's no awkwardness between us anymore.
TOADIE: Same here.
MELANIE: You and I were never meant to be.
Toadie looks bemused when he hears this.
No.32 Backyard
Nicolette has rescued Miss Sparkles from the pool for Isla. Nicolette explains to Kiri that Isla decided she wanted to go to David's favourite pool rather than the beach. Nicolette apologises for intruding, Byron said it would just be Nicolette and Isla. Kiri is fine with that. Kiri invites Isla to have a doughnut. Nicolette appreciates Kiri being nice after what happened. Kiri knows Nicolette wasn't to blame. Nicolette and Byron want the partnership to work out.
NICOLETTE: Really enjoyed these last few days with you.
Kiri feels the same. Nicolette suggests that they make another go of things. Kiri looks thoughtful.
Drinks Divas Van
Melanie tells Toadie that it suddenly occurred to her. Toadie doesn't her to be forced into sharing this. Melanie wants to do this to really move on if Toadie doesn't mind, he agrees.
MELANIE: We rushed into our marriage. From the moment we got engaged to the balloon exploding in the street.
Toadie is more unsure and points out they worked around when Callum was free. She felt unsure about Toadie and Amy but it was a rush. Toadie points out they were happy, Melanie agrees. She left due to what happened with Krista and Eden.
MELANIE: We're different people at different stages of our lives.
Melanie thinks something else would have got in the way if it hadn't been that situation. Toadie looks thoughtful, she hopes she hasn't upset him. She is glad they're friends and thinks that was probably what was originally meant for them. He reassures her he's not upset and appreciates their friendship. He puts his hand on her arm. She heads back as he continues to look thoughtful. Toadie watches Terese walk past and comes out of his daze a bit.
No.32 Backyard
Kiri found it difficult to leave Isla when she broke up with Nicolette. Nicolette wants to know if Kiri has found anyone else. Kiri has had one night stands but nothing more than that. Nicolette has had a few dates including Haz's sister Amira. Nicolette would find a reason or excuse not to carry on dating them.
NICOLETTE: The main fault was that they weren't you.
They share a tender kiss.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Parker invites Andrew to join them for drinks
- Nell is suspiciously of JJ and Dex acting strangely
- Byron wants Nicolette and Kiri to reunite
- Kiri wants herself and Nicolette to figure this out for themselves
- Nicolette wants to know if Kiri wants to get back together
<<9082 - 9084>>
Kiri Durant, Leo Tanaka, Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9083
Kiri Durant, Leo Tanaka, Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone

Krista Sinclair, Aaron Brennan, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9083
Krista Sinclair, Aaron Brennan, Melanie Pearson

Krista Sinclair, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9083
Krista Sinclair, Melanie Pearson

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9083
Leo Tanaka

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9083
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland, Haz Devkar, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9083
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland, Haz Devkar, Sadie Rodwell

Tess Carmichael, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9083
Tess Carmichael, Holly Hoyland

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9083
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Toadie Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9083
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Kiri Durant, Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9083
Kiri Durant, Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair

Holly Hoyland, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9083
Holly Hoyland, Krista Sinclair

Byron Stone, Kiri Durant in Neighbours Episode 9083
Byron Stone, Kiri Durant

Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9083
Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka

Melanie Pearson, Tess Carmichael in Neighbours Episode 9083
Melanie Pearson, Tess Carmichael

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Aaron Brennan, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9083
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Aaron Brennan, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9083
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Krista Sinclair, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Tess Carmichael in Neighbours Episode 9083
Krista Sinclair, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Tess Carmichael

Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9083
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Nicolette Stone, Kiri Durant, Isla Tanaka-Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9083
Nicolette Stone, Kiri Durant, Isla Tanaka-Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9083
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9083
Toadie Rebecchi

Nicolette Stone, Kiri Durant in Neighbours Episode 9083
Nicolette Stone, Kiri Durant

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