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Neighbours Episode 9082 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9081 - 9083>>
Episode title: 9082
Australian and UK airdate: 24/07/24
Writer: Ceinwen Langley
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Kiri Durant: Gemma Bird Matheson
Tess Carmichael: Anica Calida
- "50 Stories" by Thirteen:13
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Mackenzie is excited when she wins her first court case
- Byron impulsively tells Leo's other potential investor that Leo's not interested, but Krista overhears
- Byron begs Krista not to say anything to Leo
- After a successful event with Kiri and Nicolette, Leo admits he now thinks this partnership could work
- Mackenzie tells Kiri that she noticed the looks she and Nicolette were giving one another
- Many months ago, Reece is told to come home to the US by her father's right- hand woman, Tess Carmichael
- Reece refuses, asking Tess who will find Krista if she leaves. 'Me,' Tess replies
- After he makes a massive stuff- up with a double booking at the hotel, Krista fires interim manager Brett
- The chaos at reception leads to Krista being splattered with food - just as Tess reappears on the scene
Lassiter's Hotel
A still- splattered Krista, Holly and Byron all look surprised to see Tess.
KRISTA: I didn't know you were coming.
TESS: Hello, Byron.
BYRON: Err, Tess.
KRISTA: It's not normally like this.
TESS: I should hope not.
KRISTA: Unfortunately, I just had to fire our acting manager. It's a bit of a story.
TESS: I look forward to hearing it (...) Why don't I grab a coffee while you get cleaned up? Then we can talk properly.
Tess walks out of reception, surveying her chaotic surroundings with disdain. Krista looks panicked.
BYRON: Why is she here?
HOLLY: Isn't she Reece's 2IC now?
KRISTA: Last time I checked. Look, whatever's going on we need to get this place sorted ASAP.
Harold's Café
Haz serves Harold a coffee, and queries why he's not on his planned trip to the peninsula today.
HAROLD: I couldn't possibly get on the bus with those women.
HAZ: Harold Bishop, are you hiding from Moira and Hilary?
HAROLD: Ever since I won that election, it's been one complaint after another!
HAZ: Well, maybe they're just looking for an excuse to talk to you.
HAROLD: Hey, don't you start!
Toadie comes in and asks if Harold is still set to come round to dinner tonight. He says a night on Ramsay Street is just what he needs. Haz asks Toadie if he's spoken to Mackenzie.
TOADIE (distracted): I was meant to call her to see how she went in court.
HAZ (assertive): She won.
TOADIE: ... That's good.
HAROLD: She won a case on her own?
HAZ: It's an absolutely massive deal. She's been preparing for weeks.
Haz is clearly annoyed that Toadie isn't more invested in this, but prepares to walk off rather than saying so outright. Aware of the point Haz is making, Toadie pulls it back.
TOADIE: It is a huge deal, yeah. We need to celebrate this. What are you doing tonight?
Mackenzie gets a message from Haz, and tells Kiri and Nicolette that she has dinner plans tonight.
NICOLETTE: Ooh, is Haz taking you to a nice restaurant?
MACKENZIE: Close! To Terese and Toadie's.
Kiri and Nicolette laugh! Mackenzie decides she should leave now to beat the traffic, and Leo comes in as she leaves. He tells Kiri and Nic that he's had a very satisfied client on the phone following their event today. Kiri hopes she can be persuaded to turn this into an online review tomorrow.
While Nic and Kiri talk about this, Leo gets a call from another customer, from a high- end Melbourne tour company. Afterwards, he tells Kiri and Nic that Yorokobi has been asked to pitch for one of their 'Melbourne Experiences' - but it's to fill a hole left by another candidate who's just dropped out, so she needs their pitch by tomorrow morning.
LEO: I know you two were about to head home...
NICOLETTE: Oh, please, as if we'd bail on this.
KIRI: Yeah, what she said.
LEO: Okay, well, let's get brainstorming!
Lassiter's Hotel
Sam has arrived to man reception in the aftermath of the double- booking disaster, and Krista thanks her for coming in. Byron has moved the last of the guest bags out of reception. Holly asks if she can head home now; Krista tells her to get some rest, but advises her maybe not to go out tonight.
Tess comes back in, and tells Krista she won't be staying at the hotel but will need a guest room to work in as an office - she'll be basing herself in Melbourne for the next few weeks.
BYRON: Doesn't Reece need you back in the States?
TESS: I'm now Sincorp's head of Asia- Pacific. She's asked me to check on all our investments.
KRISTA: I see.
Byron goes to see if there's a room available for Tess, while Krista suggests she and Tess take a seat outside, so she can fill her in on what's been happening.
Leo, Nicolette and Kiri are brainstorming ideas for their Melbourne Experience, including picnics among the vines and putting their guests to work squishing grapes with their feet! Leo gets an urgent message from Krista so says he'll have to rush off to see her - so he leaves Kiri and Nicolette to stay and organise the budget for the pitch.
No 32
Haz and Mackenzie are having a bit of a pash in the kitchen. He presents her with a bunch of flowers as congratulations for winning her first case. He remarks that inviting her to dinner was the least Toadie could do after not being in court today.
MACKENZIE: Oh, I told you I was happy to step up.
HAZ: Yeah, but he is your mentor, and he hasn't been doing any mentoring lately.
MACKENZIE: Well, he's doing the best he can, Haz. Where's this coming from?
Mack's phone rings. She confirms who she is, and asks how the caller got her number...
Lassiter's Complex
Outside the hotel, Krista is explaining to Tess why she hired Brett; he cost them thousands with his mistake, and he had already ignored previous warnings.
TESS: And Paul recommended him for the position?
KRISTA: Yes... but he left the final decision with me.
TESS: Then the responsibility lies with both of you.
KRISTA: I'm not taking this lightly. I'll think of ways to recoup the losses.
Tess looks unimpressed.
TESS: Do you remember the last time we saw each other?
KRISTA: It was in London. I'd just had a huge argument with Dad.
TESS: You jumped into a taxi and screamed out the window. You said you never wanted to see him again.
KRISTA: And I never did.
TESS: He loved you very much.
KRISTA (emotional): I will always regret that I couldn't make things right before he died.
TESS: If he were here now, he'd want to know that you were turning your life around.
KRISTA: I am! Paul left me in charge, and he wouldn't have done that if he didn't trust me.
TESS: Even so, you can understand why I'm concerned.
KRISTA: Is Reece concerned, too? Are you really here to check on me?
TESS: Reece is a very busy woman. She knows I'm in the region. But we haven't discussed you.
Tess has had a long day of travelling, so suggests they pick this conversation up tomorrow. She says she's rented a house for the duration of her stay, and adds that she'll message Krista later with a time to meet. Leo appears, and he and Tess greet one another before she goes on her way.
KRISTA: Don't say anything. Just give me a hug, please.
Leo does what she asks. From a distance, Tess watches, and allows herself what might be interpreted as an evil smile...
No 32
Mackenzie tells Haz about the phone call she's just had from McGovern & Armstrong, one of the biggest law firms in Melbourne - it was a job offer. Apparently the judge from the court case she won today recommended her to them.
MACKENZIE: They are branching out into human rights law, and they're on the lookout for promising new lawyers.
HAZ: Human rights is right up your alley. Interesting timing.
MACKENZIE: Whatever you've been thinking about Toadie, I can't possibly take it.
HAZ: Loyalty aside, are you interested?
MACKENZIE: Well, yeah. But I can't put loyalty aside.
HAZ: Okay. Well, what would this job give you that Rebecchi Law can't?
MACKENZIE: You can't compare. Rebecchi Law is a small suburban firm, and McGovern & Armstrong are international.
HAZ: You should see your face lighting up right now.
MACKENZIE: Okay! Fine. It's a dream job. I would get to be in court all the time. But Toadie has been so good to me. He's family.
HAZ: He can't expect you to work for him forever.
MACKENZIE: Well, I'm happy to do a few more years.
HAZ: You should see your face *not* lighting up right now.
MACKENZIE: Alright, yeah. I wish he would focus more on developing my career. But that is not a reason to bolt.
HAZ: All I'm saying is, just think it over.
He kisses her hand. Mackenzie agrees to consider it.
No 22
Susan, Karl and Harold are having a pre- dinner drink with Toadie and Terese, as Susan regales them all with the tale of Moira's missing hat, and her recent embarrassing encounter with her in Karl's office.
HAROLD: Has this anything to do with a very strange message I got from Moira?
SUSAN: Oh, don't! Alright, alright - well, I decided to *surprise* Karl in his office.
TOADIE: Oh, I see!
SUSAN: Settle down! And Moira walked in at a very inopportune moment.
TOADIE: Oh, no!
HAROLD: Ooh! ... No, I'm sorry, I don't follow?
Everyone laughs.
SUSAN: Harold, let me put it this way. The only thing between me and Moira was her cabbage- flower hat.
But Harold still looks nonplussed!
KARL: You had to be there, Harold.
SUSAN: Oh, thank goodness you weren't!
Mackenzie and Haz come in, and Terese greets her as the 'star of Rebecchi Law'. Everyone starts to congratulate Mack, and Harold is very keen to hear about the court case. Toadie says he is too, but Haz looks sceptical...
The Waterhole
Krista is with Leo, stressing about Tess's arrival. Krista thinks Tess is obviously here to check on her, whether Reece sent her or not. Leo suggests Krista call Reece, but she doesn't want to bother her, or give her any reason to think that there are problems here. Seeing how panicked she is, Leo encourages her to breathe.
KRISTA: Sorry. Seeing Tess just brought up a lot of stuff.
LEO: About your dad?
KRISTA: Yeah. She was always by his side, towing the company line. And the last time we all saw each other, I was totally wired.
LEO: Hey. You're not that person anymore.
Krista gets a message from Tess, who wants to meet her at 7am to discuss her plans for recouping the financial losses from the double booking.
LEO: It's not fair.
KRISTA: It's a test. She wants to put the pressure on me.
LEO: Well, ask her to change the time.
KRISTA: No, I can't do that! I just need a plan.
Leo considers the pitch for the Melbourne Experience that the vineyard is doing. He suggests a collaboration - they could use the hotel as accommodation for the guests who book in for the vineyard experience.
LEO: It's a win- win situation for both of us. Look, it might not recoup all of your losses, but it'll show Tess that you're proactive.
KRISTA: So what? We'd present a combined pitch?
LEO: Yeah. We can put our heads together tonight and present back to Tess in the morning.
Leo has sent a text running the idea by Kiri during this conversation, and she replies saying she and Nicolette are on board with it.
No 22
Mackenzie is telling Susan, Karl, Haz, Toadie, Terese and Harold about her court case, which involved false allegations against a local business. The court awarded damages for lost income, but Mack says it was never about the money for her client, but the truth.
MACKENZIE (to Toadie): For our client. Sorry.
TOADIE: No, no, not at all. It's very much your client. You took the running on this one.
HAZ: Must have been some sunroom!
HAZ: Oh, the rebuild at No 30. Since it took up quite a lot of your time.
Mackenzie looks worried, but Toadie responds graciously to Haz's line of questioning.
TOADIE: Yeah, yeah, I have, erm... I have had a lot of distractions lately.
MACKENZIE: Well, you couldn't help going to Colac.
SUSAN: So, when will the sunroom be finished?
TOADIE: I'm not sure, really. I'm gonna leave the rest of it to Cara to finish.
TERESE (laughs): Oh, you've been kicked off the job already?
TOADIE: No, I just, err... I realised that it's probably best to leave the finishing touches to the professionals. (to Mackenzie) You're gonna be seeing a lot more of me around the office from now. I'm really sorry that I've been MIA.
MACKENZIE: No, it's fine!
Toadie takes Mack's hand.
TOADIE (emotional): Err, no. No, it's not. Erm... you kicked a major goal today, and I wasn't there to watch it. And sometimes, you know, it's really easy just to get caught up in life and get distracted. And so, here is to the most amazing employee and so much more. And my amazing wife, and amazing friends.
Everyone raises their glasses. Toadie looks... haunted. And Karl looks worried.
No 24
Kiri and Nicolette are working on the pitch. Nic asks if Kiri's sure they're happy teaming up with Krista.
KIRI: She's Leo's girlfriend. If it's good for him, it's good for the trial partnership.
NICOLETTE: I love this side of you.
KIRI: Well, I love your ideas. That harvest feast idea was really good.
NICOLETTE: Oh, no. I think that grape- stomping was the real winner of the day.
KIRI: I was just riffing off you.
NICOLETTE: I've been learning a lot from you the past few days. It's made me kind of worried that my café experience isn't gonna cut it in the restaurant world.
KIRI: You're making it work.
NICOLETTE: Can we make *this* work?
Kiri appears to interpret this as about their relationship, but Nic doubles back.
NICOLETTE: I mean, professionally. If Leo gives us the green light.
KIRI: Yeah, umm... ask me again once we've turned this brilliant idea into a killer pitch.
No 22
Toadie is clearing up after dinner, and Karl takes the opportunity to ask whether he's told Terese yet about the issues with Sonya's Nursery.
TOADIE: I told her that everything's under control, and it is.
KARL: Everything else we talked about - it's not an issue?
TOADIE: I am going to stop overthinking the past, and focus on the present.
Terese and Susan come in with Harold and compliment Karl and Toadie on their clearing up! Terese thinks it's only fair as she's done the cooking.
TOADIE: And when she says cooking, she means 'ordering the takeaway', right?
TERESE: Excuse me! Don't spill my secrets!
In the other room, Haz suggests to Mackenzie that she could talk to Toadie tomorrow about the job offer.
MACKENZIE: There's no need. I'm saying no to the job.
HAZ: Are you sure?
MACKENZIE (nods): I love Toadie. I don't want to leave.
HAZ: Okay.
No 24
Byron, Krista, Leo, Kiri and Nicolette are now all working on the Melbourne Experience pitch together. Byron wants to make some input but Nicolette slaps his hand away!
NICOLETTE: No! Although, we might need you to wear a toga at some point.
Krista thanks them all for letting her muscle in on their pitch, as does Leo; but Kiri says it was a natural fit for the two businesses to work together. Leo also has something he wants to say to Nicolette, Byron and Kiri.
LEO: The answer's yes.
NICOLETTE: Are we talking about the trial partnership?
LEO: Yeah, exactly. I've seen you guys are great at teamwork, and I'd still love you to be a part of it, if you're keen.
NICOLETTE: Hell, yeah!
KIRI: I think that's a yes!
LEO: Alright, I'll get the contracts drawn up.
But Byron and Krista are looking a bit more apprehensive, given their shared secret about the other investor who Byron scared off. Byron says he'll have to hand in his resignation at the hotel.
LEO: I do want to say I'm sorry for messing you guys around with that silent investor. Partnerships are about trust, and teamwork, and honesty. And you've shown me you're capable of that, so thank you.
NICOLETTE: Hey, we're vineyard owners! Surely there must be wine.
Leo goes to get some bottles from the car, while Nic and Kiri fetch glasses - giving Byron and Krista a chance to talk.
BYRON: Hey, I know we're thinking the same thing here.
KRISTA: I hate that we're still lying to him about the other investor.
BYRON: I know, I know - but look around! It's all worked out for the best, right? Why don't we just keep looking forward, not back? Yeah?
Krista doesn't look sure, but doesn't say anything.
Lassiter's Complex
The next morning, Krista and Tess are having their meeting. Tess seems impressed with the vineyard collaboration, which if successful, Krista says, will mitigate a huge chunk of their losses. Krista has also put together a strong list of candidates for the acting manager position now Brett's gone, until Paul returns.
TESS: Good work.
KRISTA: Thank you.
TESS: How long have you been seeing Leo?
KRISTA: About three months. He's been a big support to me throughout my recovery.
TESS: I hope he's more trustworthy than his father?
KRISTA: He's an incredible guy. Honest to a fault.
TESS: Good to hear.
KRISTA: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
TESS: Nothing for now. I have access to all the hotel reports. I'm about to get stuck in.
Krista leaves her to it, at which point Tess gets a phone call from a mystery contact.
TESS (on the phone): Hi, there. Are you all packed? ... She's a lot more together than I expected, but that won't last for long... Relax. She thinks I'm here to watch over her. She doesn't suspect a thing.
Later, Krista is looking at her emails outside the café. There's one from Byron, informing her and Paul of his resignation. Leo stops by and asks how the meeting with Tess went. Krista reports that she seemed impressed; and Leo has sent the pitch to the client, so is hoping it's a thumbs- up from them too.
KRISTA: You saved me from going to a really dark place yesterday.
LEO: Yeah. You're strong and you're capable, okay? You've got this.
KRISTA: You're the one making me strong.
LEO: I've got your back, just like you've got mine.
Krista notices that Leo has the contract for the vineyard investment in front of him - he's about to sign Byron, Nicolette and Kiri into his business.
KRISTA: You *have* always had my back. But I haven't always had yours. Leo, I have to tell you something. It's about the silent investor, Mr Breen (...) I should've told you when it happened.
LEO: It's okay. It all worked out for the best.
KRISTA: Yeah, maybe it still can. But I can't let you go into this partnership without knowing the truth. The reason that Breen pulled out is that Byron told him you were no longer interested.
LEO: What?!
KRISTA: He lied to Breen. And we've both been keeping it from you.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mackenzie asks Toadie if everything's alright; but he throws the same question back at her
- Melanie tells Tess she shouldn't worry about Krista; Tess reminds Mel that Krista extorted money from her
- Byron tells Leo he knows what he did was bad, but that things have worked out for the best
- But Leo asks Byron to give him one good reason why he should go into business with him
<<9081 - 9083>>
Tess Carmichael, Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9082
Tess Carmichael, Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair

Haz Devkar, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9082
Haz Devkar, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Kiri Durant, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9082
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Kiri Durant, Nicolette Stone

Sam Young, Krista Sinclair, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9082
Sam Young, Krista Sinclair, Byron Stone

Nicolette Stone, Leo Tanaka, Kiri Durant in Neighbours Episode 9082
Nicolette Stone, Leo Tanaka, Kiri Durant

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9082
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9082
Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair

Tess Carmichael in Neighbours Episode 9082
Tess Carmichael

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 9082
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9082
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9082
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Susan Kennedy

Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9082
Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka

Haz Devkar, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9082
Haz Devkar, Toadie Rebecchi

Kiri Durant, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9082
Kiri Durant, Nicolette Stone

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9082
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9082
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Kiri Durant in Neighbours Episode 9082
Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Kiri Durant

Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9082
Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair

Krista Sinclair, Tess Carmichael in Neighbours Episode 9082
Krista Sinclair, Tess Carmichael

Tess Carmichael in Neighbours Episode 9082
Tess Carmichael

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9082
Leo Tanaka

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