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Neighbours Episode 8897 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8896 - 8898>>
Episode title: 8897
Australian airdate: 26/07/22
UK airdate: 25/07/22
Writer: Kate Bradley
Director: Tony Oscika
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Shane Ramsay: Peter O'Brien
Isabelle Hoyland: Natalie Bassingthwaighte
Malcolm Kennedy: Benjie McNair
Byron Stone: Joe Klocek
Elly Conway: Jodi Gordon
Yashvi Rebecchi: Olivia Junkeer
Madge Bishop: Anne Charleston [uncredited but appeared via flashback]
Lou Carpenter: Tom Oliver [uncredited but appeared via flashback]
Des Clarke: Paul Keane [uncredited but appeared via flashback]
Daphne Lawrence: Elaine Smith [uncredited but appeared via flashback]
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Izzy tempted with buying #24.
- Karl asking Izzy where she'd like to live and she mentions Ramsay Street.
- Susan demanding Paige doesn't sell #24 to Izzy!
- Jane asking her son if he's Harvey J or Byron the lawyer.
- Byron choosing to be Harvey J the escort.
- Jane and Clive parting ways.
- Elly rocking up at #24!
- Elly proclaiming her love for Chloe and that she's ready.
- Chloe and Elly pashing.
Number 28
Clive reports that Jane has asked him to do some "soul searching" over why he shelved "his integrity" by seeing Danielle and thus he's after advice from Karl. Karl thinks he's already on the correct path with revisiting his past relationships (to see what went wrong) and is therefore told to carry on doing that.
KARL: Forgiveness is always possible and sometimes it will come when you least expect it.
Number 32 (outside)
Byron plucks up the courage to talk to his mum. Jane is still nowhere nearer accepting his escort job and a text from Danielle wanting to see him (she's leaving for Sydney) has him curtailing their chat.
JANE: Well, please don't give her my regards!
The Waterhole
Yashvi has a warm reunion with Terese and she is pleased to hear that Yashvi and Ned have got back together too since they were "a great couple."
Terese leaves Yashvi to go chat with Shane and comments on how smart he now looks suited up (but minus the tie). Shane explains he "dress the part" for meeting Paul about the sale of the hotel. He also reveals to her about one of the conditions of the sale - not removing Josh's plaque from the foyer.
SHANE: Paul's insisted.
Number 32 (inside)
David and Elly are making small talk about the possibility of him moving to America when Nicolette comes in and David does the intros. Nicolette is very much holding a grudge with Elly - she is still very bitter that Elly's 'presence' prevented her from being with Chloe!
Thankfully Nicolette doesn't hang around too long and the "awkward moment" is over. Mind you Elly is more interested on hearing from Chloe and what her decision is than chatting with Nicolette. She reaffirms to David that she now knows what her sexuality is and what she wants. His advice is to give Chloe time - Elly has had years to make her mind up over what she wanted; Chloe needs more than "the course of a day."
Lassiters car park
Shane is pondering which of the two Mercedes cars that have been sent for him to test drive he should buy when Izzy comes over to chat. When she mentions she has no issues spending money (unlike Shane), he ropes her into giving him "some pointers."
Number 28
Toadie is chuffed that Freya and Levi are helping take the pressure off him by re-doing the history book. Harold begins by telling them about his past with Madge and how they were "high school sweethearts who gradually drifted apart" until Charlene, Madge's daughter, reunited them. He mentions that he had a rival for Madge too - Lou (and via flashbacks we see Lou arriving at #24 to 'claim' Madge) but eventually "true love prevailed" and they did marry (again another flashback) on "the most gorgeous day in May."
HAROLD: I couldn't have been happier.
Harold's café
Byron meets up with Clive to return his watch - Danielle found it when packing up. Jane of course spots the exchange when she enters the café and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Despite Clive's attempt to explain, Jane isn't willing to listen to him.
Lassiters car park
Izzy is very much enjoying helping Shane pick a car but he interrupts the car chat to talk houses - he wants #24 but she isn't going to give this house up! He suggests taking one of the cars for a test drive and to 'negotiate' who buys the house when they stop for a drink. Izzy rejects his offer citing a prior commitment... but suggests that he buys the blue Mercedes as he looks "good in blue."
Number 32 (outside)
After catching Nicolette looking at New York stuff on her phone, Byron urges his sister to go to America. When Jane spots that he is there as she's heading to the back yard, she immediately does a 180 and heads back inside but is told not to run away because Byron wants to talk to her.
"Clive didn't get up to anything dodgy with Danielle," Byron begins with and goes onto explain that she took Clive's watch at a fundraising meeting to ensure he went to hers to get it back. However, since Clive cut contact between them, she asked Byron to pass the watch on to him. There was also a message for Jane too - that Clive "is a good person despite everything."
Jane isn't sure whether to believe Danielle or not, but Byron reassures her that it is the truth. He then then drops a bombshell by announcing that he's leaving! A client wants him to spend time with her to South Africa and he's leaving that night for Cape Town. Jane looks shocked at hearing this sudden news and doesn't want him to go. Byron has some parting words for his mum about Clive.
BYRON: You have a real shot at happiness here. Don't be too proud to chase it.
Lassiters Brasserie
Freya and Levi catch up with Shane to get his input for the history book (they wanted a contribution from a Ramsay!). He tells them about Des' "infamous bucks party" and via flashbacks we see Shane calling Daphne to book her as the stripper for Des' bucks party.
SHANE: Funny how things work out, but that dancer ended up being the first love of my life.
Levi looks utterly shocked that Shane "went out with a stripper." "Yeah, well, I nearly married her too," Shane says before going on to add that she was also his "first big heartbreak" and via a flashback we see Paul telling Shane to marry Daphne!
SHANE: Des ended up winning that battle.
Number 28
Harold is weighing up the pros and cons of having Izzy and Mal as neighbours when Karl realises he needs to remove his houseguest from the house, so they head outside to discuss "sausages!"
ELLY: You are a class act. I mean Suze, I would be fuming if I was you!
SUSAN: Truthfully, I am! But I'm hoping that with Paige's help, I can nip this in the bud.
Lassiters office
Given the radio silence Elly's had from Chloe, she's decided to go to her instead. Chloe tries to pan her off citing that she's busy but Elly won't be staying long - she's just there to say she is heading back to Sydney in the morning. Chloe does seem shocked, but equally relived, at hearing that, so Elly explains that she realises the need to back off after hitting Chloe with "something massive."
ELLY: You deserve the time you need to really think things through. Yeah. Umm. I will wait as long as it takes Chloe. I really want this to happen.
Number 32 (inside)
Nicolette begs her brother not to leave... because she's starting to realise that she might like him! "I might like you too," he jokes back with his sister before the pair share a final hug before she heads off to work.
Jane asks if he will return after the SA trip but he's non-committal other than wanting Jane to focus on Clive. And at that, Clive enters the house and Byron makes himself scarce.
Jane apologises for jumping to the wrong conclusions at the café but Byron has set her straight. After accepting her apology, Clive thinks Jane's reaction means there is hope for them. He's partially right as she can't "click my fingers and be over you," however she asks him to leave so she can spend time with Byron. "To be continued?" Clive tentatively asks and Jane nods her head back.
As Clive goes to leave, he stops to look at his phone - Sheila Canning is calling him.
"All good?" Byron asks after coming back into the kitchen. "All good," is the reply back from Jane before the pair say their tearful goodbyes.
The Waterhole (veranda)
Mal and Izzy make their way to a table in the veranda when Freya and Levi collar them to see about making an entry for the history book. Harold is particularly after an entry from Izzy!
YASHVI: Oh, is your history something that people want to remember?
IZZY: Do you feel sad that the Rebecchi charm gene just passed you by?!
Freya asks if this history is why Izzy is no longer interested in #24? This of course is news to Mal cue lots of embarrassment all round while Izzy goes to make a call!
The Waterhole (inside)
Chloe uses David as a sounding bowl to talk over what has happened with Elly. David does think that Elly is real and has figured herself out since she left. Choe though doesn't want to get hurt but admits that Elly is her "what if" and only a few hours ago, offered her "everything I've ever wanted with her."
CHLOE: Sydney versus Adelaide. Erinsborough versus New York. Tough choices.
DAVID: Yeah.
Their chat is interrupted when Izzy stops by their table wanting a word with Chloe!
Number 28
An irate Izzy and Mal come to confront the K's about being told they weren't interested any more in #24, "which isn't true."
IZZY: If I didn't know better, I would think that someone was using their friendship to sabotage our chances of getting the house.
KARL: Oh don't be ridiculous!
MAL: Mum, did you say something?
SUSAN: I suppose it was naïve to think I could put one over the greatest manipulator the street's ever seen!
Susan admits that yes, she did have a word with Paige.
SUSAN: This is my home. I've lived here for 28 years. I have every right to defend it.
IZZY: Even at the expense of your family's happiness?
SUSAN: To protect my family's happiness!
Mal asks Izzy to head to the car so he can have a wee word with his parents in private.
IZZY: You were never going to give me a chance?!
SUSAN: Only Isabelle could twist the truth and make out like she's the victim.
With Izzy safely out of the house, it's time for Mal to have the wee word with his parents.
MALCOLM: This isn't going to work is it?
SUSAN: No Malcolm!!! This was never going to work!
MALCOLM: Mum, you can stop, Izzy is my girlfriend and I love her. We don't have to move back into the street. We don't have to move back to Australia but you're going to have to find a way to accept that she's my partner.
The K's look shellshocked at what Mal has said but after a moment, Susan replies back to her son.
SUSAN: I can't. I cannot have her as part of my life. It means you're going to have to make a choice Malcolm.
KARL: Susan!
SUSAN: You are going to have to choose between me in your life or Isabelle because you can't have both. It's me or her.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Nicolette having words with her mum.
- Toadie pondering things.
<<8896 - 8898>>
Karl Kennedy, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8897
Karl Kennedy, Clive Gibbons

Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8897
Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone

Byron Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8897
Byron Stone, Jane Harris

Terese Willis, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8897
Terese Willis, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi

Shane Ramsay, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8897
Shane Ramsay, Terese Willis

David Tanaka, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8897
David Tanaka, Elly Conway

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8897
Nicolette Stone

Shane Ramsay, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 8897
Shane Ramsay, Izzy Hoyland

Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8897
Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Freya Wozniak, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Freya Wozniak, Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter, Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Harold Bishop

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Madge Bishop

Byron Stone, Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8897
Byron Stone, Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

Izzy Hoyland, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 8897
Izzy Hoyland, Shane Ramsay

Izzy Hoyland, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 8897
Izzy Hoyland, Shane Ramsay

Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8897
Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone

Byron Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8897
Byron Stone, Jane Harris

Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 8897
Freya Wozniak, Levi Canning, Shane Ramsay

Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 8897
Shane Ramsay

Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 8897
Shane Ramsay

Des Clarke, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 8897
Des Clarke, Shane Ramsay

Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 8897
Daphne Clarke

Shane Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8897
Shane Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Elly Conway, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 8897
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Elly Conway, Harold Bishop

Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8897
Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway

Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8897
Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan

Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8897
Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone, Jane Harris

Byron Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8897
Byron Stone, Jane Harris

Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8897
Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris

Jane Harris, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 8897
Jane Harris, Byron Stone

Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8897
Levi Canning, Freya Wozniak, Yashvi Rebecchi

Izzy Hoyland, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8897
Izzy Hoyland, Malcolm Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8897
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 8897
Susan Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 8897
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8897
Susan Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8897
Susan Kennedy

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