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Neighbours Episode 8667 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8666 - 8668>>
Episode title: 8667
Australian airdate: 19/07/21
UK airdate: 16/08/21
Writer: Nina Vlahovic
Director: Tenika Smith
Guests: Leo Tanaka: Tim Kano
Maya Velasco: Christina O'Neill
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Jane and Karl talking about entering the film festival.
- Chloe accepting Nicolette's marriage proposal.
- Chloe assuring Leo she'll be ready to marry Nicolette down the track.
- David warning Leo to let go of his infatuation with Chloe.
- Jane throwing Nicolette and Chloe a surprise engagement party.
- David and Aaron finding Leo hugging Chloe during the party.
- Chloe telling Aaron and David she needed space because she felt suffocated.
- Aaron and David unsure what Chloe's next move will be.
The Waterhole
Even though Chloe reassures Nicolette that she is fine, the boys suggest that the pair of them head home but Nicolette isn't ready to go home yet, she still has more mingling to do - this time with Karl and the newly arrived Susan.
Susan apologises for being late and hands over a pressie from them both - mini figurines representing the ladies but adds that she doesn't expect to see them on the wedding cake! On the subject of the wedding, Karl asks that they give their guests a bit of notice, although the boys butt in and suggest it's a bit too early to be talking dates!
On the pretence of wanting some water, Chloe escapes to the bar and isn't impressed that the boys have followed her and warns them about following her. "We're worried," David explains and while Chloe gets that, it's making her feel like she has a sign on her head saying 'nervous fiancée'.
DAVID: We just want to know what you plan to do.
CHLOE: Getting through tonight without having a panic attack is as far as I've got.
"This is not helping!" she finishes with and the boys agree to back off.
Number 32
The boys are home from the party and discuss between them what they hope will happen (Chloe will tell Nicolette she wants to take things slowly) but are equally very fearful that Chloe will break things up.
DAVID: Your sister changes her mind so fast and so often I've got whiplash!
"We have to protect Nicolette," is David's mantra and the newly arrived Leo tries to get them to see it from Chloe's point of view too, by asking if they care how she feels? Aaron replies that they do, before Leo has to justify himself to David why he was with Chloe (because she was upset and called him).
AARON: She has us.
LEO: No offence, but you're more worried about Nicolette and hardly impartial.
"And you are?!" David quickly throws back at him, adding too that "this is none of your business." Leo is equally quick to reply back that he is "when I'm the only person Chloe can turn to for support."
Aaron wisely decides to leave the brothers to it by heading off to bed! Alone, David has a right go at his brother for not keeping out of it and thus making things worse. "Chloe is a person not a situation," Leo reminds his brother with along with the fact it is her relationship not David's!
LEO: But it must be hard to see with those baby blinders on.
Number 24
Chloe looks relived when it's the figurines that Nicolette wants her opinion on when the pair walk into the house after coming home from the party. When they turn the lights on, Jane has set up a "wind down for two" in the living room and that they've the house to themselves too (she's staying at Clive's). Chloe suggests it too late for a "sugar high" and reluctantly, Nicolette will make do with "a cuddle in bed" instead given they've got "the rest of their lives for everything else."
Harold's café (next day)
Karl forgot to get the Irn Bru in, so he's settling for a fry up to deal with his hangover courtesy of the open bar last night!
Susan thanks the newly arrived Jane (and Clive) for the party invite, while Karl is more curious to know what she's got planned for her short film entry... her runner up entry given his has already won! The only thing Jane is revealing is her entry is based on something she did with her pupils, which has Karl accusing her of cheating! Both decide to keep their plans to themselves and the K's relocate outside to wait their breakfast.
Number 24
After letting themselves into what they think is an empty house, "that is not a good sign," Aaron comments after David points out the touched 'wind down for two.' After she surfaces, Nicolette asks why the boys are round so early and David's lame reply is simply wanting to check in to see how their night went. She is sure he doesn't want to hear "the sordid details" and the boys look happy stunned given their initial thoughts on entering the house. When the boys hear that Chloe has already left for work, they invite Nicolette to hang out at #32 with them.
NICOLETTE: What is this, a pity party because I'm a work widow?
Just as Aaron goes to reply, she cuts him off by adding that she "doesn't care" since she has nothing to do until her antenatal class.

Winery (exterior)
Oops, Chloe left in such a rush to get to work that she forgot her keys! It hasn't all been in vain waiting for Leo to arrive though as its allowed her some alone time. Naturally, they start talking about the "complicated" mess she is in and Leo is adamant she's to "do right" by herself "no matter how much you want to do right by everyone else."
CHLOE: You seem to be the only person who truly gets me.
Leo like the compliment and is quick to say that he is here for her "whenever you want to talk." That though is the last thing Chloe wants to do!
CHLOE: I know I should be trying to figure it out because the longer I leave it, the more it upsets Aaron and David.
LEO: (interrupting) What did I just say?!
CHLOE: To be honest, right now I just cannot deal with it... or them...or Nicolette.
"Then don't!" is his advice and she has a ready-made excuse - they've lots of work to do at the winery and a function in the evening too.
CHLOE: (puzzled) We don't have a function tonight.
LEO: No-one else needs to know that.
With the smile Chloe then beams on her face - she likes his plan!
Number 32 (exterior)
Nicolette has enjoyed being with the boys for the day and is about to head home alone as Chloe has a "last minute function." The pair are highly suspicions at hearing that but thankfully Nicolette doesn't notice their looks as she cleans up and takes the dishes inside.
Making sure they aren't overheard; the boys discuss this 'last minute function'. Aaron is buying it though since Chloe wanted some thinking time whereas David is highly suspicious especially since it means they've to "lie to Nicolette." David is also aghast at his brothers interference, which forces Aaron to remind him that Chloe can make her own mind up plus Nicolette said things "were good last night." While getting that, David wishes Chloe tells "Nicolette about her feelings," as he "hates keeping this" from Nicolette.
Winery (exterior)
After spotting Leo crack open a bottle of wine for them both, Chloe cries that its "too early" given they've still "real work to do." That work can apparently wait as Chloe needs to learn to relax, hence the "medicinal" wine. Eventually they agree to have a glass while Chloe shows him the photos she's just taken of potential wedding spots (once Leo's ignored his ringing phone). Although as they look at the photos, the smile on Leo's face is more from looking at Chloe than the photos she's taken!
Lassiters Complex
Karl pauses working on his script to go have a nosey at what Jane and Clive are up to. He is unimpressed that his wife has agreed to letting Jane borrow filming equipment from the school after he spots her set up. Given Jane seems much more ahead of the game than he is, Karl suggests that they combine forces and he becomes her "executive producer."
JANE: No thanks.
Karl tries again by saying she is sure to be guaranteed a win if they pair up, but Jane is more than happy to work just with Clive. She is willing though to listen to Karl's "critique" once she's "scooped up first prize!"
Road outside Community Centre
Nicolette is doing her hardest to lose the boys as she makes her way to her antenatal class but they are sticking to her like glue. Eventually she goes to challenge them on why they're being so attached to her but thankfully she runs into Maya and the pair head into the Community Centre leaving the boys firmly outside.
Being alone means David can check his phone to see if Leo has texted him back. As Leo hasn't, and while acknowledging that he is busy, David feels that after last night, Leo is "deliberately trying to be a jerk." Aaron wants his husband to relax and is sure that the tension between them will "blow over."
DAVID: Or blow up! I don't even know who my brother is right now.
Harold's café
Given she said yes to Jane borrowing the equipment, Susan also agrees to Karl asking to borrow the filming equipment, especially since he's got his plot.
KARL: A team of scientists land on the moon only to find that aliens have been living there for centuries.
Susan is puzzled and asks what aliens have to do with the "what the heart wants" theme? Apparently it's an "abstract interpretation" and he plans to use "special effects" (courtesy of a design student paid out of his winnings!) to re-crate "the moon landing in Erinsborough." Susan can barely contain herself on hearing his reply!
SUSAN: So you're happy to spend all of the prize money on some dodgy special effect with no guarantee that you're even going to win?
KARL: Why does no-one believe I can do this? First Jane, now you, my loving supportive wife.
SUSAN: No, I say this with love... you excel at a great number of things but you don't have to excel at everything. Sometimes its okay to walk away.
Number 32
David looks happy to hear at last from his brother but is having trouble understanding the text and concludes that "he's hammered." Trying to give Leo the benefit of the doubt, Aaron suggests Leo is simply "too busy" to "proof read" what he'd written before sending the message.
DAVID: We both know Chloe was lying. There is no function, it's only an excuse for them to hang out and get drunk!
David tries calling Leo, but only gets his voicemail, which infuriates him further.
Winery (interior)
Leo and Chloe enter the wine cellar and since there is no food, its more wine for the pair of them!
Number 32
Nicolette is back at #32 because she forgot to take the leftovers home earlier. She confirms that she hasn't heard from Chloe but is relieved as she isn't in the mood to share!
Winery (interior)
After a mini-debate over which wine bottle to open next, it dawns on Chloe that she's had too much wine to drive home and is annoyed at doing this on top of lying to Nicolette.
LEO: What happened to you doing right by you?
CHLOE: Getting drunk was never going to be the way to deal with that.
Leo asks if she is honestly "ready to deal with any of it?" "No," is Chloe's immediately reply but knows too that she needs to go home "sometime."
LEO: Does it have to be tonight?
Number 32/Winery
Chloe calls her brother wanting a favour - given she's been drinking; can the boys give her a bed for the night. "You can't avoid Nicolette forever," Aaron points out, which she knows before adding that it's just "one night." Chloe needs another favour - can let Nicolette know.
AARON: I'm not going to lie to her for you!
Chloe's explanation is that if she texts, Nicolette might call, and wants to keep it hidden from her that she's drunk. Chloe is in the middle of telling Aaron what he's to say when David interrupts to tell Chloe she's to "come home and face up to everything." Chloe knows she is putting the pair of them in a bad position and promises to "make it up to you" seconds before ending the call so the boys get a chance to say anything more!!
Number 32
"Why did you have to agree to that?" an angry David asks and Aaron's reply is what else was he meant to do, jokingly asking if he was supposed to go drive to the winery "and drag her home myself?!" Apparently that is what Aaron was supposed to do and David goes to get the keys!
AARON: We can't force Chloe to do anything. Its just one more night David.
DAVID: Of us definitely lying to Nicolette.
AARON: No, of Nicolette being stress free and happy.
Number 24
The boys and Nicolette enter the house discussing Chloe being "thoughtful" by spending the night at #32 rather than disturbing her. Before she retires for the night (with Clive), Jane hopes that Nicolette gets a better nights sleep. Nicolette hopes so too and is planning on having some of the tea Maya gave her earlier, to see if that works. She asks the boys if they will see themselves out (they will) before she too retires (with her tea) to her bedroom.
As the boys head to the sink to get the tub Nicolette took the food home in earlier, the pair have another domestic.
AARON: I don't know why you bothered to come if you weren't going to say anything.
DAVID: I came in case your conscious got the better of you and Nic needed support.
Aaron isn't amused and asks David not to "take this out on me!" and adds that he isn't "the bad guy here." He also points out that David knows only too well what Chloe is like when she's had a drink.
AARON: You wouldn't want them to be speaking to each other!
DAVID: So, we have two ex's, both with a history of behaving badly, drunk at a vineyard together. Leo definitely has a thing for her.
AARON: Look, even if he does, Chloe knows what its like to be cheated on. She would never do that to Nicolette.
Winery (interior)
Having managed to at least get some food to least to sober them up with, Chloe is aghast at Leo wanting to crack open another bottle of wine! "You're not ready to go back to reality?" he asks and Chloe laments that while she is sure he is "joking", adds that "it actually feels like that to me sometimes."
CHLOE: Out here I don't have to put on an act or put my feelings aside for anyone.
Leo reassures her that she can be herself around him. After thanking him, she admits to not knowing what she'd do without him lately.
CHLOE: You're a good friend.
Bringing the wine over and sitting opposite Chloe.
LEO: I don't want to be just want to be your friend. I want more than that.
CHLOE: (confused) What?!
LEO: Nicolette doesn't make you happy and I know I can. I get you Chlo and we're good together, really good. I bet if you're being honest with yourself, you can't deny you feel something for me too.
Either stalling for an answer or unwilling to reply, Chloe reaches instead for her glass of wine and takes a drink of it.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Aaron irate at his sister!
- Nicolette after answers.
- Leo is missing and everyone worried.
- Paul telling Nicolette some home truths.
<<8666 - 8668>>
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Leo Tanaka

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8667
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8667
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8667
Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8667
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8667
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8667
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka

Karl Kennedy, Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8667
Karl Kennedy, Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris

Maya Velasco, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8667
Maya Velasco, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8667
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8667
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8667
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8667
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8667
Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8667
Chloe Brennan

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