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Neighbours Episode 8514 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8513 - 8515>>
Episode title: 8514
Australian airdate: 11/12/20
UK airdate: 12/01/21
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Kane Jones: Barry Conrad
Jay Rebecchi: Dhruv Malge
- "You, Me And Mistletoe" by Tim Garland Feat Stefan Booth
- "Hard Up" by The Bamboos
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Clive and Jane agree that it was a mistake to sleep together, and that it won't go any further
- Sheila tries and fails to get Clive's attention at the Kennedys' Christmas party
- Jane reflects that if she and Clive were to pursue anything, it could be a problem with Sheila
- Roxy insists she trusts Kyle while he's in Germany with Georgia, but doesn't seem so sure
- Jay is grateful when Hendrix deletes the Lassiter's security footage for him, saying he owes him
- Hendrix tells Paul that he's quitting his job at the hotel
- But Susan reminds Hendrix that their arrangement was he'd have a job, so he could pay board etc
- Jay comes up with a way for Hendrix to earn 'easy money' by card- counting in blackjack games
The Waterhole
Hendrix and Jay come in, discussing their card-counting plans. Jay explains some of his friends from Sydney have older brothers who host blackjack games, hence his knowledge of that subject.
JAY: I've made stacks of money from these rich dudes. All I need is to teach you how to do the same.
HENDRIX: But you're not even eighteen. We can't exactly just rock up to a casino.
JAY: Obviously. They play with multiple decks anyway. It's impossible to count.
Instead, Jay suggests they should go to some 'underground' games; he's heard about some local guys who run them from Ollie. Hendrix is unimpressed that Ollie is the source of this intelligence.
JAY: Well, what are the alternatives? Flip enough burgers to pay off that fine you've got coming?
Aware he needs to support himself without Pierce's money, Hendrix agrees to the card-counting plan. Jay smiles.
Lassiter's Complex
Clive bids Jane a good morning as she passes him in the courtyard. She's visibly awkward and keen not to stop and chat, but Clive asks her how Nicolette's doing. Jane explains that Nicolette is pregnant, and will be co-parenting with David and Aaron.
CLIVE: Now I feel even worse for having fired her.
JANE: Oh, your hands were tied. She understands that.
Jane explains she's organising a care package for Nicolette, with vitamins and ginger tea. Jane is flustered when Clive suggests she add nipple butter to the list, saying his daughter swore by it when she had her baby.
Sheila turns up and greets them both. Now even more awkward, Jane hurries off. Sheila suggests to Clive that they pin down a time for the dinner they said they'd have. Clive half-tries to wriggle out of it, saying work's been crazy recently, but Sheila says they can do it whenever suits him.
SHEILA: It'd be nice to have a proper catch-up... I miss you.
CLIVE: ... I'll check my schedule. Umm... now's not a good time. I've got a million emails...
It's awkward...
The Sonya Wall
Ned and Yashvi are on their way back from a breakfast date at Anson's Corner. Yashvi is excited that her sister Kirsha will be home for Christmas. Ned asks if Yashvi's spoken to Dipi since Karl and Susan's party; Yashvi says she has 'a little', but is still trying to get her head around her affair.
As they walk past the Sonya memorial wall, we see a sign protruding from the woodchip below it, saying, 'Merry Christmas, Mummy - love Nell and Hugo'. Next to it are two wooden spoons seemingly dressed as Sonya!
Ned spots figure in the distance with his back to them, on the phone. It looks suspiciously like Kane Jones, the ringleader of the illegal fight club Ned was involved in. He mentions to Yashvi that he just saw someone he thought he recognised, without saying who, but decides he must've imagined it.
No 30
Jay is teaching Hendrix how to count cards so as to significantly boost the odds of winning at blackjack. Hendrix is struggling to follow Jay's explanation, and in any case they're soon interrupted by Harlow, who's come to see how Hendrix's job hunt is going. She's surprised to find them playing cards; Hendrix claims he needed a break as the search was stressing him out.
JAY: Yeah, so I thought I could show him some card tricks while we take a break.
HENDRIX: Yeah, but turns out I'm not smart enough for card tricks. Or to get a decent job. Or probably to survive without Dad's money.
HARLOW: You know, I distinctly recall you telling me that any employer would be lucky to have you.
HENDRIX: Yeah, well, turns out that's fake news.
HARLOW: No, that's rubbish. It just takes time. And you know what? I know you're gonna get a job, because you're amazing, and I love you (...) Promise me you'll keep trying.
Hendrix sighs and nods in agreement, and Harlow leaves them to it. Hendrix tells Jay he's never going to get the hang of the card-counting.
HENDRIX: We need a Plan B.
No 26
Roxy is making coffee in the kitchen while Levi fiddles with his phone. Sheila comes in, surprised to find Roxy here.
ROXY: I was missing Kyle, so I slept in his bed last night. Is that okay?
SHEILA: Yeah, sure.
LEVI: Is 'okay' the right word to use, though? I was thinking more like, I dunno, 'creepy'?
Levi asks Sheila if she knows of any home remedies for insomnia, since Bea is having trouble sleeping.
ROXY: Don't you act dumb. You are the reason she's not getting any sleep. New relationship, honeymoon phase, yada, yada...
But Levi says that's not the reason! Still browsing on his phone, he finds some lavender oil spray which can be put on pillows, and decides to buy it for Bea. Roxy thinks this is really sweet, but it seems to put Sheila in a bad mood, and she tells Roxy to make her a strong coffee. Roxy looks confused...
No 30
Hendrix is still struggling to get the hang of the card-counting, despite Jay's best efforts. They decide that Jay should be the one to do the counting, and that he can then make hand signals to Hendrix to tell him whether to hit or to stay. Jay searches on his tablet for some online games to help Hendrix practice.
Yashvi and Ned come in, and Yashvi asks what the boys are up to. Jay claims he's helping Hendrix to find a job.
YASHVI: Yeah, right, cos you're the expert - Mr Never Had A Job In My Life (!)
JAY: Excuse me. Being the smartest, funniest and best-looking Rebecchi in the family is a full-time job.
YASHVI: You're delusional, bro.
She slides the tablet around to look at what's on it, and Hendrix assumes she'll see the gaming site Jay was going to look at - but instead, she finds a job advert for a junior executive manager.
YASHVI: Seems like delusion is contagious!
Yashvi and Ned leave the room.
HENDRIX: How did you change the screen so fast?
JAY: Rule number one - always have a cover story ready to go.
Hendrix is impressed with Jay's deception skills!
Lassiter's Complex
Clive is sitting outside Harold's when Jane approaches. She deliberately avoids him by sneaking behind him towards the café door, but Clive spots her reflection and calls out to her.
JANE (feigned surprise): Oh, Clive! You're still here.
CLIVE: Bit awkward, isn't it?
JANE: Yes, just a little. I thought you might've gone by now, and the coast would be clear to get that coffee!
CLIVE: But, I mean, we agreed the other night was a mistake. Unless you've had second thoughts about -
JANE: No. No, no, of course not.
CLIVE: No, me neither. Good. Great.
JANE: I, umm... I just wish that things could go back to the way they were. It's all rather... odd.
CLIVE: It would be mad to let one night ruin decades of friendship.
JANE: Oh, I couldn't agree more.
CLIVE: So there's got to be a way we can feel less weird - like... like coffee and a catch-up?
JANE (glances around): Mm. Umm... why don't you pop over to my place this afternoon, and... I can check with the others, but I think we'll have the house to ourselves?
CLIVE: You can't join me now? We're both free...
JANE (awkward): I have a lovely little stove-top coffee maker that I'd like to try out...
CLIVE: ...
JANE: If I'm completely honest, I would feel much more comfortable away from Sheila's terrain. At least for the meantime.
CLIVE: Sure. I get it.
No 30
Hendrix is continuing his blackjack training with Jay, and the session finally seems to be bearing fruit, as Hendrix finds Jay's hand signals easier to follow than the cards themselves.
JAY: You win! Dude, we've totally got this!
Harlow turns up, and remarks that she hopes Hendrix hasn't been neglecting the job-hunt in between all the card tricks. She suggests he accompany her to Harold's for coffee and a cake. Hendrix hesitates, but Jay says he has to make a phone call anyway, so Hendrix agrees to go. Once they're gone...
JAY (on the phone): Hey, Ollie, it's me... Remember those blackjack games you told me about before?
No 26
Roxy is in the living room, seemingly filming a video message for Kyle, telling him (in German!) that she misses him. Meanwhile, Levi is on the phone to Bea, arranging a Krav Maga session in the park. Sheila comes in.
SHEILA (to Levi): Oh, please don't tell me you're still going on about how sickeningly happy you two are!
LEVI: (...) What's going on with you today, Gran? I thought you'd be happy that we finally got our act together?
SHEILA: I am, love. It's just, you know, the constant reminders are getting a bit much.
Levi heads off to the park, and Roxy demands to know why Sheila is being such a 'grumpy bum'. Sheila explains how she ran into Clive at the complex and how he fobbed her off over their dinner plans. Roxy unhelpfully suggests that Clive is stressing about making their date perfect - but Sheila's not convinced. Roxy suggests he might have had a bad day, or family stuff going on.
ROXY: Who knows what's going on his life?
SHEILA: Well, clearly not me anymore.
ROXY: Well, you should find out, and then you can plan your next move.
Harold's Café
Ned is drawing a picture of a man in his sketchbook, when Yashvi turns up. She's surprised to see him working on his art, saying she hasn't seen him doing it for a while. He says he just had an idea he wanted to get down.
Ned is brooding following who he thought he saw when they were out walking earlier. Yashvi encourages him to communicate and tell her what's up, reminding him of all their recent talk about not ending up like her parents. So Ned admits that he thought he saw Kane from the fighting ring.
YASHVI: He should be in jail.
NED: I might've been wrong. That, or I'm losing it again.
YASHVI: Well, I'll check the system when I get back to the station - find out if he was paroled.
Meanwhile, Harlow and Hendrix are having their coffee, when Jay turns up. He claims he has some news on the 'job front' and Hendrix gets up to chat to him where Harlow can't hear, on the pretext of getting some water.
JAY: Ollie made some phone calls, and there's a game today - at Lassiter's, in a hotel room (...) Ollie reckons they move around every couple of weeks. But I got the info. There's this weird password - Lenore. But it's 300 bucks to get in, so I'll spot you.
Hendrix hesitates, glancing over at Harlow.
HENDRIX: Alright. Let's do it.
No 32
Sheila turns up in the back garden, looking for Jane. Jane sees her through the window and looks panicked, before rushing out to prevent her coming into the house!
JANE (flustered): Oh, Sheila! Well, this is a... surprise!
SHEILA: I was hoping we could have a chat about Clive.
JANE: ... What about him?
Sheila tells Jane about Clive dithering over having dinner with her, and how she was hoping to have a serious chat with him about rekindling their relationship. Jane tries to pull the right faces.
SHEILA: Maybe something else is going on that's making him run hot and cold? I wish I knew what it was, though, because then I'd be able to help him or support him through it.
JANE: Maybe he's... busy?
SHEILA: Yeah, he said that. But I was thinking, you're old friends - maybe you could suss him out for me.
JANE: Oh, I'm not sure.
SHEILA: Oh, please, Jane? We're friends too, aren't we?
JANE (awkward): Yes, of course we are.
SHEILA: And you know how much Clive means to me. Please?
Jane looks like a rabbit in the headlights...
The man Ned saw in the car park is indeed Kane Jones, and surprise, surprise - he's hosting the underground blackjack club in one of the hotel rooms! He's in the middle of a game with Jay and two bored-looking extras, when Hendrix knocks at the door. One of the extras goes over to answer it. Hendrix says the password, 'Lenore', and the extra lets him in.
Hendrix gives Kane the buy-in money he borrowed from Jay earlier, but Hendrix and Jay don't acknowledge that they know one another, so as to further their card-counting/signalling plan undiscovered. Kane laughingly queries whether Hendrix has ever even played blackjack before. 'Obviously,' Hendrix replies, but this seems to cause general amusement. Kane starts a new game.
No 32
We see that Clive is in the house with Jane, which is why she was keen to keep Sheila out earlier - and now she's closing all the blinds just in case she comes back! Jane describes Sheila as 'lovely' but 'a bit of a bulldozer', as she tells Clive about their conversation.
JANE: I could barely say no when she asked me to sound you out.
CLIVE: I tried to spare her feelings, but I think I made things worse. For you as well.
JANE: Oh. Maybe being clear would be the best solution by now.
CLIVE: Alright, well - I will meet with her. I will let her down gently.
JANE: Oh, I just feel so awful for her.
CLIVE: Well, that's because you're a kind person.
There's an awkward pause, until Jane punctuates it by making inane conversation about the coffee. Clive remarks that Nicolette's baby is going to be lucky to have such a generous grandma.
JANE: You know, I really am quite excited about it. I can't wait to spoil them rotten!
CLIVE: Oh, grandkids are the best. You get all the fun of parenting, you get one stinky nappy and you can hand them back.
JANE: Sounds like bliss!
CLIVE: I'm glad we're talking.
Jane agrees.
A musical montage ensues as Hendrix, Jay, Kane and the two extras continue to play blackjack. Jay is giving Hendrix the requisite signals and, as a result, Hendrix is doing rather well in the game. Kane looks like he doesn't know whether to be amused or intrigued by Hendrix's surprise successes. As Hendrix wins the hand for the nth time in a row, he and Jay exchange a sly glance.
No 26
Sheila excitedly tells Levi and Roxy that she's had a message from Clive; he's rearranged his schedule and wants to meet with her today. Sheila seems to be assuming that it's a sign he wants to get back together.
ROXY: You go, Mama!
Levi is excited because 'pretty soon, every Canning member is going to be partnered up'. Sheila decides that Jane must've really 'gone in to bat' for her with Clive, and that's why he's decided to meet her. 'She's a gem,' Sheila declares.
The Waterhole
Yashvi and Ned come in; she tells him that she checked out Kane on the police records, and he has indeed been released from jail. Apparently he was 'an angel on the inside', so got parole.
NED: At least I know I'm not losing it.
YASHVI: Are you freaked out that he might be around again?
NED: Yeah, a bit. But I won't let it send me off the rails. I'll talk to my counsellor.
YASHVI: Yeah, smart. Thanks for telling me what was going on.
NED: Well, I said I wouldn't hide things from you. I meant it.
Meanwhile, Hendrix is giving Jay back the buy-in money he borrowed, which he can more than afford thanks to all his winnings.
HENDRIX: This should be more than enough to knock over whatever my fine comes to, and pay my way until I get a job. Hey, those guys never figured out that we knew each other or, you know, what we were doing.
JAY: You're thinking we go back?
HENDRIX: Well, why not, right? If we clear a few grand every time...
JAY: ... We'll be loaded!
JAY: I'm in!
Harlow appears, and wants to know where Hendrix got the huge wad of cash he's holding! Thinking on the spot, Jay tells Harlow it's because Hendrix has got a job, and has just been paid. Hendrix goes along with the lie, saying they gave him an advance; it's a cash-in-hand labouring job, he claims.
HARLOW: My boyfriend the tradie! Never saw that one coming. How'd you find out about it?
HENDRIX: ... Richie. Yeah, his uncle owns the company.
HARLOW: I thought we weren't really talking to him?
HENDRIX: Well, we're not. Umm... but desperate times, right?
HARLOW: Yeah. Congratulations.
No 32
Jane and Clive are still drinking coffee in the sunroom, and enjoying one another's company as they discuss gardening. Clive reluctantly says he'd better get going. Jane seems reluctant for him to go, too.
JANE: Well, this has been lovely.
CLIVE: We should do it more often. In fact, we should have dinner, this week.
JANE: Oh! It's a date.
CLIVE: Can it be?
JANE: ...
CLIVE: Sorry, I wasn't going to say anything, but... I have been thinking about you for the past few days.
JANE: Yes, well... what happened between us is certainly thought-worthy. Rather a large misstep.
CLIVE: The thing is, I don't think it was.
JANE: ... Clive?
CLIVE: Jane, after what happened, and especially after today, I have this feeling that there is something between us - a connection. Maybe you feel the same way, too?
JANE: I really don't know what to say. Today has been lovely, and I like spending time with you, but Sheila...
CLIVE: We don't have to mention Sheila. I hate that she's hurting, but we finished a long time ago. Do you really regret us spending the night together? Because I don't.
JANE: Neither do I.
CLIVE: And I don't really feel like leaving, either.
JANE: What do you want to do?
They lean in for a kiss...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Roxy is dressed up as a naughty nun, and tells Terese it's for Kyle's benefit
- We see Aaron and David; later, Paul tells Terese he's worried things will end badly for them
- Dipi tells Nicolette she doesn't trust her; Nic retorts that this is rich, coming from Dipi
- Jane tells Clive she's spent her whole life relegating her needs to second place, but no longer
- A lipstick- smeared Jane and Clive looking shocked!
<<8513 - 8515>>
Hendrix Greyson, Jay Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8514
Hendrix Greyson, Jay Rebecchi

Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8514
Clive Gibbons, Jane Harris

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8514
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8514
Yashvi Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Kane Jones in Neighbours Episode 8514
Kane Jones

Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8514
Harlow Robinson

Levi Canning, Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8514
Levi Canning, Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning

Jay Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jay Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Hendrix Greyson

Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

Jay Rebecchi, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jay Rebecchi, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson

Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8514
Roxy Willis, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8514
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Jay Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8514
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Jay Rebecchi

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8514
Sheila Canning

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jane Harris

Jay Rebecchi, Kane Jones, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jay Rebecchi, Kane Jones, Hendrix Greyson

Jay Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jay Rebecchi

Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

Jay Rebecchi, Kane Jones, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jay Rebecchi, Kane Jones, Hendrix Greyson

Sheila Canning, Levi Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8514
Sheila Canning, Levi Canning, Roxy Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8514
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Hendrix Greyson, Jay Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8514
Hendrix Greyson, Jay Rebecchi

Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8514
Jane Harris, Clive Gibbons

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