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Neighbours Episode 8513 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8512 - 8514>>
Episode title: 8513
Australian airdate: 10/12/20
UK airdate: 11/01/21
Writer: Peter Mattessi
Director: Tony Gardiner ACS
Guests: Amy Greenwood: Jacinta Stapleton
Jay Rebecchi: Dhruv Malge
Summary/Images by: Edward/Graham
- Yashvi tells Dipi that she didn't just cheat on Shane, but on the whole family.
- Harlow asks Hendrix to remember why he was put on laundry duty in the first place.
- Jay tells Hendrix he owes him for wiping the CCTV footage.
- Paul tells Hendrix he clearly hasn't given him enough work if he has time to hang out with his mates on company time.
- Hendrix accidentally knocks the laundry room door shut, trapping Terese inside.
- Terese overheats as she sits against the wall in the laundry room.
Lassiters Hotel
Hendrix returns to the laundry room, finding Terese lying against the wall unconscious. He calls for help.
Lassiters Hotel
Meanwhile, in the office, Amy is wearing her uniform design, trying to sell it to Paul.
PAUL: How exactly did you get that made so quickly?
AMY: It's stuck together with pins, for now. But it's really easy to move in and extremely practical.
She grabs a pad of paper and a pen from the pouch in the uniform.
PAUL: You know, good staff do not need to write anything down.
AMY: Good staff ensure that everything is perfect for their valued customers. So, is there anything? Like thoughts on the uniform for example?
Paul's phone rings and he ends the meeting.
Number 30
Jay and Mackenzie are playing cards but she keeps losing. Dipi arrives having cooked some dinner for Shane knowing that he's working later. Mackenzie goes to the kitchen to get some water and Dipi picks up on an atmosphere.
DIPI: (to Shane) Did you tell them about me wanting more with Pierce?
SHANE: No, Yashvi did.
JAY: Hey mum, can I deal you in?
DIPI: Huh?
JAY: Black jack. You know, like we used to play as a family.
DIPI: Are you sure? I can understand if you don't wanna play with me right now.
JAY: Why wouldn't I? Plus you've always been an easy mark.
DIPI: Yeah, I suppose I've got time for one hand.
Erinsborough Hospital
David tells Paul that Terese will be fine. She's got moderate hyperthermia but she'll be free to go home in a few hours. David leaves them to it.
PAUL: Hey darling, what happened?
TERESE: I don't know, I guess I just collapsed.
PAUL: How did the door lock though?
TERESE: I have no idea.
Paul catches a glimpse of Hendrix outside.
PAUL: Hang on, Hendrix was in there just before you, wasn't he?
TERESE: Don't start. It wasn't his fault. I sent him away, he had nothing to do with it.
PAUL: Alright, fine, you're ok and that's all that matters.
He glances back at Hendrix again.
The Waterhole
SHEILA: How is my new granddaughter-in-law travelling?
SUSAN: To be honest, I think she's a bit over all the excitement.
SHEILA: Well she needs to get used to it because we are so excited that they finally got together!
AMY: Susan Kennedy!
SUSAN: Oh my goodness, Amy Greenwood, I heard you were back.
Susan asks Amy what she's doing back in town while Sheila introduces herself.
AMY: I'm pitching for the new Lassiters uniform.
Amy takes off her coat and shows them the uniform. They love it; but she says she has no idea what Paul thinks as he got a call and rushed off half way through their meeting.
Erinsborough Hospital
Harlow arrives at the hospital to see Terese. Hendrix tells her what happened, admitting that he feels responsible.
HENDRIX: The steam press wasn't working properly so I kicked it.
HARLOW: Why did you kick it?
HENDRIX: Because it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do.
HARLOW: Ok, well did you look at the manual.
Hendrix wonders what to do and Harlow suggests apologising to Terese.
PAUL: No, you can't and you are not going anywhere near her, do you hear? You are an irresponsible halfwit and you're a danger to anyone you go near. Oh and you can forget about the laundry and anything but scrubbing toilets from now on, do you get that?
HARLOW: No, you've gotta stop punishing...
HENDRIX: No, he's right. I'm useless. I'm not even good for scrubbing toilets. I'm sorry Paul. I quit.
Paul looks pleased.
Number 30
MACKENZIE: Hey, guess who sent me a friend request the other day? Lucy Vaughton. Remember when she rescued me from that store room at Questicon?
JAY: Nah.
MACKENZIE: Are you serious? Grade 5/6 trip to Canberra.
JAY: Nah, I don't remember.
MACKENZIE: You locked me in that store room because I wouldn't buy you a chew chew bar.
JAY: Did I?
MACKENZIE: How can you not remember, Jay? You had to sit on the bus for like the rest of the day.
Dipi walks in which is a welcome distraction for Jay. She tells the family that Kirsha's coming down for Christmas and suggests going for a picnic. They like the idea.
MACKENZIE: I can help you with the menu if you like.
Dipi looks taken aback.
DIPI: Mackenzie, I would really love that.
Number 28
SUSAN: You what?
HENDRIX: I quit.
Susan berates Hendrix for quitting after one mistake. He says he's not suited for hotel work and will look for something more fitting for his skills. Susan points out that he doesn't have any qualifications so needs to be realistic. Hendrix remains optimistic.
SUSAN: Fine. But you had better have another job by the time we get back from Queensland.
HENDRIX: Well that's not long.
Susan looks unimpressed.
HENDRIX: I'm kidding. Piece of cake.
Number 22
Paul is fussing over Terese.
PAUL: Can I get you a cup of tea or maybe a hot chocolate?
TERESE: You know, you do realise I got the all clear.
PAUL: What, so you'd prefer I just totally ignore you?
TERESE: I'd prefer to know how you are. Have you calmed down after the scene you made with Hendrix?
They begin to argue over Paul's treatment of Hendrix and Terese implies that Paul forced him out of the job. Paul points out that Hendrix ignored protocols, put Terese at risk and then quit when he got into trouble. There's a knock at the door; it's Amy Greenwood.
PAUL: Yeah, what do you want?
She has a bunch of flowers to hand.
AMY: Hi, I heard what happened to Terese. I understand that's why you had to leave the meeting. But that's fine, we can reschedule. You just let me know a time.
She tries to hand him the flowers.
PAUL: Are you serious? I don't even know you. And you turn up to my house at night hustling me.
AMY: I'm not hustling you...I'm revisiting my old stomping ground. I spent a lot of time on Ramsay Street.
PAUL: I don't care. I don't want your flowers either, now get out. And you can forget about your meeting as well. Get out!
Paul slams the door.
Number 28
Hendrix is on the phone.
HENDRIX: Greyson, Hendrix Greyson. I'm calling about the event planner job at your winery.
Mackenzie and Harlow are whispering about Jay, finding it suspicious that he doesn't remember anything about his time at primary school. Jay is sitting at the other end of the couch, obliviously looking at his phone. Hendrix doesn't seem to be getting very far, having to exaggerate his experience, before namedropping his dad. The conversation soon comes to an end, and as he hangs up, he says the woman was a snob anyway. Mackenzie suggests going for something more in line with his experience like retail but Hendrix is dismissive. She then suggests Harold's saying that Dipi is hiring.
HENDRIX: Dipi? I'm not working with Dipi, if that's alright with you. No offence.
Hendrix looks at Jay.
JAY: But hey, Grease Monkeys is hiring.
Hendrix remains dismissive but Harlow thanks Jay for his input, looking annoyed with Hendrix for being so childish.
The Waterhole
SHEILA: Clive just needs reminding how good he had it with me.
DIPI: I admire your determination.
SHEILA: Always been one of my better qualities.
DIPI: Not your modesty?
SHEILA: No and I'm gonna get Clive to realise that, even if it kills me.
Shane arrives for his shift.
SHANE: Hey. Thanks again for doing dinner.
DIPI: No worries. There should be plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow too...I spoke to Yashvi about the plans for Christmas.
SHANE: How did it go?
DIPI: She's on board. It surprised me a little to be honest.
SHANE: She appreciates the effort. And so do I.
Dipi asks Shane how he's feeling about it all and he says he thinks it will be good for the kids. He leaves to get ready for his shift and Sheila re-appears, saying that things are looking good. Dipi says that she went over to the house earlier and things were good with Shane and Jay but still a little awkward with Mackenzie.
SHEILA: First step towards reconciliation.
Dipi says she's not sure if that's definitely what she wants, but she's keen to get her family back on track.
Number 28
Susan packs for her trip while chatting to Harlow, telling her that she's got to fit everything into such a small case because of how stingy Karl is. Hendrix walks into the living room with a fancy shirt to hand, asking what Susan and Harlow think; it's for a job interview at the high-end clothing store in Eden Hills.
SUSAN: Oh I like that place. I got this there. Don't tell Karl though, he thinks I got it in a factory outlet.
HARLOW: He spent all afternoon on the phone, sending emails...
SUSAN: Well done.
HENDRIX: It's not a big deal. But, alright...the shirt looks good, pants...
He heads off to find some trousers to wear.
HARLOW: Thank you for taking him under your wing.
Susan says they were happy to do it, and she's asked Bea to keep an eye on him while they're away.
HARLOW: You know, honestly, I think he's gonna be ok.
SUSAN: Yeah.
They both smile.
The Waterhole
AMY: Shane Rebecchi?
AMY: Am I right? Are you Toadie's brother?
AMY: I just saw your photo at his house. Ha, I am good!
Amy tells Shane that she's just met his son Jay too who she thinks is a charming young man. Dipi walks in as they chat away, noticing a flirty exchange between them. She leaves. Shane asks Amy what it's like being back and Amy replies that it's terrible. She says that she had a big pitch yesterday that went terribly.
AMY: So I am here to eat my feelings. What would you recommend?
SHANE: The corn fritters.
AMY: I hadn't finished.
SHANE: Doesn't matter what you were gonna say, the answer's gonna be corn fritters, always is in this kind of situation.
AMY: Uhuh. Ok, well can I have a look at a menu.
She looks at the menu then looks up at him.
AMY: The corn fritters.
SHANE: Really? That's a surprise.
Amy smiles.
Number 22
Paul finishes a phone call to Leo in New York before telling Terese that he's asked him to go to the States for Christmas as Amy and Jimmy are homesick. Terese is surprised as they sounded fine when they last spoke to them, but apparently Leo said they're too proud to admit it. Terese says there's no reason why Paul can't go, but he's reluctant because of the whole baby situation with David, Aaron and Nicolette. Harlow comes down the stairs ready to leave and looks at Terese.
HARLOW: You're not going to work, are you?
TERESE: Does no-one want me to feel better around here?
PAUL: So what does your boyfriend have to say for himself?
TERESE: I'll see you in the car.
HARLOW: He feels really awful about what happened.
PAUL: So he should.
HARLOW: You know he spent all of yesterday job hunting.
Paul says they've got to go, as he needs to sort out this 'uniform mess'.
HARLOW: Wait, I thought you liked Amy's pitch?
PAUL: Yeah, I did. It was stylish, it was smart, it was sustainable. It was everything we wanted. And then she shows up here and pushes me too far.
HARLOW: Oh no, someone in business doing whatever it takes to land a deal. Weird. Remind you of anyone?
Harold's Café
Jay and Mackenzie enter Harold's to find Hendrix who's just arrived back from his interview. They ask how it went but he admits that it was a bit mixed, as they were looking for someone with experience. Hendrix says he's actually thinking of applying for the job at Grease Monkeys after all. He says he doesn't want to let down Karl and Susan. He pretends he's at his interview for Grease Monkeys:
HENDRIX: I'm so excited about this opportunity to work here, at Grease Monkeys.
MACKENZIE: Yeah, very candid.
HENDRIX: I've still got it.
Hendrix leaves.
JAY: That job's gonna crush him if he gets it. I shouldn't have said anything about it.
MACKENZIE: Well, he needs to earn money somehow.
JAY: Yeah, I guess he does.
Jay looks pensive.
Lassiters Hotel
Amy arrives at the office and Paul thanks her for coming at such short notice. She is a bit sheepish and apologises for intruding last night but they tell her it's fine and that it was a nice gesture. Paul admits that he likes her uniform design.
AMY: Of course you do, because I designed it.
He says that it's not a yes yet, as the tender's still out there so they'll still be looking at other designs. He then admits that he doesn't like the shoulder wings, despite being able to appreciate them as a fellow former flight attendant. Amy agrees to get rid of them.
Lassiters Complex
JAY: Hey Hendrix, you got a minute?
HENDRIX: No dude, sorry, I am in a massive rush. A massive rush to apply for a job at a greasy burger joint.
JAY: What if I said you didn't have to bother with a job at Grease Monkeys? How much do you know about cards?
HENDRIX: What do you mean, cards? Like playing cards?
JAY: Yeah, blackjack.
HENDRIX: All I know about black jack is it's a mugs game.
JAY: Unless you win.
HENDRIX: You can't win long-term. The house always has the edge.
JAY: What if I were to tell you I always have the edge.
Hendrix laughs.
JAY: I count cards, Hendrix. I see what cards come out, I know what's left. Once you know that, you can't lose.
HENDRIX: So you're a genius. Good on ya man. Why are you telling me?
JAY: Because when you don't lose, people figure it out pretty quickly, and they don't like it. But, if there's two people winning, it's a lot harder to pick.
HENDRIX: So what's the offer?
JAY: I teach you how to play cards, we go in games together. Easy money.
HENDRIX: And uh, is counting cards legal?
JAY: Let's just say it's frowned upon, professionally. And if no-one finds out, which no-one will, it's basically free cash. So...are you in?
Hendrix looks tempted.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Roxy wears a habit.
- Paul worries about Aaron and David.
- Dipi tells Nicolette she doesn't trust her. Nicolette tells her that's a bit rich coming from her.
- Jane tells Clive she's tired of putting others before herself.
- Clive and Jane are caught kissing.
<<8512 - 8514>>
Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Hendrix Greyson

Terese Willis, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Terese Willis, Hendrix Greyson

Amy Greenwood, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Amy Greenwood, Paul Robinson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Jay Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8513
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Jay Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8513
Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8513
Dipi Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, David Tanaka, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8513
Paul Robinson, David Tanaka, Terese Willis

Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 8513
Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Amy Greenwood

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson

Jay Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8513
Jay Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8513
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Amy Greenwood, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Amy Greenwood, Paul Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8513
Harlow Robinson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8513
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8513
Hendrix Greyson, Susan Kennedy

Amy Greenwood, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8513
Amy Greenwood, Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8513
Dipi Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Jay Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8513
Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Jay Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Amy Greenwood, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Amy Greenwood, Paul Robinson

Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson

Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8513
Jay Rebecchi, Hendrix Greyson

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