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Neighbours Episode 8465 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8464 - 8466>>
Episode title: 8465
Australian airdate: 05/10/20
UK airdate: 26/10/20
Writer: Megan Palinkas
Director: Iain Pirret and Tenika Smith
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan-Browne
Basil Gardener: Tyler Coppin
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Scarlett trying to convince Yashvi that Ned isn't the guy she thinks he is.
- Ned frustrated that Scarlett won't leave them alone.
- Ned dreaming that Scarlett has stabbed him again.
- Ned getting worked up ahead of the exhibition.
- Yashvi reassuring Ned she is going to love the portrait he's done of her.
- Ned unveiling the portrait... but its Scarlett not Yashvi!
- Scarlett telling Ned she's not living in fear of him.
- Ned yelling at Scarlett to get out of his exhibition.
- Ned driving after Scarlett in his car.
Number 22
Terese is naturally concerned for her stepson as she can't get hold of him. Paul thinks Ned is just "blowing off some steam" in the aftermath of what happened and "hassling him" will make things worse. He then turns his attention to Roxy and has a go at her for keeping quiet, as they could have had security in place, had they been forewarned.
PAUL: You should have told us what was going on.
The Waterhole
The penny has dropped for Yashvi over what Scarlett intended on doing now that the proverbial has happened. "Who knows what goes on in her mind," Bea tries to point out to her friend. Yashvi is feeling guilty herself for making Ned put on the exhibition, but Bea points out that Scarlett is "obsessed with Ned," and thus would have done anything.
YASHVI: And all Ned's done is feed that obsession.
Bea pleads with her friend not to blame Ned, but given how Ned reacted, a downbeat Yashvi says that there is only one winner today - Scarlett.
YASHVI: He promised me he wouldn't do anything stupid.
BEA: You're going to have to take his word for it.
YASHVI: He's not thinking straight. I need to tell him to come home.
Road somewhere
Yashvi is trying to get hold of Ned but he isn't answering his phone. Eventually he does answer, except it's not Yashvi he answers the call to, but Scarlett. She is flattered at him abandoning the exhibition for her, commenting that, "I didn't realise your feelings went so deep." He tries to deny this but she points out that he did "and deep down we both know you always will."
NED: You're deluded.
SCARLETT: I'm deluded?! Who's following who Ned?...
NED: Just giving you a little taste of what it's like to be harassed.
SCARLETT: (laughing) Ooh I love it
NED: Well you won't when you pull that car over. That's when this ends!
SCARLETT: When are you going to get it through your head. It will never end between us. I'm always going to be part of your life whether you like it or not. We're soul mates after all.
SCARLETT: Catch me if you can.
Lassiters Complex
Bea isn't too impressed at what the police (well Levi!) are doing to find Scarlett - leaving a car parked outside her place! She isn't pleased too also discover that when they do find her, Scarlett won't be arrested "for causing a scene."
BEA: She's clearly stirring up trouble. If you actually did something about it, maybe today would have been avoided.
LEVI: Trying to stir up trouble is actually different from breaking the law Bea.
"There must be something that you can do," she pleads and he gives the stock reply of "doing what we can" as there "is a process." "I know that and so does Scarlett and she's taking full advantage of it," she is quick to remind him with after taking umbrage at his reply! "Why are you taking this out on me?" he asks, so after apologising, she explains that Yashvi can't get hold of Ned and is worried that he "might do something stupid."
LEVI: That's why we have to find her before he does.
BEA: Yes, and if he finds her, its not going to end well.
Number 30
Toadie is somewhat surprised to see Yashvi home (and the exhibition locked up) as he thought they'd be off partying. He can sense something is up from her demeanour and finds out that it's due to Scarlett.
Road somewhere
It's pitch dark now and Ned follows Scarlett into an excluded area off the main road. Initially it isn't clear where they are but then Ned realises where she has led him to - the hedge maze at The Peninsular where she stabbed him last Halloween. Ned is feeling his stomach for where she has stabbed him (we see that via a flashback).
SCARLETT: You're not scared are you Ned?
NED: ...
SCARLETT: I thought you wanted to finish this?
Scarlett then makes her way into the maze with Ned in hot pursuit.
Number 22 (next day)
A haggard looking Yashvi arrives looking for Ned. Terese says to her that he didn't come home and Paul continues by saying Roxy has gone to check The Hive in case he slept there. Paul calls Ned "selfish" after hearing that he's not answered anyone's calls. "Unless he can't," Terese points out which has Yashvi immediately worried especially since there is no sign of Scarlett despite what the police have done. Just at that, Roxy calls to say there is no sign of Ned at The Hive, so Yashvi plans to head into work and start a missing person's report on Ned.
Lassiters car park
Ned just about jumps out of his skin when his sleep is interrupted by Yashvi! "You slept here the whole night?" she asks before letting rip at him for not contacting her to say he was okay. He is extremely disorientated, so much so that it is her who notices that he has a cut in his head, which he isn't sure how it happened. Ned tells her about following Scarlett to the maze, agreeing that it was insane, but then can't remember what happened after that nor what has happened to Scarlett either. "Can we please not do this," he says after starting to really get worked up at not knowing the answer to her question. He is reluctant to go to the hospital to get checked out, so reluctantly, Yashvi agrees to take him home, with her driving his car as he is in no fit state to drive.
Police station
Now that he has flown back, Levi updates Basil on what is happening with Scarlett. He is insistent that Scarlett is telling the truth and gets out his laptop to show him the stuff Ned sent (the stuff that he thought was to his fandangle fan) that of course now makes things look bad. Levi explains that Ned was tricked into sending that material, which was subsequently used to blackmail him. Basil explains that Scarlett just wants Ned to leave her alone, so a confused Levi asks if he can help explain why she crashed the exhibition and replace one of the paintings with the one of her?
BASIL: Portrait painted by whom?
LEVI: By Ned.
Basil thinks this is proof of Ned's obsession, as he painted it without her knowledge, and hoped calling Ned out (at the exhibition) would end it.
BASIL: I'm terrified the opposite has happened.
LEVI: You think it escalated?
BASIL: You have to do everything you can to find her, starting with questioning Ned Willis.
Number 22
Despite it looking the opposite, Ned assures both Paul and Terese that he is fine. Yashvi informs the trio that Scarlett's fiancé has officially reported her as missing after coming off the phone to Levi, and because it appears he was the last person to see her, they want Ned down the station to make a statement.
YASHVI: You just have to tell the police what you know.
"He doesn't remember anything!" Paul reminds her and pleads that he can at least have some time "for it to come back" as it "will look too suspicious" if he has to revise his story later. "The sooner he makes an official statement, the sooner his name is cleared," Yashvi explains to them all. She agrees with Paul that Ned had nothing to do with her disappearance, but Basil thinks he does.
TERESE: What do you want to do?"
NED: I've got nothing to hide.
PAUL: Don't you?
Ned decides its off to the station to give his statement and the pair head off to go do that.
PAUL: He's making a big mistake, you know that.
Police station
Levi begins by wanting confirmation that Ned didn't see Scarlett again after she entered the maze. Ned confirms that other than seeing a flash of her dress, by the time he got to where she was, she had disappeared.
NED: I went further into the maze and then, I must have blacked out.
Levi is curious about that, but it is the only thing that Ned can think of to explain things - that Scarlett must have come from behind and hit him. "With what?" Levi asks and Ned replies "something heavy" but isn't sure given his head "still hurts like hell."
LEVI: You didn't come to in the maze?
NED: No, the next thing I knew, Vi was waking me up in the carpark.
LEVI: You have no recollection of how you get back to Erinsborough?
NED: None.
YASHVI: If Scarlett did knock you out, why leave it at that? She could have done a lot more damage if you were unconscious.
NED: Whenever has she been predictable? It wouldn't surprise me if she was hold up somewhere right now laughing herself sick about me being questioned.
LEVI: Was there any physical altercation between the two of you? Could she have hit you out of self-defence?
"No," Ned immediately replies back with but Levi wants to know why he can be so certain since he can't remember. "you were perusing her after all." "Only to have it out," and when it looks like neither Yashvi nor Levi believe Ned, adds that he "didn't follow her to hurt her."
NED: I wouldn't.
YASHVI: We just have to explore all possibilities.
Levi asks when he last saw Scarlett prior to the exhibition. Ned replies, "that morning before the exhibition" and explains that after what Scarlett said to Yashvi at the hospital, he texted her to meet up. "I thought you said you let that go," she says but need replies "I couldn't," as it was wrong she had to deal with Scarlett's crap too.
Yashvi suddenly decides she can't stay there anymore and asks Levi to finish off the interview as she hurriedly exits the interview room.
Levi wants more information about the meet Ned had with Scarlett, so he explains she named the place and he turned up where he told her "to leave me and Vi alone." "But she showed up to the exhibition anyway?" a confused Levi remarks before asking Ned for information over where he met Scarlett at. Ned hands over the phone showing the text message and is shocked when Levi informs him that he can't go yet.
The Waterhole
Paul, Terese and Roxy head to the bar, concerned over how long Ned is taking to give his statement. As they are ordering their drinks, Basil comes in and walks up to where they are.
BASIL: I thought I saw you come in here. The pretty little liar.
ROXY: I'm sorry, I just had to find out if you actually existed, or you were one of Scarlett's delusions.
Basil starts to have a go at Roxy, claiming she was getting information for Ned, forcing Paul to stop him, but he hasn't finished yet
BASIL: If that mongrels laid one finger on Scarlett he'll be sorry.
PAUL: Which just goes to prove that she's got you fooled as well. Scarlett is the one who was violent.
Taking a gentler approach, Terese asks him if it's "ever occurred to you that you might be one of her victims too?" She'd have been as well to have saved her breath as Basil is so mindset that it is Ned who is stalking Scarlett and that he is in the police station trying to put a "spin" on things!
ROXY: Kinda makes you feel sorry for him, doesn't it?!
TERESE: He certainly has no idea the kind of person he is dealing with.
Levi comes to the hospital to ask Nicolette about the visit Scarlett paid to the hospital. Nicolette remembers her (she treated her), commenting that she was worked up and very upset. Levi asks about her injuries, so Nicolette explains she had bruising to her upper arms courtesy of her ex-boyfriend "who had been harassing her online and finally caught up with her in person." "And these bruises, were they fresh?" he asks and Nicolette confirms they were, Scarlett saying she got them the previous night. After he asks about filing a police report, she explains Scarlett left while she was away getting the paperwork to do that.
NICOLETTE: It happens a lot. She was obviously too scared to make it official.
Levi thanks her for the information and her parting comments are that she hopes he "catches the jerk!" Before he leaves the hospital though, he stops and looks [we don't see it] at the CCTV video for the Brady case.
Police station
Ned isn't too impressed at still being held when Levi comes back into the room, he explains that he'd to check up on some information and informs him that Yashvi is out of the station - they've had word that Scarlett's car has been found at the maze. Levi asks for Ned to run through his meeting with Scarlett and via some extra footage we see what happened after Ned drove to the address that Scarlett sent him.
He arrived at a building (some industrial unit) where she was waiting with "a smug look on her face" and that "she knew exactly why I wanted to see her." Scarlett acknowledges that he is angry because she spoke to Yashvi but she really needed to "know what kind of man you are" and accuses him of playing games "pretending in public that you don't want me and then secretly harassing me for months on end." Ned decides he has had enough and yells "enough, leave us alone" which causes Scarlett jumps back in fear even though he's quite far away from her.
NED: (to Levi) In that moment, I realised it was a mistake going there. Nothing I said was doing to make any difference, so I turned and walked back to my car.
We see him do that before we go back to the presence and the pair at the station. "And that's everything?" Levi asks, to which Ned immediately confirms "yes."
On a laptop, Levi shows him CCTV footage and asks him to have a look. Ned watches what plays on the screen, and it's the same as what we saw moments earlier [when Ned was describing it] only showing it now from behind him, so when he is yelling 'enough' it looks like she is cowering with fear.
"It's exactly as I described," Ned says after he has watched the CCTV. "Keep watching," Levi says, and this time once Ned has gone to walk back to his car, Scarlett has followed him and suddenly she falls to the ground as if she had been hit - from the camera angle, you can't see the full picture over how she got on the ground.
LEVI: Now that you've viewed that, is there anything else you'd like to add to your statement?
NED: Come on, she set that up! You can't honestly believe that's not staged?!
LEVI: It's possible.
NED: I didn't touch her. I turned and walked straight to my car. I didn't even look back. Wherever she is, whatever has happened to her, I had nothing to do with it.
LEVI: Ned, would you have an issue if we searched your car?
Number 22
Ned looks relieved to be home (via the hospital) as Bea calls by to check up on him. The hospital check up has revealed he has a concussion and Terese wants him to rest after he has eaten, although he thinks there is no chance of that happening "not while Levi thinks I hurt Scarlett." "He's smarter than that," Terese tries to reassure him with and tells Bea about the CCTV footage to make Ned look bad.
BEA: Scarlett can pull all the tricks she likes. At the end of the day you didn't do anything Ned. The police will figure that out.
NED: Yes, but while she is missing, and my memory is shot, they're going to question my credibility.
PAUL: Is that why you let them search your car without a warrant?
NED: Anything to move suspicion away from me.
PAUL: You think they'll find anything?
NED: You serious Paul?! 'Course they won't!
Terese decides that perhaps it's a good time to call a local lawyer - Toadie!
Lassiters Complex
Roxy spots Basil and stops him so that she can apologise to him.
ROXY: Sometimes I do the wrong thing to do the right thing by my friends.
He interprets this as her "plead Ned's cause so he's the victim." "He is!" she agrees, "it's all in the police records" for which Scarlett ended up in a "high security psych ward for what she did." "That was a perversion of justice," according to Basil.
ROXY: Ned is really messed up because of Scarlett. I just don't want what happened to him to happen to you.
BASIL: Let's say you're right, the fact is Scarlett's still missing and Ned was the last one with her.
ROXY: But she's been the one stalking him.
BASIL: Doesn't that give Ned the motive?
Ramsay Street/Maze
Levi conducts a search of Ned's car out in the street while likewise Yashvi (and a silent colleague) do the same to Scarlett's car.
Yashvi tells he silent colleague that she is heading into the maze and together they enter. Silently they walk though the maze looking for evidence and eventually its Yashvi who finds Ned's pallet knife...a bloodied pallet knife and just at the same time, Levi finds some drops of blood in the boot of Ned's car!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Pierce furious when Chloe says she misses Nicolette.
- Nicolette having a smirk on her face on hearing the Greyson's arguing.
- Shane frustrated at not being able to make his wife happy.
- Dipi receiving a message from Pierce asking if she has time to talk.
- Dipi meeting up with Pierce in one of the Lassiters hotel rooms.
<<8464 - 8466>>
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis

Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8465
Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8465
Scarlett Brady

Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8465
Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8465
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8465
Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Ned Willis

Paul Robinson, Yashvi Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Paul Robinson, Yashvi Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Roxy Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Basil Gardener, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8465
Basil Gardener, Levi Canning

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8465
Levi Canning

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8465
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning

Basil Gardener, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Basil Gardener, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis

Levi Canning, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8465
Levi Canning, Nicolette Stone

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8465
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8465
Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Basil Gardener, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8465
Basil Gardener, Roxy Willis

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8465
Levi Canning

 in Neighbours Episode 8465

 in Neighbours Episode 8465

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8465
Yashvi Rebecchi

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