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Neighbours Episode 8466 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8465 - 8467>>
Episode title: 8466
Australian airdate: 06/10/20
UK airdate: 27/10/20
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Tony Gardiner and Scott Major
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Pierce is pleased that Nicolette is moving out.
- Nicolette tells Chloe that she has feelings for her.
- Nicolette tells Pierce that Aaron and David have invited her to stay at No.32.
- Pierce moans at Aaron and David
- Ned shouts at Scarlett to "get out of his life"
- Ned wakes up groggy in his car with a head wound.
- Blood is found in Ned's car, and Yashvi finds a bloodied weapon.
Police Station
Ned is being questioned about Scarlett's disappearance by Levi and Yashvi(!) They show him the weapon and he identifies it as his palette knife. But he can't remember anything.
NED: Scarlett must have planted the knife to set me up, like she did with the security footage. You can't possibly think I've done something! Vi, tell him! You know what she did last time, don't let her do it again.
LEVI: We won't know anything until we find Scarlett. We sent the blood samples from your palette knife and your boot to get tested.
NED: Vi...
YASHVI: This is serious, Ned. Given the new evidence we're not just investigating a missing person anymore.
Outside the Waterhole
Roxy and Bed are chatting about Ned's predicament when Sheila and Kyle arrive back. Sheila says it was good to see the family and not think about Clive. They tell them about the Scarlett situation.
An "AH" is texting Nicolette asking her to get in touch. Aaron and David tell Nicolette how troubled Scarlett is, and how she took them for a ride last time.
The ceiling rumbles again and Aaron says they'll better get Karl to sort it. Nicolette says she'll ask him herself.
Terese and Paul are consulting Toadie about Ned's legal position. He is due in court, but he'll call in later on.
Terese is a bit panicked about Scarlett being back on the scene - she's dangerous.
Harold's Café
Pierce is sitting, brooding, in the Café. David comes over and apologises to him that he found out about Nicolette moving in with him and Aaron on the grapevine. He's not very happy about Nicolette hanging around on the street because it'll make it harder for him and Chloe to work through their issues. David thinks Nicolette's presence shouldn't matter.
Police Station
Bea is trying to plead Ned's case to Levi, but Levi can't say anything. She points out the Elly went to jail when the police jumped to conclusions. Yashvi comes in and says she's a bit fed up - last month she was interrogating her father, and now her boyfriend.
YASHVI: I just don't know what's going to happen between me and Ned.
David tells Aaron that he spoke to Pierce about Nicolette. Nicolette comes in with a few things in a box - she's going to fix the ceiling herself.
Ned is sitting at a table looking very worried. Kyle come to talk to him.
KYLE: Bea filled me in. The cops think you did something!
NED: They found my palette knife covered in blood at the maze.
KYLE: What?!
NED: And blood in the boot of my car.
KYLE:(shocked) Dude!
NED: I don't know how any of it got there, man, it wasn't me.
KYLE: I can see why the cops are going in hard, though!
NED: I know. Looks bad. They're trying to figure out what happened between the time I got hit on the head and waking up in Lassiter's car park.
KYLE: Dude, you seriously can't remember *anything*?
NED: No...it sounds suss, man, but it's just blank.
KYLE: But if you don't know what hapenned...how do you know you didn't...
NED: I didn't, man! I wouldn't!
KYLE: Yeah...sorry. This is why I tried to stop you from doing all those videos!
NED: Do you honestly think that I would have kept going had I known it was Scarlett.
KYLE: No. But it was risky either way.
NED: Well, I can't take it back now, can I?!
NED: I spend every minute wishing I'd done it differently, mate.
KYLE: Is there anything you need?
NED: Just make sure Vi's OK? She won't speak to me unless it's police business, which I understand, but...just need to know she's alright.
KYLE: Yeah. You got it.
Nicolette has fixed the ceiling, and much to David and Aaron's surprise, she has done a good job. They chat about Chloe. Nicolette misses her friendship with Chloe, although Pierce as a bit over the top in their dealings.
Aaron has called round for the address for Lisa and Alana, so they can return the baby shower gift. Aaron tells Pierce that only he can control how he reacts to Nicolette - it would be better for everyone if they put things in the past.
Paul is trying to reassure Ned that if the police had anything on him, they wouldn't have let him go. Terese is less confident and thinks they should call Toadie. Paul tells Ned he'll sort out a lawyer for him.
When Ned and Terese are at the bar, Roxy talks to Paul.
ROXY: I've always defended Ned. He's my cousin. But, the more I hear, the more evidence we find out...I can't help but wonder...what if he *hasn't* been set up. What if he actually did something?
PAUL: Yeah, I guess sometimes when we do find ourselves in an impossible situation, we do things that we didn't think we were capable of...
ROXY: So, you think he could have snapped?
Just then, Terese comes back and she and Roxy head home.
Paul tells Ned that he will help him in any way he can - even if he needs to go to ground, or get a passport in a different name.
NED:(shocked) You think I did it!
PAUL: No, no, no, I'm trying to help.
NED: I don't know what happened to Scarlett, but I didn't hurt her.
PAUL: Of course, I don't believe you did.
NED: I wish I had the full story, I wish I knew what happened...but I just don't remember.
David and Aaron say they'll engage Nicolette to decorate their baby's nursery! She's surprised and pleased to hear Aaron call her "Nic" - she only likes it when a friend calls her that. David says they should have a photo and takes a selfie of them.
Lassiter's Lake
Levi think Yashvi should talk to Ned as a girlfriend, rather than as a cop.
Kyle and Sheila come over and ask Levi about Ned's case. Kyle insists that Ned isn't capable of murder.
Nicolette is buying some bottles to take out and sees Pierce. She goes over to say hello and he blanks her. They then proceed to bicker about her living on Ramsay Street.
NICOLETTE: Well, I'm loving living on Ramsay Street and I have no intention of leaving - ever.
PIERCE: Good for you Nicolette, but honestly, I couldn't be less interested.
NICOLETTE: Oh, we both know that's not true. You *hate* that I'm here, moving on with my life.
PIERCE: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'd rather focus on my own plans. Like date night with my wife. Who loves me.
Roxy and Ned are hanging out.
ROXY: No matter what anyone says, I'm on your side.
NED: Thanks, Rox.
Presently, Yashvi comes in. The blood in the car and on the palette knife is Scarlett's.
NED: She's setting me up! Please tell me you can see this?
Yashvi is silent.
NED: This is what Scarlett does. OK, she lies and she twists reality, you know that. And hey, you know *me*
YASHVI: Yeah, I know Scarlett lies, but the problem is, Ned, so do you.
NED: Not with this.
YASHVI: You promised me that you wouldn't go after her and you lied, it's all you do lately! You say one thing and then do another.
NED: I'm sorry, I have made a lot of mistakes.
YASHVI: Mistakes? You think "mistakes" is what caused this whole disaster? I used to trust you. Everything you said and did. I don't even know who you are anymore.
NED: Does that mean you think I hurt Scarlett?
YASHVI: The police might need you for another interview so don't go anywhere.
She turns away.
NED: No, Vi, do you think I hurt Scarlett?!
YASHVI: I don't know.
Ned is dozing on the sofa and flashing back to the maze. In it, he is holding the bloodied palette knife. Eventually he wakes to Paul and Terese looking at him in concern.
No.32, the following morning
Nicolette is explaining that the whole ceiling will need repainting, not just the repaired patch.
DAVID: Are you serious?
NICOLETTE: Lesbians never joke about DIY!
Just then, she gets a text saying "Nice overalls". Aaron realises he posted the picture of them online last night.
The next message reads, "It's Audrey. I know where you are. You can't hide from me anymore."
Nicolette looks worried.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Chloe tells Pierce that she missed Nicolette
- Pierce angrily tells Chloe to spend time with Nicolette if that's what she wants
- Shane angrily tells Dipi that he has no idea how to make her happy
- Pierce texts Dipi, "Do you have time to talk?"
- Dipi joining Pierce in a hotel room.
<<8465 - 8467>>
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8466
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning

 in Neighbours Episode 8466

Bea Nilsson, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8466
Bea Nilsson, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8466
Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8466
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Pierce Greyson, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8466
Pierce Greyson, David Tanaka

Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8466
Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8466
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8466
David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone

Ned Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8466
Ned Willis, Kyle Canning

David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8466
David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8466
Aaron Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Roxy Willis, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8466
Roxy Willis, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8466
Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8466
Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka

Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8466
Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8466
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Levi Canning

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8466
Pierce Greyson

Ned Willis, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8466
Ned Willis, Roxy Willis

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8466
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8466
Ned Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8466
Ned Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 8466

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8466
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8466
David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8466
Nicolette Stone

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