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Neighbours Episode 8356 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8355 - 8357>>
Episode title: 8356
Australian airdate: 05/05/20
UK airdate: 26/05/20
Writer: Lisa Maroun
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Claudia Watkins: Kate Raison
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Claudia announces she is bringing Aaron onboard to help with the Adventure Camp
- Chloe tells Aaron the Island hasn't been sold yet
- Ned tells Paul that he is quitting his job
- Susan tells Karl to stop interfering
- Sheila is devastated to find that Gary the pigeon has died
No.26 Backyard
Susan, Bea and Karl arrive to find Sheila crying as she cradles Gary the pigeon. Susan asks what is going on.
SHEILA: I'm mourning my son.
Susan realises it's one of the pigeons that belonged to Gary. Sheila is convinced that Susan has killed Gary for a second time! Karl offers to see what the matter is but Sheila fends him off abruptly. She refuses to let him help as Susan let Finn kill Gary. Sheila's convinced that Gary the pigeon was poisoned by their fruit. Bea decides to contact Kyle as Sheila sobs.
Claudia has brought Aster to visit Elly who is doting on her. Claudia reports that Aster has had to adjust but is doing ok. Elly offers Aster some breastmilk but Claudia explains that Aster has just had a bottle recently. Claudia passes over a toy that is Aster's favourite toy right now. Elly doesn't look so enthusiastic! Even though this wasn't Elly's first choice Claudia reassures Elly that she's taking good care of her. Claudia will bring Aster in weekly for a visit. Elly would rather these visits happened more often, even daily. Claudia tells her that the court stated weekly visits and Claudia thinks their guidance is best.
CLAUDIA: Elly I'm not the enemy. I'm only doing what's right by my grandaughter.
ELLY: Well being with her mother is what's right.
Elly would rather Aster was with her family, Claudia points out that she is also family. Claudia tells Elly that she has allowed Susan to drop in. Claudia claims to be doing as much as she possibly can for Aster. Elly reminds her that she'll be looking after her until Elly is released from prison and can look after her herself. Claudia hurriedly agrees with her. Elly doesn't look as if she trusts Claudia's word.
Lassiter's Reception
David tells Chloe that Ned got worked up about all this but is ok now. Chloe can see where Ned is coming from as she knows what it's like to have Paul as a boss! Aaron agrees and is relieved that Paul isn't involved with the Shed. David is pleased that Paul isn't connected to the kids Camp. Chloe points out that unless Elly agrees she won't sell to Claudia. Aaron is happy with whatever the outcome is. Chloe is off to see Elly so heads off.
David questions Aaron accepting what happens about the Island. Aaron thinks it probably won't happen as Elly won't be keen on Claudia buying it. David thinks that Elly would consider it as a legacy for Shaun, Aaron looks sceptical.
Yashvi is surprised that Ned has quit though she knows he wasn't overly keen. Paul and Terese arrive home, Paul isn't impressed. Yashvi tells him to lay off Ned. Paul isn't impressed at the way Ned behaved unprofessionally in front of the staff and Patrons at his own event. Ned was feeling the strain that Paul and Pierce were putting him under. he's realised he's not cut out for hospitality.
No.26 Backyard
Kyle comforts Sheila as Susan, Bea and Karl look on in the background.
SHEILA: I'm not leaving your father. Kyle wants to take Gary the pigeon home. Sheila wants to give him a decent burial, Kyle agrees to a family event when Clive returns. Kyle realises he has felt Gary the pigeon breathe, Karl discovers he is still warm as well. They realise that Gary the pigeon was feeding off rotten fruit and it intoxicated him! Gary the pigeon seems to be fine again. Sheila is very relieved and heads off, Kyle follows
Bea is bemused by the whole situation. Susan is ok. She is heading off to an appointment but refuses Karl's offer of a lift.
Hendrix, Harlow and Mackenzie arrive. Hendrix playfully teases Ned about the incident. Ned sceptically points out that his Dad isn't a billionaire to bail him out! Yashvi points out she is earning now. Ned hasn't got anywhere with his art career. Ned realises he needs to figure something out.
Chloe has just told Elly about Claudia's offer and wants to know what Elly thinks. Elly thinks this doesn't concern her. Chloe thinks it does, Elly is a friend. She doesn't think it's right after what Claudia's done so is ready to refuse the offer. There haven't been any other offers but Chloe thinks there still could be other offers. Elly thinks Chloe should possibly accept this. Elly doesn't trust Claudia after what she said earlier. She thinks it would be good if Chloe would see Claudia daily if they were working together. Chloe sees the potential in this and promises to support Elly.
The Waterhole
Chloe comes and joins Claudia and Aaron who she wanted to see at the same time. Chloe is accepting Claudia's offer at the price she offered. Chloe is willing to help set things up. Aaron is really pleased about this but they both realise Chloe had her doubts. Chloe agrees plus is friends with Elly but points out that Claudia had a strong proposal. She wants to turn the Island into a great place. Aaron wants to start discussing ideas. Claudia receives a phone call from Switzerland and heads off. Chloe tells Aaron that Elly saw the bigger picture as she gazes at Aster in the pram.
Susan arrives home. Bea comes out of her room and they agree Sheila isn't at her best. Terese arrives and asks how Susan's counselling session had gone. Bea realises that's where Susan went. Terese realises maybe she shouldn't have blurted this out but Susan reassures her it's ok. She just didn't want to make a drama about all this. This was the first session so early progress but it will reassure the Department who wanted her to take some leave. Instead she is showing them she can work through this.
Karl has quietly come out of the bedroom and is doubtful about this, He also wondered when Susan was going to let him know what was going on. Susan brushes it off, she hadn't said anything as she was running late earlier. She thought it was massive after everything with Sheila.
Lassiter's Complex
Ned and Yashvi are having at drink at the Juice Bar. Yashvi wants to know if he considering going back into the tattoo business. Ned isn't keen on the idea but wants to be an artist. He was really happy when he was working on Sonya's wall, it wasn't the same at Lassiter's. People were asking Toadie who had painted the wall, Ned wishes he had followed that project up. He worries he won't be able to make money though. Yashvi points out he has savings and doesn't have to pay rent.
Ramsay Street
Aaron and David are walking up the Street. Claudia is taking Aaron's ideas on board but she wants to do research first before they confirm anything. They spot Mackenzie, Harlow and Hendrix and asks them for help. Aaron asks them about teen life and explains about the Camp for teens at risk. Hendrix is surprised the sale is going ahead after everything that's happened. David explains that Elly is fine with this.
No.26 Backyard
Sheila is talking to Gary the pigeon. She tells him that she's embarrassed over what happened. Paul arrives.
PAUL: Are you speaking Pigeon English there?
Sheila doesn't rise to the comment. Paul wonders why she was a no show at the pool launch. Sheila tells Paul she is too busy and has to get water for Gary the pigeon.
Kyle arrives outside, Paul is surprised at the pigeon's name. When Paul offers it Kyle isn't sure if more time off would help Sheila. Paul offers support from him and Terese. Paul encourages Kyle to call Clive if needed. Kyle thanks Paul but tells him he can handle this.
PAUL: Kyle there's no point in being a hero if you're struggling yourself.
Kyle insists he's fine as Paul heads off.
Elly heads down the corridor and women deliberately get in her way so she has to push past them. She comes in to see Susan and is worried that Aster isn't ok. Susan reassures her that things are fine and she's come to visit Elly. Elly had panicked as visiting hours are nearly finished. Susan apologises, she needed to escape the house. She misses Elly and needed to see her. Susan confesses to missing Aster as well.
SUSAN: I wanted to tell you how proud I am of how you're handling this.
Elly doubts if she's doing it the best way she could. Elly reminds herself of the positives each day. She admits most days are difficult here. She counts positives today that she cuddled Aster and she saw Susan before the end of the day. They're both tearful but Susan is determined to stop as that isn't why she's here. Elly laughs and agrees to change the subject. She wants to know how often has Marty Muggleton complained in the last week?! They both laugh. Marty has viciously complained 3 times. He wanted to ban the word 'hectic' for the kids out of context, he wants to use a lager phone in the school curriculum, she can't remember the last complaint. They both have a good giggle over this. Elly is grateful as it's been a while since she laughed like this.
Harold's Café
Chloe comes in with Claudia pushing the pram. Claudia is glad the papers have been signed. Claudia admits to Aster being a bit unsettled, but admits milk helps her.
CLAUDIA: Luckily she has her father's lovely temperament.
Aaron arrives and introduces Claudia to her first focus group consisting of Mackenzie, Hendrix and Harlow who are sitting at a nearby table. Aaron raves about them and is going to contact the guys at the Shed. This is the first Chloe has heard of this but seems impressed. She thanks them for their input. Chloe in the background doesn't look so sure about Claudia!
Terese calls Ned and Yashvi for dinner. Ned is on his laptop starting up his business, Artist Fire. David is impressed. Paul isn't so impressed that Ned has quit his job to be a hobo. Yashvi believes in him after his work on the mural. He is hoping to get more work like the mural. Terese knows he's talented but knows it will be tough in the art world. Yashvi and Ned have been looking into it and will use Instagram to help the business, the others exchange glances. David suggests Ned finds a part-time job to support himself. Ned wants to concentrate on the business instead and hopes his savings will help.
PAUL: If it fails don't come crying to us.
Yashvi points out he started a successful business. Paul's business had more chance to profit. Yashvi believes Ned's business has a chance to succeed.
Sheila has settled Gary the pigeon for the night in the tree. Kyle offers to cook dinner but Sheila is still worried and fussing about Gary the pigeon but Kyle thinks he will be fine. Sheila thinks she should miss work to look after Gary the pigeon and will swop with Shane. Kyle points out that Shane has a course the next day. Sheila plans to find someone else and wants to put Gary the pigeon first. She heads back outside.
Kyle rings someone and admits things aren't going as well as he originally said they were. He asks for the person's help.
Harold's Café
Aaron and Claudia take on board the suggestions of meditation and yoga rooms as they would be quiet places to go. Aaron agrees it's a safe space.
HENDRIX: Her (Harlow) brain blows my mind on a daily basis.
Aaron is impressed that he's managed to make a comment that isn't very sarcastic tonight! Claudia is hoping her buying drinks for them will be the only payment they need! Mackenzie is happy to be part of this anyway to make a difference and thinks this will be a good thing. Chloe brings over the drinks.
Susan arrives and looks hurt at the happy group. She leaves without anyone spotting her.
Bea is pleased that Susan has been for counselling, Karl agrees. Bea feels bad that she talked Elly into giving up Aster. Karl points out Bea didn't know what was going to happen. Karl suggests an early night will help so Bea heads off to bed.
Susan arrives home, Karl hasn't had any luck in contacting her. Susan goes to head off, Karl begs her to talk to him. He is worried about her, she tells him she's fine. He worries she's not talking, she points out she's talked to the counsellor. He points out she is stressed.
KARL: You're in denial about the effect work will have on you.
SUSAN: I will figure it out. This - this isn't helping.
KARL: This is me trying to support you.
He doesn't know how he can if she doesn't let him. He seems hurt she didn't share that she was having counselling sessions. She tells him she didn't feel ready to talk to him at the moment.
SUSAN: You judge me.
He claims to support her but she knows how he really feels.
KARL: This is you justifying secrecy. The last time time you did this was when you found out about Finn and Elly.
Susan tells him he has proved her point! He won't carry on asking her to talk honestly to him. Karl grabs his keys and heads out.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Karl is chatting to a woman who is admiring herself
- Bea wants to know where Karl was the night before
- Elly tells Dee and Toadie that Andrea has been talking about Hugo
- Someone scares Elly as Andrea watches on
- Dipi thinks it's too soon for Dee and Toadie
- Dee realises Dipi isn't a big fan of hers
<<8355 - 8357>>
Sheila Canning, Gary the Pigeon in Neighbours Episode 8356
Sheila Canning, Gary the Pigeon

Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8356
Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Karl Kennedy

Elly Conway, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8356
Elly Conway, Claudia Watkins

Elly Conway, Aster Conway, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8356
Elly Conway, Aster Conway, Claudia Watkins

Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8356
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8356
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Susan Kennedy, Gary the Pigeon, Bea Nilsson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8356
Kyle Canning, Susan Kennedy, Gary the Pigeon, Bea Nilsson, Sheila Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8356
Hendrix Greyson, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8356
Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson, Ned Willis

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8356
Chloe Brennan

Claudia Watkins, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8356
Claudia Watkins, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan

Aster Conway in Neighbours Episode 8356
Aster Conway

Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8356
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8356
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8356
David Tanaka, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Gary the Pigeon, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8356
Gary the Pigeon, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8356
Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Claudia Watkins, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8356
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Claudia Watkins, Aaron Brennan

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8356
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

David Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8356
David Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8356
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Claudia Watkins, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8356
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Claudia Watkins, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8356
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8356
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8356
Susan Kennedy

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