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Neighbours Episode 8355 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8354 - 8356>>
Episode title: 8355
Australian airdate: 04/05/20
UK airdate: 25/05/20
Writer: Jessica Paine
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Jessica Quince: Lynn Gilmartin
- "When Im Around You" by Running Touch
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Terese appointing Ned to be in charge of the Lassiters pool re- launch.
- Ned getting conflicting advice from Pierce and Paul.
- Claudia explain what her plans for the island would be if it is sold to her.
- Claudia engaging Aaron to try and persuade Chloe to sell the island to her.
- Roxy telling Sheila a few home truths over her pigeon obsession.
- Kyle very angry at what Roxy said to Sheila and ordering her out of the house and to leave them alone.
Number 26
Despite Kyle telling her to stay away, Roxy calls round to apologise for what she said to Sheila. She does add though that she is genuinely concerned for Sheila, and that she needs help. Kyle isn't amused at Roxy and shows her the door again!
Just as he heads into the kitchen, Sheila comes in from outside - she is in a worried state because Gary the pigeon hasn't shown up. Kyle reminds her that the bird turned up yesterday after being missing for a few days and is sure it will come back when its hungry. He looks very shocked when Sheila suggests taking a sickie, so she can wait in and see if the bird turns up, so instead almost cajoles her into going to get dressed and that she can talk about it instead at grief group before going to work.
Number 22
Ned is still unsure of what direction to go in for the pool party re-launch as he talks it over with Yashvi, Harlow, Chloe and Terese. The advice from the #22 jury (Harlow and Chloe in particular) is not to go down the sexy pool party route. Terese points out that for the moment, it's simply a soft launch and so ultimately it is more about getting folk at the party. The guy is so torn over which direction to take.
YASHVI: What do you want? Supermodels or small children? It's your party so it's your call.
HARLOW: It would be nice if it didn't matter who came, that's the kind of party I'd go to.
Lassiters Complex
Kyle and Jessica have met for a catch up coffee before they go to grief group. After he unloads to her his concerns about his Gran, he readily takes up her offer to chat with Sheila. Roxy spots the pair chatting and doesn't look too impressed - its lucky she can't hear him invite Jessica along to the pool opening!
The Waterhole
Ned has come up with a theme - inclusivity so nobody feels like they aren't included. Aaron suggests he tweaks it slightly to 'body positivity' which he loves but how has a new dilemma - getting people at short notice! Ned asks if Aaron can share the invite among his club email list and Sheila offers to share the invite too (with real people!) at her grief group.
"My heads all over the place at the moment," Sheila admits to Aaron when she serves him the wrong drink, but he misconstrues why that is the case - he thinks she is worried about the security of #26 rather than it being about a pigeon that hasn't turned up!
Lassiters Complex
Roxy is still standing giving Kyle and Jessica the evil eye when Harlow and Hendrix spot her. They initially warn her off interrupting the chat, but when Kyle heads inside to pay, she heads over instead to give Jessica what for on the advice she gave Sheila!
Jessica hasn't a clue who is having a go at her, so she stops and asks Roxy to tell her who she is. Roxy simply replies that she works with Sheila and that she [Sheila] is unwell. As Jessica asks if she is well, Harlow (and Hendrix) come over to pull her Roxy away. When they get back to where the trio were initially standing, they pair ask Roxy what that was about as they know it wasn't really about Sheila's welfare!
Terese's office
Having come up with a theme, it would appear that neither Paul nor Pierce like what Ned has come up with nor how he is getting the guests (putting it on social media). Terese reminds the pair that she is the one who appointed Ned and orders them to get behind it! Chloe joins the conversation and reports the positive comments that the hotel is getting online.
PAUL: That means nothing unless people actually show up.
NED: Well I think it's going to work.
PAUL: Well it better...because you have bumped this from a soft launch into a high profile event that everybody is talking about! So there is no room for error now. Don't mess it up!
Lassiters Complex
Roxy has brought Hendrix and Harlow up to speed on all things Kyle and they seem very impressed at her managing to keep it all very quiet! She now has to explain where Jessica fits in after they then asked about her. Harlow tells her to talk to Kyle to explain her true meaning of 'casual' but she halts the conversation to go apologise to Sheila when she spots her walking through the complex.
Unfortunately, Roxy's apology comes off more like she is having another go at Sheila than as an apology. We hear too that Sheila didn't go to the grief counselling session - it appears she went off shopping instead for Gary but doesn't want to say that in front of Roxy, so simply explains that the shopping is "for home" before walking off.
Terese's office
Ned brings Terese up to date with the planning for the launch when Yashvi drops by to volunteering her services. Terese praises Ned for how well he has done given the short notice he got handed the task and even Lucy gives it her thumbs up too via a text to Terese.
The Waterhole (veranda)
Jessica and Kyle run into Sheila and wonder why she wasn't at the support group. She explains to them about setting up the camera at home so she can watch it on a live feed on her phone! Jessica tries a different tact to get through to Sheila - she wouldn't spy round the clock on Gary 1, so why spy on Gary 2?
SHEILA: Because I've already lost him once.
Jessica can empathise with how Sheila is feeling - remembering how, after her mum died, for months she'd almost have a panic attack when her dad wouldn't answer the phone. Sheila doesn't want to blow the "second chance" she is having with Gary 2. Tactfully, Jessica appeals to her to remember the others that love and need her, but she also has to take care of herself by turning up to the support sessions.
Lassiters hotel
Terese is somewhat surprised to see Paul behind the front desk but he is double checking what Ned has done for the launch, somewhat unwilling to put his trust in him unlike Terese. He is unsure what Ned's 'body positivity' theme is truly about and thus deems it a risk.
TERESE: It means having no shame Paul! People being comfortable as they are. You know, it's sometimes nice to remind the world that it's okay not to fit into some invented mould. I like to remind myself occasionally of that too.
PAUL: I never meant...
TERESE: I know. I know you didn't.
Lassiters rooftop pool
Wow a new bit of Lassiters hotel that we have never seen before!
We hear that Mark and Paige are getting married tomorrow and Aaron asks his sister to have a think about Claudia's pitch as they fly to Adelaide - David and Aaron can't manage as they have foster training. Chloe tactfully calls her proposal "a lot of red flags" and has "zero interest in working with her" but is still thinking about the selling part however needs to talk to Elly first - she plans on heading there later that day.
Meanwhile as they claim their sun loungers (despite there being no sun!) Jessica points out "the weird chick" aka Roxy to Kyle. He doesn't look too impressed to see Roxy there and tries to blank her out... aided by turning his back on her! Harlow and Hendrix talk Roxy out of going over to talk to the duo especially since they already think she "is on the wrong side of crazy!"
While the punters there (Roxy aside!) seem to be enjoying themselves, the bosses aren't due to the lack of people and subsequently Ned is getting it in the neck from Pierce and Terese. "I'm working on it," he appeases them with.
The Waterhole
Ned rushes in to the bar to ask Sheila why her grief group members are a no show. Sheila apologises to him, explaining she didn't get to the group today but promises to ring the co-ordinator now to rustle up some folk. However, she is more worried about the pigeon not turning up that she forgets all about the call in her haste to get home for an "emergency."
Lassiters roof pool
Even though they've been sitting dangling their legs in the water, Hendrix wants to get into the pool properly. Harlow is reluctant to take her pool dress off in front of everyone and is reminded what the them of the party is by him. "Its more about doing what you are comfortable with," she explains to him.
HARLOW: For Roxy that's going her inner nudist and for me, sometimes wonder if I can go in fully clothed.
"Cool, let's do that," Hendrix says before getting into the water with all his clothes on and encourages Harlow to follow suit by soaking her with water!
Despite being warned not to, Roxy heads over to where Kyle and Jessica are. Jessica conveniently heads off to get them some drinks and Kyle makes his displeasure at seeing Roxy again known! I don't think he is then expecting Roxy to compliment Jessica by calling her "a lovely lady and hopes that the pair of them are happy together before walking off!
Meanwhile Aaron would love to hear the conversation his sister is having with Elly as he confirms to David that he really wants the job Claudia is offering - doing the training to foster had really made him want to help kids at risk. David agrees that it's a good opportunity "to do a whole lot of good."
DAVID: But it's wrapped in a difficult situation and tied with a ribbon of guilt!
AARON: Yes, the sturdiest ribbon!
Lucy still isn't happy and has now sent Paul to harass Ned for overselling the event and is ordered "to fix it now!"
Number 26
Sheila has rushed home hoping to see Gary but there is no sign of the pigeon. She suddenly gets fearful that the pigeon is in the hot tub and rushes there but breathes a huge sigh of relief when the tub is empty.
Lassiters rooftop pool
"Where did you find them?" Terese asks after seeing Ned lead a group of folk into the area.
NED: The car park.
We hear news that Lucy is at least happy at the different groups of people that have turned out but despite pleasing her, Ned's not pleased Paul or Pierce and both demand that he runs everything through them first. The poor lad has had enough and informs them that he has quit!
Ramsay Street
Ned almost runs into Sheila as he turns into the driveway of #22. She apologises for not making the calls, but he isn't angry at her. Eventually he asks what she is doing, as she seems to be working herself up into quite a state.
SHEILA: I'm looking for a pigeon.
NED: Right.
SHEILA: He's missing.
Ned points out the obvious, that they fly away, but Sheila is insistent this one wouldn't leave her on her own. "Is there anything I can do?" Ned feels the need to ask and she explains about looking in every backyard in the street except for #28. Given her reluctance to go there, he volunteers to go instead, but she decides to suck it up and "go in."
Number 28
Nervously Sheila enters the backyard and freaks out when she finds a pigeon lying underneath one of the trees. "Don't leave me again," she tearfully says as she cradles the pigeon in her hands.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Karl asking Olivia if "she is serious?"
- Bea asking Karl where he was last night.
- Elly passing on what Andrea is saying to Toadie and Dee.
- Andrea carrying through with her warning to Elly.
- Dipi admitting her concerns to Shane.
- Dee having it out with Dipi
<<8354 - 8356>>
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Harlow Robinson

Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis

Jessica Quince, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Jessica Quince, Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Ned Willis, Sheila Canning, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8355
Ned Willis, Sheila Canning, Aaron Brennan

Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson, Roxy Willis

Jessica Quince, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Jessica Quince, Roxy Willis

Paul Robinson, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Paul Robinson, Pierce Greyson

Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Terese Willis, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Terese Willis, Pierce Greyson

Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

Sheila Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Sheila Canning, Roxy Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Terese Willis

Roxy Willis, Jessica Quince, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Roxy Willis, Jessica Quince, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8355
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Jessica Quince, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Jessica Quince, Kyle Canning

Harlow Robinson, Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Harlow Robinson, Roxy Willis, Hendrix Greyson

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Ned Willis, Sheila Canning

Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8355
Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Kyle Canning

Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Roxy Willis

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8355
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Sheila Canning

Paul Robinson, Pierce Greyson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8355
Paul Robinson, Pierce Greyson, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Ned Willis, Sheila Canning

Gary the Pigeon in Neighbours Episode 8355
Gary the Pigeon

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8355
Sheila Canning

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