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Neighbours Episode 8149 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8148 - 8150>>
Episode title: 8149
Australian and UK airdate: 18/07/19
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Dee Bliss: Madeleine West
Alfie Sutton: Harry Borland
Keyboardist: Mark Sadka
- "Living People" by Vaughan
"The Best You Had"

Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Kyle telling Chloe he's sick of hearing about Pierce
- Yashvi conducting a street art tour
- A guy on the tour, Luka, commenting on Finn's 'psycho' history
- Finn acting evasive around Bea because of his Feelings™
- Dee wanting to find out more about Andrea
- Yashvi letting slip to Dee that Toadie already visited Werribee with Andrea
Number 30
Toadie tells Dee that he booked them in for lunch at the hotel restaurant at Werribee Mansion tomorrow, but he's thrown when Dee asks him why he didn't tell her about his trip there with Andrea. Yashvi sheepishly makes her apologies before dashing to her room, leaving them to talk. Toadie is also apologetic but says that he was led there under very false pretences. He thinks they should still go together but Dee doesn't think it'll be the same.
DEE: I'd already played it out in my head. Y'know, us remembering walking through the ceremony, remembering our vows. It was one of the most special days of our lives. (Off Toadie's guilty look) Is that what you did with her?
Poor Toad looks as though he needs a handbook on 'how to work through your relationship with your presumed-dead wife when you've already been through the milestones with her conniving doppelganger'.
Number 28
Bea is playing guitar and singing a new song (no, no, no-no, it's actually not 'Sorry' for once) but stops when Finn walks in. He smiles and says he wouldn't mind some background music while he brainstormed ideas for Sonya's charity. Bea asks how it's all going and Finn says that Toadie's got him in charge of bringing in more money. Finn is pleased when he receives an email from one of his literacy students who scored a job thanks to the confidence Finn instilled in him. Bea looks proud of him.
FINN: I shouldn't have walked off the other day when we spoke.
BEA: Don't worry about it.
FINN: Because there was so much more I could have said about you, about me. I just wasn't sure how you'd take it.
Bea doesn't know how to respond to that, so she says she's going to keep practicing her music in her room.
The Waterhole
Chloe sees Pierce and gives him a tentative little wave but Pierce just offers her an awkward smile in return before leaving. Yashvi and Ned walk in and Yashvi says how bad she feels about the Dee and Toadie mix-up. Ned says he'd offer to buy her a drink to drown her sorrows but he can't afford one each. Chloe interrupts their conversation to let Yashvi know her street art tour has gone viral. Luka posted his photos of Finn and now all his mates want to know how they, "can get up close and personal with Erinsborough's real-life psycho." Yashvi looks intrigued and Chloe jokes that she should have charged people to take photos, but Ned's less than enthused.
NED: Yeah, let's make money off what Finn's done. That's not perverse.
But while Ned heads to the bar to buy his one drink, Yashvi can't help but brainstorm the idea further with Chloe.
YASHVI: Do you reckon people would actually pay for that sort of tour?
CHLOE: Yeah, it's all about true crime these days. It'd be like a podcast but real.
YASHVI: (thinking it over) Yeah... but Ned's right. It's a bit sick cashing in when people have been hurt.
CHLOE: Yeah. It's a tricky one to find the line.
YASHVI: Yeah but there's still heaps of people that would be against it.
CHLOE: Particularly those who were right in the firing line of 'bad Finn'.
Despite all that, the business cogs in Yashvi's brain still appear to be whirring.
Number 28
Dee looks a bit lost and decides to have a browse through one of the photo albums on the shelf. She smiles at first but then is quite shaken to find a copy of a booklet from her memorial service.
Number 30
The next morning, Dee calls in after Toadie texted her. He's set up a projector in the lounge room so they can look at all their wedding photos to make up for not going to Werribee. Dee is a little shaken and admits to Toadie she looked through some mementos last night - including her memorial service booklet.
DEE: It was really lovely actually, reading everyone's tributes to me... Just a bit confronting.
TOADIE: That was one of the hardest days of my life.
DEE: I had a service for you too. (She tries to hold back her tears) I got up early one morning, watched the sunrise and said goodbye.
Toadie is quite touched by this admission and Dee is caught up in the memory.
DEE: I didn't really have anyone who understood what I was going through, so I just felt like I needed something.
TOADIE: I think that we just need to focus on the good bits. Yeah?
DEE: Yeah.
TOADIE: Okay. I know you've already seen some of the photos in Harold's history album but y'know; literally I've got thousands here.
DEE: (teasing) Oh, thousands have you?
TOADIE: Well, a hundred. And some of them with our heads chopped off because Stu was a bad photographer.
Dee chuckles fondly, which catches Toadie off-guard for a split second. It's been a long, long while since they've tried their easy banter thing and they're both still nervous. He sits beside her on the couch to start the slideshow.
Number 28
Finn finds the open photo album on the table with the memorial booklet in it and comments to Bea that someone must've been looking at it. He lets her know he'll be at the Community Centre all day. The mood is still uneasy between them because of things left unsaid. Finn leaves as Yashvi arrives. Yashvi asks Bea heaps of questions about where she and Finn will be during the day. Bea says she's got a gig at the pub, asking if Yashvi wants to tag along, but Yashvi says she's got footy practice. She practically dashes out leaving Bea confused about how weird she's acting.
Ramsay Street
Yashvi bumps into Ned, who is on his way to clock in more hours for his community service. He asks what her plans are for the day, but Yashvi tells him a different story than what she told Bea, saying she's working on her school report of the tour. Ned gives her a kiss before he goes, crossing paths with Chloe as he heads down the street.
CHLOE: Nedwardo!
NED: Chlo... do? I'll work on it.
Yashvi asks more 'will you be home today?' questions to Chloe, relieved to hear that #32 will be resident-free along with Mark's place and the Cannings. Chloe's puzzled.
CHLOE: Why is that important?
YASHVI: Well you know how we spoke about doing a Finn Kelly dark tour? I'm doing that today.
CHLOE: What?
YASHVI: I messaged Luka and he advertised on some true crime forum and a bunch of his friends were keen and signed up.
CHLOE: Wow...
YASHVI: (looking slightly guilty) I need the cash!
Chloe reminds her that anyone could come home at any given time, but Yashvi reckons they'll only be on the street for five minutes max. Chloe shrugs and says as long as nobody feels as though Yashvi's putting them in an exhibition. Yashvi's like, 'Of course that won't happen!' immediately invoking Murphy's Law.
Number 30
Toadie and Dee are having a nice time perusing the photos. Dee grins when one of Angie, Toadie and Big Kev appears. Toadie reminisces about his mum on the day.
TOADIE: I think she had to wring her hankie out by the end of the ceremony.
DEE: She always was very, uh... expressive!
A photo of Toadie, Stonie and Stu comes up next. They're standing at the end of the aisle, Toadie with a big grin on his face as he's presumably looking at his bride to be. Toadie raises his eyebrows when Dee starts laughing.
DEE: I just remembered how they handcuffed you to that pole in the morning!
TOADIE: Not their finest moment.
DEE: All well, at least they got you to the wedding on time.
There's another photo of Toadie waiting for Dee to arrive for the ceremony. Dee softly comments on how nervous he looks.
TOADIE: I was. It seemed like I was waiting forever for you to walk down the aisle and then (a photo is shown of Dee, absolutely beaming as she stands with Toadie) there you were. Nothing else mattered.
Dee turns and smiles at him. Toadie slowly exhales, the memory of the day washing over him. Another photo appears of the two of them cuddled together after being pronounced man and wife, their whole lives ahead of them as newlyweds.
Erinsborough Hospital
Yashvi begins her tour out the front with six people in attendance, including one very intense young man called Alfie, who appears to know his Finn Kelly history inside and out. Yashvi tells the tale of Finn staying in this very hospital after being pushed off a cliff, and then being run down on the crosswalk. She's somewhat rattled when Alfie asks when they're meeting Finn, telling him never and claiming it's too dangerous. Yashvi presses on with the tour - "Next stop, Psycho Street itself." Alfie loiters at the back of the group.
Number 30
Toadie asks if Dee's okay and she admits there's something that's been bothering her, but she doesn't want Toadie to take it the wrong way.
DEE: I just want to know, how did Andrea convince you she was me? We're so different personality wise.
TOADIE: Well she took on a whole other persona based on her research of you. She knew all of these little personal details like our first kiss and our wedding vows and, um... To be honest I think I just wanted it to be you so I ignored the warning signs.
DEE: And Hugo?
TOADIE: Well by then Andrea had manipulated so much I was, um, I was confused and... (He sounds defeated) I just gave up. I gave up fighting everything and I betrayed Sonya.
Dee is compassionate towards him and speaks in a gentle tone.
DEE: I would never interfere with your marriage. It's the reason I stayed away.
TOADIE: Yeah, yeah, of course. You are a kind, generous person. I mean that is your defining characteristic. That and your smile of course.
Of course Dee can't help smiling at that. Toadie sits next to her on the couch.
TOADIE: I want us to be able to help each other through all of this, but we've got to be able to find a way to do it without Andrea hanging over our heads. We both deserve that.
DEE: Yeah we do. We will.
They smile at each other, hoping they can do just that.
Ramsay Street
Yashvi hurries her group along, hoping to get through her spiel before anyone arrives home. She points out #26, bringing up Xanthe's history with Finn, which of course Alfie knows way too much about. Yashvi then shows them #28, telling them that's where Finn lives. Alfie's eyes light up when he realises Bea lives there too and asks if they can go inside. Yashvi tells him no, then gets mad when Alfie wants to rifle through #28's mail. She diverts everyone's attention away, telling the group they're heading to the school or as she puts it, "the scene of his grandest criminal plot." Yashvi has to literally drag Alfie away from staring at the Kennedy house. This will end well.
The Waterhole
Bea's singing to an attentive audience, which includes Pierce, surprisingly, and a very smitten-looking Finn. When Bea's set ends, Pierce stops her to have a chat and commends her on her singing. Finn is itching to speak to her too, but Bea is still feeling awkward and ends up heading home before he can talk to her.
Number 30
Toadie arrives home with the kids after picking Nell up at school. When Toad asks his daughter to empty her lunchbox etc. Nellyfish claims she has homework to do and dashes off. Toadie's astounded Preps have homework but Kirsha smiles and say Nell's already using it as an excuse to get out of stuff. Kirsha asks her uncle what the projector on the bench is all about and Toadie explains his photo day with Dee.
KIRSHA: How did it go?
TOADIE: Better than expected. I think I'm ready to tell Nell about Dee. And if she's okay we can introduce them and (he points to Hugo) maybe to this little one too.
Kirsha thinks it's an awesome idea. Finn then unexpectedly stops by and asks Toadie if he can run something past him.
Erinsborough High
Yashvi brings her group out the front of the school building and tells them how a bunch of students and teachers fell ill because Finn left poison canisters around. Alfie creepily mouths along with some of Yashvi's speech, as he knows way too many details. He asks if they can go into the school, but when Yashvi says no, he figures they can head back to Ramsay Street instead. Yashvi's like, 'Mate, no! People are about to get home and I'm not invading their privacy!' (Oh V, that ship has sailed). She's then startled when Ned appears and calls out to her. Yashvi leaves the group unattended to speak with Ned, who is there picking up art supplies the school's donating to the centre.
NED: What's all this?
YASHVI: I got a bunch of requests to do my tour again, so I thought I might do one just before I finish my report.
Ned believes her, much to Yashvi's relief, but when she re-joins her group she's frustrated to learn that Alfie has disappeared.
Number 30
Finn's happy Toadie appears to be keen on his fundraising concepts. After Toadie sees him out, Kirsha remarks that Toadie didn't really seem to like Finn's idea. But Toadie says it's not like that, he just wishes he had time to think of ideas himself.
KIRSHA: Isn't that what it's all about though? Everyone coming together to make it work for Sonya? You don't have to do it all on your own.
TOADIE: You're too smart for your own good, kiddo.
Number 28
Bea arrives home and hears a noise in the hallway. Assuming it's Susan, she chatters away about how well her gig went, but Bea's in for a rude shock when a stranger (aka Alfie) appears. There's a brief moment where you can see Bea thinking he could be there as an acquaintance of Susan or even Dee, but then Alfie puts his shark-like, laser-focused stare on her.
ALFIE: (in awe) Wow, this is perfect. I have wanted to meet you in person for so long.
Bea starts to make a run for the door but Alfie bolts in front of her.
ALFIE: NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE NOW! I just have so many questions that I want to ask.
Taking a shaky breath, Bea tries to think of her next move to get away from him.
<<8148 - 8150>>
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8149
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8149
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8149
Dee Bliss

Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8149
Dee Bliss

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8149
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8149
Yashvi Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan

 in Neighbours Episode 8149

Toadie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 8149
Toadie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi, Stuart Parker

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Yashvi Rebecchi

Alfie Sutton in Neighbours Episode 8149
Alfie Sutton

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Alfie Sutton, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Alfie Sutton, Yashvi Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8149
Bea Nilsson

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8149
Finn Kelly

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8149
Pierce Greyson

Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Kirsha Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Alfie Sutton in Neighbours Episode 8149
Yashvi Rebecchi, Alfie Sutton

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Finn Kelly, Hugo Somers, Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8149
Toadie Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Finn Kelly, Hugo Somers, Kirsha Rebecchi

Alfie Sutton in Neighbours Episode 8149
Alfie Sutton

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8149
Bea Nilsson

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