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Neighbours Episode 7852 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7851 - 7853>>
Episode title: 7852
Australian and UK airdate: 29/05/18
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Bea Nilsson: Bonnie Anderson (she is in the end credits as well as the opening titles)
Finn Kelly: Rob Mills
Charlie Hoyland: Alexander McGuire
Cassius Grady: Joe Davidson
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Gary introduces Sheila to Cassius Grady who is new to the area and looking for gardening work.
- Toadie offers Sheila a role as his new assistant.
- Finn tells Xanthe that he lied when he said he had feelings for her.
- Mark offers Bea an apprenticeship at the garage.
- 'Patrick' aka Finn encourages Bea to take the apprenticeship. She says it means they'll be staying in Erinsborough. He says it's not like he's going anywhere, while the camera reveals he's in a wheelchair.
- Steph feels like she needs to have a closer relationship with her kids and thinks she needs to leave Erinsborough.
Number 30
Steph tells Toadie about Aaron and David being caught in the nude during the fire alarm. She said it made Amy laugh which was what she needed. It's not easy saying goodbye to your kid. Toadie says Steph won't have to do that too often, she'll have Adam in her life and Philippa is dropping Charlie off soon. Steph plans to take him to the dinosaur walk exhibition at the museum. Charlie's still a big fan of Jurassic Park movies. She says he'll love it and it will be so good to have him here.
Bea's Place
Bea helps 'Patrick' exercise his legs. Bea says he wouldn't be dealing with any of it if it wasn't for her. Apparently, he went into an alleyway to stop guys hassling her, he didn't know her at the time, then they tracked him down and ruined his life, now he can't walk. Finn says he doesn't regret any of it and meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to him. He hopes one day he won't need the wheelchair. She says with her new apprenticeship they might be able to afford more rehab sessions.
Number 26 Back Yard
Gary notices Sheila's had her hair done.
SHEILA: Three months ago, but thanks for noticing.
He sees she is laying out refreshments and wonders what the occasion is. Just then Cassius arrives and asks if he should get started. As he goes to the shed to get some tools, Gary laughs at Sheila. She says she wants to support Cassius as it's just like when Kyle started his business.
GARY: Yeah it is and it certainly doesn't hurt that he looks like that in a tank top. You are a disgrace Sheila Louise Joanna Canning, an absolute disgrace.

Harold's Café
Steph and Charlie hug, she is so pleased to see him. She asks how Max and Philippa are, and then runs through the plans for the day. Charlie doesn't care what they do as long as they get to hang out.
Number 26 Back Yard
Sheila tells Cassius that she's pleased to be working at the law office.
SHEILA: I was worried I was past my use by date.
CASSIUS: No way, you've got years left. I can tell just by looking at you Mrs Canning.
SHEILA: Gran... oh, Sheila, haha!
Dipi arrives looking for serving platters for Yashvi's fundraiser, but is astounded when she spots Cassius taking his shirt off. Sheila tries to hurry Dipi away, but Dipi takes a seat and pours a drink, saying she's never too busy to catch up with a good friend. Dipi continues to eye up Cassius.
The Waterhole
Shane invites Elly and Mark to the football fundraiser tomorrow, but Elly is busy with paperwork. They ask if Dipi's allowed back at the games. Shane says she's promised to behave and tells them that Yashvi's up for the Rising Star award. Bea arrives and tells Mark she'd like to accept the apprenticeship, he offers her a four-week trial. Elly is pleased that Bea is staying a bit longer. As Elly hugs Bea, she mouths a 'thank you' to Mark.
Bea's Place
Bea texts 'Patrick' the message: 'Apprenticeship sorted. Elly's stoked.' Finn smiles.
Harold's Café
Steph asks Charlie if they're ready to go to the museum but he seems quiet and distracted. When she asks if something is going on, he eventually reveals that Philippa is cheating on his dad and he doesn't want to be around them right now. He asks to stay with her.
Steph asks if its possible he's wrong. He says he caught her on the phone with the guy and it was obvious from what they were saying what was going on. Charlie then asked her about it on the way over here and she pretty much admitted it was true. She made him promise not to tell his Dad. Steph doesn't think she has any right to put him in that position.
STEPH: Listen to me Charlie, none of this is your burden to deal with alright, it's all on her. She needs to start being honest with Max.
CHARLIE: I don't think she's going to do that.
STEPH: You can't sweep this under the carpet, it always comes out.
Charlie asks if he can stay with her, he could come with her to Sydney and help her get set up, then he won't have to lie to his Dad.
Fitzgerald Motors
Mark shows Bea the booking system. Bea asks why he hired her after she lied to him about her references. Mark says Elly reminded him that everyone deserves a second chance. She asks Mark if he and Elly used to go out, and if they are still close. Mark says Elly is great but she deserves a lot more than Mark can give her right now. Bea asks if she's so great, then why aren't they together. Mark just says its complicated.
Yashvi and Xanthe come in and Mark introduces them to Bea. The girls all chat, Yashvi tells Bea that she plays footy for the Eden Hill Dolphins, and Xanthe says that she's studying nursing or maybe midwifery.
YASHVI: This whole girly girl façade she's got going on is just a cover, she's really a hardcore nerd.
Mark sends the girls on their way and Bea gets back to work.
Number 26 Back Yard
Dipi continues to perv on Cassius. Sheila tries to encourage Dipi to get back to her fundraiser, but Dipi says most of the hard work is already done. Dipi suggests they offer Cassius a drink as he looks hot. Dipi calls Cassius over to get a drink. She insists he call her Dipi and asks him where he's from. He says he travels around a lot, so right now Erinsborough is home. Dipi offers him to do some work at her garden, telling her they have a pool so he can cool down while he works. Sheila says they still have a lot of work to do here, so she'll have to join the queue. Dipi says she can wait, but he can come across and give her a quote in the meantime. As Cassius gets back to work, Dipi laughs and Sheila looks shocked.
Bea's Place
'Patrick' asks how work went. Bea is pleased she said yes, but it's a lot to take on. A lot of study and a lot of hours at the workshop. Finn asks what her boss is like. She tells him about Mark and Elly used to date, and she's guessing they will get back together as they look like they are secretly into each other. Bea mentions that Xanthe introduced her to Yashvi. Finn questions her about Xanthe. Bea doesn't think they have much in common, she seems super serious about studying and redoing year 12 so she can go to uni. Finn suggests she hang out with Xanthe, she might be a good study partner. Bea thinks it will be an uphill battle, but Finn says she'll be great.
Number 30
Steph tells Charlie that she wants to call her dad. Charlie says she can't, it will then be his fault that their marriage breaks up. He's worried Max will get all fired up and tell him he can't see her again. Charlie doesn't think he'll believe Steph, he'll probably just think she's trying to cause trouble. Charlie asks for another way that he can stay with her without saying what is going on.
Number 26 Back Yard/Kitchen
Sheila instructs Dipi where she can find the serving platters and sends her into the kitchen. Sheila tells Cassius that he shouldn't feel obligated to take the job. Dipi meanwhile watches from the kitchen window. Sheila tells Cassius that Dipi can be full on, but he assures her that he can handle himself. Sheila doesn't want him to feel pressured or uncomfortable in any way. She likes having him here, it's just like having Kyle back, working together in the garden.
Bea's Place
Bea gets a text from Elly, she's taking Xanthe shopping for a birthday present and wants her to join. Bea asks 'Patrick' to come too, but he doesn't want them to judge him, or feel sorry for him or think he's a burden to her. He says he's too self-conscious which is why he doesn't want her to tell them about him. He wants them to see him at his best. He just needs a few more weeks to adjust. As Bea heads out, Finn gives an evil grin to himself.
Lassiters Lake
Bea, Elly and Xanthe walk through the park. Xanthe is pleased she got a yearly planner as her birthday present, she's going to smash this when exams come around. Xanthe tells Bea that she doesn't like studying, it's always been a struggle for her, which is why she needs to use every trick in the book. Elly offers to help tutor Bea if she ever needs a hand. We soon see that Finn is watching them from across the park.
Number 26
Xanthe returns home and asks where Sheila is.
GARY: Let's just say your grandmother has a newfound appreciation for nature in all its glory.
Sheila, Dipi and Cassius come in as Sheila thanks Cassius for his work, while handing Dipi the serving platter. Dipi invites Cassius around, but Sheila insists that Cassius is staying put until her garden is done. Cassius says he will have a look at Dipi's garden even if he can't schedule the work right away. Dipi doesn't mind waiting. Dipi and Cassius leave. Sheila assures Xanthe and Gary that Cassius reminds her of Kyle, he's polite, and he's easy pray for the desperate housewives of Ramsay Street. Xanthe says that Cassius doesn't remind her of Kyle.
Number 30
Charlie heads to bed. Steph tells Toadie about Philippa having an affair and guilting Charlie into not saying anything. Charlie wants to move to Sydney with her to avoid lying to his dad. Toadie doesn't think that's a bad idea. Steph doesn't think it's fair for Charlie to change his whole life in Fiji just because of something Philippa has done. Steph thinks that she should tell Philippa that she knows and if she doesn't come clean with Max, then she will. Toadie suggests she use this as leverage to get joint custody of Charlie. Steph isn't sure about it, but Toadie thinks it's worth considering for Charlie's sake.
Dipi, Xanthe, Piper and Chloe all perv on Cassius as he showers shirtless in the yard. He smiles at Piper.
<<7851 - 7853>>
Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7852
Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7852
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7852
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Cassius Grady

Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 7852
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland

Cassius Grady, Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7852
Cassius Grady, Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Mark Brennan, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7852
Mark Brennan, Shane Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7852
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7852
Finn Kelly

Charlie Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7852
Charlie Hoyland, Steph Scully

Mark Brennan, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7852
Mark Brennan, Bea Nilsson

Xanthe Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7852
Xanthe Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7852
Cassius Grady

Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7852
Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7852
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 7852
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland

Cassius Grady, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7852
Cassius Grady, Sheila Canning

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7852
Dipi Rebecchi

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7852
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7852
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Xanthe Canning

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7852
Finn Kelly

Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7852
Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning

Dipi Rebecchi, Cassius Grady, Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7852
Dipi Rebecchi, Cassius Grady, Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7852
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7852
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

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