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Neighbours Episode 7851 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7850 - 7852>>
Episode title: 7851
Australian and UK airdate: 28/05/18
Writer: Sam Carroll
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Finn Kelly: Rob Mills
Rita Newland: Lisa Kay
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Jimmy heading to New York with his dad.
- Aaron and David having different ideas on how long their engagement should last for.
- Karl pulling back his involvement in the MRI programme.
- Karl telling Susan that Rita has a proposition.
- Elly giving Finn a serve on what it should be like when you love someone.
- Bea indebted to Finn (Patrick).
There is an update to the titles - Jimmy has been removed and the shot is now of Paul and Amy in his car at the Complex.
Bea's flat
Finn is doing his best to convince Bea to meet her sister for lunch and get to know her. She begs him to come along but he thinks it best if she rebuilds her relationship with her sister alone.
Number 28
Rita thanks the K's for letting her see them and explains why - she wants her pharmaceutical company to branch out into remyelination therapy, a type of MS treatment (Izzy mentioned to her about Susan having MS). She needs trials in countries all over the world, after initial trials proved good, and while agreeing it will make her a lot of money, it will also benefit sufferers too, including Susan. To enable her to proceed, she asks Karl to stay involved with the MRI study so that it potentially benefits all 3 of them. Rita leaves them the preliminary research to help them come to a decision.
Lassiters Complex
Elly suggests to Bea that they go into the city for lunch - that is if her car works properly. Bea asks her to open the bonnet and narrows it down to the starting motor or alternator, which impresses Elly no end however to confirm the diagnosis, they head off to see Mark.
The Terrace
Amy is desperate to hear from Jimmy, but the plane hasn't landed yet. David and Aaron, reassure her that the lad will miss her, and indeed Jimmy knew she would so enlisted their help to take Amy out for lunch and present her with a voucher for a pamper package at the retreat. The guys will also be joining her, and David has made a reservation for today, partially so she doesn't wallow, which Jimmy knew she would!
Number 24
Mark seems surprised to hear that Bea knows her way around an engine, when she and Elly drop in to ask him to look at her car. His initial shock works to her advantage though - he offers Bea an apprenticeship if she is interested. Bea seems to be going to great lengths to not take up that offer but is talked into at least going for a trial.
Number 28
Karl is feeling used at both Izzy and Rita 'using him' for their own "hidden motivations," although Susan does point out that Rita's is professional unlike Izzy! He is reluctant to undertake more work, even if the data Rita left is "compelling" as it could take years to be approved if at all. Karl doesn't think Clive will get on board either and Susan decides to leave the decision up to Karl, she will support him either way.
As he works on Elly's car, Mark is trying to suss out from Bea what her (mechanical) background is. Initially she claimed to have worked for a family business for 6 months, but Mark isn't believing her so eventually she reveals the truth - it was an ex-boyfriend that taught her. She begs Mark not to tell Elly the truth and turns down the apprenticeship offer as she is unsure what her long-term plans are.
The Flametree Retreat
Steph is telling Gary about the handover plans when Amy, David and Aaron arrive for their pamper session. Amy is still glued to her phone watching Jimmy's flight (its delayed due to weather) and heads off to the changing rooms still glued to her phone. Steph asks the guys to look after Amy, as she won't settle until she's heard from him.
When Steph leaves to talk to Charlie (he called her), Aaron comes up with a plan to distract Amy from her phone, telling David to follow his lead.
The trio are now out in the restaurant sitting having some liquorish tea, well the boys are, Amy is still glued to her phone! Aaron decides to instigate the plan - discussing with David how long they should wait until they get married. It works, she's forced to help mediate, however quickly comes up with a solution (they get married in 3 months' time) and then reaches over to take back her phone.
Elly comes looking for her sister, but Mark explains she got skittish and bolted. He comments that Bea seems quite insecure when it comes to Elly.
ELLY: I don't think she's my biggest fan.
Elly thinks it is because when they lived together, she wasn't there for her and had hoped that the job would keep Bea in town. "You really want her to?" asks Mark and Elly replies yes, so she can make up for her past mistakes.
So, it turns out that Bea was right, it was the alternator that wasn't working, so Mark asks Elly for Bea's contact information.
Number 28
Rita is back but its bad news - Karl doesn't want to get involved as he thinks it would cause friction at the hospital. "The outcome will be worth the friction," Rita suggests but he's not sold that won't be the case and also isn't impressed at how she lured him in either. "This is ground-breaking research Karl," she tries to tell him, and both don't like Rita suggesting that he is putting himself first, which she quickly apologises for. "It's just that I am so passionate about this," she tries to tell them, but she'd have been as well to have saved her breath, neither are changing their minds.
KARL: I genuinely wish you all the best in your research, I just can't do it.
The Flametree Retreat
Aaron and David have come through to talk to Steph and Gary since Amy fell asleep on the treatment table! Their chat is interrupted when the fire alarm goes off and everyone (including the new wakened Amy) head outside to the evacuation point.
Outside, Amy begs the pair of them to help provide a barrier (using their towels, even if it means them going down to their birthday suit) - cue seeing a shot of their naked butts to allow Amy to get dressed!
Everyone though ends up getting a good eyeful of Aaron! Steph comes out to explain why the alarm went off and Aaron grabs the hard hat she had before making a dash for the inside!
Bea's place
We hear why Bea didn't take up Mark's offer - her mechanical experience was obtained in a chop-chop shop! "Maybe you haven't blown it afterall," Finn remarks after she gets a text from Mark asking to meet up. She is reluctant to meet him, but Finn can see she wants the job and tells her she has nothing to lose by contacting Mark.
The Flametree Retreat
Amy is finally happy to be talking to Jimmy on the phone (and heads out of the reception door to continue chatting) and Steph remarks that this is just the start of Amy learning to live without your kids. David and Aaron seem taken aback by her negative attitude but Gary backs Steph up by agreeing that its hell without your kids. She tells the boys that they need to be there to help Amy when she has bad days.
Harold's café
It's been worth Bea turning up - Mark offers her the apprenticeship at the garage as he can see she has talent and doesn't want it going to waste. There is also another reason too - he wants to see Bea and Elly rebuild their relationship.
Meanwhile, at the other side of the café, David and Aaron resume chatting about their engagement. Aaron doesn't want a long one because it feels right, but David doesn't want them to rush.
AARON: I just want to call you my husband. Is that so bad?
DAVID: Of course not, and I do too.
David agrees to the compromise agreed earlier - they will get married in 3 months' time although David is now worried about how "over the top" Aaron wants it to be!
Number 28
Karl hobbles to the bathroom before they begin their binge watch. While he is there, Susan begins to look through the folder Rita left.
Bea's place
Bea still can't believe Mark offered her the position although is worried about the amount of studying she will need to do. Finn offers her his support and points out all the pluses of taking the job - a stable income, a new career start plus spending time with her sister.
FINN: It's a bit of a no-brainer.
Bea points out it would mean they'd need to stay in Erinsborough, and he remarks that it "seems like a nice enough place" and reassures he that he can find something to occupy his time. "Its not as though I am going anywhere," he adds as the camera pans out and we can see he is in a wheelchair.
- The ladies getting a bit hot about Cassius.
<<7850 - 7852>>
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7851
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Susan Kennedy, Rita Newland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7851
Susan Kennedy, Rita Newland, Karl Kennedy

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7851
Elly Conway

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7851
Bea Nilsson

Aaron Brennan, Amy Williams, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7851
Aaron Brennan, Amy Williams, David Tanaka

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7851
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Bea Nilsson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
Bea Nilsson, Mark Brennan

Gary Canning, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7851
Gary Canning, Steph Scully

Aaron Brennan, Amy Williams, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7851
Aaron Brennan, Amy Williams, David Tanaka

David Tanaka, Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
David Tanaka, Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan

Mark Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7851
Mark Brennan, Elly Conway

Rita Newland, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7851
Rita Newland, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

David Tanaka, Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7851
David Tanaka, Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan, Gary Canning

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7851
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Gary Canning, Steph Scully, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
Gary Canning, Steph Scully, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
Mark Brennan

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7851
Bea Nilsson

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7851
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7851
Susan Kennedy

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7851
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7851
Finn Kelly

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