- Among Russell's possessions is a model boat; Mark's surprised to learn he wanted a real one
- Fay tells the story of how Russell isn't Tyler's father
- Tyler smashes the model boat in anger, and later admits his existential crisis to Piper
- Karl chastises Toadie and Sonya for being rude about his tropical fruit-growing plans
- Karl and Shane propose a Big Durian as a local attraction, which will double as a compost bin!
- Freya is impressed when she thinks Yashvi has slept with Ben
- When Freya becomes sceptical, Yashvi shows her the nude photo she's found of Ben
No 32
We continue from yesterday; Freya has now gone, and Yashvi closes Ben's emails. Surprised by Ben's re-entrance, Yashvi distances herself from the computer. Ben says he's finished his lesson with Kirsha, and Yashvi thanks him. Ben suggests they keep hanging out, but Yashvi's keen to get rid of him, saying she's pretty tired.
He almost forgets to take his laptop, but remembers it last-minute. Yashvi is acting oddly; Ben asks if she's okay and she says she's fine, but looks worried as Ben leaves.
Outside the Community Centre
Sonya and Toadie are on their way to the liveability committee meeting, ready for another showdown with Karl. Sonya's worried that Karl's plan to turn Erinsborough into a tropical fruit paradise will actually go ahead, but Toadie assures her that Shane is Karl's only supporter.
TOADIE: It's not gonna fly. This is about liveability - not laughability.
As they go into the centre, Aaron and Mark jog past, and shortly afterwards run into Tyler. It's clear he's been avoiding them since finding out he's not Russell's son, having been staying at Piper's. He admits he went to the Back Lane Bar instead of going to Terese's engagement party.
Aaron suggests they get some food together later at The Waterhole. Tyler doesn't look keen, and says he'll see, before leaving. Mark and Aaron jog on, despondent.
No 26
In the garden, Sheila and Xanthe are doing macramé. They talk about Terese and Gary's engagement party; Sheila thought it was odd Terese didn't make a speech, but Xanthe reminds her that the party was sprung on her, so she didn't have a chance to prepare.
Sheila remarks about Ben leaving the party early, and Xanthe says he went to go and hang out with Yashvi. It's clear she's still bitter about it, but claims she's fine.
XANTHE: I mean, let's not forget who did the breaking up between us. It was me. So I'm not allowed to feel upset, am I?
SHEILA: You do know that there was no hanky-panky the other night? That was Mishti. You know - the street-cat named desire!
XANTHE: Wait, so it was all just a really big misunderstanding?
SHEILA: Yeah. And so now Ben's a free agent...
Xanthe smiles - but at that point, Li-Kim turns up, having randomly let herself through the gate. Sheila leaves them to it to head off to the liveability meeting and heckle Karl!
SHEILA: I don't want to miss a minute of the carnage!
Once she's gone, Li-Kim has more bad news for Xanthe.
LI-KIM: Ben and Yashvi are swapping pics! Of... you know!
XANTHE: What? How would you even find out something like that?
LI-KIM: Freya. She's been telling everyone.
XANTHE: Well, she's lying! We don't even know for sure that Ben and Yashvi are officially dating. And I know Ben. Ben would not send a picture of that to anyone!
LI-KIM: Well, she says she's seen some for herself.
Xanthe looks horrified.
No 22
Tyler comes in, and mentions to Piper that he saw Mark and Aaron while he was out.
TYLER: It was weird. I dunno - like I'm on the outside, looking in.
Piper encourages him to go home and talk to them. He's worried it'll be awkward, but Piper says they'll always be his brothers - nothing can change that.
PIPER: What you found out is massive, Ty, and they know that. But avoiding them and not wanting to talk about it - that's not gonna help anything.
Community Centre
Sheila arrives just in time for the liveability meeting, and joins Toadie and Sonya in the audience, mocking Karl as he begins his speech. After explaining that Shane is absent due to work commitments at Harold's, Karl unveils a scale model of the Big Durian on a spinning plinth!
TOADIE: Bit small, isn't it, mate?
SHEILA: You know what they say about size, Toadie!
KARL: (...) This is a scale model. When the full size version is built, it will replace the sculpture in the forecourt at Lassiter's. It will be a liveable, sustainable, organic stroke of genius.
SHEILA: It's a stroke of something organic, I'll give you that!
KARL: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a community compost supply for everyone to share.
SONYA: Why is no-one laughing at this point?
TOADIE: You're alright, I've got this. So basically it's just gonna be a massive rubbish tip in the middle of Lassiter's?
KARL: One person's trash is another person's treasure!
SHEILA: It'll stink out my Waterhole!
KARL: No, no, no. Compost properly managed does not smell.
Toadie complains that durians aren't native to Australia, but Karl retorts that most of the country's 'big' landmarks aren't. Karl adds that the giant durian will put Erinsborough on the map - and that the resulting compost will be liquid gold.
KARL: Liquid gold!
No 28
Ben is in the back garden, strumming on his guitar, when Xanthe turns up. She tells him that he 'has to stop' and that she knows about the photos.
BEN: What photos?
XANTHE: Don't. Don't play dumb. You and Yashvi have been sending personal photos to each other, and it's not cool.
BEN: No! No, we haven't!
XANTHE: Ben, rumours are getting around. They're saying that you and Yashvi are friends with benefits.
BEN: Well, first of all, that's not true...
XANTHE: It's fine. Whatever you guys want to do, it's your choice. But Yashvi is still getting over what happened with Evan. The last thing she needs is something like this to get around. I thought you of all people would understand that.
BEN: And you of all people should understand me better. You know exactly what I went through when Emma sent all those photos around. Do you really think I'd get mixed up in all of that again?
XANTHE: Your first time was with a girl you weren't even dating! I didn't think you were a guy like that, so I guess anything's possible, right?
BEN: So that's where you're going.
XANTHE: What part of that isn't true?
BEN: I don't owe you an explanation, but for the record, nothing's happening.
XANTHE: Then why are people talking about it?
BEN: Oh, because people are awful. I thought at least you'd be better. Don't know why, considering you broke my heart.
XANTHE: ... Ben -
BEN: Doesn't matter. I'm over it. Just - I haven't sent any stupid photos. And I'm gonna figure out who said I did.
No 24
Aaron is on the phone to Mishti, thanking her for taking the lead on The Shed promotional party at No 32. Once he's finished, Tyler comes in, apparently having taken up Aaron's suggestion of going for dinner. Aaron says that Mark's gone to No 28 to see Elly - he's been there quite a lot lately. Tyler didn't realise it was so full on between them.
TYLER: A fair bit's changed in a few days.
AARON: Nothing's changed.
Tyler asks after Aaron's relationship with David - Aaron says it's going really well.
AARON: Although sometimes it's hard to imagine that people like him and Amy are Paul Robinson's kids. Genetics are so weird.
TYLER: ...
AARON: I didn't - I didn't mean to -
TYLER: Don't worry about it.
AARON: I'm sorry.
TYLER: It's alright. Let's go eat.
Community Centre
Toadie's on the phone, saying to someone that he'll 'let them know before lunch'. Once he's finished, Toadie, Sheila and Sonya all look at Karl angrily, who's still in the meeting room, attracting lots of positive attention from the extras for his giant durian statue. Toadie wonders if Karl's bought the extras off.
SHEILA: No chance! Karl Kennedy's got the longest pockets and shortest arms in history!
SONYA: (...) I don't know how anyone could find a massive piece of stinking fruit a good idea.
SHEILA: That's politics for you!
Sheila departs for work, asking Toadie and Sonya to let her know how it goes. Toadie tells Sonya that they need to fight Karl's plans before the committee votes on them. He suggests they call around quietly to get people on side.
TOADIE: And then at the next meeting, we squash him like a bug!
SONYA: That's brilliant.
TOADIE: Yes, you heard Sheila. And politics is all about numbers, playing dirty, and blindsiding!
SONYA: You caught up on House of Cards, didn't you?
TOADIE: He's not gonna know what hit him!
SONYA: Jeez, Kevin Spacey, eat your heart out!
Toadie and Sonya walk away smiling - unaware that Karl has been listening to this whole exchange through the doorway! We see his angry silhouette!
Harold's Café
Ben turns up to see Yashvi, who's working, to relay what Xanthe told him.
BEN: Some idiot is saying we're sending dodgy photos to each other.
YASHVI: Dodgy?
BEN: Yeah, of ourselves in the...
YASHVI: Oh, serious?
BEN: I wanted to let you know before you found out from anyone else.
Yashvi cautiously asks if Xanthe knows who's responsible. Ben says not.
BEN: But I'm gonna find out. And when I do, they're gone (...) This sort of thing sticks, even when it's not true.
YASHVI: ... Sorry.
BEN: It's not your fault. I have done it before. Sent photos to a girl, Emma.
YASHVI: Oh, you don't have to tell me...
BEN: It was stupid, and she ended up spreading them around the whole school. It's what led me to write that song I was playing at your house yesterday. Whoever's doing this must have copies of the old photos. I'm just sorry you got mixed up in all of this.
YASHVI: Don't worry about me.
BEN: I just think we should stick together until we find out who this is. And I reckon you need to let me buy you a juice later, to make up for it?
YASHVI: You don't have to.
BEN: I do! I feel awful.
YASHVI: And juice is good.
BEN: Yeah.
They agree to meet later. Yashvi looks guilty as Ben goes.
The Waterhole
Tyler is playing darts. Sheila talks to him, revealing that Fay has been in touch with her to try and find out how Tyler is. Tyler makes it clear he doesn't want to talk about Fay, and as Aaron returns from the boys' room, Sheila bustles off to attend to their food order.
Elly comes in to pick up a coffee, and Aaron's surprised that Mark isn't with her, given that he was at No 28 before. Elly sheepishly admits he's still there; Aaron and Tyler look puzzled.
AARON: He's spending some quality time with Susan, is he? Come on, Elly - what's the story?
No 28
Tyler and Aaron find Mark in the garden, painstakingly gluing back together Russell's model boat which Tyler smashed. Tyler remarks that he thought Mark was going to dump Elly.
MARK: I was. I couldn't. I haven't been able to say anything because you haven't been around.
TYLER: So you're fixing this boat. Making you feel better? (!) You guys just have no idea! You've got no idea what it's like to wake up one day, and everything you thought was real turns out to be 25 years of nothing! I'll tell you what all this means to me. It means that you've picked Russell. It means you're saying that I don't belong in this family.
MARK: That's not what this is!
TYLER: Whatever makes you feel better.
MARK: What, you think this isn't hurting us?! Dad's dead, Mum's never been around. It's always just been the three of us. I am trying to fix this because I can't fix us, okay?! It might sound stupid, but it's all I've got! I have to do it on my own, then, that's the way it is.
The brothers glance at each other uncertainly.
Harold's Café
Xanthe and Piper come in; Xanthe is telling Piper about what Ben said about her.
XANTHE: I mean, I know I hurt him. But to hear him say I broke his heart... Guys just don't talk about stuff like that.
PIPER: Yeah, well you were arguing. People say things in the heat of the moment that they wouldn't normally say.
XANTHE: Yeah. They also tell the truth. I dunno - I just thought we were both moving on.
PIPER: Well, you are, aren't you?
XANTHE: Yeah...
PIPER: You're not jealous of Yashvi and Ben, are you?
XANTHE: No... Maybe a little bit (...) It's just the thought of your ex with someone else.
Piper insists to Xanthe that nothing's happening between Ben and Yashvi, and tells Xanthe to be honest with Ben about her feelings.
XANTHE: No. No, I don't really know how I feel. Besides, I've been way too obsessed with boys. I have much more important things to focus on.
Xanthe thinks she may have to plan Gary and Terese's wedding for them, on top of her new career. Piper promises to keep an eye on Ben for her, to make sure he's okay.
As the girls leave, Karl comes in and finds Sonya and Toadie at a table. They all exchange false niceties about the success of the committee meeting earlier.
KARL: While I'm on the subject, I got all the members together, and, erm... you're out!
SONYA: I beg your pardon?
KARL: You're fired! Gone! Outski! You too, Toad.
TOADIE: You can't do that!
KARL: Well, we had a vote, and it's done!
SONYA: But it was my idea in the first place!
KARL: Well, but sometimes the idea is bigger than the sum of its parts.
TOADIE: That makes absolutely no sense at all!
KARL: Well, I'll leave you to work it out!
TOADIE: Hang on, you haven't even told us why!
KARL: Well, a friend of mine - a very wise neighbour - once said that this is politics. And politics is all about numbers, and playing dirty, and blindsiding. Ciao!
Karl wanders off happily, leaving Toadie and Sonya gutted that they've been rumbled!
No 28
The Brennan brothers have reconciled, and we get a musical montage of them all fixing the boat together and smiling.
The Waterhole
Toadie and Sonya lament their ousting from the liveability committee. Toadie admits that he was enjoying it, apart from having to work with Karl and Shane! The unspoken implication is that Toadie and Sonya have been enjoying one another's company.
TOADIE: It felt like we were contributing!
SONYA: Yeah... You know, we don't actually need Karl or a committee to feel like we're contributing, though.
TOADIE: How so?
SONYA: Well, all those trees that I bought - they could do with some mulching, and some under-planting.
Sonya suggests they make an afternoon of it, but then Toadie realises he can't - he has to go and tell the Brennan brothers about Russell's will. Sonya says they can do it another time, and a pleased-looking Toadie leaves. Sonya smiles as he goes.
Sonya's Nursery
Ben and Yashvi are drinking juice and moaning about Karl's big durian, and Shane's tendency to put everything Karl says about liveability on a pedestal.
BEN: Yeah, what's with that?
YASHVI: Full bromance. They're texting all the time.
BEN: Yeah. It's like they've just discovered it (...) Mate, you're ten years late to the party!
They talk more about durian fruit.
BEN: This has been fun.
YASHVI: Yeah, it's been cool.
Ben says he has to meet Steph and Adam later for a catch-up, but could 'smash' another juice first. Yashvi agrees, and he goes to buy some. While he's gone, Yashvi gets a text from Freya, saying she's having a party at her place after the formal, and inviting her and Ben to come. Yashvi looks worried.
No 28
Mark, Tyler and Aaron are still in the Kennedys' garden. They've just about finished building the boat, and Tyler and Aaron jokingly pretend that they've built it wrong and will have to start over, sending Mark's OCD into overdrive! Tyler goes to fit the last piece, causing some competition with Aaron, who thinks he has steadier hands because he's dating a doctor and it's 'rubbed off'!
They decide to have lunch, but Aaron has to head to No 32 for The Shed party, so it will just be Mark and Aaron. At that moment, Toadie turns up with Russell's will.
TOADIE: Might be best if we make this a bit more official, and head back to your place. There is some information in here that may come as a bit of a shock.
The Brennans look worried.
Unmissable Neighbours
- Aaron and Tyler wonder who Russell would have given his missing Ace of Spades card to
- Mark tells Elly that Tyler wasn't the only one who got treated poorly
- Dipi encourages Mishti to invite Leo to the party
- Tyler tells Leo that he thinks that Jack is flirting with Mishti
- Courtney is flirting with Leo, and Mishti watches jealously