- Amy tells Mishti that Nick wants to open a wellness centre for cancer patients.
- Steph tells Amy that she should go for it with Nick.
- Yashvi and Ben end up falling asleep on the sofa.
- Yashvi lets a girl at school think that she and Ben "connected".
- Gary shouts at Terese that he sometimes wonders why they're even together.
- Gary tells Xanthe that he's worried about Terese.
- Terese tells Paul that the tumour has shrunk and they kiss.
- Gary has organised a surprise engagement party at No.22. All of the neighbours are there.
Terese is amazed at the amount of preparation that has gone into her party. Xanthe says it was all her idea. Paige comes over and tells Terese urgently that she "knows what happened with Paul" at her office. Terese looks shocked.
GARY: What happened with Paul?
PAIGE: He helped out with the investment drama! Mr Udagawa's back on the board!
TERESE: Oh, yeah! Right, that!
PAIGE:(confused) Yes, that!
Gary calls for a toast to Terese who looks like she wants to sink through the floor.
Steph and Leo aren't very pleased with Lassiter's getting the Gordon Foods contract. Paul says there's no point stressing over it.
Steph heads off to Terese's engagement party, which is news to Paul.
When Steph has gone, Leo asks Paul if he's alright. He smiles smugly and tells Leo that he and Terese have slept together.
LEO: When?
PAUL: Just now.
LEO: You think she's going to leave him for you, after one afternoon?
PAUL: What Terese and I have goes a lot further back than just one afternoon.
He clinks his glass against Leo.
No.22 (Garden)
Xanthe is telling Ben all about her new career as a beauty therapist. He is distracted and says he has to go and talk to Susan.
Amy and Nick chat by the barbecue. They agree not to hang out together as it wouldn't be a good look. Steph comes over and Amy offers her a beer.
Susan and Ben are talking. She tells Ben not to fall asleep this time and Ben jokingly tells her that he's stocked up on loads of protection! Unfortunately Xanthe overhears this last bit and looks shocked.
Harold's Cafe
The horrible girls are teasing Yashvi about Ben, saying the whole thing is "like a fish mating with a bat". How nice. The girls say that Yashvi is making it all up, but Kirsha backs her up, saying Yashvi is seeing Ben tonight.
The party is continuing. Xanthe is fed up of Karl going on about durians. Toadie tells her to ignore him.
Terese goes off to see Gary but Piper catches her on the way, asking if Gary is going to move in with them. Terese isn't sure of the finer details yet.
Terese finally catches up with Gary by the barbecue. She tries to talk to him about Paul.
TERESE: I need to tell you...(she changes her mind) tumour's shrunk.
GARY: What? Oh, Terese!
He hugs her.
It's dark now and the party is still going on. Gary gives a speech.
GARY: Look everyone. I just want to say a few words, and let's face it, it's only gonna be a few because I'm not Karl Kennedy when he gets an idea stuck in his head.
Everyone except Karl laughs.
KARL: You can laugh now, but when you're reaping the benefits of communal composting...
GARY: Uh...yeah, I just want to thank you all for turning up to help us to celebrate. Things in life haven't always gone my way but then I met Terese.
He beckons her over.
GARY: As soon as I met you, I just knew everything felt right for once in my life. You make me look forward to getting up in the morning and I want to spend the rest of our days together makng sure that I make you feel the same way too. And now, it looks like I'm going to get the chance, thanks to the amazing team of oncologists we have at the Erinsborough Hospital and her brother, Nick. Terese is finally beating the cancer! So everybody, here is to my fiancee! The bravest, strongest and most beautiful woman I've ever met! Terese!
Terese looks even more awkward.
Paul and Leo are still hanging out. Leo thinks stealing Terese from Gary is a bit rough, but he kind of hopes things work out for Paul anyway.
LEO: Guys like us don't tend to get the girl. We find a way to screw it up,'re a lucky guy.
PAUL: Yeah, I am.
Ben is teaching Kirsha to play the guitar. Yashvi is invited to join in, but she doesn't want to. Yashvi tries to asks Ben questions about his life, but he is focused on Kirsha.
Susan begs Toadie not to encourage Karl and wants him to shut down the "Giant Durian" idea.
Jack, Amy and Nick are having a drink. They congratulate Nick on the outcome of Terese's treatment. Just then, Clive rings Nick and calls him into the hospital - the little boy they visited earlier isn't doing well. Nick and Amy head off to the hospital.
Terese comes in. Paul greets her happily and tries to hug her, but she doesn't want to.
TERESE: I can't. I can't be with you.
Paul looks gutted.
PAUL: Terese, I love you and I know that you love me, so why would you deny that, come on!
TERESE: Paul...Paul, it wouldn't work.
PAUL: No, no, no, no. I told you I'm not going to hurt you, so just let me prove that to you, please...
TERESE: It's not about that. I have a man at home who loves me!
PAUL: Gary? Gary's not worthy of you! He's not on your level! I mean, why would you even betray him?
TERESE: Because I was confused! And...and you were there.
Paul looks aghast.
TERESE: Um...look, I'll always be grateful for your support. But I want to be with Gary.
PAUL: So you're settling for somebody who's not right for you because you're afraid.
TERESE: Don't put words in my mouth.
PAUL: Terese, don't make the wrong choice.
TERESE: You're not hearing me, Paul. Just listen to me. I've chosen Gary and not you. I know I'm beyond asking for favours at this point, but Gary can't know. It would hurt him and our families too much. So just let me go, please. I'm sorry.
She walks out leaving Paul just standing there in shock.
Ben and Kirsha are still messing about with guitars. Yashvi asks Ben about his exes, but he doesn't really want to talk about it. He and Kirsha head off to the sun room.
When they've gone, Yashvi sees that Ben has left his laptop open.
Nick and Amy arrive at the hospital to see the little boy (Ollie) but David informs them that he's passed away. Amy can't believe it - he seemed fine this morning. Nick says that's the nature of cancer, it sometimes goes wrong very quickly. He looks gutted and Amy hugs him.
Steph tells Paige that Lucas is bringing Adam for a visit tomorrow. She invites Paige, Jack and Gabe to join them for a picnic. They talk about the Gordon Foods contract and Paige casually tells her that Paul tipped Terese off. Steph can't believe it.
In the garden room, Susan comes to see Terese who is looking a bit overwhelmed.
TERESE: Sometimes when I see him [Paul] I get a bit confused.
SUSAN: Well, I know that Paul and Gary have been rivals for you for some time, but you've made your choice now, haven't you?
TERESE: What if it's the wrong choice?
SUSAN: No. You chose a man who loves you unconditionally. Who has no agenda and who makes you feel safe. It's only natural, you're about to commit to someone. Of course you're going to get the jitters.
TERESE: Do you think that's what this is?
SUSAN: Doesn't really matter what I think. It's what you think that matters.
TERESE: Thanks.
They are interrupted by Gary who sits down with Terese.
TERESE: Hey. I love you, Gary. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
They kiss.
Leo thinks Paul should tell Gary what happened, but he doesn't want to. He thinks Terese will come to her senses in a few days.
PAUL: She just needs time. You'll see.
Steph is ranting to Amy about the Gordon Foods contract. She doesn't think she can work with Paul and Leo anymore as they always take each other's sides. Amy asks if Steph could buy them out. She goes on to talk about Nick's dream of a centre for cancer patients. Could the motel be a perfect place for it? Steph looks interested and says she'll consider it.
Yashvi is going through Ben's laptop looking for dirt on his exes. She finds *that* photo of Ben naked. The horrible girl from school (Freya) arrives (letting herself in!) to check up on Yashvi and says she's going to tell the whole school that Ben isn't her boyfriend. In desperation, Yashvi shows her the naked photo of Ben. She buys it, but looks like this is going to lead to a lot more trouble for Yashvi!