- Gary realising he was talking to Jasmine instead of Terese.
- Terese discovering that there's to be a full audit of Lassiters.
- Jasmine informing Terese that the board is withdrawing its investment from Lassiters.
- Gary and Terese arguing.
- Toadie turning down the offer of some durian from Karl.
- Karl trying to sell his liveability concept to the committee members.
- Steph trying to persuade Paul to give Nick the benefit of the doubt.
- Amy telling Jack about her connection with Nick.
- Amy and Nick kissing.
Lassiters Complex
Amy tells Steph that she kissed Nick and she is in a quandary over how she is going to face him and her father. "It's just a kiss," Steph tries to remind her, it's not like she's "marrying the guy," she adds before asking how it happened.
AMY: But this is Nick, I can't believe I did that.
STEPH: Yes, so how did it even happen?
Carlton Gardens
Cue a flashback to Amy and Nick kissing in the Carlton Gardens before she apologises for kissing him. Nick reassures he that he's been wanting to kiss her since the moment they met, although Amy is somewhat taken aback by the compliment. Nick then gets a message on his phone and tells Amy that he has to leave.
Lassiters Complex
"So, you're telling me that you guys kissed and then he bailed?" Steph summarises. "It gets better, wait until you hear where he was going," Amy tells Steph!
Carlton Gardens
And that would be to go see his parole officer, but they promise to meet up later.
Lassiters Complex
"And so he went, and all I could think about was how I just kissed the guy who tried to poison my dad," Amy laments adding that she is a "disaster zone." Steph tries to reassure her that she isn't, she simply got carried away "because you felt a connection with a guy." Amy is giving herself a hard time for "falling into his arms," those same arms "that hurt my dad." Steph tries to get her to see the other side of the coin - how many lives has those arms saved.
AMY: I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a fresh start. I just shouldn't be the one to give it to him, I can't do that to dad.
STEPH: But what about you though? If this guy makes you happy, that stuff just doesn't happen very often, you know that, why not go back there and talk it though?
Lassiters Spa
While Xanthe plucks her dad's eyebrows, he is kicking himself over what he said to Terese although admits that he's never met anyone like her before. Xanthe thinks it might have been better for him to gone down the honest route with her. She forbids him from answering the phone to Terese because "big fights do not get solved over the phone!" before pointing out that he's a lot to do to dig himself out of the hole he is in, but she's got the perfect idea on how that can be achieved.
Terese's office
Since he didn't pick up, Terese leaves Gary a message asking him to call her. Paul drops by and she tells him about the Udagawa's pulling their investment. He can't believe it and tries to chivvy Terese into not giving up her dream when she gets despondent by saying she's got the best strategic mind that he's ever worked with.
PAUL: So when I say you've got this, you've got this. Okay!
Lassiters Lake
Sonya and Toadie are on their way back from a marriage counselling session and she joke that there should be medals awarded for the best working couples counselling. "I love your laugh," Toadie tells his wife and after a bit of an awkward silence (Sonya doesn't know how to reply to his comment) they head off to #32 for a committee meeting.
Penthouse suite
Paul invites a visitor into his home - Mr Udagawa, to try and persuade him not to withdraw his investment. Mr Udagawa isn't happy at Terese not being open about her cancer (although Paul points out she had the right to keep that private) but also that she made mistakes. Paul doesn't pick up on the mistakes comment but instead hints that Mr Udagawa wouldn't want his medical history made public either.
PAUL: Don't be a hypocrite Toshiro.
Mr Udagawa is curious to know why Paul is helping Terese and he's quick to reply that she is the best he's ever worked with and ultimately will provide huge windfalls in the future for the Udagawa group.
MR UDAGAWA: You seem to know a lot about my business.
PAUL: You know how interested in this hotel I've been, which is why I'm standing here telling you that I think you are being a fool.
Paul seems to take offence at Mr Udagawa underselling how good a businesswoman Terese is by pointing out that she loves the hotel as much as he does and thus will do anything to make it a success. "Now that type of passion doesn't grow on trees," he adds to reinforce his earlier comments and begs him not to walk away from Terese.
Number 32
Karl reports to the committee present (Shane, Sonya and Toadie) that since the tropical fruit trial went well, everyone should grow durian courtesy of the seedlings from the seeds he has just planted. Shane is happy to hear that there is going to be discounted greenhouses available, something Karl has also organised so that everyone on the street can afford one since they will be the epicentre of things. Sonya (and Toadie) are united in thinking they need to think outside the street but Karl (and sidekick Shane) think that what they are doing will give them the inside edge into winning the competition.
Carlton Gardens
Nick is back from his meeting and Amy apologises for kissing him and would like it if he could forget about it so they could move on. "What if I don't want to move on?" he asks but she's adamant they should.
NICK: Amy, that kiss was the best thing that's happened to me in like years.
"Really?!" she asks and Nick confirms it before she tells him that she likes him...
AMY: But what you did to my dad, I can't just pretend like it never happened. I know it seemed like I was giving out different signals earlier, which was exactly what I was doing, but they were the wrong signals.
Nick asks if she wants to go get a coffee or go for a walk and she agrees, so they head off together.
Terese's office
Terese welcomes Paul and Mr Udagawa to her office. She begins by apologising for keeping her illness quiet but equally reaffirms that her mind is sharp and focused before promising him a healthy return on his investment along with a 5th star for the hotel. "Don't take this reprieve for granted," Mr Udagawa warns her after telling her that Paul has persuaded him to stick by her especially as they'll be keeping a very close watch on her! "Thank you," she sincerely replies along with a promise not to let him down.
MR UDAGAWA: I hope not, I don't know how many more passionate lectures defending you I can take from Mr Robinson!
Number 32
Karl remarks on why Toadie is at the meeting if he can't take what they are discussing seriously (they were talking about getting manure for the street). Toadie comes up with an idea (a BIG attraction), which Karl likes the idea of and putting his thinking hat on, comes up with what they can have - the big durian!
SHANE: Doc again you are on fire!
Shane is already on board and the pair ignore Sonya asking what that's got to do with Erinsborough?! Toadie has to almost yell at them that it's not sustainable and so won't make them the most liveable suburb in Australia. Karl reluctantly concedes the point, although does think it would be good for business, but is back on board when Shane suggests that the big durian could be used as a compost bin!
KARL: You say I'm on fire, Shane Rebecchi you are the man!
TOADIE: A giant compost bin, are you kidding me?
KARL: It's a great idea. The community can contribute, the community can benefit. It's another community building initiative.
SHANE: Two birds with one stone, how's that for sustainable!
While Shane hurries to write the idea down, Toadie and Sonya sit literally dumbfounded!
Carlton Gardens
After exiting the Royal Exhibition Building, Nick hopes that Amy doesn't decide that they aren't out on a date since he hasn't been on one for 4 years! "It's been a while for me too," Amy replies and discusses what sort of online dating profile he could have (Nick admitted he'd never tried that).
Their date is interrupted again when Nick gets another message on his phone - this time about Terese's results, so has to leave again, to speak her.
Terese leaves another message for Gary while she waits for her oncologist but its Nick who enters the consulting room instead. He explains that he wanted to give her the news himself, the test results are good - her tumour has shrunk by 30%, the treatment is working exactly like it's supposed to. "I'm going to be okay," Terese declares but Nick doesn't want her taking giant leaps just yet but vindicates the change in treatment although concedes that they would have got there with chemo too! "Thank you," Terese tells her brother while hugging him, overjoyed that she isn't going to die.
Number 32
In the kitchen, Shane and Karl discuss how they are going to make their big durian while out in the hallway, Sonya and Toadie can't believe they are taking the joke suggestion seriously!
SONYA: It's got disaster written all over it.
A plan is coming to Sonya - if they build it, and it's a nightmare, Toadie could take over as head of the committee... "then we get some real action happening yeah!"
Hospital (exterior)
Terese gets into her car and thinks back to being diagnosed, hearing the treatment plan and then the news today that Nick delivered.
Terese's office
Since Terese can't get hold of Piper or Gary, she lets Paul be the first one to hear news that the tumour has shrunk. He is as relieved as she is and immediately goes to hug her. She admits that she wouldn't have got through it without his help.
TERESE: This has been such a terrifying ordeal and you've been there through all of it propping me up. You're always right there and you always knew what I needed.
PAUL: Well yes, I had to. Oh god Terese, if anything happened to you I... I don't think I could live in this world if you weren't in it.
The pair are standing extremely close to each other and as 'Blackout' plays the inevitable happens and they start kissing... and they ain't holding back, its full on pashing!!!
Harold's Cafe
Nick tells Amy that it was good news for Terese, the tumour has shrunk, despite his facial expression at the time had me thinking the total opposite! He gets rather emotional about it too and Amy points out that he has the right to do that since he had to keep focused on being her medical advisor. "I just wanted to give her every chance," he says before adding that now he can go back to being her "freaked out brother." Amy tries to boost his confidence by saying he did good, even though he's not taking the credit. Since they are both invited to Gary's surprised, he suggests that they go together but Amy turns his offer down as she doesn't think the time is right yet.
Terese's office
Well looks like there was more than just pashing between the pair as clothes are put back on!!! "I love you Terese," Paul tells her adding that he is relieved that she is going to be okay. Terese hasn't acknowledged his declaration and goes to answer her phone - a text from Gary saying to meet him at her place ASAP. "I have to talk to him," she instead says and turns down the offer of Paul accompanying her.
Number 22
Terese stands hesitantly outside her front door, almost nervous about going in. Once she composes herself and opens the door, it's a surprise party Gary has arranged and the gathered yell out "surprise." "What's this?" she asks and Gary replies that it's their engagement party! "No more mucking around," he declares before going to kiss her as the gathered hoot their approval.
GARY: I love you Terese Willis and I cannot wait to be your husband.
Unmissable Neighbours
- Paige asking Terese what happened with Paul and Gary picking up on it.
- Terese and Susan chatting about Paul.
- Nick admitting to Amy that he hates feeling powerless.
- Freya disbelieving that Yashvi is seeing Ben.
- Yashvi informing Freya that Ben will be playing his guitar all night for her.