- Paige and Tyler end up in Michelle's debt
- Paige receives a video of Bailey stealing a car
- Paul sets up a date with Naomi
- Sheila warns Paul to stay away from Naomi
The Waterhole
Naomi buys a bottle of scotch from the bar and bumps into Sheila, who lies that she'd been for a walk around the block to cool off after their argument. Naomi reminds her that she never wants her interfering in her love life again, leaving Sheila looking sheepish.
Lauren gets off the phone to Bailey and says he already sounds much more positive. She asks Paige what Lou meant when he said that Bailey was in "a dark place", but Paige pretends not to know and reassures Lauren that the move is doing him good. Paige hugs Lauren as Mark enters, and he asks to join! He gives Lauren the station coffee order, and thanks Paige for listening to his relationship problems, offering to talk to her should she ever need it. That moment Paige receives a text from Michelle - "Deadline is today" - and quickly leaves.
No. 24
Paige rushes over and tells Tyler how scared she is, and tells him off for acting so calm. She points out that if Michelle ever went to the police, she'd end up implicating herself with the stolen car, but Tyler explains that there's no connection between her and the theft. Tyler suggests that Paige asks Lauren or her adoptive parents for a loan, but she immediately shuts down the idea.
TYLER: There may be a way out of this.
PAIGE: We are not stealing a car!
TYLER: Just trust me, okay?
Ramsay Street
Kyle joins the rest of Bike Club and Nate asks how Kyle is feeling after his spout gastro.
KYLE: Does everyone in the neighbourhood know?!
KARL: Sure, it's all over Twitter! #HowsKylesgutsgoing?
They spot Imogen who explains that Toadie is tied up with work all day, so she'll be running lots of his errands. As she leaves in Hermione, Nate shouts at her for polluting the environment. Kyle suddenly comes over feeling queasy, and endures teasing from Karl and Nate. He insists he needs to maintain his personal best, and struggles out of the street on his bike.
Penthouse Suite
Naomi appears in an alluring dress and presents herself to Paul. She silences all talk of work, and gives Paul the expensive bottle of scotch that she's bought, but he tells her they need to sit and talk. Naomi worries Paul is tired and then gets herself a drink before they head out to lunch, whilst Paul looks uneasy.
Power Street
The Bike Club are racing each other at full speed. Imogen steps into the road from Grease Monkeys and misses a collision with them by seconds. Luckily she only drops a few files, but she angrily rants at them for going too fast, whilst Nate argues back that she was texting without looking. Karl quickly diffuses the situation and Imogen continues on her way. Meanwhile Kyle is struggling with his bowels, and makes a hasty dash to the toilet in Grease Monkeys! As Imogen leaves, Nate yells at her again for polluting with her car.
Penthouse Suite
Naomi is enjoying her wine on Paul's balcony and she proposes that they head out for lunch. Paul confesses that he's cancelled the booking, and Naomi takes it as a message that he wants to "skip straight to the dessert", but Paul quells her advances.
PAUL: Stop, please. Listen, we have to accept that we both got a bit carried away.
NAOMI: I don't understand.
PAUL: It was an intense situation, and there's no blame to be laid here.
NAOMI: What are you talking about?
PAUL: Whatever we felt, whatever we think we felt, it's not real.
NAOMI: You can't mean that.
PAUL: Nothing can happen between us.
Paul tries to tell Naomi that they work better as friends, but she isn't having any of it.
NAOMI: Coward! Okay, don't make out like this was all in my head, you feel it too, I know you do!
PAUL: If I did feel it... then I don't feel it anymore.
Fitzgerald Motors
Michelle walks in on Tyler working and scolds him for being untidy. She demands the money and threatens that Dimato isn't a charitable man, refusing Tyler's offer to steal another car. He asks Michelle to leave Paige out of the threat, but she tells Tyler in no uncertain terms that they are both in it together. Tyler concedes that he'll sell his motorbike, and Michelle reiterates that she wants the money by the end of the day.
Lassiter's Complex
Nate is in need of a cushion after the bike ride, whilst Karl offers him advice of applying cream to avoid friction. Before he can explain in detail how Susan helps him apply it (!), Lauren brings their orders to the table, and they bemoan the lack of Lou being able to tell them about all the out of town cafés they could cycle to. Imogen approaches carrying a large box, and accidentally knocks over Nate and Kyle's bikes. She acts the victim, but Nate rips into her for not looking where she's going and for driving everywhere instead of walking or cycling. Imogen explains that she has nothing against bikes - just the people who ride them!
The Waterhole
Naomi enters and Sheila can immediately tell that she's been crying. Naomi explains the situation with Paul, and says that she can't understand why Paul's suddenly changed his mind.
SHEILA: What you're seeing now is the real Paul Robinson. I know it hurts, but a little pain now will save you heaps down the line.
Grease Monkeys
Paige hands Michelle an envelope of $600 that she's managed to find, but Michelle rejects the payment and Paige's proposal to pay in instalments. Paige loudly denounces Michelle for her criminal activities, but Michelle likes her fighting spirit and intelligence so proposes another means of paying off the debt.
Fitzgerald Motors
'The new garage assistant' is Michelle's plan for Paige, to her and Tyler's disapproval. After telling Paige that Tyler was planning to sell his bike, Michelle manages to talk Paige over to accepting the plan, and informs them that Tyler will be in charge of the cars, whilst Paige is in charge of the books. Paige refuses to be involved with stolen goods, but Michelle gives her an ultimatum - take the job, or she'll give the CCTV footage of Bailey to the police.
Off Air
Nate enters with his bike, and Imogen is quick to express her disapproval and asks that he parks it outside. Nate points out that Hermione is blocking the bike rack, which she bashfully apologises for, before defending her stance on driving. The battle lines are drawn between her and Nate in a full debate over bicycles vs. cars. Nate declares that Imogen is right-wing and closed-minded and goes to get a drink from the bar, but the argument is far from over.
The Waterhole
Sheila convinces Mark to comfort Naomi who is sitting alone at the bar, and explains what happened with Paul. He heads over but Naomi shuts down his offer, and asks to be left alone.
No. 24
Tyler vents at Paige for ruining his plan of selling his bike and paying of Michelle's debt. Paige eventually admits that she was wrong, and goes through the plan of action for the garage with Tyler. He explains that the messier the garage is, the easier it is to hide the stolen parts, but Paige can't see sense in the plan and leaves in a temper.
Penthouse Suite
Paul is petting B2 on the sofa when Sheila lets herself in to thank Paul for letting Naomi go. She explains that Naomi is upset, but she's sure that she can recover if Paul doesn't lead her on.
PAUL: You can relax, I've made my choice. And what you said before, you weren't wrong.
SHEILA: Well if it means anything, I think you did the right thing.
PAUL: can leave now.
SHEILA: It was a selfless thing to do, which is not a quality that comes to mind with you.
PAUL: Yeah, well maybe the last few weeks have left an impression, given me a different perspective. You see, Naomi is an exceptional person and I want her to have everything that life has to offer. And as you so bluntly put it, she's unlikely to get that from me.
SHEILA: Well, I'm grateful.
Sheila reluctantly pets Paul's arm in thanks and makes a discreet exit.
Imogen is on the phone to someone, and tells them that she's nearly finished with work and on her way home. She explains all about her argument with Nate and hangs up. She glances at her files as she opens her car door, just as Nate comes flying around the corner on his bike. He flies over the car door and lands on the floor, whilst Imogen looks on shocked.
Unmissable Drama
- Imogen runs to Nate's aid
- Naomi delivers some news to Lauren
- Terese and Brad are very unhappy to see someone return to Erinsborough