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Neighbours Episode 6841 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6840 - 6842>>
Episode title: 6841
Australian airdate: 17/03/14
UK airdate: 31/03/14
Writer: James Walker
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Kathy Carpenter: Tina Bursill
- "Hurricane" by Whitaker
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Kathy dropping the bombshell to Lauren that her daughter didn't die.
- Lauren then telling Brad the news.
- Terese refusing to tell their kids theyve got a half- sister.
- Lauren telling her mum she will never forgive her.
- Josh/Amber declaring their love for each other.
- Brad delivering the bad news to Josh about his swimming career.
- Josh refusing to believe the news.
Ramsay Street
Amber catches Josh as he leaves the house to tell him that shes made enough money selling her stuff so shes bought a ticket to Glasgow so she can watch him swim. She is a bit taken by his non-reaction to her news as he rushes off somewhere.
Brad follows him out of the house and asks Amber where Josh is off to and she replies that he said hed things to do.
Number 32 backyard
Lauren has hunted out the Xmas decorations to find the special teddy and explains why its special to Matt. He reiterates that he would have supported her had he known. Lauren is full of questions about the child but their chat is cut short when Bailey appears but rushes off as quickly as he appeared.
As they resume their talk, Matt says that they will tell (their) kids when she is ready to and Lauren remarks that Terese is avoiding the store since the news broke. He asks if they should pay them a visit and the unspoken answer would be yes as Lauren puts the teddy back into the box.
Number 22
Brad lets the Turners in and Terese is quick to say she want the discussion postponed until later but without explaining why. The Turners are about to leave when Imogen walks in with the frame containing Brads drawing all repaired (they lie and say it fell off the wall).
Terese leaves to get to work and Brad is a bit more hospitable with his guests, explaining (better) that they really do have stuff on, and Matt offers themselves whenever they are ready to talk before they leave the house.
Number 32 backyard
Bailey susses out his sister to see if shes noticed anything up with their parents and once he gets her off thinking about Josh, her thoughts is perhaps its to do with Kathy leaving in a hurry? Eventually chat gets round to Josh, and she explains his reaction after telling him about coming to Glasgow although Bailey thinks their parents won't give her permission to go what with it being her VCE year. He does come up with another possible theory - the pressure of representing Australia is starting to get to him.
Swimming pool/Lassiters Lake
As Hurricane begins Josh psyches himself up to drive into the water. We then cut to Josh holding a medal he has won and throwing it into the lake.
Lassiters foyer
Kathy has ignored Laurens orders and has checked herself into Lassiters and confirms her relationship (to Lauren) to Terese when shes goes to reception about a problem with her hotel swipe key. Spotting the name badge, Kathy also puts 2+2 together and both agree that reception isn't the place to have a chat. Once Kathy leaves reception, Terese gets out her mobile and calls Lauren.
Lassiters room 124
Kathy lets her irate daughter into her room who is quick to make her displeasure known that her mum is still in town. She explains why she hasn't left town - Lauren is still to angry and she doesn't want to destroy the relationship with her grandchildren.
LAUREN: You didn't care about your other grandchild; the one that you let me think was dead.
Kathy dangles Lauren a carrot doesn't she want to find her daughter, she does, and offers to help do that by putting ads in every newspaper in regional Queensland. She might not know shes adopted in the first place, Lauren adds, a point that Kathy concedes, but adds that perhaps the adoptive parents might notice the ad and tell the child. Or maybe they won't, Lauren also points out but Kathy thinks its worth considering. Lauren explains that until all the kids know (and Terese isn't ready to tell hers yet meaning they can't tell theirs) nothing can be done.
KATHY: Are you comfortable with that?
LAUREN: I'm respecting their wishes; its a very difficult situation especially for Terese. If you really want to help just leave!
Harold's Store
Amber finishes convincing her mum that she can go to Glasgow and gives Josh the good news that shes allowed to go when he walks into the store. This time he is more enthusiastic but we can see his real reaction (almost like an oh no) when Amber rushes into the kitchen after hearing that her mum has a problem in the kitchen. Lauren reassures her daughter that she is fine but when Amber leaves the kitchen, we can see that she isn't.
Imogen is checking up on her mum too when she follows her into the bar. Thankfully for Terese she has the wrong end of the stick why over why she is annoyed at Brad (she thinks its Josh related). Terese plays along with it and both agree to support Josh and Imogen turns down hanging out with her mum to attend an extra counselling session what with everything that is going on.
TERESE: Are you sure you are coping okay with everything because if you're not, you can say.
IMOGEN: I'm keeping on top of it and when you think about it, what more could go wrong? Guessing weve seen the worst of this year right?
Terese doesn't reply, just gives a huge sigh and Imogen tells her mum not to worry about Josh, he will be okay, before she heads for her counselling session.
Lassiters room 124
Terese arrives after being requested to by Kathy and correctly guesses its not hotel related. Kathy comes straight to the point she did a terrible thing and can only rectify that by helping Lauren find her daughter but can't because everyone is keeping it secret. Terese isn't amused at that stance and Kathy explains that shes not looking forward to Bailey/Amber finding out what she did but adds that they do need to know and so do her children.
TERESE: You don't have the right to make that decision.
KATHY: Maybe not.
TERESE: You're making this about you, you're wanting to take action to ease your guilty conscious.
KATHY: I can't deny that's true. Don't you think your husband deserve to know his daughter?
TERESE: Don't you dare try and emotionally blackmail me, you know nothing about my family so stay out of it!
Lassiters Complex
Amber agrees with her brother that something is up with their parents when they spot Kathy exiting the hotel, very surprised to see her still in town. Kathy explains that she did leave town but has returned however Bailey is still suss and is sure something is up but all Kathy tells them is to be their for their mum.
Kathy rushes off but the kids want an explanation and when they catch up with her, see that she is crying and want to know what is wrong and offer her their help. I don't think so, is Kathys reply and again tells them to help their mum, which Bailey points out they can't do unless they know what is going on.
Harold's Store
Lauren has told Matt about her mum being at Lassiters and that shes ordered her to leave town (again) but he has a feeling she hasn't. Their chat is interrupted when Terese barges in to declare that her mum is unbelievable! Terese explains why (that she doesn't want to tell the kids) and Lauren is on her side and that she should just ignore what Kathy has said.
Lauren leaves the kitchen and Matt tells Terese that Kathy was out of line. Terese comments to him about how well he is handling things and explains that hes already had his hissy fit (over the sketch) and can't have it again and sympathises with her that it is hard on everyone.
MATT: But you love Brad and I love Lauren and when you really think about it, that's all that should matter. Right?
Number 32
Looks like Kathy has spilt the beans as Bailey/Amber are talking about it as they set the table for dinner. Matt arrives home and comments that the kids look serious. They decide to come clean and say what Kathy told them.
Number 22
Brad wonders if Lauren is thinking about what Kathy said when he sees she is being rather quiet. She tells him what Kathy said (accusing her of standing in the way of him finding his daughter) and he confirms that she isn't but Terese still thinks its not the right time to tell the kids.
BRAD: Its okay, one step at a time.
Their chat is interrupted by Josh arriving home (and Imogen also enters the livingroom) and confirms that hes been at the pool and couldn't swim 50m without stopping and has come to the realisation that he won't be swimming at the Commonwealth Games ever. They are all quick to support him and Imogen adds that Amber will too but he doesn't think Amber will think the same about him anymore. What on earth makes you think that? Terese asks and he mentions that she is so looking forward to going to the games. Brad reassures him that she will understand and Imogen puts her tuppenceworth in to say that her dad is right and that he should have a little faith in Amber because she loves him.
Number 32
Lauren is shocked/annoyed at her mum telling the kids but they explain that they pressurised Kathy. That's still not winning her over but Amber thinks them knowing is a good thing as they can support and be there for her. Amber asks if they will try to find her but Lauren isn't sure, they need more time for it to sink in first and that means keeping it quiet too from Josh/Imogen by just not mentioning it.
Amber gets a text from Josh asking her over but Lauren suggests not going, to give them a bit more time for the news to sink in.
AMBER: But this is huge?
LAUREN: Look darling, I know were putting you in a very difficult position but you have to promise me Amber, you can't breathe a word of this.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Amber running out on Josh after hearing the news.
- Kate confirming to Mark that there isn't going to be an us.
- Kate then debating whether she did the right thing or not.
- Terese confirming that shes struggling with the news.
- Lou having a row with his ex.
- Lauren unimpressed at her mum being at her house.
<<6840 - 6842>>
Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Lauren Turner, Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Lauren Turner, Matt Turner

Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Amber Turner, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Amber Turner, Bailey Turner

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Josh Willis

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Josh Willis

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Josh Willis

Kathy Carpenter, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Kathy Carpenter, Terese Willis

Kathy Carpenter, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Kathy Carpenter, Lauren Turner

Lauren Turner, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Lauren Turner, Amber Turner

Amber Turner, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Amber Turner, Josh Willis

Terese Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Terese Willis, Imogen Willis

Kathy Carpenter, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Kathy Carpenter, Terese Willis

Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Kathy Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6841
Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Kathy Carpenter

Terese Willis, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Terese Willis, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner

Amber Turner, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Amber Turner, Bailey Turner

Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Matt Turner

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6841
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Amber Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Amber Turner, Lauren Turner

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6841
Amber Turner

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