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Neighbours Episode 6842 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6841 - 6843>>
Episode title: 6842
Australian airdate: 18/03/14
UK airdate: 01/04/14
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Kathy Carpenter: Tina Bursill
Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Mark/Kate discussing the future and if kids are involved.
- Lauren ordering her mum to leave.
- Amber/Bailey telling their dad they know all about Lauren's baby from Kathy.
- Lauren confirming that the Willis kids don't know about the baby.
- Amber asking how she can avoid lying to Josh?
- Josh realising his swimming career is over.
Number 22
"I'm sorry," is just about all that Amber can say to Josh after he's told her that his swimming career is over before literally running out the front door! Josh looks upset at her bolting and she's just as bad as she pauses outside the front door.
Number 22 (next day)
Josh is having a mega pancake and syrup breakfast when Imogen comes into the kitchen. She asks if he told Amber (yes) and what her reaction was (nothing much).
Number 32
Amber is berating herself at how she treated Josh after he told her his news because she can't share the news about the baby with him. Matt/Lauren agree they've put her in an awkward positon and she asks when Brad/Terese are telling their kids and their reply is they don't know.
Number 22
Brad comments on the breakfast Josh is having when he/Terese come downstairs.
Number 32
Amber isn't impressed at the advice Bailey gives her - stay away from Josh.
Number 22
Josh rejects his dad suggesting he comes to the gym for a session, citing it will be good to still keep himself active.
Number 32
Matt sends the kids off to school, telling them that they can chat about it later.
Ramsay Street
Bailey helps his sister out with an excuse to avoid having a coffee with Josh after the Turner/Willis kids run into each other on the street. Josh thinks Amber is avoiding him because he's no longer a swimmer/she's got a wasted plane ticket to Glasgow whilst Imogen believes that Amber is genuinely behind in her schoolwork.
Number 32
"I could throttle your mother right now," Matt tells his wife and when she tells him about making it clear to Kathy that she's got to go, adds that perhaps he should make sure she has gone! They debate giving the Willises the heads up although Lauren thinks Mason should be first however, Lou catches them out by asking "what news?"
LOU: Now what's happened?!
Lassiters hotel
Kathy might have wished she'd not answered her door to Lou who is furious at her telling the kids. She on the other hand is more upset that Lauren is ignoring her calls. "What do you expect?" he asks then demands to know why she is still in town. "I can't leave," she protests and Lou reminds her Lauren wants nothing more to do with her.
LOU: You should be slinking out of here with your tail between your legs but you won't. No, no, no, you'll do whatever suits you, always have always will.
KATHY: I might be in the wrong now but I'm not the only person who had made mistakes.
LOU: Don't you change the subject.
KATHY: I'm tell you it's not easy for me.
LOU: That's no excuse! You stuck your nose in once, took away her baby, now here you are meddling with the kids again.
"I love those grandchildren," Kathy pleads and sarcastically Lou replies "that's a great comfort for Lauren!" before leaving her room.
Number 24
Mark is pleased to see Kate so they can discuss things together regarding her fertility although she's quick to remind him "that there is no 'us'," and never will be.
KATE: We can be friends but that's it.
Harold's Store
Lou spots Kathy enter the store and suggests she heads to Charlie's instead for her coffee! She ignores him and goes to sit at the table Bailey is occupying but he doesn't want her either and blames all their problems on her.
Number 22
"We can handle it from here," Brad tells Lauren after she calls round to tell him/Terese that her kids know about the baby. After Lauren leaves, Terese confesses she's struggling with the whole baby revelation and wants to delay telling the kids about it.
Ramsay Street
Georgia spots Kate sitting on the dyke of #24 and goes over to see how she is. Kate admits that now she's told Mark its 'friends only' she's having doubts. It then dawns on her that she shouldn't be talking to Georgia about this but instead of being rejected, Georgia gets her involved in a new fundraising scheme.
Lassiters Complex
Kathy has done as Lou requested and gone to Charlie's for her coffee, which Sheila personally delivers just as Lou comes out of the store to hand over the milk she was after and to take his break too (sitting at a Harold's table rather than a Charlie's one). He listens on as Kathy unloads on Sheila that she was the one who pushed her kids too far as she only wanted the best for them.
KATHY: I just hope in time the family understand why.
"Touched a nerve there did she," Sheila remarks to Lou when she goes over to his table and Lou agrees with his ex that he wasn't there for them.
SHEILA: You wouldn't be a parent if you didn't have some regrets but you've got to remember there's always time to make amends.
Number 32
Lou is home telling Lauren about the run-in with Lauren but adds that it made him see a few things like he thought they had a close enough relationship that they should have kept secrets (he brought up why didn't she tell him that she was pregnant). "It wasn't a choice between you and her dad," she begins then explains that since he was Doug's best friend, and the Willises still living on the street, she didn't want to tell him in case they found out. "I would never have told them," Lou replies and while Lauren accepts that, she adds that she feared he'd persuade her to stay hence her only avenue was to head to Queensland.
LAUREN: Now looking back, maybe if I had stayed, none of this mess wold have happened.
Harold's Store
Josh (and Imogen) find Amber in the store and she immediately begins to make excuses as to why they can't hang out and have lunch. He of course still thinks it's because of the plane ticket and when she explains it's not that, he goes to get himself another table.
When he leaves, Imogen asks her friend "what has got into you?" and doesn't believe the "nothing" reply either given she was avoiding Imogen at school too. Amber again cites that she's simply behind in her schoolwork and adds that she does feel for Josh. "Well it seems like you don't want nothing to do with him." Amber promises to make it up to him before quickly gathering her stuff up and leaving the store.
Number 32
Brad pops by to apologise about Terese, commenting that she's still having difficulty getting her head round it all. "I get it," Lauren replies and Brad confirms that they will tell (their) kids soon. Lauren enquires as to how he is doing and he jokes if she's meaning the fact they have a child together!
BRAD: I was at the gym earlier, and there's this girl there you know and I just found myself staring at her thinking for all I know it could be you. The idea that there's somebody out there, my child, and she's a stranger is crazy!
Lauren nods in agreement and he asks how she's going.
LAUREN: Well, when I'm not angry at mum or worried about Matt and the kids, or you and Terese and your kids, I actually think I'm happy. Someone I thought I'd lost forever well maybe I haven't? You know, maybe one day we'll be reunited but anything we do it will be a joint decision.
"Thank you," Brad replies before asking her about the little teddy bear she had in her hands. "This is a story," she begins and promises to tell him the rest after she's put the kettle on!
Georgia comes by to see Danni but she's not in but Mark confirms that the garage is in for the fundraising event and so she hands him a list of things that needs doing. Kyle also arrives and Georgia can't get away quick enough. Mark ropes him into helping with the list Georgia gave for the fundraising and top of the list is organising a tug-of-war contest!
Harold's Store
Georgia talks Lou round to providing the cupcakes since Vanessa is close to having her second child. As a side comment, he wonders if when baby #2 comes along that will mean Lucas will be looking to sell #32.
When Georgia leaves, Kathy tentatively sits herself down however what was said in their earlier conversation has got Lou thinking, so he's no longer going to argue with her. She beg him to get Lauren to meet her but Lou thinks she should do as Lauren asks and leave.
LOU: You hanging around every day just makes the loss seem worse for Lauren, so just go.
Kathy shakes her head at his request.
Number 32
Amber comes home to a warm hug from her mum and asks if things are okay with Brad after seeing him as she arrived home. "We were just catching up," Lauren replies before going on to apologise for the position she finds herself now in and promises that Josh/Imogen will be told soon.
Amber now wonders if Lauren's reaction to her/Josh was in case she got pregnant too at the same age and after thinking for a moment Lauren replies that yes, she did wonder if history would repeat itself although "perhaps unfairly."
AMBER: Do you think you'll ever forgive Nana?
LAUREN: I don't know. We were so close. Now I'm seeing the last 20 years so differently.
AMBER: That'll never happen to us, we'll always be close.
LAUREN: So long as we're honest with each other we can get through anything.
Matt comes home and greets his wife warmly to remind her that he still loves her. Their happy moment is ruined when Kathy walks into the kitchen after letting herself into the house. Lauren isn't amused especially since she told her mum to stay away and Matt comments that, "we were hoping you'd be on a plane."
Kathy explains why she has called round - she heard Lou talking to someone about the house and so called Lucas to make an offer on it, which he then accepted. "You did what?!" Lauren asks.
KATHY: You don't have to worry about the roof over your head any more 'cause I bought the house for you.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Lauren annoyed at what her mum has done.
- Lou not amused at Kathy either.
- Paul informing Georgia the fundraiser isn't going ahead.
- Georgia bemoaning the news to Kyle.
- Rebecca considering moving back.
- Rebecca justifying herself to Susan.
- Lauren begging her mum one final time to stay away.
<<6841 - 6843>>
Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6842
Josh Willis

Josh Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6842
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis

Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner

Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6842
Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Bailey Turner, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Bailey Turner, Amber Turner

Matt Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Matt Turner, Lauren Turner

Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6842
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6842
Mark Brennan

Kathy Carpenter, Lou Carpenter, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Kathy Carpenter, Lou Carpenter, Bailey Turner

Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6842
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Kate Ramsay, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6842
Kate Ramsay, Georgia Brooks

Lou Carpenter, Sheila Canning, Kathy Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6842
Lou Carpenter, Sheila Canning, Kathy Carpenter

Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6842
Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter

Amber Turner, Imogen Willis, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6842
Amber Turner, Imogen Willis, Josh Willis

Brad Willis, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Brad Willis, Lauren Turner

Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6842
Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Lou Carpenter, Kathy Carpenter, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6842
Lou Carpenter, Kathy Carpenter, Georgia Brooks

Lou Carpenter, Kathy Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6842
Lou Carpenter, Kathy Carpenter

Amber Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Amber Turner, Lauren Turner

Kathy Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6842
Kathy Carpenter

Matt Turner, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6842
Matt Turner, Lauren Turner

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