Previously on Neighbours
- Josh kissing Amber after she admits her feelings for him.
- Vanessa keen to plan their wedding.
- Don demanding 110% from Josh.
- Kate telling Kyle to come up with an excuse to tell Georgia.
- Kate giving Mason her excuse for them not reuniting.
- Georgia wrongly guessing it was Brennan that Kate slept with.
Lassiters Complex
As they head towards the complex, Georgia explains her rational for thinking it was Mark that Kate slept with and she confirms that it was him but it was a strictly one off. Kate says she needs to leave but Georgia wants them to meet up later for a proper debrief.
Number 26
Kyle plays along/is sometimes dumb when Georgia tells him that she's figured out what is wrong with Kate but refuses to tell him exactly why. He strongly hints that Kate needs some alone time but her interpretation is that she needs her friend and will be there for her.
Ramsay Street
Kyle exits the house to find Kate and spots her immediately as she's just about home. She confirms to him that it was Brennan Georgia was referring to and he thinks that is a good ploy but she feels it's going to come back and bite them. "You can't tell Georgia anything else," he pleads and can she continue to keep quiet. Kate turns the tables and accuses him of being a terrible liar and so he agrees to learn to keep his mouth shut and that she needs to too.
Lucas and Vanessa's flat
Lucas brings up with Vanessa about arranging their wedding and turns out both are on the same page - they want a small, intimate, quiet wedding. Lucas' vision is of a backyard wedding which by the looks on Vanessa's face she isn't exactly up for just as the Ramsay Street wedding experts (Susan and Karl) arrive. When Lucas tells them of his/their plan, they immediately offer #28!
Number 26
Mason calls by for Chris so they can head into work together and while he waits, Mason subtly quizzes Chris about Kate. Chris spells it out that he doesn't want to get involved and when Mason tells him about his conversation with Kate, again makes it clear that he isn't getting involved in Kate's business.
Harold's Store
Amber comes up with a compromise so Josh can get his assignment re- done - she (and Bailey) will help him after he vetoes her (and Bailey) doing it for him.
Lassiters Complex
Outside the store, Kate is telling Georgia how the deed with Brennan happened (after a bad week and a few too many drinks). Georgia asks if in a perfect world Brennan was single would she get back with him but Kate refuses to even discuss it given he isn't free. She then tells Kate not to tell Mason who the guy was especially since they weren't together when the deed happened. Kate tries to wriggle out of going for a picnic with Georgia later when she realises Kyle will be there too but is told she has to go!
Harold's Store
Chris congratulates Vanessa on the news that wedding arrangements are moving forward. She tells him about their low key backyard wedding rather than her dream wedding she has a scrapbook for (and is taking one last look at before consigning it to the bin) and the more she talks to him about it, the clearer it becomes that she doesn't want that type of wedding Lucas has signed them up for.
Lucas and Vanessa's flat
Chris drops by to tell Lucas about the conversation he had with Vanessa and hands over her wedding scrapbook. Lucas wonders why she's not said anything to him and his take is that she just wants to make him happy.
Lassiters Complex
Paul comments to Kate as they walk towards his car that her time away hasn't done much good - she looks as miserable as she did before going away! "I'm just tired," she tells him but Paul isn't falling for that and gets her to spill. She tells I'm that its Mason - she is unsure if she can get back together with him, well more importantly if Mason can get over what happened. He puts it down to her being more mature than Mason (because she's had to be) and she needs to really listen to what he is saying since relationships are all about give and take.
Kate decides to put theory into practice and heads to where Mason has just walked past them and asks him bluntly if he can get over the fact she's slept with someone else.
KATE: You're absolutely sure?
MASON: Positive.
Kate quizzes him a bit more but as far as Mason is concerned he's forgotten all about it and with that, much to Paul's disgust, the pashing begins for the reunited couple!
Number 32
Now the assignment is out of the way thanks to (unseen) Bailey's help, Amber is after a "reward" but wants confirmation from Josh if their earlier pash was a one- off. He reassures her it wasn't and they begin pashing, ignoring the fact that he should be heading to swim training!
Lucas and Vanessa's flat
Vanessa arrives home and Lucas wriggles it out of her what her dream wedding really is. She admits that she wants the big wedding so he agrees to it and that they will pay for it with a credit card and pay it off when the businesses improve.
LUCAS: Vanessa Villante you're going to have the wedding of your dreams.
VANESSA: Really?
LUCAS: Really!
Patrick suddenly begins to cry and when Vanessa rushes off to see to their son, you can see that Lucas is already freaking out over how to afford this dream wedding.
Lassiters Park
The boys decide to go cook the food when it becomes clear Georgia wants a girly talk with Kate! She is happy that her friend is back together with Mason and that it appears she followed her advice to forget about Brennan and get back with Mason. "I think you guys are great together," Georgia gushes adding that they've a great future to look forward to also... and the fact they can hang out now as a foursome!
GEORGIA: Bring on the good times!
Number 22
Imogen is perplexed when a very happy Amber arrives at the house and wants details! Amber tells her friend about kissing her brother lots! Imogen doesn't look at all happy and even Amber picks up on it and asks that she could at least be happy for her. "If you're happy, I'm happy," she nonchalantly replies back but again Amber has picked up on it and ends up walking out of the house when Imogen goes on about the only commitment Josh has is to his swimming.
IMOGEN: Look, Josh is awesome, you are too but there's always going to be something between you.
AMBER: You don't know that.
IMOGEN: Yes I do! And its 50m long and bright blue. Trust me, you cannot compete with that.
Harold's Store
Don gives Josh a ticking off for being 30 minutes late to training, even though his times were good. Josh promises that there won't be a repeat and trying to ignore a text from Amber, Don tells him that he needs to improve mentally too - organising his time, maintaining his focus and avoiding distractions.
DON: That is the difference between the winners and the also- rans.
He spells it out bluntly to Josh - the girl (Amber is now calling him) or swimming. Josh tries to say it won't be a problem but Don thinks it already is and tells him that she was obviously the reason why he was late for training today.
DON: So what's it going to be? Swimming or the girl?
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Callum still being anti Rani/Bailey as they do a first aid session at the hospital.
- Rani suggesting to Bailey that they should perhaps just be together?
- Sonya accusing Toadie of being jealous.
- Josh telling his sister what Don told him.
- Imogen asking when he's doing to tell Amber!