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Neighbours Episode 6528 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6527 - 6529>>
Episode title: 6528
Australian airdate: 07/11/12
UK airdate: 05/12/12
Writer: Sabour Bradley
Director: Laurence Wilson
Guests: Connor O'Neill: Patrick Harvey
Aidan Foster: Bob Morley
Harry Vass: Andrew Clemmensen
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Sophie teaches Chris some guitar basics
- Kyle feels sorry for himself over Jade, and becomes an honorary House of Trouser member
- Aidan and Tash tell Andrew to get treatment as he's not the only one being hurt
Charlie's / Erinsborough Hospital
Andrew is giving Tash some instructions over the phone for looking after the bar, while he's at the hospital. He approaches Aidan and tells him he wants to do the epilepsy sleep trial. Aidan smiles and tells him it's about time. Andrew apologises for everything he's asked Aidan to do and for blackmailing him, but he asks one more favour - he needs to do the trials tonight. After he promises to show up, Aidan says he'll make it happen. Andrew admits he still hasn't told Paul, but tells Aidan he has it sorted - Tash is looking after the bar, and Paul thinks Andrew's staying at a friend's.
Paul comes in to throw his weight around, but finds himself impressed by the leaflets on the bar promoting the open mic night. Tash explains Andrew designed them and starts singing his praises. Paul's suspicious as to why she's suddenly Andrew's biggest fan, and demands to see him. Covering for Andrew's absence, Tash tells Paul he ought to let Andrew get on with managing and stop breathing down his neck.
PAUL: Me breathing down his neck is the only reason this place is doing so well.
TASH: No, it's because he's a good manager. So can you give him some credit, and give him some space, just for tonight?
PAUL: Well... I suppose there's a couple of staff over at Lassiter's I wouldn't mind firing.
TASH: Fun times.
Paul asks Tash to tell Andrew he'll be on his mobile if he needs him.
Erinsborough Hospital
Despite Andrew not wanting Paul to know about his epilepsy, Aidan's still pleased he's doing the trial. He gives him some information about what he needs to do to prepare - including washing all the gel out of his hair, and not drinking alcohol or caffeine. Andrew thanks him.
The Men's Shed
Sophie is giving Chris a guitar lesson, but Chris still thinks he's terrible and is nervous about his upcoming performance at the open mic night. Sophie suggests he try something simpler, but he's worried he won't be able to do it alone and suggests a duet. Sophie suggests he asks Karl, but Chris wants more of a team player! He begs Sophie to perform with him instead. She's not interested though, and tells him to keep practicing.
No 26
Kyle comes in with pizza and beer (and soft drinks for Harley) for a house night in, but finds a note on the fridge from Rhys saying he's doing a night shift. He soon realises Harley's not in either, and rings him, to find he's out with Rani. Kyle sits down on his own with a beer and pizza but quickly begins to feel lonely.
No 30
Toadie and Connor are chilling, when they hear a knock at the door. It's Kyle, with the beers and pizza. Connor's over the moon, but Toadie suggests they do it at Kyle's as he's got work to do, and says he'll join them later. Kyle doesn't seem keen on going back home, and manages to persuade Toadie to change his mind. So they all take off their jeans and set up a game of poker!
Andrew tells Tash he's booked the sleep trial for tonight, but he's clearly anxious about it. Taking Tash to one side, he confides that the test is pretty full-on, that he's worried that taking drugs for his condition might change who he is - and that if the treatment doesn't work, he might have to have brain surgery, which could go wrong. Tash tries to reassure him on all three counts, telling him he can't keep going on the way he is. She puts an arm around him, tells him to go to the hospital, and says she'll be there with him as soon as she closes up the bar.
Later, Tash gets on stage and kicks off the open mic night by introducing the first performer, Harry Vass. Chris seems really nervous, but Sophie reassures him that no-one's expecting miracles. When they see how good Harry is, however, Sophie finally gives in to Chris's request to perform with him, so she can play the more difficult parts.
Outside, Tash runs into Andrew, who's come to check that everything is okay at Charlie's before he goes to the hospital. Unfortunately Paul turns up, noting Andrew's casual dress and lack of hair product; Andrew makes the excuse that he was running late for work. Paul is in an unusually good mood and suggests he and Andrew have a drink. Realising this could scupper the sleep trial, Tash tries to put Paul off, but without success - and Andrew reluctantly follows his dad inside.
Indoors, Tash announces a break in the competition, while Paul raises a toast with Andrew to their business partnership. He admits he would have been wrong to fire Andrew as manager over their disagreement about Chris and the lawsuit; he says Andrew's still worked hard and professionally at Charlie's and that's what counts.
PAUL: Above all you've stuck to your guns and been honest with me. That means a lot. You're a good manager. And a good son.
ANDREW: Thanks, Dad.
As they clink glasses, Tash finds an excuse to drag Andrew away. Andrew's made up that Paul has forgiven him about the lawsuit, and now wants to do the sleep trial another time, so he can spend time with his dad. Tash isn't having any of it, though, and says that unless Andrew finds a way to get himself out of here and to the hospital, she'll tell Paul the real reason why Andrew needs to leave.
No 30
Kyle wins a round at the House of Trouser poker tournament, and everyone marvels at how messy the house has become. Toadie briefly laments Sonya's absence, but Connor reminds him that moping about women is strictly forbidden. The phone rings, and Toadie goes to answer it - but becomes visibly cagey when he realises who is on the other end, asking for Sonya. After he hangs up, Kyle asks if it was Jade on the phone, and Toadie admits it was. They continue the game but Kyle looks despondent.
Tash continues to host the open mic night, while giving Andrew funny looks to the extent that Paul becomes suspicious. Chris and Sophie are on stage next; Paul's still not keen on Chris but thinks it's good that Sophie's playing the guitar again. Paul prepares to film Chris making a fool of himself with his phone, but is surprised when he and Sophie start playing a half-decent tune. But when Chris starts playing a fairly complicated improvisation, Sophie's face drops - she realises that Chris can play after all, and that he's been pretending otherwise to get her playing again. She abruptly stops playing and marches out of the bar.
Lassiter's Complex
Chris chases after Sophie with her guitar, but she tells him to get lost, accusing him of making her look like an idiot.
SOPHIE: Whether or not I play again is nothing to do with you - it's my business.
CHRIS: Soph, I saw you up there. I saw you forget about all the reasons you don't want to play and just enjoy it.
SOPHIE: I didn't.
CHRIS: You did. It was obvious. It was beautiful. Music is a part of who you are - you can't just turn that off because of the car crash. You know, you don't have to be a rock star. You don't need to make a career of it; just do it for yourself. I mean, hardly anyone knows that I play. And if you stop playing, I know you're going to miss it. And one day you're going to regret it, and... Well, I just don't want that for you.
He hands her the guitar back; she snatches it, and walks off.
No 30
Kyle gets up to leave; Toadie's tired of poker and wants to call it a night. But before they do, he has some words of wisdom for Kyle, who drops his jeans again and sits back down to listen.
TOADIE: Remember what I was saying about the House of Trouser?
CONNOR: Parties.
TOADIE: Mates.
CONNOR: Bikinis.
TOADIE: Long story.
CONNOR: Wrestling.
TOADIE: Not in a weird way.
Toadie suggests Kyle needs to stop thinking of No 26 as the house Jade used to live in, and to start thinking of it as his home. He should start by getting a new housemate to fill the spare room, Toadie says - a single guy who can help him build his own House of Trouser. Kyle says he'll think about it, and leaves.
Lassiter's Complex
Chris hears guitar music from afar, and he's heartened to look across the lake and see Sophie playing a solo under the gazebo.
Back at the open mic night, Tash declares Harry Vass the winner, while Paul phones Sophie. She claims she's okay and that she'll see him back at home. Andrew suggests Paul should be there for when Sophie gets home, and Paul's suspicious that he's trying to get rid of him. Tash comes over; unable to hold back any longer, she tells Paul that Andrew needs to be somewhere. Paul jumps to the conclusion that Andrew has a date, and starts laying into him for arranging it during working hours. Andrew denies it, but Tash continues to press him to leave before he misses the appointment. Furiously he tells her to back off, and begins to walk away - but he collapses to the ground and starts having a fit.
Later, Andrew begins to come round. Paul is panicking and shouting at an emergency services operator over the phone, while Tash comforts Andrew, telling him he'll be okay. Paul furiously demands how she can know that, while Andrew tries to claim that he just fell. Paul's not buying it. Tash offers to tell Paul the truth but Andrew decides to do it himself: he explains to a gobsmacked Paul that he has epilepsy.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Paul's off again, tearing strips off Andrew for not coming to him sooner about the epilepsy
- Andrew goes to hospital and is treated by Aidan - but he's worried Paul will take Charlie's away from him
- Kyle's looking for a housemate, but tells Summer no girls are allowed!
- Susan finds out about Karl's dating exploits, and Summer tells her Karl's looking for something serious
<<6527 - 6529>>
Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams

Aidan Foster, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6528
Aidan Foster, Andrew Robinson

Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6528
Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6528
Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning, Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O
Kyle Canning, Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O'Neill

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Harry Vass in Neighbours Episode 6528
Harry Vass

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6528
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Connor O
Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Connor O'Neill

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Natasha Williams

Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6528
Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas

Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6528
Sophie Ramsay, Chris Pappas

Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Connor O
Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Connor O'Neill

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6528
Chris Pappas

Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6528
Sophie Ramsay

Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6528
Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6528
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams

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