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Neighbours Episode 6452 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6451 - 6453>>
Episode title: 6452
Australian airdate: 24/07/12
UK airdate: 21/08/12
Writer: Ben Michael
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Vanessa Villante: Alin Sumarwata
Ajay Kapoor: Sachin Joab
Priya Kapoor: Menik Gooneratne
Rani Kapoor: Coco-Jacinta Cherian
Gary Denham: Anthony West
Jenny Earl: Virginie Le Brun
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Paul says his article shows Ajay for what he really is, a self-centred opportunist
- Big angry guy calls Ajay stupid for being caught on video
- Ajay is told he's lost the election
- Kate asks Lucas about his auction strategy
- Ajay outbids Lucas for Number 24
Ramsay Street
Ajay and Priya stand in front of the sold sign in front of Number 24. Ajay is thrilled that the house is theirs, while Priya stands cross-armed with a sour look on her face. Karl and Toadie arrive and congratulate them, offering to take a picture of the happy moment. Priya stares death rays at Ajay, but then agrees to the photo. After it's taken, Priya sharply walks away, Ajay following her inside.
Number 24
Gary, the auctioneer, congratulates them on buying the wonderful family home. Before they sign paperwork, Priya wants a word with her husband.
PRIYA: What the hell just happened?
AJAY: What just happened, we finally bought our house!
PRIYA: You bought a house! What about consulting me?
AJAY: What are you talking about? I know it was spur of the moment, but this is exactly what we've been looking for, and it was going to be sold. You saw, there was no time to talk about it.
PRIYA: We were supposed to be getting a feel for the market.
AJAY: It's a good home and a good price. I... shouldn't we be happy?
PRIYA: Don't tell me how to feel! This is just like the state parliaments, Ajay, you cannot keep doing this.
AJAY: Okay, I'm sorry.
PRIYA: Is this about the election?
AJAY: What?
PRIYA: You thought that you failed so you have to splash out.
AJAY: I told you it was a bargain. I'm providing a home, a home, for my whole family. is that so wrong?
PRIYA: These are decisions that we're supposed to be making together. (Gary clears his throat)
AJAY: I'll be with you in a sec Gary. Come on, I'll sign the papers.
PRIYA: You bought it, you sign them. I'm going to look at the bedrooms. Yeah that'll be the first time I've see them.
Lassiters Complex
It's raining in sunny Australia, Sonya and Toadie worry about Lucas, hoping he's okay. They knew it was a big thing for him and Sonya suggests he and Lucas get together, have a boy's night and play pool. Toadie can't because he's looking after Sonya Rebecchi, she knows he loves saying her name like that. Toadie's got her calcium tablets, but she says she doesn't need them anymore as they were for the first trimester. He produces some other tablets which are to help with her heartburn, but Sonya says she doesn't have it anymore, it must have been the orange juice being too acidic. Toadie offers to get her something for her cravings, but Sonya is fine with a salad. Toadie asks if there's anything he can do, Sonya says he should relax, like she's doing. Toadie says she does seem chilled, Sonya says the ultrasound has calmed her, she's pleased that the baby is there and it's fine and everything is okay (well that's great, for once Sonya isn't frantically panicking about something, let's hope it lasts.) She says the second trimester is when they can relax, Jellyfish is fine, she isn't the size of a house yet. Toadie agrees that they should just enjoy it.
Number 24
Lucas is drowning his sorrows in a beer. Rhys and Vanessa return, Lucas says they should enjoy the home while they can as they'll be out of there in 30 days. Rhys says he shouldn't beat himself up over it, but Lucas thinks he could have gone higher but he lost his nerve. He apologises to Vanessa, but she says he doesn't need to. Some things just aren't meant to be. Vanessa says they should look for another place, exactly the same as they planned but a different house. Lucas is still looking for somewhere to buy, he asks Vanessa to bear with him while he looks for somewhere to buy, in the meantime she'll look for a place to rent, and if one of them finds something then great. Lucas leaves and Rhys says things haven't really changed.
VANESSA: Still homeless, still pregnant, same rosey outlook.
Rhys promises they'll find a place for her.
RHYS: We both know I can pretty much do anything
VANESSA: I love how you say it like it's a joke but deep down you actually believe it.
Rhys tells her she's not alone, she thanks him and he kisses her hand.
Priya looks at her signature on the contract for the house. Ajay gets off the phone, telling her he's definitely lost his seat on the council. He says if he can't hold a seat the party won't touch him. Rani arrives wanting to find out about the election, he says that they didn't quite make it, but tells her the good news that they've bought Sophie's old house. Priya assures her that they can back out if she wants, but Rani's thrilled, it's next door to Sophie and just across the road from Callum. Rani hugs Ajay and asks how soon they can move, Ajay looks to Priya who just shrugs.
Number 26
Vanessa is looking at places to rent, showing them to Rhys. He thinks she can do a lot better as she doesn't need to settle for second best. Vanessa asks him to find her somewhere in the real estate magazine. He has a look and finds a nice place but the price is extortionate. His phone bleeps, he's received an email, asking him to apply to a study tour with Martin Chambers, in Japan. He's thrilled because this sort of thing makes careers, although he has to compete with third and fourth years, and the Head of Surgery has to approve. Vanessa says he'll really have to knock them dead.
Lassiters Complex
Priya and Ajay leave Harold's, Priya's arms still firmly crossed. She asks him to speak to Lucas, because they work together and he really wanted that house. Ajay jogs over to speak to him. Lucas congratulates him, Ajay apologises, saying that Priya never knew he was going to bid. Ajay tells Lucas that they've had a few setbacks, and the house was a way of getting some stability back into their lives. Lucas says they'll be other houses, and he hopes they'll be really happy there. He and Lucas shake hands. As Lucas leaves, Priya unlocks her crossed arms, and puts her hand on Ajay's shoulder reassuringly, even gives him a smile.
Number 30
Callum returns home and asks how long Toadie's on the computer for because, he wants to borrow it. His computer has a virus because he turned off his antivirus software so it would load faster. Toadie's busy looking at baby stuff. Callum excitedly talks about Dragon Prophecies, but when Toadie starts talking about baby stuff, Callum gets bored and leaves, shouting 'tell someone who cares.'
Number 26
Rhys is frustrated, having trouble writing his application. Vanessa has filled one out for him. He reads through it. She's written comments about him having an unhealthy obsession with sushi, and being a member of the Hello Kitty fanclub at school. He laughs about it but thinks he may be better off sending her application the way things are going. Vanessa says he's over thinking it, he knows how to sell himself better than anyone she ever met.
Erinsborough Hospital
Rhys hands in his application to Jenny, she's not surprised that he's the first person to submit their application. She says he has to fill out a visa application because the trip has been extended to three months. Karl walks past and calls Rhys lucky for the opportunity, some of them have to stay behind and do all the work. As Rhys pauses while looking at the visa application, Karl asks if he's having second thoughts. This is a great opportunity, what's holding him back? Before he gets an answer, Rhys leaves.
Sonya's nursery
Toadie visits Sonya, asking her if their baby could speak right now, what would it say? Sonya says 'wow, it's dark in here.' Toadie starts tweeting for the baby. Toadie thinks that since Callum told him to tell someone who cares, he thought they should let Jellyfish talk to the world (as if we care!) Sonya quite rightly wonders why anyone would want to read that, but Toadie still thinks it's a genius idea, and that it'll be fun for all of them (although probably not very fun for the audience).
Number 30
Toadie and Sonya have a riveting discussion about their twitter baby, when Toadie wants to take a Twitpic of the baby. Callum walks in on them taking a picture of 'the womb with a view,' then Sonya decides to take a picture of Callum planning to put that up on twitter. Callum refuses and tries to grab the phone off Toadie, who playfully keeps it away from him.
The Kapoors arrive at Charlie's to get some dinner. Karl greets his new neighbours, and gives commiserations to Ajay for not winning the election. Priya says they are celebrating their new house though.
KARL: Think how easy it will be for us to do band practice.
AJAY: I didn't even think of that
KARL: Yeah, we could jam three or four nights a week.
PRIYA: Excuse me, I've just got him back from politics, I'm not going to be a band widow.
Karl leaves, and Ajay says that Karl's such a nice guy. It's a really friendly street, apart from Paul Robinson. Ajay says it will still be great for them, and says they should start packing, organise removalists. He thanks Priya, putting his arm briefly on her back but she doesn't respond and he looks concerned.
Number 26
Vanessa gives a Japanese bow to Rhys as he arrives; she's made him a Japanese meal. He tells her he didn't apply because he can't leave her for three months. Vanessa insists he go for it, she knows what this means for him.
Erinsborough Hospital
Rhys returns to the hospital, meeting Jenny again. He hands in the application, she tells him he's handed in two applications, he must have gotten Vanessa's application mixed up with his Visa form. She asks him which one he wants to put in. Rhys has a brainwave.
Number 24
Rhys arrives, telling her he's going but he wants her to come to Tokyo with her. She says she can't, but Rhys says she'll be fine, she'll be surrounded by doctors and she'll be back before the baby is born. Rhys tells her he wants to be with her, he's not missing out on three months with her. He's committing to her and the baby, and wants to do this together. Vanessa says no. When he asks why, she says it's not something she can do. He leaves.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Rhys doesn't understand why she doesn't want to come to Japan. Vanessa tells him she hates flying.
- Andrew shows Tash a design for the app.
- Ed thinks the app has a bug
- Sonya encourages Lucas to tell Vanessa how she feels.
<<6451 - 6453>>
Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6452
Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6452
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor, Gary Denham in Neighbours Episode 6452
Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor, Gary Denham

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6452
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Lucas Fitzgerald, Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6452
Lucas Fitzgerald, Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante

Ajay Kapoor, Rani Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6452
Ajay Kapoor, Rani Kapoor

Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6452
Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante

Lucas Fitzgerald, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6452
Lucas Fitzgerald, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6452
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones

Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6452
Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson

Rhys Lawson, Jenny Earl in Neighbours Episode 6452
Rhys Lawson, Jenny Earl

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6452
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6452
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Callum Jones

Karl Kennedy, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6452
Karl Kennedy, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor

Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6452
Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson

Rhys Lawson, Jenny Earl in Neighbours Episode 6452
Rhys Lawson, Jenny Earl

Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6452
Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson

Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6452
Vanessa Villante

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