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Neighbours Episode 6408 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6407 - 6409>>
Episode title: 6408
Australian airdate: 23/05/12
UK airdate: 20/06/12
Writer: Sarah Dollard
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Michael Williams: Sandy Winton
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Michael puts No.32 up for sale
- Chris and Tash talk about renting No.32
- Aidan breaks up with Chris
- Rhys has a go at Lucas
- Rhys and Vanessa have a massage
- Vanessa admits that she likes Rhys
- Rhys sees his mum talking to Susan and rants at Susan for "latching on" to her
- Vanessa is shocked to see Rhys ranting at Susan.
Harold's Store
Lucas tells Vanessa she should ask Lyn about becoming a cake supplier for Harold's
Outside Charlie's
Kyle and Jade tease Rhys about Vanessa.
Harold's Store
Vanessa sympathises with Susan for Rhys's behaviour, saying guys like that aren't worth the trouble.
Outside Charlie's
Rhys tells Kyle and Jade that it's off with Vanessa. Jade says she found out quickly what Rhys was really like(!)
Chris is working out the bills. Tash tells him to get out of the house and cheer himself up, but Chris doesn't want to. She suggests they hang out instead. Chris says he'd rather look for a new housemate - they can't afford to live in No.32 by themselves. Tash sends him off for a shower while she draws up a shortlist.
Rhys has a go at Lucas. Lucas says he only told Vanessa how Rhys likes to manipulate people and treats everyone like dirt. But Vanessa told him she could make up her own mind. Now it seems that she has!
Chris is moping about Aidan. Tash hasn't found a housemate yet, but is looking on the Internet.
TASH: Who wouldn't want to live with us? We're awesome!
Tash says she'd prefer to live with someone she knows. Chris suggests asking Summer, but Tash doesn't think that's a very good idea!
Tash is trying to get Lucas to move in with them(!)
TASH: What have you got? A boring Kate, a dodgy old man and a woman you knocked up that you don't even really like!
Harold's Store
Tash is trying to get Vanessa to move in with them, but Vanessa doesn't think it's a very good fit.
Lucas says he's too old for a teenage share house.
Harold's Store
Tash tells Vanessa that she's an excellent babysitter.
Tash tells Lucas that she and Chris are out a lot so he can have peace to do his "broody, lone wolf" act(!)
Harold's Store
Vanessa tells Tash she'd rather live alone.
Lucas tells Tash no.
Harold's Store
Vanessa tells Tash she likes the freedom of living on her own.
Chris tells Tash they'll go and see someone else.
Harold's Store
Vanessa and Kyle are chatting about Vanessa becoming a cake supplier for Harold's. Rhys comes in and Vanessa gives him the cold shoulder.
RHYS: Vanessa, what is going on? This is crazy, talk to me about it!
She is stonily silent.
RHYS: Whatever happened, I don't do grudges.
VANESSA: This isn't a grudge. I've just decided I don't like you.
RHYS: What, just like that?
VANESSA: You can't think of a single thing in the last 24 hours that might have changed my opinion of you?
VANESSA: Susan. I saw the way you spoke to her this morning. You could at least look ashamed!
RHYS: I had my reasons.
VANESSA: You were standing over her, intimidating her.
RHYS: Alright, I might have gone a little far....
VANESSA: No reason can justify treating a woman like that! She was apologising and you just kept going...
RHYS: Look, she bailed out my mum earlier, OK?
RHYS: So, she got into things that were none of her business! I don't need Susan Kennedy poking into my life.
VANESSA: And that's an excuse to act the way you did?
RHYS: My family's no-one else's concern.
Vanessa just looks at him.
VANESSA: I don't get it. If there's more to it, just tell me.
RHYS: You know what? Forget it.
He walks out.
Chris sits down for a chat with Summer. Tash comes over with some drinks and invites Summer to move in with them.
TASH: Chris and I need a third housemate, you need a life, perfect fit!
Summer says she doesn't want to leave Karl - he's like family to her and she thinks he needs her, and she needs him too after what happened with Andrew.
Tash suggests asking Andrew or Kate, but Chris says it's hopeless.
Rhys sees Susan and apologises to her for his previous reaction. He explains that he doesn't like anyone to know about his family. Susan says he didn't really want to apologise, it's really about him and Vanessa. Rhys allows that this is true.
Tash tells Chris she's emailed people in her Uni classes, but Chris says it's no good - he's decided to move back home. It's not really about the housemate situation - he's finding his breakup with Aidan really hard, and needs to be with his family. Tash says she'll just have to find two housemates. She looks a bit upset though.
Chris tells Susan and Summer that he's decided to move back home, but he's worried about Tash.
Tash is beautifying herself, lying on the sofa. She looks a bit sad though.
Harold's Store - Kitchen
Rhys comes in to talk to Vanessa.
RHYS: My personal life, I like to keep it private. That includes details about my family. Some of our history...it's pretty messed up.
VANESSA: Every family's messed up.
RHYS: I don't like to think about it, let alone talk about it with people like Susan.
VANESSA: We're talking about it now.
RHYS: I guess I am. Look, I know what people think of me. And, mostly, they're right. But not when it comes to you. That's all I wanted to say.
He walks out, leaving Vanessa taking this in.
Out of the blue, Michael rings Tash. He's in a restaurant in Serbia. He awkwardly asks how she is. He's called to explain why he's put the house on the market - to pay for her Uni fees, and for him and Emilia to find somewhere to live themselves.
MICHAEL: Tash, I'm calling because the house is sold.
TASH: Oh my god, Dad, what?!
MICHAEL: Someone made a very good offer, I couldn't afford to say no.
TASH: Dad, where am I supposed to live?! I was going to get housemates in and rent the place off you! That's what I've been trying to tell you!
MICHAEL: Sweetheart, the contracts have been signed. Look, you'll have a bit of time, OK, but I'm getting my stuff out of the house ASAP.
TASH: You're coming back?
MICHAEL: No, no, no, not for a while. Um, I've got movers coming round tonight to move my things into storage.
TASH: Tonight?!
MICHAEL: Yeah, that's why I've been trying to call you. Sorry it's so sudden. I love you, Tash. And I hope...I mean, I know, that things will be better between us again.
TASH: I have to go.
MICHAEL: Alright, I'll call you...
She hangs up.
Movers are in moving Michael's furniture out. Tash stands in the living room and lets it all go on around her. Finally she is standing in a bare living room, alone.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Tash moves in with Karl and Summer.
- Jade begs Charlotte not to sue her.
- Sophie tells Kate to lay off Kyle.
- Kate tells Kyle she's in love with him and they kiss.
<<6407 - 6409>>
Jade Mitchell, Rhys Lawson, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6408
Jade Mitchell, Rhys Lawson, Kyle Canning

Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6408
Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald

Rhys Lawson, Kyle Canning, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6408
Rhys Lawson, Kyle Canning, Jade Mitchell

Vanessa Villante, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6408
Vanessa Villante, Susan Kennedy

Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas

Rhys Lawson, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6408
Rhys Lawson, Lucas Fitzgerald

Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas

Lucas Fitzgerald, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6408
Lucas Fitzgerald, Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Vanessa Villante

Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6408
Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Rhys Lawson

Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland

Rhys Lawson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6408
Rhys Lawson, Susan Kennedy

Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6408
Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams

Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6408
Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Chris Pappas

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams

Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6408
Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6408
Michael Williams

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6408
Natasha Williams

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