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Neighbours Episode 6265 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6264 - 6266>>
Episode title: 6265
Australian airdate: 07/10/11
UK airdate: 04/11/11
Writer: Steve Vidler
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Emilia Jovanovic - Freya Stafford
Malcolm Kennedy - Benjie McNair
Summary/Images by: ~Em~/Graham
- Summer asking Andrew to promise her they'll always be together
- Paul reminding Andrew that Summer stayed in Ramsay Street for him.
- Tash meeting Emilia.
- Emilia realising who Tash is.
- Karl telling Mal that the separation was his idea.
- Jade flirting with Mal.
Number 28
Mal is on the phone to Cath. He tells her he's going to start booking flights home as things are starting to settle down. As he speaks to his wife and tells her he loves her and misses her, looking out of the window he watches Jade, who has returned from a run and is stretching.
Later on Mal is booking flights as Susan cooks eggs; Summer dashes out to a study session and Karl hunts for the previous day's newspaper. Susan apologises for putting it in the recycling and offers to retrieve it as there's some real estate Karl wants to look at. Things are very tense as Karl decides raiding the bins isn't necessary. Mal closes down his computer. It doesn't look like he'll be flying home any time soon.
Summer has breakfast with Andrew and Paul and the topic of conversation is bathroom cleaning! Summer seems a bit distracted and comes over all clingy. She'd like to see a movie later to distress but Andrew has already promised Chris he'll help him out with the car scheme, sorry, "business venture". Andrew assures his dad that everything is under control. Summer gets up to use the bathroom and Paul gives Andrew a raised eyebrow.
PAUL: Everything under control eh?
ANDREW: She's not moving in...
PAUL: Yet.
Well that's given Andrew food for thought.
Number 32
Chris has forgotten some of his notes, but he doesn't see what the big deal is as the exam is in 2 hours anyway. Summer picks up Emilia's card and Tash says it can be thrown in the bin. Chris urges her to make another appointment and Summer offers to go with her, but Tash is adamant that she's tried and it didn't work, Emilia isn't going to say anything, she'll just have to live with it.
Number 28
Mal is doing the dishes but won't be home for dinner because he has a "meeting". Susan awkwardly asks if Karl will be home for dinner and he awkwardly replies that he hasn't made any plans. There is then more awkwardness over picking up papers and Susan leaves. Karl casts an eye over the real estate pages and decides he's going to go down to the Men's Shed to see what old furniture he might be able to use in a new place. Mal offers to help him out. Let's hope no emergency trachiotomies are required this time.
Ramsay Street
Summer, Andrew, Tash and Chris head towards Harold's for coconut slice and coffee before their exam. There's plenty of banter as well as What Car? lecture from Chris. He points out a 1975 Austin Heely Sprite, mark 3a, 1275cc and that the blue paint job holds the best resell value. The car drives off and Summer treats everyone to a Serbian lesson, suggesting to Tash there are other ways she could get in touch with her heritage. Tash doesn't seem keen.
Men's Shed
Mal tries to take Karl's mind off his marital woes with carpentry and encouraging his guitar playing (clearly Mal has been away long enough to forget his father's 'talents'). They decide to build a mini stage "for the kids". Karl goes in search of paper to draw a plan, but instead finds the ladies' calendar open on Miss June I.e. Susan. They go in search of timber instead, who needs a plan? They knock up a stage to a rather depressing number "she's gone" then decide they need lights. Mal goes to grab some more screws from the car and is distracted by Jade jogging by with some clients. Meanwhile Karl injures himself with the electric screwdriver. He storms off condemning the whole effort as a ridiculous idea.
The Serbian lessons continue, as does Summer's clinginess to Andrew. Noticing his dad walking in, Andrew tries to extricate himself from his girlfriend and goes on a toastie run. Summer finally gets Tash's attention with some Serbian supermodels. Looking over Tash's shoulder Andrew proclaims the supermodel she's looking at to be "hot", they all snigger because Andre Pegic is in fact male.
CHRIS: No way!
ANDREW: Don't you even start, mate.
Mal gets the beers in and Karl apologises for taking things out on him. Mal wants to know what the story is, does he really want the separation?
MAL: I know you've been saying this is the best thing for both of you, but I don't believe it's what you really want.
KARL: It's not what I want.
MAL: I knew it, and you and mum have been tiptoeing around each other at home...
KARL: We're trying to make the best of it Mal. I think we're both just grieving for our old lives.
MAL: And what does that tell you? Don't give up, don't chuck in over 30 years together.
KARL: It's not that easy, your mum wasn't happy.
MAL: But mum didn't want the separation, you did. If it's not what you want...
Karl explains to Mal that a big part of their lives (parenting) is over and he wants to move on, but Susan has a lot of things to sort through and find out what she wants from life.
MAL: So why can't you work it out together?
KARL: Because...because we just can't. And I'm not prepared to hang around in limbo while she decides if her future includes me. Does that make sense.
Let's all have a resounding NO.
Clingy Summer wants to go to Andrew's for dinner tonight as well as go to see a movie, but Andrew needs to check with Paul. The boys go to get more food.
CHRIS: Hey, if you're planning dinner tonight, I'm in.
ANDREW: Yeah sure mate.
CHRIS: I thought you said you had to check with your dad.
ANDREW: Nah, you're fine.
CHRIS: But Summer's not? Is everything ok?
Andrew awkwardly explains that with Karl and Susan having trouble, she's always over at his place. Chris suggests she just needs a bit of support, with Lyn gone she only really has him. Is that not alright? Andrew doesn't really seem to know.
Number 28
Karl and Mal come in and Mal greets his mum, but Susan notices Karl's hand straight away.
SUSAN: Oh love, what have you done?
Well let's all raise an eyerbrow at that. Susan suggests that they invite Toadie and Sonya over for dinner to tell them that they're separating before anyone else does.
SUSAN: It should come from both of us.
KARL: Hmm. A united front, so to speak.
They look sadly at one another, then Karl asks if they can do it tomorrow. Susan agrees but with all the work Paul has given her, she might not have time to cook. Karl offers to cook a roast with lots of veggies for Sonya. Stuck between his parents, Mal opts not to continue with his previous flight booking.
Ramsay Street
Mal talks to Cath on the phone again and tells her he'll have to stay longer, it looks like things are going to blow up soon. He watches Jade again. Perve.
Serbian continues. When is this exam ever going to start? Oh, they're going to go to school now. Andrew asks what movie Summer wants to see, but she decides she's going to give it a miss. She apologises for being needy since Susan came back.
SUMMER: And you should see your face! Have I been that bad?
ANDREW: What? No... I don't even know what you're talking about.
SUMMER: I just wanted to have you close, it's been hard. But I'm not going to turn into one of those sad, clingy awful girlfriends.
Lassiters Complex exterior
Andrew tells Paul things are ok with him and Summer, it's all sorted and he knows what he's doing. Someone watches Tash and Summer from afar. Andrew and Chris talk about cars. Chris sees the blue Austin Heely again. Tash realises that the person inside is Emilia and she's onto her.
VO: Michael's having a bad day. Woah, that was weird! Something's definitely playing on his conscience. Probably because he's hiding something from his daughter. But the secrets and the lies won't last for long. This woman knows the ugly truth. A slightly creepy Neighbours....
<<6264 - 6266>>
Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Malcolm Kennedy

Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6265
Jade Mitchell

Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6265
Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland

Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6265
Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Paul Robinson

Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6265
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Chris Pappas

Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6265
Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams

Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6265
Jade Mitchell

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Karl Kennedy

Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6265
Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Malcolm Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6265
Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Karl Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Jade Mitchell, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6265
Jade Mitchell, Malcolm Kennedy

Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6265
Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6265
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Emilia Jovanovic in Neighbours Episode 6265
Emilia Jovanovic

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6265
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6265
Natasha Williams

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