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Neighbours Episode 6264 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6263 - 6265>>
Episode title: 6264
Australian airdate: 06/10/11
UK airdate: 03/11/11
Writer: James Sapwell
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Malcolm Kennedy - Benjie McNair
George Pappas - Lliam Amor
- "I Want You" by Moloko
Summary/Images by: Holing/Graham
- Jade rejecting Kyle because it's too messy and weird
- Mal getting along with Jade
- Chris being slapped by his father for still working at the garage
- Lucas punching Mr Pappas
Carpenter's Mechanics
Chris and his dad are having a yelling match in the car while Lucas is watching from the outside. Chris gets out of the car but his father yells at him to get back in. Chris relents and gets in the car to go home with his father.
Lucas is taking his frustration out on the dartboard. He's surprised to see Chris who immediately tells him off for hitting his father. Lucas insists that he couldn't stand by and see Chris get smacked around but Chris says it was only a clip on the ear and he could handle it. The problem is that Mr Pappas is now pressing charges.
Number 30
So therefore Lucas goes to find the only lawyer in town. Toad's not home though, but Sonya does a little counselling and tries to convince Lucas to talk to George and try to sort it out without involving the police.
LUCAS: I don't want to get involved in their family stuff.
SONYA: Sounds like its too late for that.
Number 26
Rhys tries to tempt Kyle into watching a soccer match on TV but the latter is too busy. Rhys tries to engage Kyle in conversation but Kyle avoids it when Rhys mentions Jade. He thinks about the weirdness when they hugged at the soccer match.
Lassiter's Complex
Jade and Mal are hanging out and bantering about the quality (or lack thereof) of the bars that they had just been to. Jade jokes about the two women who were coming onto Mal and he laughs that a guy can enjoy a bit of flattery; he waves his wedding ring around and comments that it's pointless though.
JADE: I bet you were a lady killer back in the day.
MAL: You think, do you?
JADE: Mm- hmm.
MAL: What makes you say that?
JADE: I can pick a player.
MAL: Really?
JADE: Yeah, a mile off! You know what they say: old players never die.
MAL: They just get old and sad.
JADE: Not all of them.
They share a flirty look. Jade wants to go to Charlie's but Mal glances at his watch and calls it a night. Jade has a laugh at him for being a grandpa. He extends an invite to hang out if she's at a loose end one night.
MAL: You should give me your number.
JADE: Oh, you know where I live!
And with that, she leaves.
Number 30
Sonya's thrilled that Jade has taken her advice, but it's not quite what she thinks. She told Jade to "sort it out" with Kyle and Jade has decided that moving on is the best way to do it. Sonya thinks Jade is insane and tries to guilt her about how Kyle must be feeling but Jade doesn't want to hear it. They have some sisterly bickering.
Lucas is back at Charlie's to meet with George. George walks in and is in no mood for drinks or small talk. Lucas apologises and George assumes it's because he doesn't want him to press charges but Lucas wants George to know that it's about Chris too - Chris is his employee and a mate and he wants to sort it out.
Commercial break over, they're at a table and George has gotten a drink too so presumably he's agreed to talk. He talks about how Chris was always a good boy but in the last year he's developed a real stubborn streak. George thinks that there's nothing wrong with being a mechanic per se, but Chris is capable of much more than that. Lucas tries to tell George that Chris loves the job but George is quick to reply that it's not Lucas' business.
LUCAS: But if you force him to do what you say, you better be prepared to lose him.
Lucas talks about bad blood between fathers and sons and he doesn't want to see that between Mr Pappas and Chris. George agrees not to press charges since it's too much trouble anyway, and Lucas agrees to butt out of their family business but he asks George to stay for a couple of minutes so he can show him something.
Carpenter's Mechanics
Lucas takes George to the garage and shows him his desk - all neat and organised by Chris. He talks about the ideas that Chris has implemented and how natural he is at the job. Mr Pappas is still unconvinced that being a mechanic is suitable for Chris. Lucas is frustrated that Mr Pappas wants to stand in Chris' way but Mr Pappas thinks that Lucas is the one standing in the way.
Number 30
Sonya wants to go to bed but Jade wants her to keep her company since she needs to unwind after her big night out. Sonya is worried when she hears that Jade was hanging out with Mal because Mal is a married man but Jade is annoyed at the insinuation since it was just innocent drinks.
Harold's Store
Chris has told Andrew about Lucas hitting Mr Pappas and like Lucas, Andrew asks Chris if his father hits him often. Chris is irritated at being asked the same thing again.
CHRIS: Look, I'm sure your dad does stuff that would freak anyone out.
So true! Andrew points out that Paul never hits him though. Chris sighs that his apprenticeship is finished.
Carpenter's Mechanics
Tour of the garage is over and now it's George's turn to show Lucas something. George shows Lucas a photo of his parents.
GEORGE: That was 1947; it's my mother and father. They came here after the war, it was a new beginning.
LUCAS: They look like good people.
GEORGE: It was a new country, new language, it was tough. All my father had was the strength in his back but he used it to build a life for his family. He knew that the harder he worked, the better it would be. Not for them; for their children, and their grandchildren. My father worked hard on the land for one reason: to give me the opportunities that he never had. And I managed to get off the land and into an office. I've worked there my whole life. It's not what I would have chosen but it's given my son a far better start in life than I ever had. Or my father. Christos is so much more than I was. He's smart and I want to make sure that he has those choices. That he doesn't limit himself. Chris has a chance to do something that my father and I couldn't and I don't want him to miss out on that. I'm just trying to give my son the best start in life. Can you understand that?
We head to a commercial and it's now morning at the garage. Chris turns up to lend a hand and Lucas gives him a couple of things to do but that's it. He wants to pull back Chris' hours for the next month so that he can concentrate on his exams. Chris is angry that Lucas is selling him out as an exchange for not having charges pressed against him.
Harold's Store
Sonya orders a green tea but Rhys advises her to choose something else because green tea can prevent absorption of folic acid (important for pregnancy) so Sonya changes it up to a hot chocolate. Kyle walks in and Rhys has a quick chat to him before leaving. Lucas wanders in and tells Sonya that he's worked things out with Chris' father and he's confident that in the long run Chris will see that the arrangement is for the best.
Carpenter's Mechanics
Chris is tinkering around with the car that he and Andrew are fixing on the side. Chris makes snide remarks about how he may not be able to do much on the next cars since Lucas wants him to study but Lucas tells him that he's cutting his hours however what he does with the rest of his time is up to him. Andrew doesn't really seem to give a toss either way as long as the car is done.
Lassiter's Complex
Jade is out for a jog when she sees Kyle and she thinks back to when they shared a bed when they were both sick. Kyle sees her and waves but Jade goes all weird and Kyle awkwardly stops waving. Leaning on a tree, Jade looks back and forth between Kyle and Mal who is walking by. She walks after Mal.
Mal orders a big breakfast and Jade walks in, joking that he should shout her coffee. He does so she offers to take him out that night. He is reluctant so she says that they can go another night - and she guarantees that it'll be a great bar and they won't be disappointed. Mal looks a little flustered after she leaves.
<<6263 - 6265>>
George Pappas, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6264
George Pappas, Chris Pappas

Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6264
Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald

Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6264
Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Mitchell

Kyle Canning, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6264
Kyle Canning, Rhys Lawson

Jade Mitchell, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6264
Jade Mitchell, Malcolm Kennedy

Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6264
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell

George Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6264
George Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald

Lucas Fitzgerald, George Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6264
Lucas Fitzgerald, George Pappas

Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6264
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell

Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6264
Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson

Lucas Fitzgerald, George Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6264
Lucas Fitzgerald, George Pappas

Lucas Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6264
Lucas Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas

Sonya Mitchell, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6264
Sonya Mitchell, Rhys Lawson

Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6264
Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Mitchell

Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6264
Chris Pappas, Andrew Robinson

Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6264
Jade Mitchell

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6264
Kyle Canning

Malcolm Kennedy, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6264
Malcolm Kennedy, Jade Mitchell

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6264
Malcolm Kennedy

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