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Neighbours Episode 6266 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6265 - 6267>>
Episode title: 6266
Australian airdate: 10/10/11
UK airdate: 07/11/11
Writer: Catherine Roden
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Emilia Jovanovic: Freya Stafford
Helena Williams: Camilla Jackson
Felix Luney: Mason Viola
Adam 'Milsy' Miller: Jye O'Toole
Felix's friend: Zander Speight
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
- Jade and Mal playing football.
- Rhys wanting to know the inside from Kyle about Jade and himself.
- Kate denying Noah has a crush on her.
- Sonya explaining herself.
- Tash piecing together information about her mum.
Previously on Neighbours
Michael seeing ghostly visions.
Toadie having to shun Callum because he is busy.
Emilia stalking Tash.
As they head for a practice exam, Tash finally twigs as to how Emilia knows about her - she used her keycard to pay for her makeover. Sum and Chris try to distract her by reminding her that the practice exam is important and to concentrate on it. She then panics that Emilia will contact her dad until she's reminded that he is supervising the exam.
Michael's office
Except Michael looks like he could sleep for Australia at the moment! He blames it on Principals work when Lucas comes in and spots how awful he looks.
The trio pile into the classroom and Milsy mentions that Andrew is in the other room when they wonder whether to keep a seat for him. Tash again frets about Emilia turning up but Sum and Chris convince her to concentrate on the exam especially given she sucks at English!
Michael arrives and dishes out the papers and instructions to the students.
Number 30
Toadie arrives home early to hang out with Callum and finishes a call to Susan - he's invited for a roast at #30 tomorrow night which he is more than happy to accept. Callum isn't amused to have him home though because he wants to play his online computer game (Dragon Prophecies). Toadie wants them to go have a kick around first and Callum reluctantly closes his computer while Toadie gets changed.
Ramsay Street
And Callum isn't exactly into the kick around as Toadie is when they begin, so Toadie relents and they head inside.
Number 30
Callum explains all to Toadie about the game and he isn't quite with it so goes off in search of some snacks for them.
Milsy interrupts the exam silence to ask out to the toilet and Michael gives his permission. Tash meanwhile is studying Emilia's business card but before Michael can quiz her on it, the fire alarm goes off! Michael orders an evacuation of the room and the students pile outside.
School (exterior)
Michael acts as Fire Safety Officer and while he is checking the students off, Tash spots Emilia coming onto the school grounds and runs over to her but doesn't say anything, just runs away from her. After a moment or two, and a quick look at Michael who's still busy in his Fire Safety Officer role, Emilia follows the direction Tash took.
Harold's Store
Lou quizzes Toadie over how long it's going to be before the deal to sell Dial- a- Kyle goes through and he replies it's just a matter of waiting. He explains that is why he's decided to take some downtime from work to spend time with Callum who isn't exactly enthralled at him doing so because of his online computer game. Lou reminisces about his time spent playing Dungeons and Dragons and teases Toadie about how things were done in the "olden days" and suggest that he goes learn about it so he can bond with Callum.
Number 30
Toadie arrives home with the food and they begin playing the game. He isn't exactly setting the heather on fire and Cal suggests he comes along to the party aka meet for those he plays with online.
Harold's Store
Cal and Toadie arrive to the party and Toadie suddenly feels his age as Cal hangs out with the other kids.
Paul enters the store and quizzes Toadie as to what is going on. Toadie isn't exactly forthcoming with information so Paul decides he'll have his coffee sitting in now.
Lassiters car park
Emilia parks her car and Tash apologises for lying to her. She denies setting off the fire alarm but admits that she did spy on her. Tash starts playing with her hair and Emilia remarks that her mum used to do that too... when she was in trouble! "Am I like her?" Tash asks and Emilia replies yes and they agree to catch up more over a coffee.
Tash explains that they moved around a lot when she was younger and that they've been in Erinsborough for the past 18 months where he dad is the Principal of Erinsborough High. At that moment Tash's phone rings - it's her dad but she cancels the call and instead asks Emilia to tell her about her mum. She doesn't seem too surprised when Tash explains that Michael has never talk about Helena and Tash begs her for information.
Sum and Chris come out of the classroom after finishing the exam, although Sum doesn't think she's done well because of the interruption. Both wonder where Tash went to and at that moment Michael appears and quizzes them about Tash running off too - he isn't happy at her taking off without saying something to someone!
SUMMER: We'd better find her before he does.
As Michael returns to the classroom he has another ghostly vision.
Tash takes delight in hearing tales about her mum from Emilia. She then asks about how her mum got the septicaemia from which she died from and judging by the look on Emilia's face, that is news to her!
"You look like hell," Lucas remarks when he sees Michael sitting in the classroom continuing to have his ghostly visions. Michael admits he hasn't been sleeping much and Lucas tells him to sort it out.
Emilia suddenly ends the chat, citing that she has clients but really she can't get out of there quick enough although does tell Tash to talk to her dad before leaving.
Its Tash's turn now for the flashbacks - first to Michael telling her how her mum died when they had a chat about it; then to a chat with Summer about her dad going off on one over the article; discovering that Michael lied to her about them not going to the beach when she saw what was written on the back of the Williams family photo and finally to Michael admitting he'd lied over going to the beach, they went just the once because Helena hated it.
She comes back to the present as Summer enters, relived to have found her. Sum quizzes her on where she has been and that Michael is going nuts! Tash says that she was with Emilia and that they were chatting about her mum. Sum thinks its great news but Tash doesn't because she knows something is wrong.
TASH: Emilia wouldn't say but I could tell.
SUMMER: What do you mean?
TASH: Dad's definitely hiding something about my mum.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Tash trying to figure out the connection.
- The K's spilt over the development.
- Paul giving Susan his tuppenceworth.
- Michael seeing a therapist.
- Tash shocked to hear that her dad is seeing a shrink.
<<6265 - 6267>>
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6266
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6266
Michael Williams

Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6266
Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6266
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones

Paul Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6266
Paul Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6266
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones

Michael Williams, Adam Miller in Neighbours Episode 6266
Michael Williams, Adam Miller

Emilia Jovanovic in Neighbours Episode 6266
Emilia Jovanovic

Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6266
Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter

 in Neighbours Episode 6266

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6266
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones

Toadie Rebecchi, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6266
Toadie Rebecchi, Paul Robinson

Emilia Jovanovic, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6266
Emilia Jovanovic, Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams, Emilia Jovanovic in Neighbours Episode 6266
Natasha Williams, Emilia Jovanovic

Chris Pappas, Michael Williams, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6266
Chris Pappas, Michael Williams, Summer Hoyland

Helena Williams in Neighbours Episode 6266
Helena Williams

Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6266
Lucas Fitzgerald

Natasha Williams, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6266
Natasha Williams, Michael Williams

Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6266
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6266
Natasha Williams

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