- Karl taking too much pride in the Blokes Club
- Lyn telling Paul he should just leave Rebecca alone
- Rebecca telling Michael she's putting plans in motion for their future
- Jade confronting Lucas about his hidden money
Number 30
Jade returns from a jog and apologises to Toadie if she caused him any grief over the whole Lucas thing. Toadie says that Lucas is a good guy and thinks Jade is very similar to him, which is probably why they clash. He adds that Lucas had his issues in the past but everything's great now. Sonya walks out to see if they're OK, but Toadie says they're fine.
Harold's Store - Next Morning
Declan grabs a coffee from Lou before sitting down with his fellow Blokes Club members - Karl, Zeke and Michael - for a meeting. Karl's put himself in charge due to Lucas's absence so they can chat about a working bee for the shed. Sonya notices Toadie longingly eavesdropping on them from another table and encourages him to join in, but he pretends he's not interested.
Paul strolls in, looking for Lyn, and can't help throwing a snide remark the club's way much to Michael's annoyance. Michael's patience is tested further when he overhears Paul talking happily on the phone to Rebecca and he sits through the rest of the meeting pouting like a petulant toddler.
Number 30
Toadie lauds his Game... OF LIFE! playing prowess over Sonya, who looks as though she just wants to dump the game in the bin. Sonya knows Toadie is bored, however, and suggests they see a movie - or he could even head over to the Blokes Club. Toadie pretends that shed business isn't really his thing, but Sonya can see he's lying and says that she just has to pop down to Harold's for some lunch supplies.
Harold's Store
Sonya has actually called into the store to ask Lou and Karl to take Toadie onboard as a member. Karl goes on about club protocols, but Lou says Toadie should be more than welcome. Sonya sees her sister and wonders why she wasn't around earlier to save her from Toadie's board game fixation.
JADE: Son, it's not just any board game, it's...
SONYA: It's driving me nuts.
Sonya asks if Jade wants to do some shopping with her, but Jade's just seen Lucas walk in and gets her scheming face on, declining the shopping offer.
Lassiter's Complex
Jade chases after Lucas (first waiting for Karl to stop harassing him about the Blokes Club) and offers her hundredth apology for the week. Lucas is understandably cool towards her at first, but Jade really works at it, and says she should have given him more of a fair go. She offers to buy him lunch later and Lucas grudgingly accepts, more so to get her off his case than anything else.
Number 30
Sonya looks as though she's fallen into a board game coma, so she's completely relieved when Lou and Karl appear to offer Toadie membership into the club. Toadie tries to play it cool but inside he's stoked. Karl warns Toadie that there's an initiation process involved, but Toadie's like, "Bring it on!"... although he may need some help reaching his crutches first.
Charlie's Bar
Michael finds Rebecca and asks if they can have a quick chat in the office. He confesses that this whole 'wait it out' thing is driving him crazy.
MICHAEL: I heard Paul talking on the phone to you earlier. The way he spoke... I could have decked him.
REBECCA: Yeah but Michael you can't think of it like that.
MICHAEL: I know, I know, it's just.. It should be me.
REBECCA: It will be. This is not easy for me either, you know that. It's just going to take some time.
MICHAEL: And I'll wait, but I can't promise I'll be patient.
Rebecca takes hold of his hands, but they have to break apart when they hear Paul approaching. Rebecca pretends that she was going over a new school lunch plan with Michael. She grabs her bag to have lunch with Paul and Michael can't help looking put out.
In the bar, Jade (wearing a top that pretty much looks like curtains for her bra) orders two parmas for herself and Lucas and tells him they should play some pool while they wait. As the game progresses, Lucas looks as though he's chilling out a bit more, but Jade has a sneaky plan in mind. She brings out a $20 note and suggests they make the game more interesting. Lucas is onto her right away.
LUCAS: That's really cheap.
JADE: Well we can make it fifty if you like?
LUCAS: No, you're really cheap.
He walks out leaving Jade to dwell on her failed plan.
Number 30
Lucas bursts in and accuses Sonya of sending Jade to spy on him. This is news to Sonya, however, as she protests her innocence. Lucas doesn't believe her though and angrily tells her to back off and leave him alone.
First Commercial Break
Number 30
Jade knows she's in trouble but she tells Sonya she was only looking out for her. Sonya reminds her sister that putting pressure on an addict can cause a relapse, but Jade tells her she found a lot of money hidden away at the garage. Although Sonya's concerned, she's still determined to trust Lucas and tells Jade to stay out of his business. Jade's all, "Fine", but you know that's not the end of things.
Charlie's Bar
The Blokes Club boys have made Toadie wear the galah mascot head from Lou's car yard in the bar as part of his initiation. The men kill themselves laughing when Toadie goes to order drinks at the bar - chirping and squawking all the way. Michael says he has to head home to do work, but gets distracted on the way out when he sees Paul ordering food for a dinner with Rebecca. Declan and Rebecca also catch on to Michael's staring and become slightly alarmed. Michael tries to get one over Paul and asks Rebecca to meet him tonight to look over the school menus, but Paul butts in and says he's already got Rebecca booked up.
PAUL: Why don't you go back to your little club and play? Let Rebecca get back to work.
MICHAEL: What are you, her minder?
PAUL: I'm her husband.
Declan quickly intervenes before things get out of hand and asks Michael if he's coming down to the shed. Michael says he's going to head home, throwing a glare at Paul on his way out. Meanwhile back in bird land, Toadie asks if his initiation is over, but Lou says it's only the beginning.
Blokes Club HQ
Basically, the guys tell Toadie that the shed needs a complete overhaul - the coffee table needs mending, things need to be painted etc. Toadie reminds them that he's pretty useless on his crutches, but the guys just grin and tell him he'll work something out. They all walk out to leave him to his own devices.
KARL: No one said it was going to be easy.
LOU: Nothing worthwhile ever is (cue evil laughter)
Charlie's Bar
Declan tells Zeke he better head back to work but to let him know how Toadie gets on. Zeke joins Karl and Lou, who are wondering if they should check on Toadie. But Lucas reckons they should give him another couple of hours at least. Lucas leaves, bumping into Jade on his way. Jade says that Sonya had nothing to do with her stunt earlier and Lucas replies that he should have known.
LUCAS: I can see why Sonya didn't want you hanging around.
JADE: I'm not the one with the gambling problem, Lucas.
LUCAS: You've got no idea what you're talking about.
JADE: Look, Sonya might be willing to cut you some slack because of your problem, but I'm not. Being friends with you is the last thing she needs.
LUCAS: Sonya's a big girl, she can make up her own mind who her friends are.
JADE: Sonya's just loyal so she doesn't see the real you. But I do.
Second Commercial Break
Blokes Club HQ
Karl, Lou and Zeke are completely stunned to find Toadie lounging around on the couch waiting for them with an esky full of beer. The shed is spick and span, and although the men are suss on how Toadie accomplished everything himself, they can't deny his membership any further. Welcome to the club, Toad. Remember not to talk about your feelings... Or your attachment to romantic comedy DVDs.
Number 32
Michael's half- heartedly doing some paperwork while listening to a record. He smiles as he remembers dancing with Rebecca in the lounge room. But when he gets a text from Zeke about joining them for some celebratory drinks at Charlie's his face falls. Being in the bar so close, yet so far from Rebecca is a torturous idea.
Number 30
Toadie gleefully tells Sonya that he called in some favours owing to him to get all the stuff done in the shed. He notices a weird vibe between her and Jade and asks if everything's OK. But Sonya replies that it's nothing important and insists he go out with the guys and have some fun.
Charlie's Bar
Karl introduces Toadie as "our newest brother" to the rest of the club and asks Lucas if he'd like to make a speech to mark the occasion.
LUCAS: Welcome aboard, mate.
TOADIE: (laughing) Thanks, mate.
Toadie tells them he's jotted a few ideas down of things that could be introduced to the shed, but the boys tell the newbie to hold his horses. Especially when they hear one of the ideas is about board games. Michael notices Paul and Rebecca walk in, talking about their plans for after dinner and looks tense. Declan intervenes yet again and tries to distract Michael by talking about school. It works for a while and Michael asks Declan if he'd like to come and speak to the students on careers day this Friday. Declan's genuinely pleased until he realises he'll be busy that day.
PAUL: I don't mind stepping in.
MICHAEL: Nah, we'll be fine.
PAUL: Come on, I'm a newspaper editor and I own a major hotel. You don't want to think about that for a minute before dismissing it out of hand?
MICHAEL: I'm not going to let someone like you near my kids.
PAUL: What is your problem?
MICHAEL: You are.
PAUL: I insult your little club a few times and you can't handle it?
MICHAEL: You're a deluded, arrogant little man.
Declan stops Michael before he can advance on Paul. Rebecca quickly pushes Paul away while Declan has to force Michael outside. The Blokes Club members all have identical, 'What the hell just happened?' looks on their faces.
Third Commercial Break
Lassiter's Complex
Declan forces Michael into the walkway between the law firm and Harold's - the perfect place to have a heated public argument about covert affairs.
DECLAN: Do you even realise how dangerous this is for her? You can't keep acting like a jealous boyfriend every time you see her with Paul.
MICHAEL: Alright, I lost my cool.
DECLAN: That is not an option.
MICHAEL: You know you've got no idea what's going on between Rebecca and me.
DECLAN: (scoffing) Give me a break, mate.
MICHAEL: This is none of your business.
DECLAN: It is my business when I have to break up public fights. I told you how dangerous this was right from the start.
MICHAEL: She doesn't love him. She shouldn't be with him!
DECLAN: That's not your call, it's mum's! You either suck it up or you walk away.
Michael tries to push past Declan, but he won't let him by. Just as Michael's yelling at him to get out of the way, Rebecca and Paul walk by to see what all the commotion's about.
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
(Paul gloats to Rebecca about the fight)
PAUL: Declan and I have something in common after all - we both hate the school principal.
(Declan chats to his mum about what really went on)
DECLAN: He was being too obvious, mum. You saw him, he's going to blow it.
REBECCA: I'll handle Michael.
(Michael angrily trashes some things around in his lounge room)
(The return of the hilarious moron himself - Kyle! - who is looking for a job with Lou)
LOU: I can tell a good one just by looking at him... Thanks for your time.
(Sophie and Callum try to help Kyle out)
SOPHIE: What you need is help on the inside.
KYLE: You're just kids.
CALLUM: Desperate kids.
SOPHIE: With a plan.
(Lyn confides in Rebecca again about her Paul problems)
LYN: You'll help me?
REBECCA: No one deserves to be treated like this.
(Declan's worried about his mum)
DECLAN: Why can't you stay out of it?
REBECCA: I'm not going to let him manipulate her like that.
(But has her plan backfired?)
PAUL: Was that your little plan was it?
PAUL: You tell the truth, Rebecca.