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Neighbours Episode 5954 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5953 - 5955>>
Episode title: 5954
Australian airdate: 24/06/10
UK airdate: 12/08/10
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Lee Rogers
Guests: Chris Pappas: James Mason
John Bradley: Laurence Brewer
Gemma Pickford: Polita Cameron
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Susan doing her presentation and telling Gemma off for texting.
- Susan gets abuse on her Facebook page.
- Tash taunts Summer for not getting more physical with Chris.
Harold's Store
Andrew tells Tash off for having a go at Summer in public, but she is unrepentant. At a table, Chris gently tells Summer not to let Natasha get to her. Anyway, it's not true (what she said about Summer being frosty).
They've missed the movie they were going to see, but Summer doesn't care - she's not really in the mood.
When Chris has gone, Steph comes in and sits down with Summer.
SUMMER: Do you think I can be...frosty?
STEPH: I'm not sure I...
SUMMER: Natasha thinks that's why Chris isn't all over me.
STEPH: For starters, you are a beautiful, smart, young woman. Secondly, Natasha's hardly an expert on *anything*.
SUMMER: Yeah, but her and Andrew are...
STEPH: Doesn't make her an expert. If Chris didn't like you for who you are, you wouldn't still be together.
SUMMER: But should we be together, or should we just...be friends?
STEPH: Well, that's something only you can decide, Summ. You've just got to make your own rules and forget what other people think.
SUMMER: You reckon?
STEPH: Yeah, I know!
SUMMER: Yeah. Yeah, just cos you're not getting all physical with a guy, doesn't make it not real, right?
STEPH: Right!
SUMMER: Thanks.
Someone bumps into Chris and knocks his books out of his hand, and Michael helps him pick them up.
Summer comes over and kisses Chris. Natasha is watching and calls her pathetic.
CHRIS: This isn't about last night, is it? Because you don't have to prove anything to me...
SUMMER: No, you're my boyfriend. I just wanted to kiss you that's all.
CHRIS: Any time!
He suggests that they do something to "celebrate" - he'll think of something.
Harold's Store
Donna shows Libby her engagement ring and there is much cooing. Ringo wants to keep the ceremony small, but Donna wants everyone to be there! Karl, Susan and Zeke are there too. Susan has decided to hold an afternoon tea at Harold's Store for her Uni class, but no- one has accepted her invitation. She's keen to get on with her classmates and have "vigorous discussions" with them(!) Finally a reply comes in, but it's blank.
Summer and Chris are laughing casually together while Natasha watches on and says they're so fake. Andrew takes Chris off and Natasha goes over to Summer. She has another go at her.
NATASHA: So, what's the big date tonight? Milkshakes at Harold's?
SUMMER: It's nothing you'd understand, Natasha. We're doing something special.
NATASHA: Special?
ANDREW: Special, eh? So what have you got in mind?
CHRIS: No idea. Luna Park?
CHRIS: Dinner?
NATASHA: You know what 'special' means, don't you?
SUMMER: That's not *all* it means!
NATASHA: I just hope you're ready!
SUMMER: I have nothing to worry about, Natasha.
NATASHA: Because it's a big step.
SUMMER: You know what? Everything's going to be fine. Because Chris actually likes me for who I am, and not just what I can do for him.
She walks off.
CHRIS: You can do that? Get us a room?
ANDREW: Yeah, for a couple of hours.
CHRIS: I don't know if that's really Summer style, might seem a bit sleazy.
ANDREW: Not if there's, like, candles.
CHRIS: Candles? It would still be light.
ANDREW: Mate, chicks love that sort of stuff, trust me.
CHRIS: Well, I don't know if we're...if she's ready.
ANDREW: She was all over you before! Look, just trust me on this, alright. Make it an afternoon the two of you will never forget.
University Caféteria
Declan, Donna and Zeke are worried about Susan, who is sitting on her own. Susan calls Zeke over as her computer has broken - apparently Susan has opened an attachment with a virus on it. Susan is horrified - she's got an essay due today and she doesn't have a back- up.
Summer wants Steph to ring Chris and say she's sick(!) She's very nervous.
SUMMER: What if Natasha's right, what if he wants more from me?
STEPH: If you don't, you tell him! It's your decision, Summ, not Chris's and definitely not Natasha's!
SUMMER: I still feel sick!
But she does manage a wry smile.
University Caféteria
Zeke has lent Susan his laptop to use while hers is under repair. Susan looks upset. She logs into her email and receives another message - "LEAVE UNI OR YOU'LL REGRET IT"
She looks around the room nervously.
25th Anniversary picture - Christina, Glen, Toby with Joe and Melanie at their wedding in 1991.
University Tutorial
Susan tells her lecturer that she can't give her essay in. He is very understanding and says he'll make an exception for her. Susan is a diligent student and being a mature age student isn't easy. They laugh about "this generation".
SUSAN: Gratitude and respect, you should do a course in that, I can think of a few students who would benefit!
In the background, the camera which was recording the lecture is still running. Gemma comes in and takes the card out of the camera.
University Caféteria - outside
Donna is talking to Zeke about Susan. She wants to do something to help her. Gemma comes along in the background and Zeke explains that Gemma has been nasty to Susan. Donna immediately goes over to confront Gemma! Gemma says that Susan is a try- hard and she should try to chill out. Donna tells her that Susan is an amazing person who has been through so much - also, she's LostBoy's mum. She points Zeke out as LostBoy. Gemma tells her that noone is going to go to a daggy tea- party.
DONNA:(going back to sit with Zeke) It's not her. She's way too up- front. Susan's stalker wouldn't bag her out in front of everyone.
ZEKE: OK, so what now?
DONNA: We oragnise something else!
Harold's Store
Libby tells Susan that she *must* go to the police about the horrible emails. Toadie comes up and tells them that the police can't do anything until something happened. He says that Susan should start logging all the evidence.
Zeke calls Susan and asks her to meet him back at the Uni.
At another table, Andrew tells Natasha that he's got a free hotel room at Lassiter's for Chris.
NATASHA: Summer'll freak!
ANDREW: And Chris will end up looking like a complete tool.
NATASHA: It's perfect!
He kisses her on the cheek.
Summer approaches the door of the hotel room looking very wound up. She knocks the door and Chris answers it - he's set the room up with candles.
SUMMER: Candles?
CHRIS: Yeah!
SUMMER: It's the middle of the afternoon!
CHRIS: Well...
SUMMER: Right, I get it. This is what you think I want.
She takes a dozen red roses out of a vase.
CHRIS: I thought you'd want to spend some time alone.
SUMMER: Yeah, not like this! You might as well have painted a big arrow and pointed it to the bed. You know, I thought you knew me, but...
She starts to walk towards the door.
CHRIS: It's not like that.
SUMMER: No, I can't do this.
CHRIS: Wait.
He shows her some DVDs that he's got.
SUMMER: Oh, Chris, I am not falling for that.
CHRIS: Come on, Summer.
SUMMER: No, you boys are all the same, I don't know why I thought you were any different.
CHRIS: They're zombie movies, not date movies!
SUMMER: No! They're my favourite movies which *makes* them date movies, and you know that. I can't do this, I should never have said yes.
CHRIS: Wait, wait, Summer! Please stay. Just DVDs and pizza, I promise. (Stricken) Don't you trust me?
Summer and Chris are sitting on the bed watching zombie movies.
SUMMER: Is that the werewolf?
CHRIS: No, he's the one in the raincoat.
The characters in the movie scream.
CHRIS: I think this is the scariest movie I've ever seen.
SUMMER: Me too!
They wince at the action in the movie.
SUMMER: I think I almost screamed!
CHRIS: Yes, me too!
They kiss gently.
CHRIS:(awkwardly) Should we stop the DVD?
SUMMER: Um, I kind of want to know what happens.
CHRIS: Me, too.
They settle down together, smiling.
University - outside
A DJ from PirateNet has set up his stuff and there are a load of Uni students hanging around. Donna tells them to spread it round that Susan organised it, even though it was Zeke!
Susan looks nervous, but then Gemma comes over and offers to get her a drink.
Harold's Store
Michael sees Libby and asks her to do some admin work with him. She tells him in no uncertain terms that she's on her own time and she'll look at it in school hours!
Toadie comes over and tells Libby that he's running background checks on the students in Susan's class.
Summer and Chris come in holding hands, and Natasha and Andrew, who are at a table see them.
NATASHA: That was quick! I guess "special time" wasn't so special.
Summer and Chris come over to their table.
NATASHA: How was your date?
SUMMER: Oh, you know...
NATASHA: "Special" enough?
SUMMER: It was, actually.
Chris gives Andrew the room key back.
CHRIS: Thanks, mate.
ANDREW: You could have had it for a couple more hours if you wanted it.
CHRIS: Oh that's fine. (to Summer) We're good, aren't we?
SUMMER: We're great.
NATASHA: So, what did you get up to?
SUMMER: Watched movies, we talked...
CHRIS: Yep, that's about it.
SUMMER: Yeah, you should try it some time. (to Andrew) Thanks for that.
Natasha and Andrew look quite put out that their plan has backfired!
University - outside
Susan is talking to some students in her tutorial group about working for Paul Robinson. They are getting on very well now. Susan offers to get Gemma some work experience on the paper, but just then, some voices are played over the tannoy - it's the recorded conversation that student had with her lecturer earlier, all about how the younger generation are not respectful and didn't want to attend her afternoon tea. The students Susan are talking to get up and walk off.
SUSAN: It's not how it sounds!
No.28, evening
Karl, Susan, Zeke, Libby, Donna, Ringo and Toadie are gathered. They can't understand who could have recorded Susan's conversation. Karl doesn't want Susan to go back to University until this is all resolved. Susan refuses, saying she won't be bullied by anyone.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Callum practising his comedy routine.
- Callum doing his act outside Lassiter's - Steph telling him off.
- Libby wants Susan to report abusive text messages.
- Susan confronts her class.
- Susan is followed by a stalker in a car.
<<5953 - 5955>>
Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5954
Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland

Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5954
Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland

Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5954
Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams

Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5954
Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Libby Kennedy

Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5954
Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5954
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 5954
Andrew Robinson, Chris Pappas

Declan Napier, Susan Kennedy, Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5954
Declan Napier, Susan Kennedy, Donna Freedman, Zeke Kinski

Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5954
Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland

 in Neighbours Episode 5954

Susan Kennedy, John Bradley in Neighbours Episode 5954
Susan Kennedy, John Bradley

Donna Freedman, Gemma Pickford in Neighbours Episode 5954
Donna Freedman, Gemma Pickford

Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5954
Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 5954
Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas

Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 5954
Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas

Donna Freedman, Declan Napier, Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5954
Donna Freedman, Declan Napier, Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski

Libby Kennedy, Michael Williams, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5954
Libby Kennedy, Michael Williams, Toadie Rebecchi

Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5954
Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson

Gemma Pickford, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5954
Gemma Pickford, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 5954

Toadie Rebecchi, Ringo Brown, Libby Kennedy, Donna Freedman, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5954
Toadie Rebecchi, Ringo Brown, Libby Kennedy, Donna Freedman, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Zeke Kinski

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5954
Susan Kennedy

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