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Neighbours Episode 5955 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5954 - 5956>>
Episode title: 5955
Australian airdate: 25/06/10
UK airdate: 13/08/10
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Lee Rogers
Guests: John Bradley: Laurence Brewer
Gemma Pickford: Polita Cameron
Rob Fedele: Djon Alexander
Summary/Images by: KiKi/Graham
Callum tells Kate he's a funny guy.
Susan refuses to be scared by the messages she's got from the cyber- bully.
Donna tells Gemma she'd be proud to sit with Susan in class.
Susan's conversation about respect is played across the uni campus.
Karl doesn't want Susan to go back to the campus until they know who's doing this to her.
Susan refuses to be bullied.
Libby is glad that Susan's standing on her principles, but is worried for her safety, as is Karl. At another table, Lucas and Michael are chatting, and Michael gets a text from Tash with a video of Susan attached.
Back at the Kennedy table:
SUSAN: I think I might have the salad.
KARL: With a side- serve of denial...
Karl promises to drop it, but no chance of that as Lucas comes over to offer his help if there's anything he can do. Michael shows her the phone message of her in the uni courtyard. Karl says this must be what it means to 'go viral'. Susan finally admits that she'll go and talk to someone at uni. Libby calls Zeke to let him know. He obviously doesn't have much else to do this episode, then.
Eden University
Susan, Karl, Libby and Zeke are talking to her tutor, Jon, about the situation, and Susan insists that she wants to deal with it without a fuss. Jon says they'll start be talking to Gemma who's the tape logger for the media department. Karl is really sure they should talk to uni management, whilst Jon promises to make some enquiries before taking it further.
Number 28
Karl has made a dinner of pasta - which makes a very distracting noise as it's being ladled out of the dish. Libby thinks that Jon's wrong - they really should go to uni management straight away, confront and hold the bully accountable. The pasta slurps onto Karl's plate.
Susan's phone beeps with a message, and Zeke reads it. He lies to Susan, saying it's just a jumbled message, but Susan sees straight through it and insists on reading it.
"This is just the beginning."
There's no number, which means it was probably sent online. Karl and Libby read it, too, and Karl says it's gone too far. But Susan insists again: she won't give the coward the satisfaction. She slurps the pasta onto her plate, too.
Number 30
Sophie, Cal and Ben are discussing Susan's situation, and not knowing who the bully is. They think they should do something for Susan, and when Steph comes in, Cal suggests they try and cheer Susan up! Steph isn't sure, and tells Cal to stay away from her!
Steph has to go lock up the store for Lyn, so she leaves the kids alone in the house.
Cal tells Sophie and Ben that he's going to ignore Steph. After all, he's a comedy god, and he'll have Susan laughing in no time.
Cut to later where Andrew, Tash, Kate and Summer are sitting on the sofa, watching Callum's routine. Which isn't all that good. Some old standard jokes which aren't going down too well. Tash says it was lame and walks out. Summer tells the kids it was great. Kate tries to encourage Cal by saying that Charlie would love it(!), before dashing to take Ben home. She whispers to Callum that he might not be ready for an adult audience yet!
Summer and Sophie go to grab a drink, which leaves Callum and Andrew. Callum wants honesty: where did he go wrong?
Cut to later where Andrew, Callum, Summer, Tash and Sophie have watched a comedy film, and Cal thinks it's hilarious. Tash declares that she's bored already and walks out - again. Andrew stays to help Callum get to realise what's funny. He reminds Cal that Seth Rogan started in comedy when he was 13 years old.
Callum's eyes light up.
Number 28
Susan is reading something on her laptop late at night when Karl comes up behind her and quietly puts a hand on her shoulder, making her jump. She quickly pulls the laptop screen down as Karl asks what she's working on. Susan vaguely responds that she's catching up on reading. As Karl goes off to bed, Susan pulls the screen up again - and she's reading articles on cyber- bullying (with a nice little in- joke with a picture of one of the post- production team).
As Susan reads, an Erinsmail live chat message appears. Note that Susan does an awful lot of typing for just a few words.
WATCHING YOU: Don't push me.
SUSAN: Who are you?
WATCHING YOU: I mean it. That tape was just the beginning.
Susan starts to look frightened, and shuts the laptop lid.
Cut to the next morning (thank you, stock shot) and Susan is calling around her classmates to explain to them what happened. None of them want to know and put the phone down on her. Karl offers to call the next person, and wonders if she should leave it until things have settled down a bit.
Zeke and Ben come out of their bedrooms, and Susan has an idea: she'll confront them. She'll do a presentation on cyber- bullying in front of them, call it like it is in front of the actual bully. Lib thinks it could work, but Karl isn't sure she should antagonise them. Zeke says he'll bring people for moral support.
Eden University
Jon asks Susan how she is and she says she's fine, and ready to give the presentation. Jon also says that he spoke to Gemma and the memory card was returned to the archive so they don't know who had it. He'll keep digging, though.
Susan starts her presentation, thanking them for coming. She flicks through her notes then decides not to use them, and instead tells them what's been happening to her. She's been subjected to cyber- bullying; she received an abusive and personal reply, lost all her computer files with a virus. And now bullying has turned into harassment, and now into direct threats - and her peers believe the worst of her. She asks how to fight someone when you don't know who they are? Susan says that you confront them: you show them you're not afraid and you don't let them beat you. She warns them: she won't let it beat her.
Harold's Store
Karl - with the regulation large spongy red nose - runs into Steph, Sophie and Callum who all smile. Lucas is also wearing one, but Callum tells Steph that that kind of humour isn't very funny. Steph reminds him humour is subjective before going to get a drink.
Callum arrogantly tells Sophie that what *is* funny is his new routine. Sophie tells him that if Kate and Steph find out they watched MA movies they'll freak out. Callum says he's saving the truth for school, so no adults will ever need know.
Erinsborough High School
Steph has arrived to see Michael - and Callum. Michael called because Cal was charging kids to listen to his comedy routine, which had a lot of 'adult' content in it. Steph is furious with Cal, and apologises to Michael for it.
STEPH: Callum, this is not on.
CALLUM: I was born to do comedy. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Number 30
Callum is being very rude to Steph, refusing to talk to her about it. He'll only talk to Toadie. Steph tells Callum that it's not about being funny, it's that he's a kid and he shouldn't be using that sort of adult humour.
Steph bans any more routines and grown- up movies.
Libby is watching Callum do a stand- up routine, and has called Steph because she found out from Michael what happened at school. Steph arrives, and goes to interrupt. Callum is also using Sophie to collect money for red nose day, and the teens watch on.
TASH: You have created a monster.
ANDREW: I have created a star! I should be getting a cut.
Steph interrupts Callum's snot routine, and tells him to give everyone a refund. Cal declares that Steph is so embarrassing, and she says she's not: she's angry.
STEPH: I told you, mate, no more routines.
CALLUM: I heard you. But I'm going to keep doing this whether you like it or not. You can't watch me all day every day. He goes off with Sophie to get a drink.
Libby appears.
LIBBY: Looks like someone's become a teenager.
Eden Uni
Zeke, Donna and Kate tell Susan how awesome she was in class, and as another student passes her, he says he's sorry for what she's been going through. Rejuvenated, Susan checks her phone and has no messages. They're all pleased for her, and Zeke suggests going for coffee. They all agree except Susan who's tired and says she's off home.
A road in Erinsborough
Susan's on her way home, talking to Karl on her phone, saying how well the talk went. As she's finishing the conversation, she notices a black car driving very slowly and very deliberately behind her. She brushes it off at first, but when she crosses the road and takes a turn, it follows her. She starts to panic, walking quickly away.
Number 28
Susan arrives home, rushing in, flustered and breathing in a panicky manner. She goes straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Karl comes out the bedroom, ushering Ben off outside to feed the chooks, and asks Susan if she's alright. She says she's fine, and Karl takes a box of junk to the garage.
After he leaves, Susan gets another two messages:
"Didn't scare you, did I?"
"Wait 'til you see what's next."
Susan begins to really panic and calls her tutor, leaving a message to say that she won't be at her Media Ethics lecture. More and more agitated, she pulls her laptop out her bag and throws that and her phone into one of the wicker baskets under the side table. Standing up, she brings her hand to her face, in a state.
Karl walks in concerned, and Susan turns round, reaching out for him. He pulls her into a hug.
<<5954 - 5956>>
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5955
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Lucas Fitzgerald, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5955
Lucas Fitzgerald, Michael Williams

Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, John Bradley in Neighbours Episode 5955
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, John Bradley

 in Neighbours Episode 5955

Zeke Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5955
Zeke Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Sophie Ramsay, Callum Jones, Natasha Williams, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 5955
Sophie Ramsay, Callum Jones, Natasha Williams, Ben Kirk

Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 5955
Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay, Ben Kirk

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Kate Ramsay, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5955
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Kate Ramsay, Summer Hoyland

Callum Jones, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5955
Callum Jones, Andrew Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 5955

Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Ben Kirk, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5955
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Ben Kirk, Zeke Kinski

Gemma Pickford in Neighbours Episode 5955
Gemma Pickford

Donna Freedman, Kate Ramsay, Gemma Pickford, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5955
Donna Freedman, Kate Ramsay, Gemma Pickford, Zeke Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 5955
Karl Kennedy, Callum Jones

Callum Jones, Michael Williams, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5955
Callum Jones, Michael Williams, Steph Scully

Callum Jones, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5955
Callum Jones, Steph Scully

Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5955
Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Kate Ramsay, Zeke Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5955
Kate Ramsay, Zeke Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Donna Freedman

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5955
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5955
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

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