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Neighbours Episode 5672 from 2009 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5671 - 5673>>
Episode title: 5672
Australian airdate: 21/04/09
UK airdate:
Writer: Michaeley O'Brien
Director: Adrian Holmes
Guests: Snr. Sgt. Belinda Caskey
Guy Sykes: Fletcher Humphrys
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Zeke recognising the stolen money.
- The sting operation to catch Guy failing.
Callum freaking out after seeing Guy walk across the bottom of Ramsay Street.
- Callum imagining that Toadie is Guy.
- Callum finally telling Toadie about seeing Guy.
- Callum finding Guy in Number 30 and trying to reassure himself that it's just a dream.
Number 30
Toadie tries to get rid of Guy saying that he doesn't have $20k. Guy replies that since Toadie is a 'hot shot lawyer' he'll be able to get the money, menacingly adding that he isn't leaving until he gets the money "and will do whatever it takes to get my money" looking straight at Callum. Finally Toadie agrees to give him the money but that won't be until tomorrow when the banks open.
GUY: Well we'd better settle in then.
TOADIE: You can't stay here all night?
GUY: (sarcastically) Sure we can, we can make a night of it. We could have some pizzas, watch some DVDs.
He then orders Toadie to sit down adding that they can reminisce about old times and Guy threatens him with more of the same if he tries anything.
Number 28
Susan has feed the masses and meal over, the teens head to the lounge while Steph and Libby volunteer to help Susan with the dishes. Steph quizzes Libby why she didn't go for the Principals job and she replies that she chose the work-life balance and Steph adds that she's felt better too since selling Charlie's.
Dan surprises the teens by announcing that Zeke and Sunny have scored the lead roles in the school play and the adults seem happier than the leading cast do at the news! "I can't believe I have to spend the whole play with him" is Sunny's take on it (and why Zeke got the role) to Didge and Declan when Zeke decides he needs some fresh air. Didge doesn't dish the sympathy out though - telling everyone to quit their complaining.
Number 26
Didge uses avoidance tactics to avoid talking to Declan but eventually she is forced to confess what's up - the play is going to collide with her due date. Dec reminds her that she can still be involved somehow, citing those that appear in the credits that Ten normally squash up so small that we can't read them outwith the cast. This pleases her and she invites him to stay the night. "I'll stay as long as you want me to," he replies before hugging her.
Number 30
Well the fun atmosphere Guy promised isn't happening as we head back to #30 and Callum remarks that even Bob is scared. Toadie wants to relieve Callum from some of the tension by putting him to bed but before Guy responds, they hear Ben, Libby and Dan returning home and Guy orders Toadie to get rid of them and to make sure he does, he indicates that something will happen to Callum if he doesn't carry out his wishes.
The pair of them hide and Toadie goes to meet his housemates. He tries to put them off coming in (that Callum has got a sickness bug) but equally trying to drop hints that Guy is around too (by continually saying 'Guy' into the conversation), which they fail to pick up on. Toadie literally shuts the door on them although Dan concedes that something isn't right as they head off towards #28.
Number 28/Number 30
Dan tries to call Toadie (because he knows something is up) but Guy tells him not to answer and when Dan hangs up, puts the mobile high on a shelf.
Pirate Net/Number 28
Zeke uses his radio broadcast to talk about bullies and like Toadie, keeps saying 'guy' and this strikes accord with Dan who is listening to the broadcast and wonders to Libby if Toadie was trying to say something to them.
DAN: What if Guy Sykes is there?
LIBBY: In the house? (pause) He wouldn't be, would he?
Dan wants to call the police to be on the safeside.
Number 30
Guy is trying (and failing) to relax his hostages and he grabs Toadie's laptop but when he switches it on, he isn't amused to hear Pirate Net.
Number 28
Looks like everyone is listening to Zeke's broadcast as Ringo and Sunny tune in too.
Pirate Net
Zeke continues his rant about bullies and decides to call his hypothetical bully 'Guy'.
Number 30
Guy and his hostages listen to Zeke's rant and Toadie tries to say that the 'Guy' he is referring to isn't the one holding them hostage. They get a surprise visitor though - the police! Being blunter this time, Guy tells Toadie to get rid of them or he loses 'mini-me'.
Toadie runs to the door and reassures the Senior Sergeant that everything is cool but she barges her way in to make sure everything really is okay.
Number 28
The Senior Sergeant reports back to Dan that all is well at #30 - that there is no sign of Guy and Toadie said he hasn't seen him. Dan apologises for calling but she's cool with it, replying better safe then sorry.
Number 30
Guy makes himself comfortable on the sofa alongside the scared Toadie and Callum.
Number 26 (next day)
Declan is treating Didge to a freshly made pancake breakfast and she casually says that she is going to expect this every day if he moves back in. Declan is happy to move back in and agrees to bringing her tea in bed every day.
Ramsay Street
Guy watches unseen as Libby collects the newspaper from #30's letterbox.
Number 30
Guy rouses his hostages from their sleep but Toadie wants Callum to be allowed to sleep since the banks don't open until 9am however Guy wants Toadie to be first in the queue and as insurance, he is going to stay behind with Callum. Callum doesn't want that to happen and Guy doesn't like Toadie's idea of them all going and instead orders Toadie to get moving.
Ramsay Street
Zeke spots Libby on the street as he comes home, wondering what she is doing outside so early. "You won't believe this" she begins.
Number 30/Ramsay Street
Toadie reassures a very scared Callum that he'll be as quick as he can and that he won't let anything happen to him. The house then receives an early morning visitor - Zeke - and Guy threatens them not to say a word.
Zeke is being persistent though and calls Toadie's mobile which he can hear ringing outside so knows he is home. Toadie whispers to Guy that not answering is making things worse so he reluctantly returns the phone to Toadie so he can answer.
Toadie explains to Zeke that they are sick with chicken pox and are laying low for a while. Zeke queries this, saying that Toadie told the others that it was a stomach bug but Toadie hangs up on Zeke after saying that Callum is throwing up again since Guy wanted the call to end although he is miffed at how long the conversation went on when he does hang up.
Ramsay Street
Zeke is still curious and Guy watches him as he walks away from the house.
Number 30
Toadie (and Callum) spot the cricket bat lying against the unit but Guy joins them on the sofa so they can't do anything.
Ramsay Street
Zeke confirms to Dan and Libby that Guy is in #30 thanks to the slip up with the chicken pox that Toadie did and that he is sure someone else is in the house. Dan wants to head over but Libby stops him so they can call the police although he isn't sure that they will believe them.
ZEKE: We'll have to make them.
Ramsay Street
Break over and Ringo is trying to see what is going on at #30 while Dan and Libby are calling the police. Sunny comes out to hang out with them and Ringo queries the wisdom of them being outside since Guy is dangerous but Zeke replies that he wants to keep watch on the house to make sure Guy doesn't escape.
Number 30
Toadie tells Guy that he doesn't want to leave Callum but Guy isn't in the mood to discuss it and orders him to go and get the money without talking to "any of those idiots".
Ramsay Street
Zeke warns Sunny off of staring at the house in case he twigs that they are onto him as Steph arrives seeking confirmation that Toadie and Callum are being held hostage. The silence confirms it and she begins to worry, remembering what happened the last time.
Susan appears to order everyone inside and doesn't take kindly to Ringo's plan of trapping Guy inside until the police arrive. Libby agrees with the boys' plan, saying that Guy won't make a move with everyone outside having an innocent game of footy. "You know what happened to Toadie the last time" Susan reminds her daughter. Steph confirms to Libby that their boys are safe with Rebecca and Susan again orders everyone inside despite Sunny joking (I hope!) that she wants to stay outside to "see the action."
Zeke refuses to budge and Steph volunteers to stay with him (she's looking rather shell-shocked over what is going on) as the others head into #28.
Number 30
Sirens can be heard and Guy is annoyed at his plan to get the money being foiled. Toadie tries to calm Guy down (and for Callum to be released) while subtly mentioning to Callum about the cricket bat. Callum picks up on it and starts to head over to where the bat is.
Ramsay Street
The police have arrived in full force and are trying to call Toadie on his mobile. The Senior Sergeant tells Zeke to step back from the footpath as Susan and Libby appear. She confirms that the phone isn't being answered and tells Susan that the plan is to wait. "But anything could be happening in there" says Zeke and the Sergeant replies that they'll keep trying.
Number 30
Toadie is trying to get Guy to turn himself in as the Sergeant uses a bullhorn to communicate with them. Guy refuses to hand himself in because he doesn't want to go back to prison and unseen by Guy, Toadie looks at the cricket bat trying to formulate a plan.
Ramsay Street
Despite the RSR's wanting something done, the Sergeant is trying to keep everyone calm and Steph takes offence at her calling Guy 'Mr Sykes'.
STEPH: He's not Mr Sykes, he's a lunatic. We've been through this before. (Getting upset) Listen, you need to do something and you need to do it now.
We then hear Toadie telling Callum to run and he appears gingerly from the house before sprinting over to where Steph hug/catches him, wanting to know what is happening inside and if Toadie is alright.
Steph then hears a noise and it's immediately followed by an explosion (like a gun going off) and everyone wonders what is happening.
Number 30
Toadie has Guy pinned to the floor telling him that he shouldn't have come back but this time the police arrive before Guy can free himself.
A relieved Callum and Steph enter the house (everyone else is being kept outside) and the lad immediately hugs his dad as the police read Guy his rights. Steph is relived to see Toadie relatively okay (he's got a mark on his face) and Guy smirks that it was "nothing personal, just business" before the police frogmarch him out of the house. Before the Sergeant leaves too, she says that she wants the two of them taken to the hospital to get checked out prior to being interviewed.
Whatever happened inside has left the house in a bit of a mess and Steph jokes that they'll need a working bee to sort the house out.
TOADIE: (playing it cool) Looks much the same.
Toadie sends Callum out and Steph follows after getting a hug from Toadie but he looks rather on edge.
Ramsay Street
Toadie arrives to see Guy being driven away in the back of a police car and to shake Zeke's hand for working it all out. Zeke plays it cool, saying that it was Dan and Libby who sussed it out and Susan says that they are currently being interviewed by the police.
The four of them (Steph is there too) begin to head into #28 so they can collect Callum before she will drive them to the hospital but Zeke stops to fend off Lucas and Elle who obviously want the scoop of the year for the paper.
ELLE: Zeke, this is a really big story.
ZEKE: Is that all you care about?
ELLE: (feeling hurt) This is my job.
ZEKE: (angrily) And none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you.
Realising the situation, Lucas pulls Elle away, telling her to leave it. Susan comes to see what Elle wanted and he replies "just Elle being Elle" before refusing her offer of breakfast to go for a walk.
<<5671 - 5673>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Guy Sykes in Neighbours Episode 5672
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Guy Sykes

Callum Jones, Guy Sykes in Neighbours Episode 5672
Callum Jones, Guy Sykes

Sunny Lee, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5672
Sunny Lee, Zeke Kinski

Declan Napier, Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5672
Declan Napier, Bridget Parker

Ben Kirk, Dan Fitzgerald, Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5672
Ben Kirk, Dan Fitzgerald, Libby Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5672
Zeke Kinski

Sunny Lee, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5672
Sunny Lee, Ringo Brown

Guy Sykes in Neighbours Episode 5672
Guy Sykes

Senior Sergeant Elise Caskey, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5672
Senior Sergeant Elise Caskey, Toadie Rebecchi

Declan Napier, Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5672
Declan Napier, Bridget Parker

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5672
Libby Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Guy Sykes in Neighbours Episode 5672
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Guy Sykes

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5672
Zeke Kinski

Libby Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Dan Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 5672
Libby Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Dan Fitzgerald

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5672
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 5672
Callum Jones

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5672
Toadie Rebecchi

Guy Sykes in Neighbours Episode 5672
Guy Sykes

Lucas Fitzgerald, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5672
Lucas Fitzgerald, Elle Robinson

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5672
Zeke Kinski

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