- Guy threatening to come after Callum
- Elle and Lucas stuffing up Zeke's meeting with Guy
- Cass suspecting Donna of stalking her
- Elle protecting Donna by taking the blame
- Lucas arguing with Elle about hiding things from him
Number 22
Lucas stomps downstairs with a bag - he's going to stay the night at his old place. Elle gives her best 'I couldn't care less' sniff. Donna also stomps in with a bag, needing a place to stay after fighting with Cass. Upset, she tells Elle that they have to confess the truth to the police; she wants to prove she can be responsible, unlike her mother. Lucas thinks it's a great idea. Elle promises her they'll sort it out tomorrow, so Donna heads upstairs to use the foot spa. Elle dismisses Lucas, but looks sad after he leaves.
Number 30
Toadie and Callum are watching a horror movie, but Toadie can't hack it and keeps hiding under the doona.
CALLUM: You're such a wuss, Lawman!
TOADIE: (sees something scary and hides again) Eeek!
CALLUM: You've got to stick to your kissy movies if you're going to be like this.
Suddenly, Callum imagines Guy emerging from underneath the doona instead of Toadie and leaps up off the couch, screaming. Toadie wants to know what's wrong, but Callum just rushes off to bed, making sure he has Bob for company.
Harold's Store - Next Morning
Loner Steve asks Toadie to have breakfast with him, but Toadie's only there to get bread for Callum's lunch. They chat footy for a bit until Elle and Donna arrive, wanting a word. Toadie's exasperated when they admit to the switch-a-roo and tells Elle she'll be hit with a charge and a fine for making a false statement. And Donna will get off with a bond, but she'll need extremely good character references.
DONNA: Who's going to write me a character reference?
TOADIE: The one that holds the most weight is normally the victim, so considering you were stalking her...
ELLE: That's going to be tough.
TOADIE: Anyway, I've got to go. Thelma, Louise, we'll be talking.
He heads out and Loner Steve is so lonely he invites Elle and Donna to have brekkie with him, but they're off to the cop shop to retract Elle's plea. Meanwhile, Steve sits with all his mates: Boredom, Depression and Sadness.
Street Somewhere
As Toadie and Callum walk to school a car backfires and Callum jumps out of his skin. He admits to Toadie that he's been having bad dreams, and then freaks out again when he sees Guy cheerily waving at him from across the street. When Toadie looks, however, Guy's gone. Hiding his own panic, Toadie tries to reassure Callum that it's just his imagination, "You don't need to be scared of Guy."
Number 28
Ringo stares disdainfully at himself in the mirror, not liking the fact that he's back in his school uniform. Sunny walks in, all bubbly and chirpy about her first day at Erinsborough High. She unintentionally bugs Ringo by making him think about everything he's lost, so he walks off to school without her. Sunny also manages to make a mess of it with Zeke (who has awesomely hilarious bed hair), by dragging up the whole Guy fiasco. She has the hallway door slammed in her face for her efforts.
Erinsborough High
Sunny hesitantly walks through the school corridor just as some dude bumps into her, sending her books flying. No one helps her. She's extremely relieved to see Donna walk in, but just like the other teens, Donna's in a funky mood. A teacher walks by and Sunny politely bows her head.
SUNNY: Good morning, m'am.
DONNA: Did you just call her m'am?
SUNNY: Yeah at my last school we had to greet teachers respectfully.
DONNA: Well in Australia respect is kinda optional.
Sunny wonders whether Donna will be at the next round of school play auditions, but Donna garbles a response and flees. Zeke finally arrives at school and Sunny snaps at him for not being nice to her, but Zeke snits back that he thought she was so full of herself she'd be fine on her own. She calls him an idiot and marches away.
Number 24
Cass (or more accurately, Boobs McGee) answers the door to Elle, who's there on behalf of Donna to explain the stalking scenario. Elle lets Cass know that in Donna's head, the stalking was a way of bringing them together. She also tries to convince her to write a character reference for her daughter, but Cass is having none of it.
ELLE: This could be a new starting point for you.
CASS: I'm not going to be made to look like a fool by anyone.
ELLE: Well I guess I've just wasted my breath.
CASS: Donna deserves everything she gets.
Elle scowls and leaves. Cass looks a tiny bit remorseful.
Elle's Bedroom
Elle finds Lucas looking for his phone charger and pays him out - he could have borrowed anyone's but he came back here because he missed her. Lucas returns the sentiment by pointing out Albert the bear on the bed, "Someone was lonely." They stare at one another for a beat, before Lucas sighs and steps towards her.
LUCAS: You have a Klingon forehead going on, what's up?
Elle smiles and sits on the bed with Lucas (and Albert) for a chat and a cuddle, happy that they're not bickering anymore.
Harold's Store
Toadie mournfully looks at the cake selection on the counter.
TOADIE: I hate to say this... But I'll take the bran muffin. I'm in training.
CASS: (calling out from a table) Hey are you still representing that daughter of mine?
TOADIE: Hey, yeah.
CASS: So I suppose that whole reference thing was your idea?
TOADIE: Are you gonna do it?
CASS: It'll be a cold day in hell before I help her out.
TOADIE: That's what I like to see, Cassandra, good parenting at work (he gives her a sarcastic thumbs up).
Lucas walks over to Cass, taking his turn on the 'convince Cass to write a reference' wheel. He reminds her that Toadie will do everything in his power to help Donna, including dragging up demons from Cass's past. Cass tries to say that her past is squeaky clean, which amuses Lucas to no end. Through his chortling, he asks to have another think about it.
Ext: Erinsborough High
Donna finds Ringo sitting by himself and stops to have a chat (it's odd - she was carrying a banana in the close up, but it mysteriously disappears in the long shot). Ringo's still sulky about his big fall from grace, but is decent enough to ask how things are with Donna and asks if she needs a chat herself. Donna looks pleased.
Erinsborough High - Classroom
Loner Steve hangs around in the background constructing sets or whatever while Zeke and Sunny scowl at each other. Dan (who is stuck in a meeting) left them some improvisation exercises as a warm-up - they have to pretend to be a fighting couple. What a stretch. Donna and Ringo arrive, but Donna gets a sudden phone call from Toadie and has to leave. Meanwhile, Zeke and Sunny are doing a very convincing job of yelling at one another for their improv (acting out all their real-life issues). Steve, Ringo and the other audition attendees burst into a round of applause like huge cheeseballs. Sunny and Zeke look embarrassed, and a little shaken.
STEVE: Wow, that was amazing. That was so true to life, it was just like my marriage!
Number 24
Donna warily stops by to thank her mother for writing a character reference, but Cass coldly informs her that Lucas talked her into it.
CASS: I didn't do it for you. I did it so that pudgy lawyer of yours wouldn't attack me in court.
DONNA: I thought that...
CASS: You thought what? You've got to learn a few lessons about loyalty. About betraying your own family.
DONNA: (sad) I was just trying to change you for the better.
CASS: Ugh, give me a break.
She slams the door in Donna's face. What a little ray of sunshine!
Number 22
Downtrodden, Donna wants to know why Lucas had to stick his beak in, but Lucas honestly thought he was helping. Elle backs up the sentiment and says that Donna can stay over again. Ringo stops by to see how Donna is, but Donna's still in her melancholy funk. She doesn't know why she keeps trying with Cass - people don't change. Ringo begs to differ, he's a different guy from the one who grew up in Muttatang, and Donna's grown heaps from the person she used to be.
DONNA: Thanks to Rach and Didge... And you. I don't know what I would have done without you.
A light bulb goes off and Donna quickly jumps up, giving Ringo a kiss on the cheek before rushing upstairs.
Number 24
Donna happily bursts in with her suitcase, letting her mum know she's home for good and that things are going to be different now. She admits she was an outsider when she first arrived too, but with everyone's love and support she changed.
DONNA: They made me a better person.
CASS: Yeah well who cares about me enough to put that effort in?
DONNA: I do.
CASS: You've been hanging around your happy clappy friends a little bit too much.
DONNA: (unfazed) Whatever's happened between us, I only have one mum. And I won't give up on you.
She wheels her suitcase into the hallway leaving Cass slightly stunned.
Number 30
Toadie tells Callum that he's spoken to the police - just in case - and they're going to keep an eye on the street. He gets out the book Harold gave him and shows him the page on Guy (which includes a newspaper article from 2006). Toadie tries to explain that although something scary happened, something good came out of it - he and Steph got together. Callum bluntly points out that they broke up, but Toadie adds that the break-up then brought Callum into his life.
TOADIE: Us brainiacs call it The Butterfly Effect.
Callum still doesn't look all that convinced, so Toadie sweetly draws him into a hug and says they're going to be OK.
TOADIE: Now, let's watch a DVD.
CALLUM: Not Titanic!
The good mood is spoilt when the camera switches to a mysterious POV - there's someone watching them. I wonder who...
Number 30
Toadie and Callum finish their DVD and Toadie unsubtly wipes away some tears.
CALLUM: Someone needs to harden up.
TOADIE: Oh you wanted something light.
CALLUM: You did! The story was dumb.
TOADIE: Yeah but the rain machine at the end made up for everything.
Callum reckons that Toadie and Steph's epic hook up and break up would make a much better story - he'd actually sit and watch it if it were a movie. This plants an idea in Toadie's head and he rushes over to his laptop and starts to type.
The Girl Next Door
A screenplay by Jarrod Rebecchi
Later, Toadie is fast asleep at the table. Callum gets up to go to bed, shutting the front door they've left wide open all day on his way (like, DUH, boys). He flips out when Guy sneaks up behind him and Callum tries to convince himself that it's just another daydream.
GUY: (smirking) 'fraid not...
Poor Callum backs up against the door in fright, staring at Guy.